EARLY LIGHT ORDER OF WORSHIP NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Welcome and Announcements 10:55 AM ORDER OF WORSHIP NOVEMBER 9, 2014 THE TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST John Huneycutt Recognition of Veterans / Armed Forces Medley Ϯ Our Mission Statement Congregation Ϯ Opening Prayer John Huneycutt ϯ Passing the Peace Congregation ϯ Songs of Praise Here I Am to Worship One Way Congregation Ϯ The Apostles’ Creed Traditional Version Children’s Moment Lynne Byerly & Children Consecration of Prayer Quilts Pastor Glenn Myers Joys and Concerns Pastor Glenn Myers Morning Prayer w/The Lord’s Prayer Carl Lambert Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever. Amen. OUR TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY ANTHEM Song for the Unsung Hero ϯOFFERTORY RESPONSE Congregation Chancel Choir He Is Lord He is Lord! He is Lord! He is risen from the dead, and He is Lord. Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! ϯSCRIPTURE Hebrews 10:19-25; Philippians 2:5-11 MESSAGE Show Up and Serve Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. ϯHYMN OF DEDICATION No. 419 Vs. 1,2,4 I Am Thine, O Lord ϯDISMISSAL WITH BLESSING Pastor Glenn Myers ϯBENEDICTION RESPONSE Chancel Choir & Congregation May the Lord watch over you until we meet again. May He hold you in the palm of His hand. Amen, and amen. (God be with you till we meet again.) ϯCARRYING THE LIGHT INTO THE WORLD Rose Marion ϯTHE TRINITY CHIMES ϯPOSTLUDE Organ ϯCongregation please stand as able. UMH: United Methodist Hymnal, 1992 Offertory Prayer and a Time of Giving Ϯ Scripture WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS John Huneycutt RECOGNITION OF VETERANS ARMED FORCES MEDLEY OUR MISSION STATEMENT Congregation PRELUDE PRESENTING THE LIGHT Rose Marion, Andrew Brown ϮOPENING HYMN No. 608 This Is the Spirit’s Entry Now Ϯ THE APOSTLES’ CREED No. 881 Traditional Version ϮGLORIA PATRI No. 70 MEINEKE Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be world without end. Amen. Amen. ϯPASSING THE PEACE Congregation BAPTISM OF BROOKS ALEXANDER McGUIRE UMH No. 39 CHILDREN’S SERMON CONSECRATION OF PRAYER QUILTS Pastor Glenn Myers JOYS AND CONCERNS Pastor Glenn Myers MORNING PRAYER with The Lord’s Prayer Grady McClamrock Hebrews 10:19-25; Philippians 2:5-11 In preparation for worship, please silence cell phones As you depart, you are entering the mission field! Message Show Up and Serve Ϯ Closing Song Ϯ Blessing and Going Forth ϯ Congregation please stand as able. Slow Fade Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. Congregation Pastor Glenn Myers In preparation for worship, please silence cell phones. As you depart, you are entering the mission field! SCRIPTURE Hebrews 10:19-25; Philippians 2:5-11 19 Therefore, my friends, since we have confidence to enter the sanctuary by the blood of Jesus, 20 by the new and living way that he opened for us through the curtain (that is, through his flesh), 21 and since we have a great priest over the house of God, 22 let us approach with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. 24 And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, 25 not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching. 5 Let the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus,6 who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be exploited, 7 but emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, being born in human likeness. And being found in human form, 8 he humbled himself and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. 9 Therefore God also highly exalted him and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. We are glad you have joined us this morning, and our hope is that through word, music, fellowship and prayer, you will experience the presence of God today. Please sign the Attendance Register as it is passed so that we can share with you about what’s happening in the life of this church. Those who are interested in joining First UMC are asked to contact Pastor Glenn at 336.751.2503. Recent messages are on the church website: www.firstumcmocksville.org. If Pastor Glenn is needed after office hours, he can be reached at his cell number, 336.813.0425. Bulletins for Kids are available in the narthex of the Sanctuary and in the lobby of the Family Life Center. Bulletins contain Biblical learning activities for children ages 3-6 and 7-12. Prayer requests for the prayer chain or the prayer list may be called in to or emailed to our Prayer Chain coordinators, Judy Bailey and Lillian Sharpe. Judy,336.751.2209 or [email protected]. Lillian, 336.936.9014 or [email protected] ASSISTING IN WORSHIP TODAY GREETERS Nancy Payne, Amy Wood (8:45) Ruth Davis, Margaret Overcash (10:55) USHERS Frank Payne, Harold Wood (8:45) Jack Corriher (10:55) Joe Boyette Perce Musselman Sherrilyn Hendrix CIRCLE OPPORTUNITIES Lydia Circle MORNING PRAYER Carl Lambert (8:45) Grady McClamrock (10:55) ACOLYTE Rose Marion, Andrew Brown CHILDREN’S MOMENT) Lynne Byerly (8:45) Matt Marion (10:55) NURSERY Christy Anderson REFRESHMENTS (8:45) George & Doris Snyder NEWS & OPPORTUNITIES The flowers on the altar are in honor of all veterans and in memory of Robert Hendricks, US Navy, WWII Veteran and CC Craven, US Navy, WWII Veteran. CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY is extended to the Foster Family in the death of Carroll and Missy Foster’s daughter, Melanie Foster Turner. Melanie passed away on November 4, 2014. Condolences may be sent to the Fosters at 298 Dogwood Lane, Mocksville, NC. A MEN’S BIBLE STUDY of Galatians is on Saturday mornings at 7:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. Go to http://www.backtothebible.org/index.php/Galatians.html to download the study. PRAYER TIME is in the Sanctuary each Thursday afternoon from Noon until 1:00 PM. This is not a structured service, but a time for you to come to the Sanctuary and pray. FELLOWSHIP MEAL ~ NOVEMBER 12, 2014 JACKSON HENDRICKS’ FUNDRAISER DINNER 5:30 PM FAMILY LIFE CENTER UMW DISTRICT LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE Saturday, November 15 at 9:00 AM Family Life Center UMYF On Sunday, November 9, the middle and high school will be going to Walmart/Dollar store to purchase items for Operation Christmas Child. Each student needs to bring $5. The middle school will leave at 5:00 PM and return at 6:15 PM. Middle and high school will eat at 6:15PM and high school will leave after dinner at 6:45 PM and return at 7:45 PM. Parent/Student meeting on Sunday, November 16 at 5:00 PM. This will be a covered-dish meal. We will be discussing the mission trips for the summer of 2015. We will also be discussing a "Reboot" of our UMYF for January 2015. It’s highly recommend that both students and parents be in attendance. Deposit ($50) for the senior high mission trip is due on Sunday, December 7. Middle school deposit ($50) is due Sunday, January 4. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Shoeboxes will be collected the week of November 16-24. Please drop off your box in the Conference Room during office hours. Volunteers are needed on Friday, 11/21, 10-5, Saturday, 11/22 1-3, and on Sunday, 11/23, 1-3. Please see or contact Kevin Neal for more details. [email protected] BY NOW YOU SHOULD HAVE RECEIVED your 2015 Ministry Menu Commitment Cards. You are encouraged to prayerfully consider your response to pray, attend, give, serve and witness as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Commitment cards for children and youth are available in the lobby of the FLC and in the narthex of the Sanctuary. Parents, please guide your children in their responses. Plan to return your commitment cards on Consecration Sunday, November 23. We will have one joint service on 11/23 at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary. There will be no Sunday School on 11/23. Following the service, we will have a covered dish lunch in the Family Life Center. We will decorate the buildings for Christmas after lunch. th In celebration of the 80 year of the Christmas Candlelight Concert and Service, we will be hiring an orchestra of 11 players to accompany the Chancel Choir this year. The congregation is being asked to help support this endeavor by raising $5,500 to pay for the orchestra. Please complete the form and earmark your gift “ORCHESTRA”. Your names will appear in the Candlelight Service program as a supporter at the level you choose. If you wish to remain anonymous, those requests will be honored. NAME(s) ______________________________________________________ o o o PLATINUM $1,000 GOLD $500 SILVER $250 o o o BRONZE $100 PATRON $50 FRIEND $25 FUMC WEEKLY CALENDAR Sunday, November 9 7:30 AM UMM Breakfast Meeting FH 8:45 AM Early Light Worship FLC 9:50 AM Sunday School V 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 5:00 PM UMYF OCC Shopping 6:00 PM Scout Room Reserved Tuesday, November 11 VETERANS DAY 9:30 AM Bible Study FH 9:30 AM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Covenant Bible Study FH Wednesday, November 12 9:00 AM Prayers & Squares FH 5:30 PM Fellowship Meal FLC 6:30 PM Handbells HR 7:30 PM Chancel Choir CCR Thursday, November 13 12:00 PM Prayer Time – Sanctuary 7:00 PM Scout Room Reserved NA 7:00 PM FH Reserved – AA Friday, November 14 Young at Heart Myrtle Beach Trip Saturday, November 15 7:00 AM Men’s Bible Study FH 9:00 AM UMW District Leadership FLC Sunday, November 16 8:45 AM Early Light Worship FLC 9:50 AM Sunday School V 10:55 AM Traditional Worship S 5:00 PM Parent/Youth Dinner Meeting MEDICAL CONCERNS Arbor Acres Cole and Elva Grace Tomlinson Autumn Care Janet Baucom, Emma Eckhart, Charles Hendricks Bermuda Commons Molly Jo McClamrock Brookstone Terrace Margaret Foster Clemmons Village Tilthia Hanes Regency John Coil Somerset Velma Daniel Jolly Duncan Trinity Elms Marie Steed ______________________________________ Martha Bennett, Louise Bowden, Bailey Brewer, Mary Danner, David Deadmon, Beverly Fischer, Missy Foster, Janice Hayes, Jackson Hendricks, Leon Jones, Sue Lande, Katie Bernhardt Lane, Tara Lowery, Isaac Markland, Bayne Miller, Peggy Nail, Ron Reynolds, Karen Robinson, Fred Roth, Wendell Sain, Jean Shelton, Von & Madeline Shelton, Stuart Shore, Eileen Smith, Glen Stanley, Ann Stayer, Pat Stine, Elmer Stoneman, Karen Sykes Family of Melanie Foster Turner Emergency Workers Members of the Armed Forces FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FLC = Family Life Center FH = Fellowship Hall S = Sanctuary CFR = Conference Room V = Various Rooms HR = Handbell Room CCR = Chancel Choir Room NURSERY POLICY During Sunday School, children ages 0 to 3 are welcomed to stay in the nursery. For both morning worship services, children ages 0 to 4 are welcomed. The person responsible for the nursery on his or her given Sunday may keep their own children in the nursery under their direct supervision. Thank you for your cooperation in being watchful of our little ones. Prayer Requests: Lillian Sharpe, 336.936.9014 [email protected] Judy Bailey, 336.751.2209 [email protected] Church Office: 336.751.2503 Emergency After Hours: 336.813.0425 Preschool/Afterschool Office: 336.753.1900 Dr. Glenn L. Myers, Jr. – Senior Pastor [email protected] John Huneycutt – Youth/Christian Education [email protected] Barbara Basham – Director of Music/Preschool Director [email protected] Allison Lambert – Director of Afterschool Ministries [email protected] Tommy Dunn – Organist / Technology [email protected] Teresa Lakey – Administrative/Financial Assistant [email protected] Shane Butcher – Financial Assistant [email protected] Natalie Sanders, Taylor Slye – Custodial Staff 310 N. Main Street | Mocksville, NC 27028 | www.firstumcmocksville.org The mission of First United Methodist Church is to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, to receive the power of the Holy Spirit, and to respond to the needs of others with the love of God the Father. TWENTY-SECOND SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST NOVEMBER 9, 2014
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