For your Information Can you help? FAMILY AREA. A family area with toys and a screen is in the Lady Chapel for the first and third Sundays, this will replace the crèche in the Bantoft Vestry. Parents to supervise their children. FLOWER ROTA. If you are able to volunteer to do the Altar flowers please contact Ann Boxall 728618. November th 9 Ann Boxall th 16 Wendy Scarpe rd 23 Annie Wright th 30 Helen Schmuecker Silver (November) Annie and Tony Wright ************** MAGAZINE DELIVERY – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to deliver bimonthly Magazine starting with the December/January issue which is delivered late November. The rounds are: Nacton Road (347 to end – odds) 106 Hilton and Cody Road 78 Winfrith Road and Rye Close 37 If you are able to help please contact Liz Mears at the Parish Office 723960. ************* CHRISTMAS SHOE BOXES. Can you please bring your filled boxes to the Parish Office th by Wednesday 12 November. Thank you. **************** COME & GET TOGETHER. There will be no Get Together on th 9 November (today) as it is Remembrance Sunday. Come Together will meet as normal. ************** LADIES, CAN YOU SING THE TOP LINE? We URGENTLY need at least 3 - 4 ladies who can sing the top line in our choir, to help us with our Remembrance, Advent and Christmas services. This is an important part of our worship, and we really need your help. Please contact Keith Salmon if you can help us. ************** LEPROSY MISSION. St Augustine’s has been invited to direct our support for the Leprosy Mission to a specific project. We have selected the Premananda Memorial Leprosy Hospital in Kolkata, India. More details in a forthcoming issue of The Beacon. If you have a collecting box to empty or would like to have one please speak to Anita or Keith Nolde. Also the latest trading catalogue is now available at the back of church with cards and gifts for Christmas. Keith and Anita Nolde ************** LARGE CHRISTMAS CARD. We will be having a large Christmas card this year for all to sign with donations going to a charity that our Church supports (yet to be decided). *************** CONGRATULATIONS to Keith and Margaret Robins who celebrated their nd Ruby Wedding last Sunday, 2 November. Welcome to ‘Know Jesus, show his love, make him known’ ************** IPSWICH NIGHT SHELTER. Are you able to volunteer to help Ipswich Night Shelter particularly on a Monday night through to Tuesday morning at the Salvation Army in Bramford Road, start date to be confirmed. For further information please speak to Trevor. ************** REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY 9th November, 2014 Contact Information and office details Rev Trevor Golding 721523 E-mail: [email protected] PARISH OFFICE is open: Tuesday to Friday: 9.30 am to 11.30 am 723960 or E-mail: [email protected] PASTORAL CO-ORDINATOR. Annette Don-Michael can be contacted on 274065 if you need or are aware of anyone that may need a visit etc. WEDDING AND BAPTISM ENQUIRIES. If you would like to enquire about a wedding or baptism at St Augustine's please contact the church office to book an appointment. Appointments are normally on a Tuesday evening. Web Site: Registered Charity Number: 1131319 Vicar: Revd Trevor Golding Assistant Clergy Revd Ian Daniels (SSM) Revd Jennifer Ragan (PTO) Please ask if you need a large text copy Notices Today 8.00 am Holy Communion 1662 C.W. (Page 229) Bible: Ephesians 2 verses 11 - 18 (Page 241) Matthew 5 Verses 1 - 12 (Page 7) ************** All who are regular communicants in their own Christian tradition are welcome to receive the sacrament. If you are not a communicant do please come forward at that point in the service to receive a blessing, keeping your hands below the rail. Non-alcoholic wine and gluten free wafers are also available; please let the Server know if you need either of these. ************** 9.30 am Come Together in Church Hall No Get Together today *************** 10.30 am Remembrance Parade Service Service details on screen and booklet The Disasters Emergency Committee are urgently appealing for funds to help member agencies intensify their efforts to stop the explosive spread of Ebola in West Africa and to support those affected. There will be a special collection plate at the back of Church for the next two weeks. Thank you. *************** This week at St. Augustine’s th Tuesday 11 November th Wednesday 12 November 9.30 am -11.30 am Happy Hippos meet in Church Hall 1.00 pm – 3.00 pm Happy Hippos meet in Church Hall 2.00 pm Mothers’ Union meet in Bantoft Vestry 7.30 pm Alpha in Bantoft Vestry th Refreshments are available in the Church Hall Prayer is available at the Communion rail. *************** 6.30 pm Evening Prayer (C.W. Page 72) Bible: Judges 7 Verses 2 - 22 (Page 241) John 15 Verses 9 – 17 (Page 138) Psalm: 82 (Page 690) Nunc Dimittis (Page 77) Hymns (M.P.): 478, 37, 746 & 207 *************** Today’s Additional Collect God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen *************** Please ensure that mobile phones are switched off during the services. The new pattern for services on the third Sunday is as follows; Morning Prayer at 9.00 am. As at present, coffee will be available between the two services. Praise Together will be at 10.30 am There will be no 8.00 am service on the third Sunday, but the 6.30 pm evening service will be Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing COFFEE HELP NEEDED ON THIRD SUNDAY Help is required to wash up after coffee on the 3rd Sunday to allow those serving coffee to go into the Praise Together Service. Please speak to Julie Cook if you can assist. 9.00 am ‘Open the Book’ at Murrayfield School Thursday 13 November After the Service: Magnificat (Page 76) SERVICE TIMES ON THE THIRD SUNDAY. 7.00 am Prayer Breakfast in the Church Hall 10.00 am Holy Communion in the Lady Chapel 10.00 – 11.00 am Music & Rhyme meet in Church Hall th Sunday 16 November Second Sunday before Advent 9.00 am Morning Prayer 10.30 am Praise Together 6.30 pm Holy Communion with Prayer for Healing ************** PLEASE PRAY FOR THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: *************** Dates for your diary DIOCESAN CENTENARY CELEBRATION SERVICE on 23rd November 3:30pm in the Cathedral. Tickets are free and on a first come basis from the Cathedral office *************** th th CHRISTMAS TREE FESTIVAL 6 – 13 DECEMBER. Offers of help guidance sheets. Please take one from the back of Church to see how you can help. Rotas and offers of Help are available for signing on the table in front of the Font. We need lots of help to make this a successful celebration of ‘Christmas Memories’. Any profit made will be given to Ipswich Night Shelter and FIND. Ann Boxall *************** Those who are unwell: Eve Mills, Hugh Pocock, Doug Mulley, Euan Morley, Peter Prior. The bereaved families and friends of: Robert Sadd, June Ford, Raymond Orriss, Teddy Akrofi, Joan Poulson. ************** PRAYER BREAKFAST THIS THURSDAY. On the second and fourth Thursdays in the month, in the Church Hall, there will be early Morning Prayer, lasting approximately 45 minutes, followed by breakfast. You are welcome to come and go as time allows. ************** IT’S A MIRACLE. Sue Wilcox, a Christian song writer, has recently recorded a cd of ‘It’s a Miracle’ which she is selling copies in aid of Church funds. Please contact Sue directly, 725581, if you wish to purchase a copy. *************** th We meet again on Wednesday 12 November at 2.00 pm in the Bantoft Vestry when there will be a talk on ‘The Fun of Running a B&B’ by Mrs Christine Griffiths. All welcome. ************** th LADIES’ GROUP meet again on Tuesday 18 November at 8.00 pm in the Church Hall when there will be a talk on ‘Expedition to Iran in 1974’ by Ray Condon. All welcome. ************** COFFEE MORNING including a Bring & Buy and Cake stall at 5 Lewes Close, Ipswich on Saturday 22nd November from 10.00 am to 12 noon. All proceeds raised will be used for activities for people with mental health issues in the Manchester area to take a group of young people away for a holiday as they have done for the past two years. Rosemary Ward
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