16th November, 2014 St JoSEPH’S CAtHoLIC PArISH, NAMBoUr 33rd SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME “Building a community of Jesus’ disciples” We welcome you—We are one family Readings: Prov 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; 1 Thess 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 Next week: Our Lord JESUS CHRIST, KING of the UNIVERSE Readings: Ezek 34:11-12, 15-17; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 Profitable servants... God is demanding and rightly so. His gifts are great and are meant to be used for the service of mankind. Whatever talent he has given us can be multiplied. Jesus calls us to be the salt of the earth, the light of the world and we have no right to hide away the gift of faith that God has given us through him. Or, how many of us hide behind the cowardly affirmation that we are not good enough? Half-hearted Christians are worse off than those who have never had the gift of faith. Taken from “The Veritas Missal” © Parish Priest: Fr Graham Gatehouse Hospital Chaplain: Fr Jojimon Thomas MCBS EMERGENCY Number for Priest (serious illness/accident): Phone: 3836 3221 Parish Office Hours: 8:30-2pm (Closed Tuesday) Phone: 5441 1034 Fax: 5441 7632 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nambourcatholics.net Parish Secretary: Cecilia Denny Admin. Assistant: Julia Quinn Music Co-ordinator: Darlene Malone Finance Manager: Michael Randall St. Vincent de Paul: Support/aid: 5459 5202 (Phone Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-12noon for appointment) 12A Rigby Street, Nambour Shop: 5459 5206 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm W/House Office: 5459 5205 St Joseph’s Primary Office: Annette/Debbie: 5441 9222 St Joseph’s Playgroup C/- Parish Office 5441 1034 Outside School Hours Care: Debbie: 5441 7646 St John’s College Office: 5441 5666 God’s Blessing to St Joseph’s Hospitality volunteers for the Community Centre With your service St Joseph’s Parish is blessed. Fr Graham, Parish Staff & Parishioners First Reconciliation This will be celebrated this coming Wednesday evening at 7pm. Please join in praying for those children and their families. Congratulations to the parents and leaders for their untiring efforts for the children. Youth Fundraising Breakfast Please support the young people who for some time have been attending various Youth Camps in the Archdiocese. There is one coming up in January as well as a Music Camp. These all need money as the expense is often too much for families. This breakfast is one way we can raise some extra funds for that purpose. Confirmation Congratulations to Corben who is Confirmed and received into the Catholic Church this weekend at the 7am Mass. Our prayers go with him as he completes Year 12 at St John's and heads off to Brisbane at the end of the year. St John's Closing Mass This Mass to celebrate the year is being held this coming Thursday evening at 6.30pm at the College. Manna from Heaven Over the past year the Parish Finance Committee has been able to reduce expenditure through more efficient administration. To take this a bit further last week we had some solar panels installed on the galvanised iron roof over the entrance to the church. This it is hoped will make us more energy efficient as well as save some money. Farewell A Farewell to six School Staff members will be held next Sunday at the 9am Mass followed by a Garden Party in the old Convent grounds. All welcome. Farewell also to Denis Kidcaff. We wish him every blessing as he leaves Nambour to live in Gympie this week. Fr Graham IMPACT YOUTH FUNDRAISING BREAKFAST When: SUNDAY 16th November WHERE: St Joseph’s Community centre Time: after 7am & 9am Mass Sausage on bread---Bacon & egg roll--Hamburgers Support our local youth team WEEKLY DIARY Saturday 15th November 9:00am Tai Chi 4:30-4:50 No Reconciliation today 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Children’s liturgy: M. Fitzsimon Sunday 16th November Youth Fundraiser Breakfast 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass Confirmation & Holy Communion: Corben Rae Davis Children’s Liturgy: M. Daveson 9:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy: F. Simm Baptism: Jamaul Bond (Angela Blake) Monday 17th November 8:00am Mass 9:00am Playgroup Wednesday 19th November 9:30am Reconciliation 10:00am Mass 1:30pm RCIA 7:00pm First Reconciliation Celebration 7:00pm Craft group Thursday 20th November 10:30am Mass at Woombye Care 6:30pm St John ‘s Closing Mass Friday 21st November 6:30am Mass Saturday 22nd November 9:00am Tai Chi in the Ryan Room 4:30pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Children’s Liturgy: C. Candappa Sunday 23rd November CHRIST THE KING 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass; Children’s Liturgy: L. Purssell 9:00am Mass; St Joseph’s Staff & Teacher Farewell followed by a garden party in the Convent grounds Children’s Liturgy: M. Barnes 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 5:30pm Mass at Palmwoods Advent Flowers Should any Parishioners have any blue agapanthus for the church during Advent your offering would be gratefully appreciated. Please contact Joan Pobjoy (evenings preferred) on 5476 0634 Please pray for the Sick and needy: Peter Collins, Linda Skinner, Stagg family, King family, Des Hayes, Therese Mills, Theresa Thomson, Gerald East, and all the sick of the Parish. The permanent Petition Journal for the sick is carried forward in the procession at the preparation of the Offerings. Thank you Lord for those who have recovered this week. Stan D enman. Please pray for those who are ill and suffering in hospital including, Frank Hartman, Sr. Majella, Pat Anderson, Peter Crosby, along with all those who work and serve in hospitals, in any capacity. Please pray for all Parishioners & Friends in residential or home care and those who care for them including Frank Phillips, Irene Dubnyckyj, Rita Van Der Beek, Trish Page, Patrick Page, Joseph Quigley, Vince Carroll, Jean Goggin, Mary Eves, Mike Hennessey, Vince Dennehy, William Turner (12 year old), Jim Benesovsky, Celena McGovern, Val Bourke, Cecily Woodgate, Peg DiCerto, Vince Currie, Aileen Radburn, Elizabeth Knowlton, Betty Mifsud, Gwen Street, Bill Bradford, Noni Colette Chapman, Wunda Whelan, Joan Paulger, Peter and Desleigh Christensen. Anniversaries: Remember in your prayers Michael Rutledge 01/11, Gerard Davidson 15/11, Eileen Hawe, Gwen Juratowitch 26/10. Please join your prayers for the families and loved ones of those whose Anniversaries we remember. Deceased: Please pray for the repose of the souls of all those recently deceased especially Des Hayes, Abraham Peter (Grand father of Shainy Peter), Laurie Normoyle, Jean McLean, Ian Adams, Ryan Thrupp, Kenneth Forbes. St Joseph’s Advent Liturgy & Carols Hospital & Nursing Home Rosters Waiting on the Coming of the Lord The 2015 rosters are currently being prepared. Please advise Mary Juratowitch if any changes are necessary to be made to the roster as soon as possible. Sunday 7th December 2014 at 6:30pm Phone: Mary 5442 1441 A Parish Celebration followed by Wine & Cheese & BBQ St Joseph’s Church & Gathering Area To talk to someone about your vocation, contact the Vocation Centre: (07) 3336 9203. [email protected] www.catholicpriesthood.com Christmas Masses If you are attending the Christmas Masses and would like to participate in the various Ministries, please write your information on the sheets in the workroom. The draft rosters will be on the front table in the gathering area from the weekend of 6 & 7 Dec. At the Christmas Vigil at St John’s College, crib organisers and car parking attendants will also be required. Carmel Donahoe will be contacting the altar servers via email within the next couple of weeks so please respond to her if you are involved in this Ministry. Thank you. Maureen A VOCATION VIEW: Don’t just bury your talents. Dream your best dream about your life and then live it to the full. God calls you to live in happiness. Planned Giving The next quarter envelopes commencing this weekend are ready for collection at the entry to the church. If you would like to increase your commitment or join the Parish Planned Giving program, please contact the Parish office on 54411034. Terry McCorley Confirmation 2015 Enrolment forms are now available (from St Joseph’s Parish office or www.nambourcatholics.net) For 2015 Confirmation & 1st Communion for children already Baptised, made 1st Reconciliation, and are at least in Year 4 and at least 8 years old. Enrolments close Friday 20th March, 2015. Advance notice taking into consideration Annual Christmas Holidays approaching. Attention all Volunteers. Re: Code of Ethical Behaviour—for those who work in the service of the church. Please attend to returning your signed document to the Parish Office . Re: Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Workshops for the North Coast Deanery Volunteers only need to attend one of the below training dates. Please advise the Parish Office as soon as possible to enable us to confirm numbers to the other Parishes as numbers are limited. Next Option: MAROOCHYDORE PARISH SUNDAY 14TH DECEMBER 10:30AM-1:30PM Following Option: ST JOSEPH’S NAMBOUR SATURDAY 7TH FEBRUARY, 2015 9:30AM-12:30PM Evangelii Gaudium “He needs to be able to link the message of a biblical text to a human situation, to an experience which cries out for the light of God’s word. This interest has nothing to do with shrewdness or calculation; it is profoundly religious and pastoral. Fundamentally it is a ‘spiritual sensitivity for reading God’s message in events,’121 and this is much more than simply finding something interesting to say. What we are looking for is ‘what the Lord has to say in this or that particular circumstance.’” Par 154 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013 Parishioners’ Loans Repayment— Community Centre At this time of year the Parish repays a portion of the Parishioners’ Loans used to help build our Community Centre. However, at any time, any current lender who is experiencing financial difficulties is encouraged to contact me or the Finance Manager as soon as possible. The Parish’s aim is to repay all loans over a ten year period. Of the original $43,500 borrowed from Parishioners, the balance outstanding is now $13,500. We are very grateful to those lenders who have generously been able to convert their loan into a gift. I would like to invite any remaining lenders to consider perhaps a partial conversion of some of their loan to a gift, if in a financial position to do so. It was only through the generous support of Parishioners that we were able to fund the building of the Community Centre. We are enjoying the great benefit of our “gathering area” and centre facilities. Future generations of Parishioners, also, will be grateful for our sacrifices. Fr Graham Date Claimers Sunday 16th November 2014 from 1.30pm to 4.00pm. INVITATION TO UPCOMING CURSILLO ULTREYA: All Cursillistas are invited to join us at the North Coast Ultreya to be held in the Children’s Chapel at Stella Maris School, McKenzie Drive, Maroochydore. Please bring a plate to share for afternoon tea. For further enquiries, please phone Judith 0438939200. Friday 12th December Nambour Show Grounds—Nambour Community Carols; food stalls 5pm; Carols Concert 6:30pm; ‘Glow’ stall, Free Glow Sticks, Fireworks, Santa Claus, Food Stalls, local Artists, Carols Bank, Free tea & Coffee, local schools An Invitation to share in “ Praying for Peace in Advent” Through Sacred Scripture and silent contemplation; Communal Prayer and simple Chants of Praise The Spirit of Taiz’e Hour of Prayer Each Monday of Advent Season 1.30pm – 2.30pm Commencing 1st December 2014. St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Blessed Sacrament Chapel 177 Currie Street Nambour Everyone Most Welcome! An Initiative of St. Joseph’s Liturgy Committee For further information contact Joan - 5476 0634. Parish Ministries & Coordinators Pastoral Council: Dave Cuskelly, Barbara Krebs, Sue Thomson, Marie Lynch, Colin Allen, Bernadette Natoli, Susan Brinnand, Lisa McNicol, Nick Kelly and Paul De Wolfe Liturgy Committee: Maureen Murphy. Liturgical Music: Darlene Malone. Liturgical Art & Environment: Joan Pobjoy. Communion to the Sick: Mary Juratowitch. Funeral Coordinator: Darlene Malone. Funeral Hospitality: Linda McCorley. Rosters: Lynette Purssell & Annette Baker. Servers: Carmel Donahoe & Maureen Murphy. Readers: Barbara Krebs. Children's Liturgy: Fiona Simm. Sacramental Program: Rosanna Tumelty. RCIA: Darlene Malone. Baptism Ministry: Rosanna Tumelty. Eucharistic Adoration: Carmel Donahoe. Ecumenical Ministry: Joan Pobjoy. Helping Hands: Jan Imarisio. Youth Group: Nick Kelly. Contact all Ministry Coordinators or any other Parish Ministry on 54411034 St. Joseph’s Parish Helping Hands Are you struggling with illness, lonely, or elderly, and need a helping hand? A visit, a meal, a phone call or a small gesture of help is available through our parish ‘Helping Hands’ group. Please Contact the Parish Office for support of the Helping Hands group co-ordinated by Jan Imarisio Counters: This week: Group 3: M. Barker, L. Richardson, F. & M. Kenna, J. Goggin Next week: Group 4: M. Jackson, B. Barker, E. Bradford, P. McNaughton Social Justice Sunday 28.09.2The014 Parish Community is MONTHLY DIARY cordially invited to attend a 1st & 3rd Saturdays: 2014—7pm-8:30pm Youth Group to celebrate with & give thanks for St 1st Monday: 5:00pm Liturgy Meeting Joseph’s Primary staff who are 7.30pm retiring Baptism Preparation Annette Geppert, 1st Wednesday: Lyn Elson, Shona Hall, after 10am Sue Thomson, Dorothy Devlin & Anne Hazel Mass Seniors M/Tea At St Joseph’s Parish Church, on Sunday, 23 November 2014 at 9:00am. 1st Thursday: RSVP: Debbie Kelly on 5441 9201 or [email protected] by Friday, 14th November, 2014 11.15am Mass Nam Nursing Home 2nd Sunday: 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 4pm Ukrainian Mass 2nd Monday: 7.30pm Pastoral Council 2nd Thursday: 11am The Christmas Appeal aims to provide much needed help from practical assistance to food Mass Sundale hampers, emotional support, toys and gifts for children, individuals and families so they too can 4th Sunday: experience the joy of Christmas. Your donation will assist people doing it tough this Christmas. 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel Vinnies Christmas Appeal 2014 Gift Suggestions 5.30pm Last year, with your generous support, the St Vincent de Paul Conference in Nambour was Palmwoods Mass able to give out more than 70 Christmas Hampers, bringing the joy of Christmas to those Last Monday: who otherwise would have had a very unhappy day. This year the Good Samaritan Youth 6pm Helping Hands Conference is coordinating the Hampers in collaboration with Nambour. The cost of each Mass of Thanksgiving and Garden Party ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY CHRISTMAS APPEAL 2014 hamper this year will be between $100-$200. We are appealing for your help again this year. As in previous years, there will be a small basket of cards on the table in the Gathering area with the names of the food items and gifts cards needed for the Hampers. If you are able to help, we invite you to take cards for those items you wish to give. When you have obtained the item, please place them in the collection baskets provided and return the cards to the small basket. The cards will be available every Sunday from today until Dec 8th and the collection baskets from next Saturday until Dec 15th. Hampers will be distributed on the 18th December from St Joseph’s Primary School Hall. There are also envelopes available for those who would prefer to donate cash. Donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. Please include your name and address if you wish a receipt. If you care to donate items other than food here are some ideas. Food: Juice, soft drink, savoury and sweet biscuits, nuts, chips, long life custard, tin fruit, minces pies, Christmas puddings, bonbons, gift bags, tin fruit. For men: Toiletry packs (containing razors, shaving cream, shampoo, soap, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste), clothing vouchers, shoes, thongs, bags/backpacks and gift cards (e.g. Target, JB HiFi, Kmart, Big W, Cotton On) For children and teens: Plush toys, rattles, clothes, building blocks, books, art and craft supplies, board games, sporting equipment, movie vouchers and gift cards (e.g. Kmart, Big W, Cotton On, Typo, Smiggle, Rebel Sport) For women: Toiletry packs (containing shower gel, shampoo/conditioner, body lotion, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste), make up kits, bags, clothing vouchers, gift cards (e.g. Kmart, Big W, Cotton On, Body Shop) Please contact Tracey Langford (0417071168) if you would like to help with the hampers. Thank you all so much. Available for rent: small unit self-contained, 1 x bed room, Bath room, lounge/kitchen. Reasonable rates. Suitable for single lady or single gentleman. Contact Des & Trish Mitchell 0438 384 328 CBM Meaningful Gifts 2014 Helping you make Christmas truly meaningful. CBM is a leading international development organisation focused on disability inclusion in poorer regions of the world. Brochures are available outside the church this weekend or you can go to http://www.cbm.org.au/shop/ Saturday 29th November at 7.30am NUDGEE COLLEGE OLD BOYS’ ASSOCIATION. The Annual Memorial Mass to celebrate the lives of deceased Christian Brothers, Nudgee Old Boys and Members of the Nudgee Family will be celebrated in the College Chapel. All Members of the Nudgee Family are welcome. Breakfast follows.
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