Cordova Bay United Church Rev. Bill Cantelon [email protected] Minister for Children, Youth and Young Adults Nancy Walker [email protected] Rev. Wilfred C. Waddell Minister Emeritus Music Director—Pat Shumka 250-652-1505 813 Claremont Avenue Victoria, BC V8Y1J9 Phone: 250.658.5911 Website Chair of Council—Tom Pringle [email protected] Custodian—Debbie Adkins [email protected] Office Administrator—Jane Shumka [email protected] SUNDAY November 16th MUSIC LEADERSHIP The Band SCRIPTURE READER Grace Choi POWER POINT TECHNICIAN Rob Glenn TECHNICAL SUPPORT Peter Gray November 16th, 2014 Office Hours: Monday —Thursday, 9am—2pm UPCOMING SERVICES November 23rd—Reign of Christ Sunday November 30th—First Sunday of Advent (Hope) - Communion December 7th—Second Sunday of Advent (Peace) REGULAR WEEKLY EVENTS Mondays: 7:00 pm—8:00 pm: Chime Choir Practice —new members welcome— Wednesdays: 11:00 am—12:00 pm: Unserious Coffee Thursdays: 7:00 pm—8:30 pm: Choir Practice —new members welcome— HOSPITALITY TEAM Greeters Marjorie Gray & Donna Loglisci USHERS Cris & Ed Araquel REFRESHMENTS Ethel Wilson Women’s Group UPCOMING EVENTS Tuesday, November 18th 2:00 pm: Caring Ministry—Friendship Room 7:30 pm: Stewardship Meeting—Friendship Room Wednesday, November 19th 2:00 pm: Knitting Group—Hall Friday, November 21st 10:00 am: Book Club—Friendship Room Household Prayer: Morning Good morning, Lord. I welcome the new day, for it is a gift from you. My petty fears are nothing in the face of your love; in the warmth of your wisdom my anxieties melt away. Make me more faithful than I could be on my own, and use me to reflect your light, for there are so many who need to know of your grace. Amen. Household Prayer: Evening Good evening, Lord. Thank you for bringing me through this day, its trials and its joys. You surprise me with wonder and overwhelm me with love. Keep me in your embrace tonight; inhabit my dreams. If you choose to grant me another day of life, awaken me as one who is eager to serve you well. Amen. THE LIFE AND WORK OF OUR CHURCH “We are an inclusive community of Christians called to know and serve God faithfully through love for the world and its people.” people.” STEWARDSHIP REPORT AS OF OCTOBER 31,2014 LIVING GENEROUSLY ۰ourselves ۰our gifts ۰our resources Total Income Total Expenses Net (Loss) $252,294.89 $258,302.63 ($6,007.74) ****see below COMPARISON TO OCTOBER 31, 2013 Total Income Total Expenses Net Surplus $247,163.31 $236,147.28 $11,016.03 COMPARISON TO OCTOBER 31, 2012 Total Income Total Expenses Net Surplus $262,598.17 $261,977.41 $620.73 ****To date we have remitted $17,000 of our Commitment of $28,000 to Mission & Services. ANGEL GIFTS 2014 For all those who volunteered to be angel gift donors, please pick up the name and number of your angel in the Narthex before or after the service this Sunday, November 16th or in the office mid week. Gifts should be delivered to CBUC by Sunday, December 14th. It’s not too late to sign up to be a donor. We are still looking for ?? more donors. A sign up sheet will be circulated this Sunday or contact Jane in the office. Thank you. Cordova Bay United Church volunteers helping at Our Place Society on Tuesday, November 11th. WOMEN’S AFTERNOON FRIENDSHIP GROUP There will be no meeting of the Women’s Afternoon Friendship Group in the month of November. The women will meet again for their annual Christmas Lunch at the ‘Lakes’ Restaurant on Wednesday, December 3rd at 12:00 pm. CBUC KNITTERS GROUP, NOVEMBER 19TH All knitters and crochetters are invited to join the CBUC Knitters Group that meets Wednesday, November 19th at 2pm. This group is open to everyone - beginners are welcome! Please plan on attending and enjoying an afternoon of fellowship as we work on items for charity. If you have any questions please contact Linda Erskine at 250-658-4447 or Lori Sather at 250-744-5812. BOOK CLUB The Book Club which meets on Friday, Nov. 21st at 10 am in the Friendship Room would welcome any visitors to meet and get to know Pam Porter. Pam is a member of our Congregation who was awarded the Governor General’s Award for Literature for The Crazy Man. She has written several books, some of which are in our library. Please join us --men too are welcome! 2015 UNITED CHURCH CALENDARS ON SALE United Church calendars will be on sale in the hall following the worship service. Calendars are $10 each. All proceeds are for the Cordova Bay United Church Youth Fund. This fund has provided and we hope will continue to provide bursaries so that our youth might participate in regional, provincial and national youth events. ber 28th m e v o N , y a Frid @ 5:30 pm s t r a t s n Fu More Info? Want to volunteer? 250.658.5911 or [email protected] YOUTH GROUP, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6th Meet at 7:00 pm near Santa Claus at Tillicum Mall. We will be purchasing two Angel Gifts and doing a scavenger hunt. Please bring $10 for the fit. Friends welcome. Pick up will be at 8:30 pm. If you need a ride and to RSVP, contact Nancy (250-658-5911 or [email protected]). CHRISTMAS BLUEGRASS CONCERT AND BENEFIT SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6TH John Reischman and the Jaybirds will be presenting a Bluegrass benefit concert at Cordova Bay United Church on Saturday, December 6th at 8:00pm. $5 of every ticket sold will be donated to Our Place Society. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased online or the church office. For more information visit FOR THE LOVE OF AFRICA FUNDRAISER QUIZ NIGHT, NOVEMBER 22 The For the Love of Africa Society will be hosting a Quiz Night on Saturday, November 22nd from 5:30 pm t0 9:00 pm at the Gordon Head Lawn Bowling Club, 4105 Lambrick way. Grab your friends and join us for a wild evening of mind-bending trivia, crazy questions, and lots of laughter! Ploughman’s Dinner included! Prizes! Draws! Bring a Team of 6 or join a team when you arrive! Tickets: $25 per person. All proceeds benefit the For the Love of Africa Society. Early Bird Deadline November 30th Epiphany Explorations is an annual conference that invites you to live out our faith, love our God and celebrate each other while singing our hearts out. Since 2003, First Metropolitan United Church has invited clergy and laity from across North America to Victoria for an eclectic mix of presentations, music, and visual arts. MUSIC AND PRAYER IN THE STYLE OF TAIZE All are welcome to join us at Music and Prayer in the Style of Taize on Friday, November 21st, 6-7 pm, at St Andrew's Cathedral at View and Blanshard St. This will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of a Vatican decree on Ecumenism and many guests from the Ecumenical community will be present. POINSETTIA TEA & BAZAAR: Gordon United Church, 935 Goldstream Ave., Langford, Saturday, Nov. 22, 12:30-3:00 pm. Check our website http:// for more information. Epiphany Explorations 2015 features United Church of Canada Moderator Gary Paterson on the changing church, former Moderator and former Senator Lois Wilson and University of Victoria researcher Siobhan Chandler on the “Spiritual but not Religious,” climate scientist and MLA Andrew Weaver, provocative writer and lecturer Peter Rollins and David Felten, co-creator of the “Living the Questions” program and other speakers and musical presenters. When: Thursday, January 22 – Sunday, January 25 Where: First Metropolitan United Church 932 Balmoral Road, Victoria BC Cost: Early Bird $275 (until November 30th) & Regular $325 Register: Online or phone 1.250.388.5188
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