18th October, 2014 St JoSEPH’S CAtHoLIC PArISH, NAMBoUr 29th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME “Building a community of Jesus’ disciples” We welcome you—We are one family Readings: Is 45:1, 4-6; 1 Thess 1:1-5; Mt 22:15-21 Next week: 30th SUNDAY in ORDINARY TIME Readings: Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thess 1:5-10; Mt 22:34-40 What belongs to God...God is Lord of history. Him we must serve. Even pagans who do not recognise him are subject to his will; the most unlikely hands turn the mills of God and further his plans. The people of God have their place in every state. By striving, wherever we are, to build the city of men, we are at the same time furthering the kingdom of God. Faith, hope and love in a community are signs of the presence of God, the authentic preaching of Jesus Christ and the effective showing forth of the Spirit. Taken from “The Veritas Missal” © Parish Priest: Fr Graham Gatehouse Hospital Chaplain: Fr Jojimon Thomas MCBS EMERGENCY Number for Priest (serious illness/accident): Phone: 3836 3221 Parish Office Hours: 8:30-2pm (Closed Tuesday) Phone: 5441 1034 Fax: 5441 7632 Email: [email protected] Web: www.nambourcatholics.net Parish Secretary: Cecilia Denny Admin. Assistant: Julia Quinn Music Co-ordinator: Darlene Malone Finance Manager: Michael Randall St. Vincent de Paul: Support/aid: 5459 5202 (Phone Mon, Wed, Fri 9:00-12noon for appointment) 12A Rigby Street, Nambour Shop: 5459 5206 Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:00pm W/House Office: 5459 5205 St Joseph’s Primary Office: Annette/Debbie: 5441 9222 St Joseph’s Playgroup C/- Parish Office 5441 1034 Outside School Hours Care: Debbie: 5441 7646 St John’s College Office: 5441 5666 God’s Blessing to St Joseph’s Altar Serving Ministry With your service St Joseph’s Parish is blessed. Fr Graham, Parish Staff & Parishioners First Reconciliation Welcome to the children enrolling for the Sacrament of Reconciliation this weekend. There are 48 children involved. That means a big group for Confirmation and Eucharist next year! They say that it takes a village to raise a child. In a similar way it really does take a whole Church to raise and nurture a Christian. So we as Parish have a responsibility to these young people and their families. In all kinds of ways we hand on the treasures of our faith. Some people give so much by being leaders and facilitators in various preparation programs. Others simply pray. Others prepare a cake for Confirmation celebration. Consider the way in which you contribute to the faith of these children. We will need more leaders next year! Today we welcome and bless the children and give them their workbooks which they will use over the next four weeks. May this time of preparation for Reconciliation help parents to nurture the delicate consciences of their young Christians. Bursary Presentation You are invited to stay after Mass next Saturday evening to congratulate this year’s winners of the Fr Hefferan Bursary. The successful applicants for 2014 are – Academic Bursary, Lachlan Haycock; Awards, Lauren Hodges and Hannah McNaught; Arts Bursary, Genevieve O’Brien; Awards, Emma Fowles and Riley Cope; Community Service Bursary, Jessica Bolton; Sport Bursary, Harry Cauley and Belinda Monkton; Award, Nicole Kay. Congratulations to all. All Saints The Feast of All Saints (1st November) falls on a Saturday this year. Mass will be at 8am that day. All Souls then is on Sunday the 2nd November. It takes precedence over the Sunday Liturgy. Fr Graham First Reconciliation Program 2014 Home sessions commence week beginning 19th October through to and including the week beginning 9th November. Parish Group sessions: Wednesday 3:30pm or Sunday 10:30am ( each group in the Ryan Room for those who nominated Parish Group) FIRST RECONCILIATION Wednesday 19th November at 7:00pm WEEKLY DIARY Saturday 18th October St Luke First Reconciliation Enrolment Rite 9:00am Tai Chi 4:30-4:50 Reconciliation 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Children’s liturgy: F. Simm Sunday 19th October First Reconciliation Enrolment Rite 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy: A. Eldridge 9:00am Mass Children’s Liturgy: J. Quinn Candle Presentation: Casey Clarke (Neville & Aileen) Monday 20th October 8:00am Mass Wednesday 22nd October 9:30am Reconciliation 10:00am Mass; 1:30pm RCIA 7:00pm Craft group Friday 24th October St Anthony Claret, Bishop 6:30am Mass Saturday 25th October 9:00am Tai Chi in the Ryan Room 4:30pm Reconciliation 6:00pm Evening Mass for Sunday Children’s Liturgy: S. Diggines 6:45pm Bursary Presentations Sunday 26th October 5:33am Mass at Home (TV 11/55) 7:00am Mass; Children’s Liturgy: M. Daveson 9:00am Mass; Children’s Liturgy: S.A. Kinsella Baptism: Bianca Zulpo (David & Mellissa) Casey Clarke (Neville & Aileen) Candle Presentation: Neo Erbacher (Kelvin & Lysa) 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 5:30pm Mass at Palmwoods Please pray for the Sick and needy: Gerald East, Clive Castle, Eleanor Corby, Mavis Kennedy, Sr Marcella Lorenz, Shaye Johnston, Sr Val Cuthbert and all the sick of the Parish. The permanent Petition Journal for the sick is carried forward in the procession at the preparation of the Offerings. Thank you Lord for those who have recovered this week. Stan Denman. Please pray for those who are ill and suffering in hospital including, Frank Hartman, Sr. Majella, Pat Anderson, Peter Crosby, along with all those who work and serve in hospitals, in any capacity. Please pray for all Parishioners & Friends in residential or home care and those who care for them including Irene Dubnyckyj, Rita Van Der Beek, Sheila Michel, Patrick Page, Joseph Quigley, Vince Carroll, Jean Goggin, Mary Eves, Mike Hennessey, Vince Dennehy, William Turner (12 year old), Jim Benesovsky, Celena McGovern, Val Bourke, Cecily Woodgate, Peg DiCerto, Vince Currie, Aileen Radburn, Elizabeth Knowlton, Betty Mifsud, Gwen Street, Bill Bradford, Noni Colette Chapman, Wunda Whelan, Joan Paulger, Peter and Desleigh Christensen, . Anniversaries: Remember in your prayers Mary Mongan 25/10, Josephine Woolley 21/10, Harold Stainton 13/10. Please join your prayers for the families and loved ones of those whose Anniversaries we remember. Deceased: Please pray for the repose of the souls of all those recently deceased especially Jean Emmerson 13/10, Eleanor Corby 8/10, Gregory Schick, Jim McHugh, . ALTAR SERVING MINISTRY Anyone interested in training as an altar server please contact the Parish Office or contact Carmel Donahoe on 5476 0835 or Maureen Murphy on 5446 7858. Enrolment forms will be available after mass. Prayer Vigil G20 World Indigenous People Sunday 19 October 2014, 6pm6.30pm at Musgrave Park, 121 Cordelia St, South Brisbane A sincere thank you to Everyone is welcome! For more Fr Graham, information contact either Fr Bruce Parishioners, and Boase on 0448 206 213 or Brooke all who have as- Prentis on 0416 197 324. sisted with or SEEKING: Thank you to 3 considerate sent messages on Parishioners who have offered to commit to the Parish counting team . We would the occasion of welcome one more offer for the 2015 our mother Jean Emmerson’s funeral. team which would secure each of the four Your generosity and prayerful sup- groups. This important role only takes 12 hours per month, mornings, on a shared port is appreciated. basis. You need no experience, simply a willing nature to receive the support of The family of competent team members, in the learning Lloyd and Annette Baker. phase. Please contact the Parish office on 54411034. Terry McCorley Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod O God, you never forsake the work of your hands, hear our prayer; send the Spirit of your Son to enlighten the Church as the synodal journey begins, so that contemplating the splendour of true love which shines forth in the Holy Family of Nazareth, she might learn the freedom and obedience to respond with boldness and mercy to the challenges of today’s world. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen St Joseph’s Craft Ministry Donations of Craft Items Welcome The Parish Craft Group are having a stall at the St Joseph’s School Fete on 7th November at Crushers Leagues Club. Donation of items for sale would be appreciated. Proceeds from the stall go to the work of the Parish. Enquiries Annette 5441 3353 or 0407 928 217. Thank You Feast Day of the Week –St Anthony Claret, Bishop (October 24) From his earliest years in the priesthood, Anthony had a zealous missionary spirit that took him to Rome, the Canary Islands, and eventually to Cuba. Not only did he serve as rector of the seminary at the Escorial in Madrid, but he promoted Catholic publications and founded an academy of St. Michael for artists and literary persons. In Cuba he worked for the general uplifting of the population but did not succeed in founding a school of agriculture, as he had wished. He did, however, establish the Apostolic Institute of Mary Immaculate. http://www.catholicculture.org Matthew 22: 15-21 Notes on the text In a single question, the opponents of Jesus asked him to choose between the ideal of a religious life separate from the dominate culture or a life so fully immersed in that culture that religious practice and identity are lost. Of course, Jesus chose the middle. Give to God everything, but give Caesar his due. In other words, we should actively participate in the dominate culture for the common good. In this way, our participation becomes an act of Christian charity (and a means of evangelization). Participation begins with the personal responsibilities of our families, our work, and churches. To the best of our ability, we should extend our participation to the public arena for the good of the society. For their part, government and social institutions should encourage us to serve others. Thus, those in need and society as a whole grows in hope from a citizenry full engaged. The thread of participation is the common good. Participation is a moral and ethical act that affirms the dignity of each and every human person. Even in those acts which oppose oppressive governments or social institutions, the focus must remain on the good of all. From http://www.word-sunday.com/Files/a/29-a/A-29-a.html Farewell and God’s Blessings to Denise and Stan Denman who will be moving to Mountain Creek. From 1984 Denise and Stan lived in Kawana for 18 years where they were involved with the Kawana Catholic community. Denise has been an active and valued member of the Nambour Catholic Faith Community working with the Liturgy group here at St Joseph’s, for which she will be truly missed. We thank her for her contribution during her time here. A VOCATION VIEW: We do not choose a vocation completely on our own. We must prayerfully reflect on how we can best give to God what is God’s, and then live as though everything depends on God. To talk to someone about your vocation, contact the Vocation Centre: (07) 3336 9203. [email protected] www.catholicpriesthood.com Parish Ministries & Coordinators Pastoral Council: Dave Cuskelly, Barbara Krebs, Sue Thomson, Marie Lynch, Colin Allen, Bernadette Natoli, Susan Brinnand, Lisa McNicol, Nick Kelly and Paul De Wolfe Liturgy Committee: Maureen Murphy. Liturgical Music: Darlene Malone. Liturgical Art & Environment: Joan Pobjoy. Communion to the Sick: Mary Juratowitch. Funeral Coordinator: Darlene Malone. Funeral Hospitality: Linda McCorley. Rosters: Lynette Purssell & Annette Baker. Servers: Carmel Donahoe & Maureen Murphy. Readers: Barbara Krebs. Children's Liturgy: Fiona Simm. Sacramental Program: Rosanna Tumelty. RCIA: Darlene Malone. Baptism Ministry: Rosanna Tumelty. Eucharistic Adoration: Carmel Donahoe. Ecumenical Ministry: Joan Pobjoy. Helping Hands: Jan Imarisio. Youth Group: Nick Kelly. Contact all Ministry Coordinators or any other Parish Ministry on 54411034 St. Joseph’s Parish Helping Hands Are you struggling with illness, lonely, or elderly, and need a helping hand? A visit, a meal, a phone call or a small gesture of help is available through our parish ‘Helping Hands’ group. Please Contact the Parish Office for support of the Helping Hands group co-ordinated by Jan Imarisio Counters: This week: Group 3: M. Barker, L. Richardson, F. & M. Kenna, J. Gogggin Next week: Group 4: M. Jackson, B. Barker, E. Bradford, P. McNaughton A new initiative from menALIVE "menALIVE In The City" held SocialisJustice Sunday 28.09.2014regularly from 5.45 until 7.30pm in the Francis Rush Centre (Beside The Cathedral of St Stephen). Next event is on Thursday 23 October 2014 with the topic: DON'T GET COMFORTABLE! Growth is an active thing. This is a great opportunity for men to get together and explore the things that matter. For further information contact menALIVE on 3367 1402 or [email protected] Evangelii Gaudium “When preaching takes place within the context of the liturgy, it is part of the offering made to the Father and a meditation of the grace which Christ pours out during the celebration.” Para 138 from Evangelii Gaudium, Pope Francis, Nov. 24, 2013 MONTHLY DIARY 1st & 3rd Saturdays: 2014—7pm-8:30pm Youth Group 1st Monday: 5:00pm Liturgy Meeting 7.30pm Baptism Preparation 1st Wednesday: after 10am Mass Seniors M/Tea 1st Thursday: 11.15am Mass Nam Nursing Home 2nd Sunday: 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 4pm Ukrainian Mass 2nd Monday: 7.30pm Pastoral Council 2nd Thursday: 11am Mass Sundale 4th Sunday: 11:00am Adoration in the Chapel 5.30pm Palmwoods Mass Last Monday: 6pm Helping Hands DATE CLAIMERS: "SHINE ON" KIDS RETREAT DAY Saturday 25th October 2014, 9.00amSATURDAY 25 OCTOBER 4.30pm How to embrace your self-worth, feel posi- A day of fun for primary school aged kids tive, joyful, inspired; & ways to reflect this with the Brisbane NET team hosted by beautiful YOU through styling and wardEmmanuel Community’s eKids team. robe choice. Time: Prep to Gr 3: 9am-1pm; Gr 4 to Gr 7: All in the one empowering workshop! 2pm-7pm Join Deb, an accredited Louise Hay Heal Venue: Emmaus Centre, cnr Herbert St & Your Life Teacher & CAT a trained PerCentral Ave, Paddington sonal Stylist, for this fantastic day. CWA Cost: Free. $2 donation requested for Gr 4 Hall, 10 Short Street, Nambour - Early -7 group for dinner Bird Special: $90 includes morning & afRSVP: Monday 20 October to Emmanuel ternoon tea - Enquiries: insideoutsideCommunity - 3217 5199 or [email protected] [email protected] Ph: 0439708142 or 0431105879 www.emmanuelcommunity.com.au/ekids Saturday October 25th Rosary Bouquet in honour of Our Lady of Fatima “The Gift Shop at St Gerard Majella, Cathedral of St Stephen 146 Maundrell Terrace, Chermside 10.30am (Rosary) and 11.30am (Mass). West is set up for Christmas and Weekend: 31st Oct – 2nd Nov 2014 open to the public now. The Annual Words of Wisdom – St Worldwide Marriage Encounter: A Gift Fair will be held on Friday, Sat- Stephen of Hungary weekend away for married couples in urday Sunday (24, 25, 26 October) peaceful, picturesque surroundings – ‘Be humble in this life, from 9.00am – 5.00pm each day. away from the distractions of everyday that God may raise you living. Take time out of your busy schedule, to invest in your most precious asset . On these 3 days only there will be a up in the next. Be truly . . your Marriage! This is a unique oppor10% discount on all giftware (except moderate and do not puntunity to recharge your relationship batterish or condemn anyone ies, refocus on each other and fall in love some pious objects). Prices will revert to normal on Monday 27 Octo- immoderately. Be gentle all over again! Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, ber. Eftpos and Credit Card facilities so that you may never opOrmiston QLD (on Brisbane’s bayside) available. Enquiries 07 3359 0239.” pose justice. Be honouraFor bookings/details contact: Tamara ble so that you may never and Scott Menteith, ph (07) 4634 3559, [email protected] Information webvoluntarily bring disgrace site: www.wwme.org.au upon anyone. Be chaste so Saturday 1st Nov – 10am to 3pm that you may avoid all the ONE DAY SPIRITUAL RETREAT: with foulness of lust like the Mary Franzmann, a Presentation Sister. Workshop One—seeing the sacred in pangs of death.’ the ordinary and extraordinary. Workshop Two—let go and rest in the awkhttp:// ward in-betweens so that we can attend quotecatholic.com/ to the places of new life. The Sunshine Coast Spirituality Support index.php/humility/stGroup has organised the day . Beerwah stephen-of-hungary-beCatholic Centre - Peachester Rd Beerwah. BYO Lunch to share - Tea and humble-in-this-life/#more coffee provided - Cost $20 - RSVP 28th -1482 Oct – 54912011.
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