Music at the Metropolitan Cathedral: ‘Two Cathedrals' Messiah’ – The choirs of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral and Liverpool Cathedral join together under the baton of Christopher McElroy to sing Handel’s Messiah. Saturday 6th December, 7.30pm: Tickets £10. ‘A Dickensian Christmas’ – the choirs of Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral with special guests lead an evening of Christmas carols and songs for all the family. Saturday 20th December, 7.00pm: Tickets £5 or £10 for a family ticket (2 adults/ 2 children.) Tickets for both concerts available from or via the Cathedral Gift shop 0151 707 3525. For further details contact the Cathedral music office: [email protected] / 0151 708 7283. St Helen’s Church 112, Alexandra Road Crosby Liverpool L23 7TQ 0151 924 3417 e-mail: [email protected] Liverpool Archdiocesan Trustees Inc. Mgr. John Furnival, Fr. Roy Cooper Rev. P. Deary (retired) Rev. E. Douglas Thirty Third Sunday - 16th November2014 Parish Mass Book Page 93 Year A Part 2 Friends of Metropolitan Cathedral : present a talk on Dominican Spirituality by Archbishop McMahon on Tuesday 2nd December, 7pm in the Gibberd Room. Cost is £16.50 which includes supper and a glass of wine. (You are also welcome to bring your own drink) Contact Claire Hanlon 709 9222 ext. 201 Sunday 16th 9.45 am Mass for Walter & Evelyn Herdman (in memory) 6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish. “The Heart of Pope Francis” - a talk by Fr Donal O’Leary, organised by ACTA Sunday 23rd November at Our Lady’s, Bishop Eton. 2.30– 4.30pm More details on noticeboard or at Monday 17th 9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion 2.00 pm St Pio Prayer Group 7.00 pm Holy Hour Two (free) taster sessions of Creative Writing for beginners (poetry and prose) Mondays 24th Nov & 1st Dec in the Sunshine Room at SS Peter & Paul’s, 1.30—3pm To reserve a place phone Maria and leave contact details on answerphone 0151 924 1265 or e-mail [email protected] Tuesday 18th 9.30 am Mass for Fr John Smith (lately dead) 7.30 pm Novena & Benediction 8.00 pm St Helen’s Prayer Group Concert in aid of Roy Castle and Wirral Autistic Society. At Holy Trinity Church Formby Friday 12th Dec 7.30pm. Starring Dolci Cantanti duo and featuring G-Force Gospel Choir. Tickets are £8 and can be obtained from Rosanne Wilde 0151 928 0501 or 07867123811. Wednesday 19th No service FOOD FOR THOUGHT: Ecumenical discussion over tea and biscuits in the Islington Room at St Helen’s Church every Thursday 2-4pm. This month we will be looking at: Differences, Gratitude, Money, Pride and Helping Others All Welcome “The Secret of Christmas” (21st November—13th December) St George’s Hall. Congratulations to Joseph and Samantha Mitchell Call 924 4468 or visit who were married in St Helen’s church on 5th September Contributions for this newsletter need to reach the Parish Office at St. Helen’s Church, 112, Alexandra Road (Tel. 924 3417) by 12 noon on Thursday. Please provide a contact ‘phone number in case of query. Thank you. Office hours are: Tuesday to Friday, 10 am to 2 pm. Thursday 20th 9.45 am United Morning Prayer at St Luke’s Church 7.00 pm Mass for James Malone (anniversary) Friday 21st 9.30 am Service of the Word with Holy Communion Saturday 22nd 11.00 am Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11.20 am Confessions 12.00 noon Mass for those on the Pious List Sunday 23rd 9.45 am Mass for Mary Lovelady (anniversary) 6.30 pm Mass for the people of the parish. ANNIVERSARIES ABOUT THIS TIME: Lawrence Didsbury, Donald O’Callaghan, Carmel Rogerson, Elizabeth Taylor, Peter Ross, Irene Reynolds, Margo Fahey. PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE IN OUR PARISH WHO ARE SICK: Stephen Wilson, Jean Pitt, Frank and Betty Hughes, Christine Moore, Stella Dilworth, John Murphy, Christopher Brown, John Regan, Hannah Amelia Regan, Hugh Dillon, Rita Barber, Sheila Brennan, Kath Sweeney, Denise Cummins, Margaret Walsh, Joan Bamber, Rosemary Carragher, Michael Fahey, Alice Mulcahey, Rita Sloan, Susan Natsheh, Pat Corner, Marie Brownrigg, Maura Murphy, Rosemary Hart, Mary Cookson-Gower, Norah Byford, Celia Bradshaw, Joan Doyle, Anne Thompson, Peter Holmes, Pauline Kieran, Rachel Cunningham, Jean Greenwood and Fr John Thompson. Please remember in your prayers Tom Clulee who died recently. This weekend there will be an appeal on behalf of “Survive Miva” Next weekend we celebrate the Feast of Christ the King, Youth Sunday. There will be a collection for Catholic Youth Services. Memorial Mass for those parishioners who have died in the last 12 months Thursday 27th November—7pm All welcome SPUC Christmas Fair: Saturday 22nd November after the midday Mass. Raffles, Tombolas, Games, Refreshments, Father Christmas in his Grotto and more! All welcome! Last minute underway now. We would be very grateful for donations to the various stalls: raffle /tombola prizes, unwanted gifts, BOTTLES, toys, homemade cakes (on the day only). Many thanks Ebola Crisis! The situation in Waterloo, Sierra Leone continues to worsen. To date it is estimated that 450 people have died there and 3,000 are in quarantine. You can help by supporting the fundrasing events coming up in the next few weeks: Saturday 29th November—12.30 onwards: Afternoon Tea Party in St Helen’s parish centre. Crafts and cakes also on sale. Tickets (£5) available from the parish office. Ticket includes tea/coffee, sandwiches and cakes Wednesday 10th December– 7.30 for 8pm: Christmas Quiz at The Northern Club Tickets (£7—includes sandwiches and mince pies.) CAFOD To date the DEC fund for Ebola has raised approx. £20 m of which Cafod has contributed almost £0.5 m. Monsignor Robert Vilillo from Cafod’s partner Caritas Internationalis records that there is much fear and denial among people. Reaching remote rural and poor urban areas is their priority. Friday Self Denial £238.00 recd. Many thanks. Fast Pray Share. St. Edmund's Choir are presenting An Evening of Christmas Music and Carols at St. George's Hall on Saturday 20 December at 7.45pm. Tickets are £12 and are available on or by calling 0151 928 3629 between 9.00am - 5.00pm on weekdays. Proceeds from the concerts will be going towards three local charities: Autism Initiatives, Lifeline Sefton and Woodlands Hospice. CAFOD MASS OF REMEMBRANCE To remember with gratitude those supporters who have passed away. Friends and family of those special people are invited to Mass on Saturday 29th November in SS Peter & Paul’s church at 12 noon. Special Commemoration of World War 1—The Christmas Truce "Days That Shook the World", a film about the day in 1914 when the guns were silenced, the fighting stopped and the football started will be shown at the highly appropriate Marine F.C. stadium. College Road on Thursday next, 20th November at 7.30pm. Sponsored by St Luke's church; there will be an opportunity to talk & discuss the event: bar available. Annual Novena in Honour of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary offered for Peace. Nine Wednesdays leading up to December 8th at St John’s, Fountains Rd. Wed 19th November at 7pm : “The Language of Reconciliation” Newman Association: All are invited to our next talk on Thursday 20th November at 7.30pm in St Helen’s parish centre The speaker will be Peter Firth PhD, on the subject of Living & Dying in the Middle Ages: an Exploration of Medieval Religious Imagery. Mill Hill: Our 2015 calendars have arrived and will be delivered to you as soon as possible. Please have your little red box ready. Box holders are being asked to consider Gift Aiding their donations. You will find information inside your calendar. If you are a tax-payer and would like to Gift Aid your donations please return the form, either to your collector or hand it in at the parish office. Thank you. Sacred Heart Catholic College PTA present a Shopping Night! Friday 21st November at Lower Site—6.30 until 10 pm. Enjoy a glass of wine while you shop ……. More details from the school 924 2971 Living the Gospels in Advent: Understanding the readings and what they mean to us. Mondays 24th November & 8th December at 7.30 in the parish centre. Discussion & Silent Prayer. All welcome. Martin Bennett.
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