BEMBRIDGE CE PRIMARY SCHOOL Walls Road, Bembridge, – Fax 873976

Learning to love God, one another and
Walls Road, Bembridge,
Isle of Wight. PO35 5RH
Tel. 872668 – Fax 873976
16 October 2014
Dear Parents
Scooters and Bikes
It is with great sadness I have to report the theft of items from our bike and scooter rack. A
scooter that went missing was luckily found in the village but a flashing light that was taken
off a bike has yet to be recovered. This is the first time anything like this has happened at
school and I urge any parents to contact both us and the police if scooters etc go missing. I
do not believe the culprit was anyone from our school so would ask you to keep an eye on
our rack and cycle shed when collecting and dropping off.
As you know, our racks are at the front of the school and we cannot watch them all day, so
we cannot take any responsibility for bikes, scooters or skateboards left during the day. Can
I suggest parents find a way to permanently name all items, including detachable items like
lights and bells.
Thank you for your co-operation.
Half Term
Monday 27th-Friday 31st October
Shoebox Appeal
Today the children had an assembly from a rotary member about the annual shoebox
appeal, where we all have an opportunity to fill a shoebox with gifts for a disadvantaged child
in Moldova, Albania, Montenegro or the Philippines for Christmas. Leaflets came home a
week or so ago giving instructions on how to make up your shoebox and details of items to
include and not to include. I find this makes a lovely half term project with children. Extra
leaflets are available from the office.
If you wish to support this wonderful Christmas appeal, please return boxes to the school
and remember to attach a £1 to the top of the box as a donation towards transportation and
administration costs. Shoeboxes are being collected on Monday 3rd November, the first day
after half term so you may either return them first thing on the 3rd or we can collect them in
any time from 22nd October.
Many thanks
As your school dinner providers Chartwells are keen to get feedback from families. Your
child will be bringing home a questionnaire today, please complete this and return to the
school office and we will pass it on to our kitchen, or alternatively use the following link to
complete the questionnaire on-line
Bight the Wight
Chartwells will be having a different menu on Friday 24 October. Bite the Wight is raising
money for the Isle of Wight Youth Trust and 5p per meal sold will be donated.
The menu is as follows: Crispy Battered Fish and Chips or Macaroni Cheese, Peas & Baked
Beans. Carrot Cake with Citrus Frosting.
Friends Of Bembridge Primary School
School Disco
Everyone that would like to come to the Disco should have their tickets, if you would like to
come but still haven't purchased a ticket, it's not too late just come and see me Penny
(Gracie, George and Mollie’s Mum 07790657703).
On the day of the Disco please enter through the main entrance and you will need to sign
your child in and out. As the evenings are getting darker we will need ALL children to be
collected by an adult regardless of age, they will not be allowed to walk home by
Reception children will be able to change into their party clothes in their classroom and then
they will need to be brought round to the main entrance. We are unable to allow siblings to
the Disco due to health and safety, If you can help on the night for any of the discos please
let me know.
Christmas Cards and Mugs
Your children will be bringing home next week details of how they can design their own
Christmas Cards and Mugs. This is a great opportunity for you to buy you Christmas Cards
for family and friends while also raising money for Friends. Look out for details in their school
bags next week.
Phil the Bag
Is back... If you are having a clear out to make room for Christmas please keep hold of any
unwanted clothes, shoes, bags, bedding, towels etc and a bag will be coming soon.
Quiz Night
Keep the evening of the 28th November free, it's always a good turn out and lots of fun,
details to follow after half term.
Community News
Half Term Activities in Museums
There is a poster on display outside the office giving details of activities taking place and
Newport Roman Villa and The Museum of Island History.
Yours sincerely,
We are regularly asked to distribute information or fliers to parents with information on a range of activities for
children and parents and give these out in good faith for information purposes. Please note they are not
personally recommended by the school and it is the responsibility of parents to decide which activities to take up.