Faith in action

Faith in action
Welcome to Trinity Lutheran Church & School
Monthly Newsletter Publication
2nd —Daylight
Savings Time Ends
Nov 4th—Election Day
Pastor Heller’s Corner
N o v
2 6 t h —
Thanksgiving Eve Service
2 0 1 4
Church Office & Academy Closed
A Word from
Pastor Reinking
Christ the King
Needs list
Birthdays &
Hunger Bowl
Advent Schedule
Shoe Boxes
Youth Group
November Volunteers
November Calendar
Wait for the Lord. Psalm 27:14
If you are like me, one of the hardest things to do in life is to wait. Yet, given the unpredictability of life, there are times when this is all we can do. For example, we are hospitalized
and must spend days, even weeks, waiting for strength and health to return, or we are unemployed and have applied for work everywhere possible, and now can only wait. Perhaps one
of the hardest waiting times is when we seek to win loved ones to the Lord, and, after having spoken to them many times, they still resist or are unresponsive so we must wait.
The point is it is hard to wait. It seems so useless at times. We wish there were something
active that we could do to keep our busy minds and worrisome thoughts occupied, and, if
that is not enough, we let our impatience show through ugly words, or sarcastic comments,
or however we choose to show that we have had enough, and we have reached the end of
our rope. We can become terribly impatient.
We need the advice David gives: "Wait for the Lord." Contrary to the general opinion that
just plain waiting is a waste of time, let me remind you that "waiting for the Lord" is never
misspent time. This means that we are to place ourselves, our life, and our problems into His
We can do this because we know He is interested in our well-being. He showed this in sending His Son, Jesus, to give His life for our eternal salvation. Knowing that God loves us that
much, we can confidently place all our life in His hands and wait for His will to be done.
Here is the solution for our impatience: Remembering God's love for us in Jesus Christ, we
can confidently pray, "Your will be done," and know that His will is always a good and gracious will toward us. Then we can patiently "wait for the Lord." He does all things well.
PRAYER: Dear Lord, give us the patience
to place ourselves trustingly in Your hands
each day. Put our mind at ease as You
abundantly forgive us all our sins for Jesus'
sake. Amen.
Pastor Heller
God is blessing us at Christ the King Lutheran Church. Our first month of the Wednesday Night Light fellowship
and Bible Study has gone very well. We are averaging 15-20 people and have enjoyed digging into the truths of
God’s Word with His people. Continue to pray that God will continue to send people to the Church doors, not
only at Christ the King, but at Trinity and all other places where God’s Word is purely taught and His Sacraments
rightly administered.
We have added some furnishing to the Sanctuary and it is beginning to take shape! We now have an altar, pulpit,
lectern, chairs, and an Advent candle stand. Also, a special thanks is in order for Pastor Heller and Tom Ayer as
they donated an organ and a clavinova (electronic piano). Thanks to all the helpers who have assisted in moving
things, and to all those who have donated items as well. We still have many items on our “whish” list, but things are
coming together.
We look forward to continuing in God’s mission of preaching, teaching, and reaching. Take some time this month
to thank the Lord for His many blessings! He certainly provides our “daily bread” and so much more.
Christ the King Lutheran Church, our mission congregation in Commerce, has now opened its
doors. Presently there is a weekly time of food, fellowship and Bible study called, "Wednesday
Night Light". We are in the planning stages of organizing a tutoring program as part of this ministry. It will be offered from 6:30-7:30 as a community outreach to children of elementary and middle school age. We are seeking volunteers who would like to serve as tutors (high school and
college students as well as adults). If you feel that you would be interested in this arm of ministry,
please contact:
Pastor Aaron Reinking
[email protected]
Sharon Reinking
[email protected]
706-340-1503 or 706-354-8320
Thank you for prayerfully considering this opportunity to serve our Lord and Savior.
Sunday School for
ALL AGES begins
with opening each
Sunday at 8:45 A.M.
Kids Cross Craft
Club meets the
second Sunday of
each month following the service. Lunch and
craft time is enjoyed by all who
attend. The Club
is open to grades
Trinity is always in
need of volunteers.
There are many ways
you can serve, such as;
ushering, altar guild,
serving coffee fellowship after a service, sponsoring the altar
flowers for the week, helping with weekly
grounds maintenance,
etc. Please sign-up in the
Gathering Room. Thank
you for your servants
November Birthdays
November Anniversaries
11/12 Calvin & Patti Stansell
11/16 Kenneth & Caroline Green
11/21 Sam & Elizabeth Earley
11/25 Greg & Robin Golub
11/28 Bob & Eleanor Kunis
11/01 Sue Yarbrough
11/03 Erika Smith
11/04 Jonathan Munneke
11/06 Tryston Smith
11/07 Glenn Husfeld
11/07 Jack Hahn
11/08 Gladys Johnson
11/09 Christy Thorne
11/11 Sherri Munneke
11/11 Ruth Wittenberg
11/13 Warren Kriesel
11/13 Rick Stansell
11/15 Joe D’Errico
11/17 Wilburn Freeman
11/21 Faith Dynarski
11/21 Marilyn Williams
11/25 Jenna Dynarski
11/25 Ursula Jeffords
11/26 Laurie Bunker
11/26 Lorraine Hahn
11/30 Joan Walker
Scott R. Coulter
130 Tuckahoe Trace
Yourktown, Va. 23693
Ian & Sarah Ensley
17215 Meadowlark Lane
Wamego, KS 66547
Sr Airman Brent Kickbush
PSC3 Box 2121
APO AE 09021
Tom Lalicki
31 Farmington Ave
New London, CT 06320
Mark Your Calendars!
Annual Thrivent Luncheon and Meeting will be held
at Trinity on Sunday, November 2nd beginning at
12:30 p.m. There are some exciting changes that
Thrivent will be sharing with us. Please sign up in the
gathering room if you plan to attend.
EVENT: Our November Elderberries lunch is being planned by
Lynn Wolfe and will be on November 18th at 11:30 at
Dominick’s Cafe, Market Center – 1430 Capital Ave. Watkinsville, GA. Please sign the sheet in the Gathering
Room if you plan to join us for Fun, Food and most important Fellowship
January 25th 11:30 to
1:30 for an afternoon
of Family Bingo. More
information to follow
after all the details get
To Ernie,
and George
for putting
our new
sign up!
Interfaith Hospitality
Network of Athens is a
non-profit organization
that provides shelter,
food and emergency
services to children and
families facing the crisis
of homelessness. This
is currently the only organization in Athens
that accepts families
with ability to keep all members housed together. The Board of Christian Education and JoAnn Thorne will be hosting a Coffee Fellowship
on Sunday, November 9 after the worship service to benefit Interfaith Hospitality Network of
Athens (IHNA). There will be a short presentation by Kendall Weinberg, Assistant Director at
Interfaith Hospitality Network of Athens at the
end of our worship service. There will be a basket on the fellowship table to collect a free will
offering. In addition to donating money IHNA
could use the following items: diapers (all sizes), pull-up diapers, baby bottles + nipples, baby bottle brushes, baby wipes, rolling back
packs, rolling suit cases/small bags, umbrellas,
laundry detergent/bleach/fabric softener. We
will be collecting these items through the month
of October. There is a chest next to the LWML
table where the items can be placed. The money collected from the free will offering will be
used to purchase gas cards so guests can use
their own vehicles while looking for/or to sustain
employment. If you have any questions, please
contact Jo-Ann Thorne at 706-202-2740.
It is coming again…the Hunger Bowl! Together we can work to help the Northeast Georgia Food Bank fill truckloads of food for local hungry families this Thanksgiving…and compete with community in the process!
Here’s how to get involved:
 Bring nonperishable food items to the church November 1st-14th (deposit in barrel)
 Make a monetary contribution in cash, check, or online. Each dollar purchases four
pounds of food.
 Take a bag home and get help filling it up!
Last year, Trinity participated in the Hunger Bowl competition and collected a total of
5, 728 pounds of food!!! We are gearing up for the contest again, and it would be great
to collect even more. Our goal this year is 6,000 pounds of food. Help us help others!
For more information or monetary contribution forms, contact Kristin Schmidt at
[email protected] or (951) 775-6134.
Mid-Week Advent Services
will be held each Wednesday,
December 3rd—17th, at 11:30
AM and 7:00 PM. A Potluck
lunch will be held following
the 11:30 AM service and a
dinner hosted by the boards
will be held at 6:00 PM prior
to the 7:00 PM service.
Joan Walters made this beautiful blanket as one of her many donations to
Trinity's YarnWorks Ministry.
This blanket and three others created and
donated this month by our members will go to Project Linus of NorthEast
Georgia, which gives blankets as gifts to each child placed in Foster Care.
This month's other donations were to Trinity's families on active military
service, Prevent Child Abuse Athens, and the Athens Nurses Clinic.
The next YarnWorks meeting is scheduled for 9 December. All Trinity members,
friends, and neighbors are welcome! We also welcome donations of yarn to be
used for our charitable work and creations. Yarn can be left in the
YarnWorks white bankers boxes in the closet to the right as you enter the
Fellowship Hall. See Judy Russell or Ruthann Rodekohr for further
information or pick up a YarnWorks Flyer in the Gathering Room.
Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes
It is that wonderful time of the year once again when we fill up our cardboard
or plastic shoeboxes with lots of goodies for children ages 2 to 14. The pamphlets with gift ideas and instructions for filling up a box are in the Gathering
Room. We have some of the red and green Samaritan’s Purse fold up boxes available or you can
use your own cardboard shoebox or a plastic shoebox. Please do not include liquids, scented soaps
or war toys. The filled boxes need to be in the Gathering Room by Sunday
November 23rd and the suggested shipping contribution per box is still only
$7. If you have questions about the shoeboxes then contact Sheila Kriesel at
[email protected] or 706-714-5194.
Talk to your aging parents before it’s too late
Are you feeling the squeeze between managing your career, helping your children get started in life—and
trying to assist your aging parents?
Adding another “to do” to your list may not be easy, but making time to have a heart-to-heart talk with your
parents can be well worth the effort. Talking about your parents’ future now, including the care they may
need and end-of-life decisions, can help take some of the stress out of your life—and theirs.
Often, it’s difficult to know how to begin the discussion. Here’s a tip: Start small. For example, rather than
discussing the content of legal documents, such as a will, begin by finding out where your parents keep the
following documents and items. In other words, take a financial inventory and update it annually.
Legal documents: property deeds, wills, trusts, living wills, health care and financial directives, and birth,
marriage and military discharge certificates.
Contact information: attorneys, accountants, financial planners, physicians and anyone else who provides
financial, legal, or medical advice and care.
Current account information: type, number and institution for all financial accounts, including checking,
savings, retirement, investment, loans and insurance contracts.
Valuables and collectibles: location and description of any valuables, such as jewelry, silver or gold, and
collectibles, such as stamps and coins.
Instructions: funeral, burial and obituary information.
Keep in mind that the process of finding out your parents' future needs and intentions won't happen in a
day. By breaking the information-gathering process into small, manageable conversations, you can help
ensure your parents’ wishes will be carried out. This way, everyone can feel reassured knowing you’re prepared for the future.
Get financial guidance to help you prepare for the future. Contact Don Goldsmith, Financial Consultant,
ChFC, RICP, FIC or Kelly Goldsmith, Associate, CFP®, CLTC, FIC, at 770-982-0420 or [email protected] today, or visit There, you’ll find helpful information and resources, including a checklist to help start “the talk” with your aging parents.
For more than 100 years, Thrivent Financial has been helping members be wise with money and live generously.
Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work with your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information.
Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial, the marketing name for Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products
are available in all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., 625 Fourth Ave.
S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Thrivent. Thrivent Financial representatives are registered representatives of Thrivent Investment Management Inc. They are also licensed insurance agents/producers of Thrivent. For additional important information, visit
Statement of Purpose
Trinity Lutheran Church exists to bring people to a
saving faith in Jesus and into the fellowship of His
Trinity Lutheran Church
family in order that they may mature in their Chris-
2535 Jefferson Road
tian walk as they are equipped for ministry within
the church and a life of service to the world which
Athens, GA 30607
glorifies God.
Our mission is to proclaim the gospel
of Jesus boldly, to praise God fully,
and to serve others joyfully.
This Month Please Pray For
Jeff Williams, cancer
Raven Cooper, Rheumatoid Arthritis
Charles McMachem, pancreatic cancer
Eric & Laurie Bunker , healing
Michael and Saundra Hammons, healing
Sandi Schmidt, recovering from surgery
Edmonda Snow, liver cancer
Luanne Worley, brain tumor
Mark Martini, liver cancer
Grace Manske
Dee Burke, healing
Faith in Action is the monthly
newsletter of Trinity Lutheran
Church. All members are encouraged to submit articles,
Board Chairpersons, please let
us know what your boards or
committees are doing. Turn all
contributions for the newsletter in to the Church Administrator no later than the 15th
of each month. Contributions
may be submitted by hard
copy, email, fax or phone.