Tennis • Racquetball • Squash • Aerobics • Pool • Weight Training November 2014 Juice Bar News: If you haven’t visited the juice bar here at HSAC, you are missing out on some great coffee, espresso, smoothies, sandwiches, wraps, and much more! In November, we will begin offering great soup options as well between 10am–1:00pm. Did you know that you can pre-order your sandwich? Just fill out a slip at the juice bar, and your food will be ready to go after your workout! During November, all full sandwich orders will be $1.00 off! sandwiches can be toasted as well. Yum!! News for NoVeMBer PiYo class on Mondays at Noon is so much fun, we’ve now added one on Wednesdays at Noon too! FREE Nutrition Class for New Members Every First Tuesday of the Month November 4th, 6-6:45pm Sign up at the front desk. Kid’s Friday Night Out November 21st 5:30-10:00pm Drill Team Entertainment Swimming, pizza, movie and more. Sign up in the daycare begins on Monday, the 3rd. Junior racquetball starts in November! Does your child work hard during the day and needs to run around after school? Junior racquetball is a great after school program designed to get your student the exercise they need and have fun in the process. We provide the equipment and beginners are welcome. WHO: WHEN: TIME: NEXT SESSION: COST: REGISTER: Like us on facebook! Thanksgiving Day Hours: Thursday, the 27th 5am - 2pm Revised Group X Schedule at Front Desk Kids ages 7-14 Mondays and Wednesdays 4:15 – 5:15pm November 10th - December 3rd Members: $80 for 4 week session Non-members: $150 for 4 week session Register at the reception desk or contact Greg Boland at [email protected] club phone: (425) 778-3546 ext. 106 cell phone: (206) 406-2432 Space is limited. ! Tennis • Racquetball • Squash • Aerobics • Pool • Weight Training Tennis News Group Fitness News Ladies’ Day: Featured classes for November: Its full for the session starting on the 29th of October, sorry Ladies. Remember to get signed up early next time. If you missed out, don’t worry, just let us know and we can put you on the sub list. Women’s Cup News: Standings as of October 27th: Kingco 3rd / Challenge 15th / Rainier 13th / Classic2 1st / Classic1 10th / Emerald1 9th / Emerald2 12th / Evergreen2 8th / Evergreen1 23rd Men’s Night: Lou Wick is the man in charge and he has it rockin’. We are getting a great turnout with very solid players, levels 5.0-3.0. Includes lousy beer, football on TV and the Tennis Center becomes the perfect man cave!!!! So, don’t miss out , come and join us in the Cave. Every Thursday Night at 6:30pm. RED HOT DANCE is so HOT that it’s been moved to the basketball court on Monday and Friday’s at 9:30am. Come join this lively group of dancers moving and grooving to today’s latest hits. Please make sure to wear appropriate fitness shoes. No flip flops or bare feet please. Merlion Realty Your Vision. Our Inspiration. 5HDO(VWDWH 6LPSOL¿HG Julian Ng (Huang) Managing Broker / Owner Direct: (425) 778 0100 Cell: (206) 795 3888 CIRCUIT XPRESS is offered several times throughout the day and is an efficient, full body workout done in either 30 minutes or 45 minutes taught by a variety of HSAC trainers. Meet up in the East side of the weight room five minutes before class time to get your spot and learn the circuit for that class. Typically 15 stations at 1 minute spent at each one keeps you moving and working your entire body. All levels welcome! )OH[LEOHIHHVLQWRGD\¶VWLJKWPDUNHW conditions. 5HVLGHQWLDOFRPPHUFLDOUHDOHVWDWH 0RUHWKDQ\HDUVOLFHQVHG PRUWJDJHH[SHULHQFH Other services include property management and partners like 2SHUDWLRQ0LOLWDU\)DPLO\LQ(GPRQGV9HWHUDQEHQH¿WV ³<RXU9LVLRQ2XU,QVSLUDWLRQ´ Beginner Adult & Junior Classes: Adult classes are on Monday’s at 11:00am. These are drop in classes and our introductory rate of $15 per hour. So, if somebody you know, is interested in learning about our great game, send them our way. This class is open to Members and Non-Members. Rick is coaching this class. Saturday mornings at 11:00am we are hosting a beginning class for Juniors, this is taught using the very successful Quick Start system. Quick Start makes learning for the little ones much easier and way more fun. Rob is the instructor for this class. USTA News: Harbor Square will be hosting the 55 and over playoffs beginning December 5th. As of October 27th these three teams are looking like they will be participating: Karen Gillespie’s woman’s 6.0 team is in1st place with a 6-0 record. Liz Smalley’s 7.0 team is also in 1st place with a 4-1 record. Sally Ferrin’s 9.0 team is in 1st with a 4-0 record. Way to go ladies! Not to be outdone, we also have three 18 and over Mixed Doubles teams in the playoff hunt: Wanda Garfield’s 7-0 team is in 2nd place with a 5-1 record. Kelli Loughrin’s 8.0 team is in 1st boasting a 6-0 record. Val Scheevel’s 9.0 team is in 2nd with a 3-2 record. Good luck Harbor Square! Mixed Doubles Social: Friday, November 21st will be our next Tennis Party. Bring a friend, appetizer, and favorite beverage. Rick will handle the rest. Please sing up at the Tennis Center so we have an idea how many will be attending. Join the HSAC Red Hot Dance Fitness team for a night of dancing, community & FUN! Open to members AND non-members - bring your friends and family for this party! Entry: Bring a new, unwrapped toy to donate. All toys will be donated to the Edmonds Food Bank/United Methodist Church Toys For Kids and given to families in need right here in our community. Dance the night away, enjoy snacks/drinks and walk away feeling great! Do good... feel great! *Cash donations also welcome. Checks made payable to Toys For Kids Rumor has it that the disco ball will be out and there may be a few surprise guest instructors! make coffee you love Espresso Machines Coffee Makers Grinders Coffee & Tea Accessories 6911 216th St SW, Suite A, Lynnwood 866-372-4734 WWW.SEATTLECOFFEEGEAR.COM Tennis • Racquetball • Squash • Aerobics • Pool • Weight Training Meet the Member: Marc Flexer BEFORE PHYSICAL THERAPY... I WAS A PAIN IN THE BUTT! -Piriformis Do you ever look out at the snow on top of the Olympic Mountains across the sound? I can easily imagine this month’s member, Marc Flexer, hiking up to the top of one of those peaceful, quiet and remote high ridges and then attaching his skis for the decent downward into the tree lined white wonderland below. We have seen enough TV commercials of those daredevils who are dropped off by chopper on top...well Marc is a cut above...he hikes up! Born in Ogden, Utah to a Boeing family, the Flexer family, came back home to Bellevue when Marc was a baby. He went to Newport High where he played football as a defensive end. Marc graduated from Western Washington University and went on to get his graduate (Doctor of Physical Therapy) degree at the UW. Marc is married to the former Carrie Scheafer who was a HSAC aerobic instructor several years ago. Marc’s passion is to aid people in their healing process from sports and other injuries. His grandfather was an Osteoporosis doctor and his mom a recreational therapist. So Marc always knew he would seek a career in the health and wellness field. He began working as an EMT. Marc’s heart is focused on helping injured patients reach their goals safely and getting their health back. He is one of two highly trained physical therapists at Waterfront Physical Therapy. They say a degree in PT is as difficult as going to medical school. Waterfront is also located in the Harbor Square complex. Marc has been with Waterfront for six years. By the way, Marc will represent Waterfront PT at the upcoming SPORTS INJURY SCREENINGS that will be held at HSAC. Marc was on the Mount Baker ski patrol and was past assistant ski patrol director. Marc is also a mountaineer and has reached the summit of Mt. Rainier. In the summer he enjoys back packing and mountain biking. When I asked Marc what he likes about HSAC as a member he said, “I love the sense of community, the excellent free weight room and the class instructors and personal trainers are all great professionals. This man has climbed some major mountains and reached the top...on so many levels! Contact Glenn Steinberg at [email protected] /425-275-6972 for monthly member/staff suggestions. CARDIO LINE DANCE 10:30am Beginner - Free for members 11:15am Intermediate - $ Fee based Classes began on October 29th, but you can still join in. Contact Kathy to sign up! 425-205-0870 (425) 771-2889 FACIALS ANTI AGING HYDRATION DEEP CLEANSING PORE REFINING ROSACEA WAXING FACIAL LEGS AND BIKINI BODY TREATMENTS BODY WRAP SHIRODHARA FOOT TREATMENTS LOCATED IN THE TENNIS CENTER THE DAY SPA IS OPEN TO MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS OF HARBOR SQUARE ATHLETIC CLUB Is Your Skin Ready For Winter?? Your face can look radiant! Your skin soft, smooth and have a healthy glow for the coming winter months with Microdermabrasion. Microdermabrasion will remove the dry, dead skin that is left over from your days in the sun. This 30 minute procedure will reveal the softer, healthier skin that is waiting underneath. Make your appointment by calling 425.771.2889 ext 3, or visiting the Tennis Center at HSAC. Tennis • Racquetball • Squash • Aerobics • Pool • Weight Training Maximize your Minutes! Harbor Square trainer Levi Diggs is now offering 2 half hour small group training sessions per week to help you attain your goals without spending all day at the gym. Sessions will consist of a combination of functional movement and cardiovascular exercises. +6$& +6$& sessions will be held on: wednesdays 9:30am-10:00am fridays 9:15am-9:45am Cost: Member - $15 per session (available to charge your club acct.) Non Member - $25 per session sessions are held in room next to basketball court Testimonial from client: “I woke up a bit sore today and instead of wincing, I’m feeling grateful for your training. After many years working out and trying a variety of exercises and classes it’s encouraging to know a 30 minute training session with you can leave me sore in new places! Thank you for consistently keeping our sessions together creative and motivating. I appreciate that every week brings something new – our workouts are never boring or repetitive. Thank you for the time you put into your training and for your encouragement. You are terrific!” ~ Melissa %RWR[&RVPHWLF 'HUPDO¿OOHUV :HOOQHVV6HUYLFHV /DVHU7UHDWPHQWV 7KHUPDJH6NLQ7LJKWHQLQJ $QWLDJLQJ &XVWRP)DFLDOV Call us today! 0LFURGHUPDEUDVLRQ Ginny Scantlebury and Jerry Willette will teach the clinic using tips from Coach Mo’s DVD. We will cover Forehand, Backhand, Volleys, Serves and Return of Serves. Of course, we can try to answer any of your questions as well. Paddles and balls are provided, but you can bring your own if you prefer. Questions – call Ginny Scantlebury 206-755-3588 6FKHGXOHD FRQVXOWDWLRQIRUD FXVWRPL]HG WUHDWPHQWSODQ Sports Therapy We help you reduce your pain, heal faster and regain your quality of life. Clinical D � irector This is for Beginners and Intermediate players. 6(59,&(6 Olympic Spine & Mark Shelley, D.C. Back by popular demand (because our October 9 clinic was so successful), we’ve decided to follow up with another clinic in November on Thursday, the 13th! 2)) WUHDWPHQWSODQ Grab a friend and get in, workout, and get on with your day! Contact Levi for more info or to book your spot in a session. [email protected] PICKLeBALL CLINIC THUrsDAY, NoVeMBer 13th 2:00-3:30pm on CoUrT 8 0HPEHUV 5HFHLYH 3njU6LPSOH%HDXW\ Medicare Regulations apply •Decompression Therapy •Physical Therapy •Chiropractic • Massage Therapy “The best of all worlds in one office” (425) 774-2411 Just off I-5 on 220th St - 22019 Hwy 99 Suite A EDMONDS WILLS & TRUSTS Kyle G. Ray Attorney at Law Kevin Copp Attorney at Law Downtown Edmonds Effective approach to treating pain and musculo-skeletal issues emphasizing non-drug therapies. Naturopathic Family Medicine Acupuncture Orthopedics Cosmetic Acupuncture Combined Chiro-Massage 114 Second Avenue South, Suite 101 (425) 712-0279 Mark H. Nolting, ND, L.Ac. Medical Director Naturopathic Medicine Acupuncture Age Management Specialist Free Initial Consultation WILLS • TRUSTS ESTATE PLANNING • PROBATE 425.672.2113 7935 216th ST SW Suite E, (2 blocks west of Swedish Edmonds) HSAC ers Memb Age ff 20% o rkers BioMa
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