Untitled - Live Art Strömstad

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Live Art Strömstad 2015
Performance brukar beskrivas som ’den levande
konsten’ och innebär ofta gränsöverskridande
uttryck mellan olika konstriktningar. Det som
skiljer Performance Art ifrån andra konstformer
är att konstnären uttrycker sig live inför åskådare
och att vad som helst kan hända. Ingen föreställning kan bli den andre lik. Det blir märkliga och
oväntade upplevelser; ibland synbart obegripliga,
ibland vackra, alla avser att väcka reaktioner och
känslor eller stillhet och harmoni.
Har du inte upplevt performance-konst tidigare;
missa inte sommarens stora happening! Och kom
ihåg, du behöver inte förstå, bara uppleva.
Är du en av de många som redan upptäckt performance-konstens särskilda magi; välkommen att
För all information, besök:
Chuyia Chia föddes i Malaysia 1970.
Hon flyttade till Singapore i slutet av
1990-talet och är nu baserad i Göteborg. Hennes konstnärliga utbildning
är ursprungligen måleri, men hennes
uttryck är nu huvudsakligen performance och installationer.
Benedikte Esperi is a contemporary
performance artist basing her artistic
practice and research on an attempt to
capture the instant moment and the
essentials of a present thru choreography and camcorder.
”Every movement comes from
somewhere and then continues into
next / there is no beginning and no
ending / every movement can tell us
something / it can be used in many
different ways and carry its own narrative / duplicated mirrored repeated
copied etc / time space and body
those are my keywords”.
Chuyia Chia konstnärskap har utvecklats med grund i hennes identitet
som invandrare på 1990-talet till en
global angelägenhet, där hon särskilt
uppmärksammar miljöansvar med
fokus på relationer och kommunikation mellan världens folk. Hennes
perspektiv är ofta hur kroppen kan
uttrycka dessa sammanhang och
förmedla kunskap och känslor till
It’s not a human, not a pig nor an ape.
This is the hybrid of an interdisciplinary experimental body of mixed
Chuyia har samarbetat med en rad
konstnärer och deltagit i många internationella festivaler och evenemang i
mer än 25 länder.
Born in Switzerland, raised in Spain,
and is nowadays based in Oslo, Norway. She has a Master in Fine Art and
works with objects, installations and
basically with performance art. She
is also co-‐founder and chair of the
artist run initiative PAO –Performance Art Oslo, and has shown her work
in several European countries, in Asia
and in USA.
In 1966 this human body was born, it
was given the name Gustaf Broms. This
concept now exists in a place called
Sweden. To use the time in this predicament as a way to explore the nature
of consciousness.
She is interested in the possibilities
of her body and observes its relation
with time and space. Usually they are
simple objects from everyday life she
uses to create pieces, transforming
their use, taking them out of their regular context and giving them a new
meaning. The topics can vary, but
are always connected to every day
and social life. The result of her works
ranges between absurd and poetical
images, and are often site-‐specific
Trying to make a translation of the
flow of life into a condensed symbol,
as a tool for understanding, a tool for
communication. Spending the last few
years looking into the dualistic concept
of “I”, in terms of association with
the idea of BEING NATURE, as the
actual biological reality this body goes
through, and BEING MIND as a very
direct experience of REALITY.
Since 2009 I live in the forest of Vendel
and work on a series of “actions-movements” that explores the concepts of
“border of skin”, “border of identification with species”.
Joakim Stampe har verkat som konstnär i över 25 år och har under senare
år fokuserat på performance. Han
har deltagit i performance festivaler
i Polen, Finland, Frankrike, Italien,
Thailand, Singapore och Kina.
Hans konst behandlar vanligtvis sociala och politiska frågor. Med en filosofiskt kritisk attityd ger han publiken
en bild av den värld som omger oss.
Joakim Stampe arbetar genomgående med med motiv från vår nutida
historia. Hans performances är starkt
visuella även om han även arbetar
med ljud och i hög grad interaktivt
med publiken.
Han leder tillsammans med sin bror
Jonas Stampe Live Action Göteborg
och spelar en mycket aktiv roll inom
den svenska och nordiska performancekonsten, både som konstnär och
Kurt Johannessen works with performance, books, video and installations.
He has produced around 260 different
performances around Europe, Asia
and America since the early 80’s. His
performances often carries a poetic
and minimalistic feel.
He does artist books that he releases
at his own publishing company. Many
of his 80 books are textrelated but he
also does books based on drawings or
photography. His textbased works are
often stories in one sentence. They are
visual, poetic and often humoristic.
The last year he did produce works for
public spaces at places such as NHH
– Bergen, Universitetet i Bergen, KUBEN videregående Oslo, Skeie Skole
– Hundvåg.
Nigel Rolfe has performed at Art Festivals, galleries and museums in most
countries in Europe and in Argentina,
Brazil, Mexico, China, Singapore,
Ukraine and USA. He has been active
since 1969 and is known as one of the
most important performance artists.
He has also worked in the media
industri with musical production as
well as film, video and televison. His
exhibitions include photographs, installations and sculpture. He has also
worked as a stage designer, director
and designer in contemporary dance.
Another field of interest is cabinetmaker and designer of furniture, interiors and buildings.
Nigel Rolfe has lectured in Fine Arts
in many countries and been a professor of Performance Art at the Royal
Collage of Art in London.
2nd generation performance artist
from Sweden. She has been active in
the media since 5 years and we are
very happy to introduce her to the
audience in Strömstad this year.
Niki has been a permanent member of the performance art collective
Comlab since its start in 2010. In her
performance actions Niki creates a
meaning in the little gestures and uses
the events she meet in her life.
Niki participated in the latest
edition Infraction Venezia 2015
during the preview of Venice Biennale.
Born 1963 in Khonkaen Thailand ;
moved to Northern Ireland 1988 and
graduated in Fine & Applied Art in
2009. Living in Bergen since 2012.
Stein Henningsen is an artist that
has presented his work at different
biennials all over Europe. His work
comments on contemporary political,
social, financial or climate issues, in
a manner that often can provoke and
disturb the viewer.
”Northern Ireland was in the height
of the political trouble and it was full
of suspicions, anger and hatred in
contrast to the culture I was from. The
question of ones identity both as an individual and as a part of a community
is always a lot more complicated than
we can imagine.”
The subjects of gender, immigration,
religion, politic and many more which
relate to her existing as an individual
moving into different landscapes,
cultures and societies are reflecting
in her work. She sees her performances as an experience in relationship
between people, place and time and
chooses actions or situations to demonstrate the simplicity of life as an
Henningsen grew up in the harsh
island of Svalbard, close to the North
Pole, where one needs to bring a gun
to go shopping because of the polar
bears. A direct connection to nature,
but also to life and death, that has
surely influenced him in his artistic
Henningsen makes works that deals
with contemporary political issues.
“Contemporary society and the world
we are living in is created on the values
and choices of our mothers and fathers
and earlier generations. We are all today creating the future of our children
and of generations to come!
Musician and performance artist
living in Berlin. Composing and
performing music for film and dance
performances parallell with a pop
music carrier and with making performance artworks where music plays
an important role. With a love for
glitter, clubby beats and pop melodies
Tamaki tries to create works with subjects that explore sexuality or identity.
A Norwegian artist and author living
in Oslo. She has published two poetry
collections and two novels. Recent
performances in Oslo, Helsinki and
Bergen. Past and future encounters
trigger Victoria Durnak’s introduction of narrative structure into the
mishmash of lived experience. Her
narratives can be personal, detached,
informed by others, nonetheless
directed and arranged by the artist.
Personal mythologies unfold through
her performances, not just by turning
life into art, but also by placing herself
in odd situations where any task
might become art.
”The performance is a musical, technical and physical one. It is a way to
break free from the usual ways of interacting with a laptop for performers of
electronic music like me. It’s a development of some of my earlier works
where I have used contact microphones
to create musical objects and rooms
whose sound is heavily manipulated
in a musical fashion by digital effect
chains. In the new performance I create
musical limbs, body parts attached to
me that responds to touch by making
beautiful melodies or raw beats.”
”I talk about the only painting I own,
which previously belonged to a family
member’s ex boyfriend. Why do I keep
it? I can’t find a place to hang it. Is it
because their ending was a mess? How
do we talk about the objects that connect us to others? And: Is having a suntan better than having a boyfriend?”
Program – alla tider och platser för de enskilda konstnärerna är ungefärliga.
Torsdag 23 juli 20:00 Skagerack
Introduktion till festivalen med de medverkande konstnärerna, fritt samtal och
diskussion om performance som en del av samtidskonsten
Fredag 24 juli
10:00 GUSTAF BROMS – Strandpromenaden
11:00 CHUYIA CHIA – utanför COOP
12:00 NIGEL ROLFE – Hamnområdet
13:00 JOAKIM STAMPE – Hamnområdet
14:00 NIKI STAMPE ÖDMAN – Hamnområdet
15:00 BENEDIKTE ESPERI – Strömsån
16:00 KURT JOHANNESSEN – Oscarsplatsen
17:00 STEIN HENNINGSEN – Hamnområdet
18:00 PAVANA REID – Oscarsplatsen
22:00 VICTORIA DURNAK – Stadsparken
22:45 TAMI TAMAKI – Konsthallen Lokstallet
Lördag 25 juli
10:00 TAMI TAMAKI – Stadsparken
10:00 GUSTAF BROMS – Strandpromenaden
11:00 CHUYIA CHIA – Strandpromenaden
12:00 NIGEL ROLFE – Hamnområdet
13:00 JOAKIM STAMPE – Hamnområdet
14:00 NIKI STAMPE ÖDMAN – Hamnområdet
15:00 BENEDIKTE ESPERI – Strömsån
15:00 SKIKT – Lokstallet
16:00 KURT JOHANNESSEN – Oscarsplatsen
17:00 STEIN HENNINGSEN – Hamnområdet
18:00 PAVANA REID – Oscarsplatsen
19:00 FRANZISCA SIEGRIST – Hamnområdet
20:00 SKIKT - Lokstallet
22:00 VICTORIA DURNAK – Stadsparken
23:00 MAXWELL JACKSON – Skagerack
Söndag 26 juli
20:00 .!. ANNIKA FORSLUND-RIMBLÉUS - Lokstallet
Tre dansare. Tre kroppar. Ett badkar.
Ett flertal klädesplagg.. Vi rör oss i ett rum med
bestämda och obestämda ramar. Vi leker. Vi är. Leken blir
till allvar. Vad är det som stör?
Evelina Boström., Tove Klang, Camilla Klemming
Konsthallen Lokstallet
Lördag 25 juli kl 15 och 20
En ljus och ljud musik performance. Ett uppvaknande, en
religös upplevelse, ett ljus. Musiken är djup och annorlunda
i ett dunkande pop uttryck. Mörk poesi om livets kärlekar
och om vår tidsberoenden. Välkomna till ljusterapin.
Martin Andersson, Magnus Wikholm, Claes Rosenberg.
Societetshuset Skagerack
Lördag 25 juli kl 23
”The day starts with chaos. We are in a dark room. The body
aches and itches. We all live because we don’t know any
better. We don’t know anything. ”
Med ljus, ljud, film och teater skall vi tillsammans besvara
frågan omlivets mening.
Annika Forslund Rimbléus, Martin Andersson, Magnus
Wikholm och Claes Rosenberg
Konsthallen Lokstallet
Söndag 26 juli kl 20