Holy Family Catholic Church Holy Family Catholic Church 1453 N. Road Street Elizabeth City, NC 27909 PASTORAL STAFF Reverend J. Victor Gournas…………………………Pastor Rev. Amaro Vasquez Ortiz………………..Parochial Vicar Rev. Deacon George Stonikinis Mrs. Cee Cee Petruncio ............................ Parish Secretary Ms. Joan Bryant ........................................... Choir Director Mr. Sonny Baccus ...................................................Organist Ms. Marianne Schwartz ............................... Bulletin Editor Mr. Pete Ferland, 252-312-9029…….Sound & Webmaster COLLEGIAL BODIES Mrs. Terry Gregory ...................... Pastoral Council, Chair Mr. Donald Witosky ................................... Finance Council Ms. Eileen Chaney, 252-338-8145……...Secular Franciscan Order LITURGY OF THE EUCHARIST Holy Family: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday: 10:15 AM; 12:15 PM (Hispanic Mass) Daily Mass: 8:00 AM except Tuesday, 12:15 PM St. Katharine Drexel Mission ......................... 252-453-6035 154 Maple Road, Maple, NC 27956 Mass: 7:00 PM Saturdays; 8:00 AM Sundays; 6:30 PM Wednesday Services SACRAMENTAL LIFE Parish Office: .................................................. 252-338-2521 Office Hours: ........................ Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM Office Fax: ....................................................... 252-338-4183 Parish House: (Emergencies Only Please)…..252-335-4419 Faith Formation & Hispanic Line: ............... 252-338-5566 E-Mail: ................................ [email protected] Web Page: ............................. http://www.holyfamilyec.org Catholic Charities…………….……..………………..252-426-7717 Parish Office is closed Sat., Sun., Holy Days, and National Holidays RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mrs. Sharon Lupton .................................DRE, Grades K-5 Mrs. Cathy Terranova ........................... DRE, Grades 6-12 Mrs. Karen Hamilton, St. Katharine Drexel: ..........................................................................DRE, Grades K-12 FAITH DEVELOPMENT HF Nursery: Every Sunday during 10:15 AM Mass HF Grades PreK-5: Sundays, 9:00 AM - 10:00 AM HF Grades 6-8: Sundays, 11:30 AM- 12:30 PM HF Confirmation Classes: Designated Sundays, 11:30 AM 2:00 PM St. Katharine Drexel Mission meets Sundays following Mass Classes are held September - May Baptism: Please call Pam Barber at 252-722-3235 to register for a Baptismal Preparation Class when you are expecting a child. Classes are held by appointment. Reconciliation: Saturday, 4:00-4:30 PM or by appointment. Marriage: Contact the Pastor at least 8 months before your planned wedding date. Anointing of the Sick and Ministry to the Shut-in: Please call the Parish at times of illness or hospitalization. Rites of Christian Initiation for Adults (R.C.I.A.): All adults interested in becoming Catholic should contact: Rev. Mr. George Stonikinis at 252-330-1395. Classes are mid-Sept until Pentecost. Holy Family & St. Katharine Drexel Mission Child and Youth Safe Environment Program (SET): Safe Environment Team: Karen Hamilton, 252-338-2521. New to the Parish? Returning to the area? Don’t miss out on important events. Take a moment and complete a church registration form. Be sure to let us know if you are available to help in any of our many ministries. The blank forms are located in the container on the wall next to the parish office door. Deposit completed forms in the container on the door. Thank you. A Catholic Community MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Saturday November 1st Holy Family 5:00 pm St. Katharine Drexel 7:00 pm Sunday November 2nd St. Katharine Drexel 8:00 am 10:15 am Holy Family Holy Family (Hispanic) 12:15 pm Monday November 3rd Holy Family 8:00 am Tuesday November 4th Holy Family 12:15 pm Wednesday November 5th Holy Family 8:00 am Thursday November 6th Holy Family 8:00 am Friday November 7th Holy Family 8:00 am Saturday November 8th Holy Family 5:00 pm St. Katharine Drexel 7:00 pm Sunday November 9th St. Katharine Drexel 8:00 am Holy Family 10:15 am Holy Family (Hispanic) 12:15 pm Irene Riehle Parish Family Parish Family Jim Lucas Parish Family George and Bertha Haynes Jack Davis Parish Family Parish Family Patrick Onwu Parish Family Did you know November 30th is the First Sunday of Advent? Advent is the church’s gift to families -- reflections, prayers, activities -- an opportunity to do something together. It’s not too early to think about how you plan to celebrate this season of hope and joy! Gene Carter Aida Kinen Christopher Brown James Haskett NOVEMBER Sunday Monday 2 THE COMMEMORATION OF ALL THE FAITHFUL DEPARTED (ALL SOULS’ DAY)/Standard Time Begins/ Nat’l Vocation Awareness ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm 3 Thirty-First Week In Ordinary Time Choir Practice, 9:30 am HF Mass 8 am Boy Scouts, 7 pm, Social Hall Zumba, 5:45 6:45 pm, FLC Religious Education Classes, Pre-K - Grade 5 9:00 - 10:00 am Tuesday Wednesday 4 Election Day 5 HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Mass 8 am HF Mass 12:15 pm Bible Study, RCIA from 10 am, Library 10:30-11:30 am, Zumba, 5:45-6:45 pm Library FLC Choir Practice, 7pm KofC Council Mtg., Dance, 7 pm, Social 7 pm, Social Hall Hall 7 pm, Santo Rosario, Capilla Confirmation Class 11:30 am - 2:00 pm, SH 9 THE DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm Choir Practice, 9:30 am Religious Education Classes, Pre-K - Grade 5 9:00 - 10:00 am KofC hosts Coffee & Donuts after 10:15 Mass, FLC 10 Thirty-Second Week in Ordinary Time HF Mass 8 am Boy Scouts, 7 pm, Social Hall Zumba, 5:45 6:45 pm, FLC RCIA from 10:30-11:30 am, Library Choir Practice, 7pm Bible Study, 10 am, Library Zumba, 5:45-6:45 pm FLC Dance, 7 pm, Social Hall 7 pm, Santo Rosario, Capilla SFO Mtg., 1 pm, Social Hall Potluck for Homeschooling Group, Classroom after 10:15 am Mass Friday 7 First Friday HF Mass 8 am 13 HF Mass 8 am 14 HF Mass 8 am TOPS Mtg., 9-11:30 am, Social Hall Women's Prayer Group, 6 pm, Chapel Adoration-8:30 am to Noon Benediction-Noon Saturday 8 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm 15 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm Adoration-8:30 to 10:00 am Benediction-10 am Moms’ Bible Study, 6:30 8:30 pm, Classroom RCIA, 7-8 pm, Room TBA 7-9 pm, Ensayo Coro Hispano - Santuario 7-10 pm, Estudios Biblicos -Biblioteca 16 THIRTY-THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST. KD Mass 8 am HF Mass 10:15 am HF Hispanic Mass 12:15 pm 17 HF Mass 8 am Choir Practice, 9:30 am Zumba - 5:45 6:45 pm, FLC Boy Scouts, 7 pm, Classroom Religious Education Classes, Pre-K - Grade SFO - 5:30-8:00 9:00 - 10:00 am pm, SH Confirmation Class 11:30 am - 2:00 pm, SH 11 Veterans Day 12 HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Communion HF Mass 12:15 pm Service 8 am Thursday 6 HF Mass 8 am TOPS Mtg., 9-11:30 am, Social Hall Women's Prayer Group, 6 pm, Chapel 4th Deg. Mtg./Social, 6 pm, Volcano Restaurant Moms’ Bible Study, 6:30 8:30 pm, Classroom RCIA, 7-8 pm, Room TBA Parish Council, 6:00 pm, SH 7-9 pm, Misa Comunitaria Santuario 7-10 pm, Estudios Biblicos -Biblioteca 18 19 HF Rosary 11:30 am HF Mass 8 am HF Mass 12:15 pm Bible Study, 10 am, Library RCIA, 10:30 11:30 am, Library Zumba, 5:45-6:45 pm FLC Choir Practice, 7pm Reluctant Singles, Dance, 7 pm, Social 5 pm, Island Breeze Hall Greece Trip Informational Presentation, 7 pm, Hora Santa 6:30 pm, SH Capilla KofC Officers Mtg., 7 pm, Library 20 HF Mass 8 am TOPS Mtg.,9-11:30 am, Social Hall Women's Prayer Group, 6 pm, Chapel Moms’ Bible Study, 6:30 8:30 pm, Classroom RCIA, 7-8 pm, Room TBA 7-9 pm, Misa Comunitaria y Preparar Retiro, Santuario 21 HF Mass 8 am Adoration-8:30 to 10 am Benediction-10 am 7 pm, Voluntarios se Preparan Para el Retiro, S F C KofC Spaghetti Supper, 5-7 pm, FLC 22 HF Mass 5 pm ST. KD Mass 7 pm 7 am-8 pm, Retiro de Nueva Vida, SFC Cath. Daughters of America, 3:30 pm, SH October 25 & 26. . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,449.90 Weekly Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5,212.00 ADORATION & BENEDICTION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT November 7, 2014 Adoration: 8:30 a.m. to Noon Benediction: Noon Please use the signup sheets at the entrance of the Church to indicate your intention to spend an hour in prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Every hour must be covered. The Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended during the period of adoration. Readings for Week of November 2, 2014 Sunday: Wis 3:1-9; Ps 23:1-6; Rom 5:5-11 or 6:3-9; Jn 6:37-40, or any readings from no. 668 or from Masses for the Dead, nos. 1011-1016 Monday: Phil 2:1-4; Ps 131:1bcde-3; Lk 14:12-14 Tuesday: Phil 2:5-11; Ps 22:26b-32; Lk 14:15-24 Wednesday: Phil 2:12-18; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Lk 14:25-33 Thursday: Phil 3:3-8a; Ps 105:2-7; Lk 15:1-10 Friday: Phil 3:17 — 4:1; Ps 122:1-5; Lk 16:1-8 Saturday: Phil 4:10-19; Ps 112:1b-2, 5-6, 8a, 9; Lk 16:9-15 Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12; Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9; 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17; Jn 2:13-22 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Council Events & Activities St. Denis Roman Catholic Church in Athens PACK YOUR BAGS FOR A TRIP TO GREECE & TURKEY! You are invited to travel in the footsteps of St. Paul through Greece and Turkey with Father Vic Gournas and Father Bill Upah starting August 29, 2015. An informational meeting will take place at Holy Family on November 19th at 6:30 p.m. Three nights of the trip will include a cruise to some of the Greek Islands and Ephesus, Turkey. For more details, contact Linda Storm at [email protected]. Information fliers are in the gathering area. The registration deadline is December 5, 2014. Mary’s House at Ephesus November 5 - Council Meeting, 7 p.m., Social Hall November 6 - 4th Degree Meeting/Social, 6 p.m., Volcano Restaurant November 9 - Coffee & Donuts after 10:15 a.m. Mass (every second Sunday of the month) November 19 - Officers Meeting, 7 p.m., Library Baby Boomerang Thank you to all who picked up a baby bottle to help raise funds to honor Respect Life Month. Through the “Baby Boomerang” program, these bottles are used to collect cash and coins. Please keep your bottle until the end of December and fill it, hopefully many times, with cash or coins. At the end of the year we will ask you to bring in what you’ve collected and all funds raised through this program will be given to the Albemarle Pregnancy Resource Center. Please continue to pray for the baby listed on each bottle and his or her family. Thank you for your support and generosity. Catholic Charities Benefit Concert Please mark your calendars for Sunday, November 23rd, at 5:00 pm here at Holy Family. Our parish is hosting Kim Kalman in a free, family friendly concert. A love offering will go to benefit Catholic Charities. More information will follow in the coming weeks! For more on Kim, please visit www.Kim Kalman.com. Have you bought your Christmas Cards yet? Would you like to “Keep Christ in Christmas”? For holiday planning purposes, Religious Education classes will not be held on December 28, 2014. Classes will resume on January 4, 2015. The Knights of Columbus are selling Christmas cards in the gathering area now through Christmas. Proceeds will go towards supporting our two Seminarians, plus one additional Seminarian. These cards are in English and Spanish. Please help support this worthy effort. Those in nursing homes: Dorothy Dods, Edney Whiteside, Thomas Britany, Theda Mahboub, and Bill Nolan. Those in the Carolina House: Pat Weaver, Rose Henry, Helene Liles, Marguerite Frost, John McColgan, Eileen Mohr, Ruth Haerich, and George Byberg. Those who are ill and/or are in need of our prayer: Barrett Sturtevant, Ron Hellberg, Amanda Brown, Seth Soria, Becky Jordan, Teri Crowe (September 1st-December 31st) Baby Jeremiah, Alivia Sutton, Janice Foster, Jeanette and Jack Donohue, Herman Stutts, Robert McFarland, Frank Pala, Anna Roback, Debbie Cheek, Pam Lucas, Bob & Bette Murphy, Liz Taylor, Diana Knapik, Patty Davis, Christie, Audrey Nell and Peggy Stefano. (Please contact the Parish Secretary to add names to the Prayer List.) Do you know someone who is sick, shut in, or in the hospital and unable to come to church? Would they like someone to take them Holy Communion or be placed on the prayer list? If so, please call the parish office (338-2521) or e-mail your request to [email protected]. Special Collection, November 23, Catholic Campaign for Human Development. This Campaign addresses the root causes of poverty in America through promotion and support of community-controlled, self-help organizations and transformative education. Grants are awarded by the Subcommittee on the Catholic Campaign for Human Development with the approval of local Bishops. Catholic Charities is assisting a client family in Pasquotank whose house was destroyed by fire. They have housing and have replaced most of their furnishings, but they still need dressers for four bedrooms and living room furniture. If you have any of these items to donate, please call Catholic Charities at (252) 426-7717. The family and Catholic Charities would be most grateful for your help. LAY MINISTER SCHEDULE: SATURDAY, November 8, 5 p.m.: Lectors: P. DiPiazza, E. Power Eucharistic Ministers: A. Keating, J. & N. Brown, S. Jones, M. Cassidy Altar Servers: E. Power, D. Brown, D. Pierce SUNDAY, November 9, 10:15 a.m.: Lectors: B. Graessle, M. Gilbert Eucharistic Ministers: C. Graessle, A. Delos Reyes, J. Elfring, J. Jackson, S. Delos Reyes, A. San Juan Altar Servers: G., H., & M. Graessle AROUND THE DIOCESE The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is Feb 6-8, 2015 in Asheville, NC . Early sign up is highly recommended. For more information visit our website at: http://NCMarriageDiscovery.org or contact us at mailto: [email protected] or call at 704-315-2144. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CLINICAL FAMIILY SUPPORT POSITION or FAMILY CASE MANAGER. Full-time position available in northeastern NC; office based in Hertford, NC. Clinical Family Support Specialist provides clinical counseling to individuals, families, or couples and family support services/case management for individuals or families who would benefit from in-depth assistance due to complex circumstances including domestic violence, job loss, anxiety, depression, and economic or other stressors. Qualifications: Master’s degree in mental health/counseling field with licensure to provide counseling in NC (LCSW, LPC, LMFT; will consider associate or provisional licensure); Family Case Manager provides crisis intervention, referrals, outreach and case management services, including assessment of strengths and needs, goal setting, and provision of services to individuals and families working to increase their well-being and self-sufficiency. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in social work or human services. Additional qualifications: fluency in spoken and written English and Spanish preferred; willingness to travel among multiple counties to provide services (Dare to Martin to Gates); knowledge of and capacity to support Catholic Social Teachings; proven computer skills; status as a legal permanent resident or U.S. citizen. Send resume and cover letter supporting these qualifications to: Monica Raynor, MSW, LCSW, Catholic Charities, PO Box 8241, Greenville, NC 27835 or e-mail [email protected]. THANKSGIVING BASKETS. We are collecting non-perishable food items for 25 needy families in the local area. The church is purchasing the turkeys but we need food for all the trimmings such as vegetables, potatoes, stuffing mix, etc. Think about what you would like to see on your table for Thanksgiving for some ideas. Get a head start – start collecting your food items now. If you would like to contribute money, instead of food items, place your cash or check (made out to Holy Family) in the collection basket or drop it off at the parish office. PLEASE indicate on your check or envelope that the donation is for THANKSGIVING BASKETS. Thank you! MINISTERIO HISPANO – Noviembre 02, 2014 LA SACRAMENTALIDAD DEL MATRIMONIO VIENE DEL DOMINGO PASADO: La Carta a los Efesios, habla de la nueva realización del misterio escondido desde los siglos en Dios; realización definitiva desde el punto de vista de la historia terrena de la salvación. Habla además de "hacer -al misterio- visible" de la visibilidad del Invisible. Esta visibilidad no hace ciertamente que el misterio deje de ser misterio. Esto se refería al matrimonio constituido al "principio", en el estado de la inocencia originaria, dentro del contexto del sacramento de la creación. Esto se refiere también a la unión de Cristo con la Iglesia, como "misterio grande" del sacramento de la redención. La visibilidad del Invisible no significaba -si así se puede decir- una claridad total del misterio. Como objeto de la fe, permanece velado incluso a través de aquello en que precisamente se expresa y se realiza. La visibilidad del Invisible pertenece, pues, al orden de los signos, y el "signo" indica solamente la realidad del misterio, pero no la "desvela". Así como el "primer Adán" -el hombre, varón y mujer- creado en el estado de la inocencia originaria y llamado en este estado a la unión conyugal "en este sentido hablamos del sacramento de la creación", fue signo del misterio eterno, así también el "segundo Adán", Cristo, unido con la Iglesia a través del sacramento de la redención con un vínculo indisoluble, análogo a la alianza indisoluble de los esposos, es signo definitivo del mismo misterio eterno. Al hablar pues de la realización del misterio eterno hablamos también del hecho de que se convierte en visible con la visibilidad del signo. Y por eso hablamos incluso de la sacramentalidad de toda la heredad del sacramento de la redención, con referencia a toda la obra de la creación y de la redención, y mucho más con referencia al matrimonio instituido en el contexto del sacramento de la creación, como también con referencia a la Iglesia, cual Esposa de Cristo, dotada de una alianza de tipo conyugal con El. CONTINUAMOS EL SIGUIENTE DOMINGO Martes 04 Jueves 06 Martes 11 Jueves 13 Martes 18 Jueves 20 Viernes 21 Sábado 22 Domingo 23 Martes 25 Jueves 27 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Pm 7:00Am 7:00Am 7:00Pm 7:00Pm Santo Rosario Misa Comunitaria y Estudio del Credo Santo Rosario Estudio del Credo y Ensayo del Coro Hora Santa Misa Comunitaria y Preparar Retiro Voluntarios se preparan para el Retiro Retiro de Nueva Vida Retiro de Nueva Vida Santo Rosario Misa de Acción de Gracias Capilla Santuario Capilla Santuario Capilla Santuario SFC SFC SFC Capilla Santuario ACTIVIDADES – COMUNIDAD HISPANA - NOVIEMBRE - 2014 CURSO DE NUEVA VIDA, 22 Y 23 DE NOVIEMBRE DEL 2014, 7 am - 8 pm REAVIVEMOS LA VIDA EN EL SEÑOR JESÚS!!!, ESTÁS INVITADO HACERLO!!! CRISTO TE ESPERA PARA DARTE UN GRAN REGALO!!! AHHHH!!! AL FINAL DEL RETIRO TODOS TENDRÁN SU REGALO. Inscríbete llamando al 252-339-4660
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