BYD EBUS Jens Beune – Product Manager BYD - Bakgrund Fordon BYD (Build Your Dreams) startades som en batteri tillverkare 1995. Idag är vi en världsledande leverantör Gröna energilösningar av gröna teknologier och specialiserad inom; IT lösningar Varför elbussar? • CO2 Utsläpp: 20% av CO2 (koldioxid) utsläpp kommer från vägtransporter i Europa. • Luftföroreningar: 40% av NOx (kväveoxid) kommer från vägtransporter i Europa. • Global Olje kris: 40% av världens oljetillgång används till fordon. Elbussar – Tysta och utan utsläpp Kina - är världsledande på elbussar Försäljningar BYD Kina 200 st. 700 st. 2500 st. 5000 st. 2012 2013 2014 2015 Shenzhen Projekt Start 2011 Status: 660 BYD elbussar 55 miljoner km totalt 230.000 km/bus BYD EBUS 7m 12m 8.5m 10.8-meter 12m Airport bus Double-decker 18m articulated BYD EBUS-12 Används i mer än 40 europeiska städer Typ: Räckvidd: 12 meter bussar >250 km Köpenhamn, Danmark Pecs, Ungern Litiumjärnfosfat batteri (LiFePO4); - Bäst cyklisk kapacitet Säkert Miljövänligt Barcelona, Spanien Salzburg, Österrike Varför elbussar i Europa? vs. Den Total Ägandekostnad blir lägre trots att inköpspriset kan bli 75% dyrare Fördelar med elbussar: - Inga utsläpp - Tyst och komfortabel - Lägre total ägandekostnad Total Ägandekostnad Antaganden: Varaktighet: Miltal: Restvärde: TCO 10 år 70.000 km/år 8% Aktuella pris 2015 för el & diesel Nollpunkt: 5,7 år år BYD ebus i Europa April, 2013 Juli, 2013 Augusti, 2013 Oktober, 2013 Schiermonnikoog, Nederländerna Amsterdams flygplats, Schiphol Tel Aviv, Israel Milano, Italien Europas första offentliga upphandling genom anbudförfarande för 12 m långa BYD elbussar Schiphol kontrakt: 35 st BYD elbussar för persontransport på flygplatsen. BYD elbussar kör på Linje 5 i Tel Aviv. 2 st BYD elbussar har levererats till buss operatören ATM. BYD ebus i Europa November, 2013 November, 2013 December, 2013 November, 2014 Köpenhamn, Danmark Barcelona, Spanien London, Storbritannien Warszawa, Polen BYD har ett två års kontrakt med två stora bussoperatörer i stan – City Traffic och Arriva. BYD har levererat elbussar till bussoperatören TMB 2 st. BYD elbussar har levererats till bussoperatören Go-Ahead 4 st. BYD elbussar har levererats till en bussoperatör i Warszawa Tack för er uppmärksamhet! Jens Beune BYD Europe B.V. Mobile: +31 6 22 450 978 Tel: +31 10 207 08 88 Email: [email protected] FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Mar 4th 2015 Contacts in China: Ivy Cai [email protected] tel: +86-755-8988-8888-69666 In US: Micheal Austin, BYD [email protected] tel: 1(800) BYD-AUTO In Europe: Penny Peng, BYD [email protected] tel: +31-102070888 BYD’s ebus break through into Scandinavian market BYD, the “mould-breaking” innovator of pure electric buses, is pleased to announce that it has won a pioneering order for two 12m BYD ebuses targeted for the Swedish city of Eskilstuna, about 100km from Stockholm. This is the first order for BYD vehicles originated from the important – and highly environmentally conscious – Scandinavian region. The two BYD ebuses will enter into service in November 2015 and be operated by Transdev(formerly Veolia Transport). The ebuses are expected to meet the demanding conditions imposed by the Swedish Bus 2014 regulations and, of course, will be adapted to operate in the harsh climatic conditions encountered in that parts of Sweden in winter. BYD ebuses have been trialed in more than 42 European cities and have demonstrated not only their zero emissions advantages but also their ability to dramatically reduce operating costs due to the lower cost of electricity versus environmentally polluting diesel fuel. The buses in Eskilstuna will have a range of at least 250km in typical urban operating conditions and this range was repeatedly replicated as well as exceeded during the European trial programme. Johnny Struwe, Fleet Manager from Transdev said: "when we knew we needed to supply all electric buses for this new project driven by the PTA we have evaluated all alternatives and finally concluded that BYD offered the best combination of performance, proven pure electric technology and service support. We are looking forward to having these pioneering vehicles entering service". Isbrand Ho, Managing Director of BYD Europe, said: “This is a highly significant order for the BYD ebus since the Swedish bus market is known to be one of the most technically and climatically challenging in the world. Our advanced ebus model – itself significantly enhanced from the original vehicles already assessed by European operators – reflects the progress we have made in improving the energy saving capacity of our world BYD COMPANY LIMITED No.3009, BYD Road, Pingshan, Longgang, Shenzhen, 518118, P.R.China Office: +86-755-8988 8888-69666 | Fax: +86-755-8964 8800 leading batteries. We are confident that this will be just the first in a series of orders from the Scandinavian operators keen to save both the environment and their operating costs”. About BYD BYD Company Ltd. is one of China’s largest companies to have successfully expanded globally. Specializing in battery technologies, their green mission to “solve the whole problem” has made them industry pioneers and leaders in several High-tech sectors including High-efficiency Automobiles, Electrified Public Transportation, Environmentally-Friendly Energy Storage, Affordable Solar Power and Information Technology and Original Design Manufacturing (ODM) services. As the world’s largest manufacturer of rechargeable batteries, their mission to create safer and more environmentally friendly battery technologies has led to the development of the BYD Iron Phosphate (or "Fe") Battery. This fire-safe, completely recyclable and incredibly long-cycle technology has become the core of their clean energy platform that has expanded into automobiles, buses, trucks, utility vehicles and energy storage facilities. BYD and all of their shareholders, including the great American Investor Warren Buffett, see these environmentally and economically forward products as the way of the future. BYD has made a strong entrance to the North, Central and South American markets with their battery electric buses, and lineup of automobiles. Their mission lies not just in sales growth, but also in sociological integration and local job creation as they have poured incredible investments into developing offices, dealerships and manufacturing facilities in the local communities they now call home, truly a first for Chinese companies. For more information, please visit or BYD COMPANY LIMITED No.3009, BYD Road, Pingshan, Longgang, Shenzhen, 518118, P.R.China Office: +86-755-8988 8888-69666 | Fax: +86-755-8964 8800
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