2 0 7 N O RT H V I N E S T R E E T • F E RG U S F A L L S M N 5 6 5 3 7 November 16, 2014 Our NEW Mission Statement: I nspired by Mary, N ourished by Word and Sacrament, R ejoicing in the Lord, and I gnited by the Spirit Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31/1Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30) We are sent to love and serve, as we journey toward the Kingdom! Web Sites: Parish…………….....….….www.ffolvchurch.org School…………………...….www.ffolvschool.org Faith Formation………...www.ffolvchurch.org Diocesan…………….…………....www.stcdio.org Sunday Masses: Saturday………………...………....4:30 p.m. Sunday………………..…………….8:30 a.m. Sunday……………..……….…... 10:30 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Thursday ………………………… 8:30 a.m. Friday……………………………….8:30 a.m. Saturday…………………………..3:30 p.m. Pastor: Fr. Alan Wielinski 115 North Oak Street, Fergus Falls Deacon: Dcn. Chuck Kampa Pastoral Associate: Peggy Rezac Church & Office Hours : 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (Monday-Friday) Everything we have and everything we become are gifts from God. Like the stewards in the parable, we have been given gifts. Do we develop those gifts and do we share them, or do we “bury them” and really do nothing with them? Those who do the former, return them with increase to the Lord, are not only complimented, but embraced and invited: “Come share your Master’s joy!” W HAT ’ S H APPENING A Note from Father Alan .. This weekend at the 10:30 Mass we celebrate the RCIA Rite of Enrollment, welcoming those who have begun a time of formation and discernment on their faith journey, learning about the Catholic faith with the possibility of joining the Church or completing their Catholic initiation at Easter. Please keep our candidates in your prayers as they meet Sunday morning for an RCIA session. Deacon Chuck, Mayme Hofland and I also each have one or two candidates with whom we are meeting on an individual basis, due to their unique circumstances and schedules. NEWLYWED RETREAT for couples married five years or less...COMING UP Saturday, November 22nd, here at Our Lady of Victory...a unique opportunity led by Deacon Candidate Mick Froslee. For more information please contact the parish office! At Stewardship gatherings and council meetings, as well as in informal conversations with parishioners, one of the recurring messages I hear is the desire for further opportunities to engage people with their faith and the Church, whether reaching out more to those already involved, the inactive, or beyond into the community. We are a vibrant faith community, and we want only to keep that alive and growing! To that end, I have identified a member of our community who I feel would be an excellent addition to our parish staff and lead us further down the road of “New Evangelization”. He has the necessary theological background and has been involved this past year in leading and helping with faith formation activities, as well as teaching at our school. I know the parish staff is excited about this possibility, and I will be furthering the discernment with this individual, our trustees, pastoral and finance councils. As I pray and reflect about our needs, the strength of our stewardship, and this rather unique opportunity...I am hoping this can become a reality soon. Start counting all your blessings and plan to come and give thanks with the community at our Thanksgiving Mass on Wednesday, November 26th, at 5:30 p.m. Blessings on your week! Father Alan BOOK OF LIFE You are invited to write the names of any loved ones and friends who have died at any time in our Remembrance Book, which is placed by the Baptismal font, and they will be prayed for at all of the November liturgies. You are also welcome to bring in photographs of loved ones to place on the remembrance table near the doors. Eternal rest and peace to them… PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE PRIESTS THIS WEEK Fr. Vincent Lieser, Fr. Stanley Wieser, Fr. Robert Kieffer, Fr. Ronald Schmelzer, Fr. Albert Holmes, Fr. Matthew Luft, Fr. Arlie Sowada. Also please pray for our service men and women. To place a request on our OLV Prayer Chain, please call Kathy Barton 736-2136 or Louise Wentworth 736-6701. 2 Our Lady of Victory Church • Fergus Falls, MN MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS Thirty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time (Prov 31:10-13,19-20,30-31/1Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30) Saturday, November 15 - St. Albert the Great, BVM 4:30 p.m. Mass — Lillian Buschette † SUNDAY - November 16 8:30 a.m. Mass -- People of the Parish 10:30 a.m. Mass — Marlene Fiedler † Monday, November 17 - St. Elizabeth of Hungary (1Jn 3:14-18/Lk 18:35-43) 9:00 a.m. - Word and Communion Service Tuesday, November 18 - Dedication of the Basilicas of Sts. Peter and Paul, St. Rose Philippine Duschesne (Rev 3:1-6,14-22/Lk 19:1-10) 12:05 p.m. Mass - Jim Blaufuss † Wednesday, November 19 (Rev 4:1-11/Lk 19:11-28) 10:00 a.m. Mass (Broen Home) - Warren Svendsgaard † Thursday, November 20 (Rev 5:1-10/Lk 19:41-44) 8:00 a.m. Holy Hour and Reconciliation 9:00 a.m. Mass - Damien Jacklitch † Friday, November 21 - Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Zch 2:14-17/Lk 19:45-48) 7:10 a.m. Mass - Michael Ringwelski † Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Ez 34:11-12,15-17/1Cor 15:20-26,28/Mt 25:31-46) Saturday, November 22 - St. Cecilia 4:30 p.m. Mass — Lillian Buschette † SUNDAY - November 23 8:30 a.m. Mass -- Alphonse and Magdelene Schlosser † 10:30 a.m. Mass — People of the Parish † † † † † † † † † LECTORS Please pick up your new Lector’s Workbook in the Sacristy. WOMEN’S GROUP Meet us at the American Legion on Wednesday, November 19th, at 11:30 a.m. This is a group of women from our parish who meets for lunch one time each month. We welcome all women from our parish to join us. BELL CHOIR INTEREST MEETING We are in the early stages of creating an OLV Bell Choir. There will be an interest meeting held on Thursday, November 20th, at 5:45 p.m. We will meet in the church, discuss plans for the choir, and even try a few easy pieces. If you have any questions, please leave a message in the church office for Sarah Pawlowski. ARE YOU UNABLE TO ATTEND MASS ? If you would like Communion brought to your home, please call Peggy Rezac at the parish office 736-2429. P ARISH N EWS & N OTES PLEASE MARK YOUR CALENDAR November 19 - Women’s Group Lunch 11:30 p.m. Am.Legion November 22 - First Communion Class 10:00 a.m. November 26 - Thanksgiving Mass 5:30 p.m. November 29 - St. Joseph’s Mens Group 8:00 a.m. December 4 - Vocations Mass - St. Edwards in Henning 7:00 p.m. December 6 - First Reconciliation 10:00 a.m. December 6 - “Saint Saturday” — St. Francis Xavier 6:00 p.m. CONFIRMATION Confirmation Sponsors need to attend class with their candidate this Wednesday, November 19th, beginning at 7:00 p.m. If a sponsor is unable to attend, a parent will need to attend in their place. HEALTH CARE DIRECTIVES CLASS Many people put off completing their Advance Directives for Health Care. This class will provide the opportunity to discuss the components of a health care directive and to ask questions. Forms will be provided and notary services will be available for those who wish to complete them a the time of class. It will be helpful for you to bring the addresses and phone numbers of your designated health care agents (the two of three individuals you would want your health care providers to speak with about your treatment wishes in the event of a medical emergency...typically a spouse and/ or adult children, but can be anyone you trust to carry out your directives). Thursday, November 20th, 1:00 p.m. at the Government Services Center, Otter Tail Lake Room. DAD’S BELGIAN WAFFLES All you care to eat with sausages, toppings and beverages on Monday, November 17th, 4:30-6:30 p.m. at the Fergus Falls Senior Center, 115 Lincoln Avenue. $7 Adults, $5 Ages 6-12, Free Age 5 & under. FINANCIAL GIVING - OUR LADY OF VICTORY Month of October, 2014 Adult Weekly Collections (October)… $ 43,463/$ 46,000 (bgt) Amount Received Below Budget ………………….… ($ 2,537) Fiscal Year to Date Adult Contributions ………………….. $ 176,045/$ 175,000(bgt) Amount Received Above Budget …….…………….… $ 1,045 Children’s Contributions………………………...……….…... $ 75 Youth Contributions …………………………………….…..... $ 23 Holy Day - All Saints Day …………………………...…..….... $ 75 Building and Maintenance ……………………………..… $ 176 Annual Appeal ………………………………….………..…. $ 131 Campaign for Human Development ……………….……. $ 30 Other Collections: World Missions …………...………….. $2,191 Emergency Fund ……………………………………….…….. $ 90 Flowers ……………………………………………………....... $ 110 Sponsor a Student ……………………………………..…… $ 126 Food Shelf ……………………………………………..,,,…. $ 1,091 School Endowment Fund …………………………....…. $ 1,075 Faith Formation Donation …………………………..……… $ 25 We Are Very Grateful for Your Generosity! A REA O FFERINGS & E VENTS CATHOLIC CHARITIES “MAKE GOD’S LOVE VISIBLE” November is National Homeless Youth Awareness Month. This year, Catholic Charities opened the Youth House, a transitional facility for homeless youth in Central Minnesota. They teach skills and offer mentoring to youth with no place to stay. Visit www.ccstcloud.org to learn how you can help. “THE JOURNEY HOME” ON EWTN - FR. GREG PAFFEL Father Greg will be a guest on the EWTN program “The Journey Home” on Monday, November 24th, at 7:00 p.m. ANNUAL DIOCESAN APPEAL Have you given Bishop Kettler your “YES” to support the 2014 Annual Diocesan Appeal? Funds raised through the Appeal support...exclusively...ministries of the Diocese of St. Cloud which, in turn, serve our parishes, Catholic schools, and Catholic values. It will officially end on December 31st of this year. People of God, there is time to respond generously to our Bishop’s request. Together, let’s build up our Catholic Faith Community here in central Minnesota! NEWLYWED RETREAT “Living Out the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony” - A retreat for couples married five years of less will be offered here at OLV on Saturday, November 22nd, from 9:30 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Facilitators include Deacon Candidate Mick Froslee, his wife Elizabeth and Deacon Randy Alstadt. Call or email for more information 218-769-4409 [email protected] THEOLOGY DAY AT SAINT JOHN’S SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY Mary in History and Theology -Who is Mary? Where was she born, where did she live, where did she end her day? A great deal of what we know about the Blessed Mother is simply a matter of faith and legend. Through a historical and theological analysis of Mary, this presentation seeks to construct an understanding of Mary that draws heavily from tradition and moves it into the twenty-first century. Fr. Michael Patella, OSB, will present on Friday, December 5th, 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Emmaus Hall, St. John’s University. ADVENT RETREAT - ST. JOHN’S ABBEY The ancient O Antiphons for the “Magnificat” of the Blessed Virgin Mary form part of the liturgy’s immediate preparation for celebrating the Nativity of the Lord. Exploring the spirituality of these poetic texts helps us to discover and savor their richness. Fr. Michael Kwatera serves as director of liturgy for St. John’s Abbey. He also writes a monthly column on liturgical topics for the Visitor diocesan newspaper. The Advent Retreat starts with dinner at 6:00 p.m. on Friday night, December 5th, and concludes on Sunday, December 7th, at 1:00 p.m. The cost is $195 for a single room and $330 for a double room. For more information, or to register, call 320-363-3929 or visit www.abbeyguesthouse.org New Beginnings Family Fitness Blaine Buseth, Owner/Trainer 736-0044 216 West Cavour Avenue http://fergusfallsnewbeginnings.com Our Lady of Victory Church • Fergus Falls, MN 3 M INISTERS D IRECTORY KC DRIVERS FOR SHUT-INS WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 22 & 23, 2014 Group 1: Mike VanVoorhis Group 3: Greg Styba Group 2: Kent Quamme Group 4: Mike Rheault NOVEMBER CHURCH CLEANING - THANK Second Week - Jim and Randi Mason Fourth Week - Tom Rieschick and Michele Antrim YOU COMMUNITY FOOD SHELF VOLUNTEERS NEEDED 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Monday after the first Sunday, Wednesday after the third Sunday, or Friday after the fifth Sunday. Contact Parish Coordinator, Sharon Jurgens at 739-4227 if you would like to help. Please leave food and hygiene items in the church gathering area. Thank you! USED CAFETERIA LUNCH TABLES AND BENCHES Used cafeteria lunch tables and benches (in good condition) available for the asking! Please contact Tonya Zierden or Bob Budke at the OLV parish or school office. Pastor…………………...……………………...………….. Fr. Alan Wielinski Deacon/Liturgical Associate………………...…. Dcn. Chuck Kampa Pastoral Associate……………………………………………. Peggy Rezac School Principal………………………….……………..…. Tonya Zierden Faith Formation Director …………...………….…... Mayme Hofland Bookkeeper/Financial Operations.…………...….…… Riane Raths Parish Secretary …………...…………………….…...……. Mary Jo Baez Parish Property Manager .……………………..………...… Bob Budke Telephone Numbers: Parish Office………………………………………………….. 736-2429 Parish Fax…………………………………………………….. 736--4407 School…………………………………………………………….736-6661 School Fax……………………………………………………...736-6931 Faith Formation…………………………………………..… 736-2429 Catholic Charities…………………………………….800-830-8254 Priest Emergency Number………………………..218-316-2527 Emails: Parish……………………………………….. [email protected] School…………………………….……….... [email protected] Faith Formation……….…………...……[email protected] WEEKEND OF NOVEMBER 22 & 23, 2014 4:30 p.m. Mass Lectors: Mary Strande and Don Anderson Altar Servers: Sarah Kampa and Nicholas Horhmann Eucharistic Ministers: Marcy Otto-Schuetze, Steve Keilen, Sharon Stevens, Mark Kitzman, Mary Ann McDonald, Julie Millard Greeters: Ray and Sharon Braun, Bernice and Roger Ballweber Ushers: Kevin Brennan, Rollie Lickness, Jerry Weiand, Dick Schuetze Musician Leader: Randy Fischer THIS WEEK Saturday, November 15 St. Joseph’s Men’s Group — 8:30 a.m. Sunday, November 16 Coffee and Rolls after 8:30 Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word - during 10:30 Mass RCIA “Rite of Enrollment” - at 10:30 Mass Rosary in Eucharistic Chapel - 7:00 p.m. Monday, November 17 Rosary — 8:30 a.m. Bible Study - 1:00 & 7:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m. Mass Lectors: Vince Thoma and Jim Mason Altar Servers: Angelique Lindgren, Katie, Andrew and Peter Steinbach Eucharistic Ministers: Cy Keller, Ted Kessel, Richard and Trudy Huschka, Renae Lindgren Greeters: Dan and Pep Ross, Patricia and Daniel Roehl Ushers: Don and Donna Cole, Don Lindblom, Jeff Stanislawski Musician Leader: Donna Madsen Tuesday, November 18 Rosary — 8:30 a.m. Liturgy Committee - 5:30 p.m. Stephen Ministry - 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, November 19 Rosary — 8:30 a.m. Women’s Group Lunch - 11:30 a.m. at American Legion Faith Formation - 3:30-4:45 (Elem.); 7:00-8:30 p.m. (MS/HS) 10:30 a.m. Mass Thursday, November 20 Quilters Group - 9:30 a.m. Staff Meeting - 1:00 p.m. Parish Council Meeting - 5:30 p.m. Lectors: Mary Jo Baez and Al Keller Altar Servers: Kyle Kraft, Owen Krueger, Brandon Soland, Jade Zierden Eucharistic Ministers: Jill Geary, Rhonda Antrim, Darlene Draeger, David Schroeder, Louise Wentworth, Mary Jo Baez Greeters: Steve Keilen, Willie and Margo Sauer Ushers: Dave Dorn, Pat Griffin, Isaac Hofland, Louis Kamrowski Musician Leader: Andrew Yaggie/Jeff Jennen Friday, November 21 Rosary — 8:30 a.m. End of First Trimester Saturday, November 22 Marriage Retreat for Young Couples - 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. First Communion/Reconciliation Class — 10:00-11:00 a.m. Sunday, November 23 Coffee and Rolls after 8:30 Mass Children’s Liturgy of the Word - during 10:30 Mass Confirmation “Rite of Calling” - during 10:30 Mass RCIA - after 10:30 Mass Rosary Eucharistic Chapel 7:00 p.m. Our Lady ofinVictory Church • -Fergus Falls, MN 4a 4b Our Lady of Victory Church • Fergus Falls, MN
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