Wednesday september 30 Time 17:00-‐19:00 19:00-‐21:00 Registration Opens Icebreaker Thursday October 1 Hall 1 Gullteigur Time 8:00-‐9:00 9:00-‐9:40 Registration Opening ceremony 9:40-‐10:00 10:00-‐10:45 Break Andrew Boulton The Diabetic Foot in 2015: progress and stagnation”. 10:45-‐11:15 11:15-‐12:00 Coffee and visit to exhibitors Randall Alley Traditional IC sockets vs Subischial HiFi and the Role of Osseosynchronization in Transfemoral Applications 12:00-‐13:15 Lunch and visit to exhibitors Hall Gullteigur A Hall Gullteigur B Time Speaker Title Speaker Title Time 13:15-‐14:00 Jón Karlsson SPORTS medicine/ traumatology -‐ What is new Nerrolyn Ramstrand The influence of knee orthoses on proprioception and balance 13:15-‐14:00 14:00-‐14:45 Þorvaldur Ingvarsson Biomechanical and mind control Margareta Person 14:00-‐14:45 To overcome and prevent contractures – theory and clinical tips 14:45-‐15:30 15:30-‐16:15 Coffee and visit to exhibitors Free papers Cristina Engström/ Gunilla Ström: Resting splints in post stroke hands 15 min G. van Veldhoven: Silver: a cost effective “green” splinting material in making hand-‐ and fingersplints? 15 min G. van Veldhoven: Splinting the unstable thumb 15 mín Free Papers 17:00-‐19:00 Departure by bus from the Grand Hotel to Össur Invitation and refreshment at Össur headquarters 1 15:30-‐16:15 Robert Fuglö: Måltaking til fotsenger, forskjell i lengde på belastet og ubelastet avtrykk 15 min 16:30 Nea Vänskä : Clients’ and professionals’ perspectives in developing the rehabilitation and assistive device services for persons with lower limb amputation) 15 min 14:45-‐15:30 16:30 17:00-‐19:00 Friday October 2 Time 08:30-‐9:00 9:00-‐10:00 Hall Gullteigur A Speaker Title Sub-‐ischial hylsteknik för Anton TF-‐proteser Jóhannsson DARPA's Luke Arm Randall Alley Speaker Classroom Alex Brett / Patrick Myrdal project and the High-‐ Fidelity Interface 10:00-‐10:30 Advanced Custom Fabrication Techniques Incorporating Raw Silicone & Urethane Coffee and visit to exhibitors 10:30-‐11:15 David Rusaw Limb prostheses and postural control: evaluation, interaction and functional consequence Lina Magnusson 11:15-‐12:00 Jón Karlsson Achilles tendon rupture-‐ unsolved issues Rune Nilsen 12:00-‐13:00 13:00-‐13:45 Hall Gullteigur B Title Patient mobility and satisfaction with prosthetic and orthotic devices and satisfaction with service delivery in Malawi and Sierra Leone Exchange program between Asia, Europe and Africa Lunch and visit to exhibitors Joan E Sanders Limb-‐Socket Interface Research and Technology Time 8:30-‐10:00 10:00:10-‐30 10:30-‐11:15 11:15-‐12:00 12:00-‐13:00 Ulla Tang Prevention of foot ulcer, a sustainable approach 13:00-‐13:45 13:45-‐14:30 Nerrolyn Ramstrand Evidence based practice in prosthetics and orthotics Michael Ceder Handhavande vid scanning av spastiker. Här kommer jag att fokusera på mina erfarenheter av scanning av spastiker med hjälp av vacuumteknik. Jag använder nu mera CAD/CAM till 100% och gipsar inga patienter. 13:45-‐14:30 14:30-‐15:00 Kristleifur Kristjánsson The Biomechanical and clinical effects of bracing for tibia femoral osteoarthritis. Margareta Persson Splinting the spastic hand – tips and tricks 14:30-‐15:00 15:00-‐15:30 15:30-‐17:00 Coffee and visit to exhibitors “Workshop” Camp : Partial Foot Management. Time 45 minutes. Marcus Nilsson Fillauer Advantages with hydraulic ankle units in lower limb prosthetics: Ulf Gustafsson Össur prosthetic solutions Össur OA solutions" Juzo: Stumpschrinkers-‐ make it easy, don´t mess things up: Johan Helmer Juzo Genu Xtra-‐ from need to want!: Johan Helmer Medi Royal Boa System : Niklas Sjöström Medi.: Spinomed back brace: Functional Treatment of Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures – 15:00-‐15:30 15:30-‐17:00 Compliance is the key." Ortopro As: 3D Scanning med ipad/Aqualeg Kenneth Timenes Ortopro As: Linx/Biom: avanserte knee ledd og motorisert ankelledd David House, Blatchford &sons ltd 17:00-‐18:00 Meeting of the Nordic committees 19:00-‐24:00 Festive dinner at Harpa Concert Hall, bus departure from the Grand Hotel and Hotel Cabin at 19:00 2 Saturday October 3 Hall Gullteigur A Time Speaker 9:00-‐9:30 Lina Magnusson 9:30-‐10:00 10:00-‐10:30 Hall Gullteigur B Title To conduct disability research in low-‐income countries: human rights, culture, and some experience of use of ICF Michael Ceder Liten blir stor blir liten. Här kommer jag att fokusera på mitt samarbetet med vuxenhabiliteringen som startade i projektform och är nu mer en permanent verksamhet. Det finns stora skillnader i resurser och arbetssätt mellan barn och vuxenhabiliteringen som jag belyser. Ulla Tang Prevention of foot complication in diabetes 10:30-‐11:00 Speaker Title Time Atli Ágústsson Biomechanics of lying posture and relationship to scoliosis 9:00-‐9:30 Annika Blomkvist The effect of spinal bracing on sitting neuromuscular scoliosis 9:30-‐10:00 Rune Nilsen Peer group training project as a part of spinal cord injury rehabilitation 10:00-‐10:30 Coffee and visit to exhibitors 10:30-‐11:00 11:00-‐11:45 Andrew Boulton A global view of diabetic foot problems 11:45-‐12:00 Closing 12:15 Departue for the Golden Circle tour 13:00 Departure for the Blue Lagoon tour 3
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