St. Francis of Assisi Parish November 16, 2014 • 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time ...................................................................................... Come to the Waters of Life! 5:15pm Mass Reed Joseph Silva Scarlett Annmarie Silva Francisco Santos Montesinos IV 7:30am Mass – No Baptisms – 9:30am Mass Gavin Marco Farias Myles Daniel Xavier Hansen Noon Mass Olivia Rose Curto Wyatt James Chorn Colin Lawrence Hoppin WEEKEND MASSES Saturday Vigil 5:15pm Sunday 7:30am, 9:30am, Noon WEEKDAY MASSES (in St. Clare Chapel) 12:10pm RECONCILIATION Saturdays 4:00-5:00pm or by appointment CHURCH HOURS M-Th 9:00am-3:00pm Fri 9:00am-1:30pm JĔĎē UĘ TčĎĘ WĊĊĐĊēĉ YĔĚ’ėĊ IēěĎęĊĉ FOAM – Families On A Mission Annual Advent Garden The Season of Sharing—Our Time and Talents First Sunday of Advent November 30 4:30pm Brunsman Hall Parking Lot THIS SUNDAY, November 16 after 9:30 Mass Brunsman Hall D W rop over to Brunsman Hall a er 9:30 Mass, and enjoy the coffee and donuts SPONSORED BY FOAM. Watch a presenta on about FOAM. Learn how you, as a family (or individual), can explore opportuni es to serve our community. Commi ee members will be available to talk to you about signing up for community service and/or becoming part of the FOAM leadership team. elcome the Advent Season with this lovely ceremony for the whole St. Francis’ family, old and young. We will welcome the season of sacred wai ng with a journey into the center where we will meet the light of Christ and bring it out to the world. This simple labyrinth is a picture of the kingdoms of the earth waking to the coming of the savior. We will walk the garden carrying a candle to light in the center, accompanied by our singing. Please bring your favorite holiday cookies to share with cider a erwards. Be sure to dress warmly and, for reasons of fire safety, we ask that all wear trousers. No dresses or skirts please. In case of rain the Garden will be held in Brunsman Hall. If you are unable able to a end the presenta on, there will be a table outside the church a er the 5:15pm and 7:30am Masses with a friendly volunteer offering a snack and brochure and ready to answer your ques ons about FOAM. (Noon Mass a endees are invited to come early and join us for coffee and donuts.) Suggested dona on $3.00 per person If you wish to help with gathering greens or se ng up, contact Katherine Lehman 452-1055 or [email protected]. Sponsored by the Adult Faith Forma on Commi ee Please contact FOAM Chair Samara Palko (samarapalko@ with ques ons or for more informa on. Thanksgiving Mass “Little Books” for Advent Thursday, November 27 10:00am in the Church “We will prepare for the coming of our God...” Available after Masses This Weekend and Next Weekend D id you know that the word “eucharist” is Greek for “thanksgiving”? Come and join our parish community in our Thanksgiving Eucharis c Celebra on. You are invited to bring food items for your Thanksgiving table at home to be blessed at the end of Mass. L i le books—booklets of short reflecons for the season of Advent, will be available to you for $1 in the church a er Mass—and in the Parish Center office M-F, 9:00am-4:00pm, beginning the weekend of November 15/16. Keep one in your car, next to your bed, in your office.... This Advent, welcome God daily into your life with these short scriptures and reflec ons. Children’s Choir for Christmas T he St. Francis Parish Children’s choir is looking for kids who can read (1st grade and up) and who love to sing. We will be prac cing for the Christmas Eve Family Mass on Sundays from 9:00-9:30am in the Parish Center Chapel. For more informa on, please contact Janet S tes (janets tes@ Relics for Our New Altar For Prayer and Veneration I n the base of our new altar there will be a reliquary—a container where relics of saints are kept. Relics are something kept and venerated because they once belonged to a saint—especially a part of his or her body. Into our reliquary will be placed relics of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, which we already had, along with newly-acquired relics of St. Francis and St. Clare, and St. Junipero Serra. These relics have been placed behind the gate leading to the Reconcilia on Room for individual prayer and venera on this week leading up to their placement into the altar during the dedica on liturgy. Summer Film Festival DVDs Available I 2 f you missed the “The Journey of Transforma on” Summer Film Fes val sponsored by our Adult Faith Forma on Commi ee—or would like to watch the films again, the DVDs are now available in the Parish Library for you to check out. YĔĚ’ėĊ IēěĎęĊĉNĊĝę WĊĊĐĊēĉ Alternative (to Commercialism) Christmas Faire Next Sunday, November 23 8:30am-2:00pm Brunsman Hall You are Invited P lease plan to do your Christmas shopping at the St. Francis 2014 Alterna ve Christmas Faire. Our vendors represent non-profits that work on behalf of our brothers and sisters in need. In giving to these charies, you will receive the perfect gi . You will experience the gra fica on of knowing that you helped someone in need and have the pleasure of giving your gi to a loved one in your life. to attend the Dedication of our New Altar at the Noon Mass with Bishop Soto Sunday, November "For it is in giving that we receive." —St. Francis of Assisi For more informa on, please call Gary and Mary Myrick (536-9753). 23, 2014 Young Adult Ministry presents… Incense Alert: Incense will be used at this Mass. A Midtown Bike Ride to Old Sac! NEXT SATURDAY, November 22 •1:30 - 4:00pm Join Our Christmas Tradition B 1:30 – 2:30pm: Eucharistic Adoration in the church Next Sunday November 23 after the 9:30am Mass in the School Cafeteria We will start with Eucharis c Adora on. If you happen to be unfamiliar with adora on or out of prac ce, not to worry! We will have educa onal and inspira onal material available. e a part of our parish tradi on as we proclaim and enact the Gospel Narra ve of Jesus’ birth during our 4:00pm Christmas Eve Family Mass. 2:30 – 4:00pm: Bike Ride We need children grades 4-8 to par cipate in a variety of ways: Meet us on the steps of our church. We will take a leisurely and nature-filled ride along the American River trail to Old Sac. We will stop at Old Sac’s Riverfront Walkway to snack, rehydrate and enjoy the views. • Why You Should Join Us As narrators for the Gospel and as “actors” to pantomime the parts of Mary, Joseph, shepherds and angels. Costumes are provided. Because we are fortunate to be able to play outside in the Fall! We need adults to par cipate as well: • Adults with experience in drama and/or oral interpreta on who would enjoy working with our children • Adults to help us coordinate our prac ces and the Christmas Eve enactment. What to bring Your bike (or rent one for cheap from City Bicycle Works down the street). Bring water and a small snack. Who to invite Schedule For young adults and their friends, family, kids, etc. Practices: Saturdays, December 6, 13, and 20 10:00am - Noon in the church Y ou are welcome to join us for adora on, the bike ride or both! Contact Patrice at youngadults@s for more informa on. Final Practice: Monday, December 22, 3:00 - 4:30pm in the church Christmas Eve: Arrive at the church at 2:30pm If you are interested in par cipa ng, please join us to sign up and find out more NEXT SUNDAY November 23, a er the 9:30am Mass in the school cafeteria. 3 YĔĚė FĎēĆēĈĎĆđ SĚĕĕĔėę MĆėĉĎ GėĆĘ GĆđĆ CĔĒĊ BĊ Ć PĆėę Ĕċ OĚė SĚĈĈĊĘĘ! Regular Giving (Offertory) (Includes direct deposit and online dona ons) November 2 MARDI GRAS GALA $16,086 Year-to-date (7/1/2014-10/29/2014) Last year $ Change % Change January 31, 2015 • 5:00 – 10:00pm Red Lyon Hotel Woodlake Conference Center $225,323 212,576 12,747 6.0% Y Designated Donations (Includes direct deposit and online dona ons) Building Fund (includes ONE Campaign 25% share) Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-10/29/2014) $32,842 Last year 21,786 $ Change 11,056 % Change 50.8% Step Ministry Dona ons to date (7/1/2014-10/29/2014) Last year $ Change % Change • Make a reservation. • Get your friends together and reserve a table. • Sponsor a table. • Contribute an auction or rafϐle item. • Make a donation. Help us to spread the word to make this the most successful Mardi Gras Gala ever! Come join the fun and be a part of suppor ng our Parish. Proceeds benefit our Step Ministry, our outreach program to our homeless brothers and sisters, as well as other parish programs. $13,229 13,073 156 1.2% Francis House (November 2014) ou can contribute to the ongoing success of this important fundraiser in several ways: $4,041 ONE Campaign October 2014 Update Goal: Pledged & One-Time GiŌs: % of Goal: # of giŌs: % parƟcipaƟon: Mardi Gras Gala Features $653,833.00 $463,223.00 70.8% 244 15% TICKETS $55 per person un l December 1 $60 per person a er December 1 RESERVED SEATING Reseraved sea ng for tables of 10 PėĆĞĊė RĊĖĚĊĘęĘ FUN Pray for Our Brothers and Sisters Delicious dinner, live music, DJ, dancing, raffle, silent and live auc on Who Are Ill or in Pain HOT AUCTION / RAFFLE ITEMS Ann Da Vigo • Takako Ganaha • Michele Dyke Vaca on homes, trips, fine wines, sports and recrea on ac vi es, cultural ac vi es, theatre ckets, and some big surprises! Who Have Been Called to Eternal Life Thelma True Duggan Mass Intentions for this Week Nov. 16 Sun. Nov.10 Mon. Nov.11 Tue. Nov.12 Wed. 7:30am 9:30am Noon 12:10pm 12:10pm 12:10pm FMU (Franciscan Missions) Pro Populo (for parishioners) James Edward Corne † Maria Del Refugio Brian O’Farrell Hilda V. Tonarely† For more informa on or to purchase your ckets: www. s click calendar then special events; or call Galen (443-8084 x 114). T o request that your loved one be added to our prayer request list, please contact Galen Unruh, Director of Outreach (443-8084 x114 or GalenU@s To request a Mass Inten on, please contact SJeanay Willis Bolden, Parish Secretary (443-8084 or SJeanayB@s 4 OĕĕĔėęĚēĎęĎĊĘ Our Parish Book of Remembrance Gospel Series N Cancelled this Sunday Returning Sunday, December 7 11:00am in the Parish Center ovember is the month when the Church honors our beloved dead. Every November at St. Francis we gather the names of those who have died during the past year and inscribe them in our Parish Book of Remembrance, placing it at the font. You are invited to add the names of loved ones who have died. Our Book of Remembrance will be displayed in the church throughout November. J oin us then for reflec on and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace and Jus ce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753). FėĆēĈĎĘĈĆēĘ ċĔė JĚĘęĎĈĊ.ĔėČ Requesting a Communion Visit Spanish cellist Pablo Casals said it well: 15 Communion Visita on Ministers have joined those who were already a part of this wonderful ministry. All are available to take Communion to those who are homebound, as well as to those who are hospitalized, or who are in a care facility. “Don’t be vain because you happen to have talent. You are not responsible for that; it was not of your doing. What you do with your talent is what ma ers.” And what’s the best thing to do with talent and ability? Use it. Use it generously - even extravagantly. And use it for good. To request a visit for you or a loved one, please email: sfcommunionvisita [email protected]. Please include your phone number in your email. Ques ons about this ministry? Contact Galen (galenu@s or 443-8084 x114). Erma Bombeck, a humorous journalist, wrote: “I always had a dream that when I am asked to give an accoun ng of my life to a higher court, it will go like this: ‘So, empty your pockets. What have you got le of your life? Any dreams that were unfulfilled? Any unused talent that we gave you when you were born that you s ll have le ? Any unsaid compliments or bits of love that you haven’t spread around? A New Option During Communion B “And I will answer, ‘I’ve nothing to return. I spent everything you gave me. I’m as naked as the day I was born.’” ishop Soto has approved Fr. Ken’s request, on a trial basis, to offer mustum at Communion me for those unable to consume alcohol. This will be a new prac ce in the Diocese of Sacramento. Mustum is grape juice that contains no addi ves, and in which the fermenta on process has been suspended. It is available from only two sources in the United States. What would you find if you emp ed your pockets today? Any unused talent? Is there anything inside that should be spent, shared or given away? When it comes to your me and resources are you living a life of extravagant generosity? —Steve Goodier, If you wish to receive the Blood of Christ in the form of mustum, please let Fr. Ken know. Because it is being offered on a trial basis, we need to keep count of how many people ask for this op on, and we also need to know so that we can prepare enough for all who wish to receive in this way. The Blessed Sacrament in the form of mustum will be offered in one cup next to the minister serving the low-gluten hosts at the foot of the pillar just inside the K St. transept. As with the minister offering the low-gluten hosts, this minister can be iden fied by a nametag, “Mustum.” WĊđĈĔĒĊ NĊĜ PĆėĎĘčĎĔēĊėĘ Vanessa Cuevas and Dennis Garcia Barbara Griffith Jacob and Emily Hunley and sons Dylan, Gabriel, and Eli Sue Schu nger It is also important for all Catholics to understand “that the Catholic faith teaches that Christ, whole and en re, and the true Sacrament, is received even under only one species” (General Instruc on of the Roman Missal 282; cf Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1390). Marriage Celebration Michel Ramirez & Luis Bravo November 8, 2014 5 OēČĔĎēČ: Ađđ AėĊ WĊđĈĔĒĊ MĔėĊ IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Sundays during the Liturgy of the Word at our 9:30am Mass, children K-4th grade are escorted from the church to the Parish Center Chapel by an adult catechist for CLOW. No registra on required. Parents may accompany their children. Healing of Grief and Loss December 6: 9:15am-3:00pm, Mercy Center Auburn. Facilitators: Sr. Margaret Ann Walsh, spiritual director and former chaplaincy director; and Barbara Freuler, member of the “Ministry to the Bereaved” at St. Teresa Parish, Auburn. This day offers prac cal tools for dealing with grief, which include prayer, instruc on,reflec on, and sharing—and concludes with a meaningful and comfor ng ritual. Our commitment is to help you on the path to recovery with an open heart filled with loving remembrance, ready to embrace life. This day has brought healing to numerous people. To register: Church Tours 4th Sundays a er Noon Mass. Contemplative Prayer Mondays, 6:00pm in the Parish Center Chapel. Tuesdays a er 12:10pm Mass in St. Clare Chapel. Gospel Series Sundays, 11:00-11:45am in the Parish Center. Reflec on and medita on on the gospel. Sponsored by the Peace & Jusce Commi ee. More info: Mary Myrick (536-9753). Note: the next gathering will be on Sunday, December 7. Men's Weekend Retreat December 5-7: Sign up now for a wonderful weekend of peace and quiet to enrich your spiritual life. You'll enjoy 2 1/2 days of rest, tasty meals and 4 insigh ul conferences to help you draw closer to God, your family and to yourself! Join us at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center. Register online at h p://chris or call Carol Forrest at 725-4720 x314. Healing Prayer Healing Prayer ministers are available to pray for you or your loved ones through God’s goodness and grace in simple prayer. Email your prayer pe ons to healingprayer@s, or call the parish office (443-8084). Sacramento Master Singers at St. Francis "A Cel c Christmas" at St. Francis of Assisi Church: Saturday, December 13, at 8:00pm; Thursday, December 18, at 7:00pm; Sunday, December 21, at 7:00pm; and Tuesday, December 23, at 7:00pm. “Jingle All the Way!” (45-minute children's Christmas program): Sunday, December 21, at 3:00pm. Tickets available at or 788-7464. High School Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry meets the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month from 6:00-8:00pm in the Parish Center. Light dinner provided. Don’t forget to bring a friend! Hospitality Sundays a er 9:30am Mass join us for coffee and donuts in Brunsman Hall. Law Enforcement Chaplaincy Sacramento This volunteer program in partnership with law enforcement agencies throughout Sacramento County needs volunteers. When tragedy strikes, like suicides, heart a acks in the home, or fatal accidents, volunteers offer the on-scene prac cal and emo onal support that public safety officials can’t. If you or someone you know might be called to this uniquely fulfilling ministry, visit for our next orienta on for prospec ve volunteers. Library Hours Thursdays, Noon-2:00pm and 1st and 3rd Sundays, 8:30-11:30am in the Parish Center. Nursery Program Sundays: Child care (staffed by an adult and teen helpers) for children ages 1-3 during 9:30 am Mass in the room opposite the cafeteria on the first floor of our school on the Sundays when Faith Forma on classes are in session. Registra on is on-site. WĊĊĐđĞ RĊĆĉĎēČĘ Prayer Service Mondays: Led by our school children at 8:10am in the church (when school is in session). All are welcome! Sunday: Taizé Prayer Wednesdays: 6:00-7:00pm, in the church. T’ai Chi Chih Saturdays: 9:05am in St. Clare Chapel or, weather permi ng, in the park across from the church. Wednesdays, 6:00pm in the church (during Taizé Prayer). Thomas Merton Circle Meets bi-monthly. Refreshments provided. More info: John (482-6976). 6 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Monday: Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Tuesday: Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedica on) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 PĆėĎĘč IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē St. Francis Parish Center Ofϐices: 1066 26th Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.443.8084 Fax: 916.443.7356 • Website: • Ofϐice Hours: MON-FRI, 9AM-5PM St. Francis Elementary School: 2500 K Street, Sacramento, CA 95816 • Phone: 916.442.5494 Website: • Ofϐice Hours: MON–THUR, 8AM–4PM and FRI, 8AM-2PM (during the School Year) Pastor Associate Pastor Principal Pastoral Associate Director of Liturgy Director of Faith Formation Director of Outreach Administrative Associate Plant Manager Ofϐice Assistant Parish Secretary Bookkeeper Communion Visitation Ministry Coordinator Infant Baptism Coordinator Library Coordinator Membership Coordinator Parish Council Chair Wedding Coordinator Young Adults Ministry Coordinator Youth Ministry Coordinator In Residence at the Friary: Ken Laverone OFM Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Ivan Hrga Peggy Chambers, OMC Deborah Jones Skip Bacon Galen Unruh Fran Anderson Joe Prassa Pamela Caballero SJeanay Willis Bolden Jacquie Embs Peggy Briggs Carol Spinella Pat Pavone Christelle Cobian Michelle Hernandez-Flores Mary Brown Patrice Clemons Traci Bean Kjlofm@s x115 Sebas anS@s x111 Principal@s 916-442-5494 PeggyC@s x103 DeborahJ@s x110 SkipB@s x112 GalenU@s x114 [email protected] x102 JoeP@s x107 PamelaC@s x105 SJeanayB@s JEmbs@s x104 SFCommunionVisita [email protected] InfantBap sm@s x302 Library@s Membership@s x101 ParishCouncil@s Wedding@s x113 YoungAdults@s [email protected] Ray Bucher, OFM • Ken Laverone, OFM • Sebas an Sandoval, OFM Mark Schroeder, OFM • John Summers, OFM RĊČĎĘęĊė ĆĘ Ć MĊĒćĊė Ĕċ OĚė PĆėĎĘč • UĕĉĆęĊ CĔēęĆĈę IēċĔėĒĆęĎĔē NĆĒĊ 1: NĆĒĊ 2: (Last Name, First Name) (Last Name, First Name) AĉĉėĊĘĘ: (Street Address) HĔĒĊ PčĔēĊ: ( CĊđđ PčĔēĊ: ( (City, State) WĔėĐ PčĔēĊ: ( ) [ ] 7:30 ) E-MĆĎđ: ) MĆĘĘ ĞĔĚ ĆęęĊēĉ: [ ] 5:15 (Zip Code) CčĎđĉėĊē’Ę NĆĒĊĘ [ ] 9:30 M/F DĆęĊ Ĕċ BĎėęč [ ] Noon PđĊĆĘĊ place this form in the collec on basket or • Mail it: 1066 26th St., Sacramento CA 95816 • Fax it: 916-443-7356 or • Register online: www.s Please use this form to let us know if your informa on has changed. Thanks! GėĆĉĊ G ILBERT CPA. COM HARRY A. NAUMAN & SON L AN D PARK F U N E RAL C HAPE L Income Tax: Personal, Business, Estates & Trusts 452-6157 Thomas M. Gilbert, MBA, CPA Edward E. Straine, CPA 4041 FREEPORT BLVD., SACRAMENTO Pre-Need Arrangement Plans Available Lic. #FD366 Tel: 916.646.6464 LOWER YOUR MORTGAGE PAYMENT TODAY! 916-453-7533 CALL NOW! BRE# 01399278 NMLS# 5097 Kristy Dwyer 916-761-8585 • $100 OFF Services UPTON AIR INC. Laura Jensen Siddique Air Conditioning • Heating Financial and Insurance Services CA Ins. 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PUCCI’S PHARMACY McDONALD PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING • SACRAMENTO’S MIDTOWN PRESCRIPTION CENTER • 2821 J STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 95816 • Residential • Commercial • Service • Installation 266-7875 License #387145 Serving Sacramento Area Since 1957 THOMAS S. NELSON Owner - Pharmacist (916) 442-5891 FAX (916) 442-4432 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP Mexican Food ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH After Church Enjoy our Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB Open 7 Days a Week TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 2416 K Street Sacramento *First Three Months (916) 443-6919 Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise. Prices begin at $1045 per couple which includes all port fees and taxes. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 238350 St Francis of Assisi Church an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805
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