i RepubIic,of,the.Fhilippines D R*,h HM lj l) EPARTNI EN]. O F.: E DUCI\TI OIU Region,X! t:(:.tT I o I DIVISION OS DAVAO DEL NORTE Mankitam, Tagum City o|4-5b.14 Te!. # {082} 217-3197 Fax'No. (084} 2tB-7267 )fr iV{emsrandwn To ALX- DISTRECT SUPERYISORS Frorn SR. JO(EPHINE L. FADU]Soheotr s Division SnFerinten O-"7 Date liovenrber 8,2414 Caliability firiilding Training Wor"kshop & lmrnersion of The Divisictr: ALS impiementem Sub,ject 1. 2_ There wiltr be a Capability Euik{iqg Tiainiag Workshop & Xmnrersion of t}ie tivi.sion A't S imptrementprs on Decernber 4-6, 2fi,\4 te tre held at Region Vtt- Dep€d particulaily at Carmen ,Panglac and l-obos Districts ofBohol Division. Tlie objectives of this activity ar€ thn,fbllowing . o o : To pr:ovide ar a\{exirre ts srw fecilitatcrs to gather data and replieate hest practices frona the otlrer inaplementers; To provide autirentic iedividual perforr,:ance assessrfieqt ard planning adi*stment scherne towards the irnprovemenl otr the iraplementation of Alot.Alam Program in AI-S; To rlevelop'the skills and linowledge of the pa*ioipants'in tlre implen:entation of ' the pr.ograr4 in addressing the leaming aeeds of our potential learners rnaking our OSYs a functional literate and a prncluctive members of a certain comm*nity. : 3. The following are the patticipa*ts : e Ten (10) District,4IS Coordinators . u Thirteen (13) AI-S Mobile Tleaehers . fwo(2) ALS {nstructionalManagel's / Literaey Volunteers c One {1) EP,S/ Division A[,S Coordinator. A ..1., in Alioi-Alarn Frogtam Expected output from tlre padicipants are,the,following : o Aotion.Flan on the Distriot Echo Seminar. c Action PIan on the OSYs Mappiiig / Advocacy and on the Implen:entation Abot-Aian: Frogrurn. 5. .Below is the ftinerary / Schedule of Activities: of 5" .1S the ltinerary Belorry.is Days Dav / Scheeiuie of Acitiviti es: Activity/ ies Travei tirne io Cebu City Courtesy Cail to Eegi*n VII Cfiice tr 2:00 Iam - Cebu Ciff late*'i*rv t* the i*-Cliarge of ALS in ihe Regica *sing the ternplate pr*vided. Travel Tirne to Tagbilaran City Division Day t 8:00 am Caurteqr Csli ta the DivisiCIa *tEce -Bohcl lnterro.ievr provi,Jed. to the Tn-Charge of ALS using the tempiate Field Yisit/ Bs$ciffiarkifigi lmmersian activiqt' on the conduct erf the mapping far ihe *SYs and advocacy campaigrt *n Alrot-Aie.rn Frcgram at Carmen and Loboc Districts. Day 3 Capabiii{, - Euiiding Seminar af ALS impieinenters an Abot-Alam Programs @ Dumaluan Beach Res*rf ! , Panglao, B*iT*l Day4(Dec.5,2014) Travel iinre { Homeward bound} ' 6. T'raining fee such as ass*rrlmadatiqn *nd fsocis af &e participants aatounting tc , PI,625.00 each are chargeabie against Provincial Schml Board. {PSB) Fund- SEF f-or ALS Training CY 2014 rvhitre travel ailtrwarce is chargeable to any local / personal fu*d subject tc the ussa] and prsFer accoruiting and auditi*g procedures. ?- V/idest and immediate dissernination sf this Meinorandum is earnestiy desir-ed.
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