Jason Craighead Moon & Lola’s WALTE Artist on the verge Jewelry empire Stanbury Raleigh’s hottest restaurant At the table A perfect picnic Lauren Kennedy WALTER Profile The Whirl Raleigh on the town FEBRUARY 2014 $4.95 JUNE/JULY 2013 SUMMER ISSUE $4.95 HARNESSED INSTINCT Falconry in Raleigh The taste of summer RALEIGH-MADE ICE CREAMS waltermagazine.com waltermagazine.com t WALTER NOVEMBER 2014 $4.95 AUGUST 2014 A SECRET GARDEN blooms in Raleigh AUGUST 2014 waltermagazine.com $4.95 media kit 2015 waltermagazine.com MEDIA KIT 2015 important dates February March April May June/July August September October November Dec./Jan. ‘16 Ad Materials/ Proof Deadline Friday Jan. 2 Friday Jan. 30 Friday Feb. 27 Friday Apr. 3 Friday May 1 Friday July 3 Friday July 31 Friday Sept. 4 Friday Oct. 2 Friday Oct. 30 Space Deadline Tuesday Jan. 6 Tuesday Feb. 3 Tuesday Mar. 3 Tuesday Apr. 7 Tuesday May 5 Tuesday July 7 Tuesday Aug. 4 Tuesday Sept. 9 Tuesday Oct. 6 Tuesday Nov. 3 Thursday Mar. 12 Monday Apr. 13 Wednesday May 13 Tuesday July 14 Wednesday Aug. 12 Friday Sept. 11 Wednesday Oct. 14 Wednesday Nov. 11 EDI Ad Deadline Wednesday Wednesday Jan. 14 Feb. 11 Ad Release Deadline Friday Jan. 16 Friday Feb. 13 Monday Mar. 16 Wednesday Apr. 15 Friday May 15 Thursday July 16 Friday Aug. 14 Tuesday Sept. 15 Friday Oct. 16 Friday Nov. 13 Copies In Home Saturday Jan. 31 Saturday Feb. 28 Tuesday Mar. 31 Thursday Apr. 30 Saturday May 30 Friday July 31 Monday Aug. 31 Wednesday Sept. 30 Saturday Oct. 31 Monday Nov. 30 10 issues per year. Dec./Jan. and June/July are combined issues. Dates subject to change. ad sizes Trim size = 9 x 10.875 inches Please provide PDFs with fonts embedded, using CMYK format for photos at 150 line screen, 300 dpi resolution. Keep all logos and text inside the live area listed below. TWO-Page Spread Bleed Area 18.25 x 11.125 Live Area 17.5 x 10.375 2/3 page Bleed Area 5.975 x 11.125 Live Area 5.6 x 10.375 Full page Bleed Area 9.25 x 11.125 Live Area 8.5 x 10.375 1/2 page horizontal Bleed Area 9.25 x 5.475 Live Area 8.5 x 5.1 1/3 page VErtical 2.7 x 10.375 1/2 page VERTICAL Bleed Area 4.525 x 11.125 Live Area 4.15 x 10.375 1/3 page square 5.6 x 5.1 For Production support, contact [email protected] or 919.836.5670 1/4 page 4.15 x 5.1 MEDIA KIT 2015 waltermagazine.com advertising rates 2-page spread Full page 2/3 page 1/2 page 1/3 page 1/4 page 1 time $4,950 $2,970 $2,235 $1,785 $1,345 $1,050 3 times $4,160 $2,500 $1,885 $1,500 $1,130 $890 6 times $3,690 $2,215 $1,665 $1,330 $1,000 $785 10 times $3,410 $2,050 $1,535 $1,225 $920 $720 Consider these special advertising options to get maximum exposure for your message. The Stitch-In Card is paired with a full-page right-read ad. premium positions 1 time 10 times Back cover $4,450 $3,180 Inside front $4,080 $2,915 Inside back $4,080 $2,915 Forward position pages 3-9 or 11 $3,265 $2,335 Two-page spread $5490 $3,925 Insert glued in the magazine that can be easily removed. (not shown) special products The Gatefold is a four-page foldout on sturdy 80 lb. paper, stitched into Walter and featuring perforation for easy removal. Gatefold 80# $7,750 17.75 x 10.875 folded to 8.75 x 10.875, 4-color both sides, 80# paper Gatefold 100# $9,750 17.75 x 10.875 folded to 8.75 x 10.875, 4-color both sides, 100# paper Polybag Insert single $4,500 9 x 10.75 single-sheet, 70# gloss text, 4-color both sides, in polybag Polybag Insert 4 pg. $7,500 17 x 10.875 folded to 8.5 x 10.875, 70# gloss text, 4-color both sides Tip-on Insert 4 pg. $6,500 10 x 7.5 folds to 5 x 7.5, 100# gloss text, 4-color both sides Tip-on Insert 8 pg. $9,750 10 x 7.5 folds to 5 x 7.5, 100# gloss text, 4-color both sides StiTCh-In Card $2,295 6 x 4.5 4-color process both sides, requires purchase of full page ad in same issue Cover Sleeve $7,995 20 x 5 wrap cancellation Cancellations must be submitted in writing 15 days prior to closing date of the issue in which the ad was to be published. Advertiser is otherwise liable for scheduled advertising. In the absence of a written cancellation notice, Publisher may insert the last advertisement appearing and bill said advertisement to advertiser toward fulfillment of the contract obligation. Delinquent or unfulfilled contracts are subject to short rate and cancellation. If Advertiser’s net billings do not equal or exceed the amount contracted for, Advertiser agrees to additionally pay the Publisher the difference between the contract rates and the rates actually earned. With the Cover Sleeve, your ad wraps around the entire magazine and is easily removed for long shelf-life. Your insert is packaged outside Walter, inside a polybag. (not shown) Your Ad Here Distribution 27,500 Audience •2 6,370 copies are delivered to Wake County residents with annual household incomes of $225,000 and those living in homes valued at $450,000 or more. •A dvertisers receive a limited number of copies for clients and customers. Attractive countertop trays are available to display and distribute the magazine. •C opies are distributed in doctors’ waiting rooms, high-end spas and hotels, and at select upscale retail and service businesses. • Men 48%, Women 52% • Average age, 52.3 • Average household income, $128,300 • College degree or higher, 60% •W alter has more than 1,000 paid subscribers in addition to our complimentary mailed copies. • Own a home, 93% Source: Scarborough Research, Raleigh-Durham DMA, April 2013-March 2014 Distribution Addresses 2014-15 27525 27522 27549 27704 27701 27596 27587 27514 27707 27508 27614 27703 27613 27510 27571 27690 27615 27713 27617 27560 27616 27517 27609 27607 27513 27519 27608 27604 27597 27545 27605 27591 27557 27601 27523 27511 27606 27610 27518 27502 27539 27603 27527 27529 27562 27520 27540 275 27576 27592 27526 27568 Denise Walker Advertising Director [email protected] 919.836.5660 Martha Heath Advertising Account Executive [email protected] 919.836.5613 Cristina Baker Advertising Account Executive [email protected] 919.836.2860
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