a dynamic
egalitarian Jewish
founded upon the three traditional pillars of
Judaism (Torah, Avodah, and Gemilut
Chasadim). We provide a wide range of opportunities for Jewish learning and growth, prayer
and observance, acts of social responsibility, and
deeds of kindness and caring.
Sun: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Mon-Thurs: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM
Fri: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM
Shabbat & Holidays—CLOSED
Sun: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
[email protected]
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Riverdale Repertory Company: "How To Succeed In Business Without
Really Trying," Riverdale Y, November 15, 8:00 PM; November 16, 3:00 PM.
Cast includes CSAIR members Gene Berger, Sheryl Berger, Deborah Lupkin
Gross, Philip Meranus and Sam Yaggy. Tiickets: RiverdaleY.org
Schechter Westchester Kindergarten Open House for 3-4 year olds
and their parents. Sunday, November 16, 10:00 AM. Tour the school’s 23acre campus. Brunch and giveaways for all!30 Dellwood Road, White Plains,
New York. RSVP to [email protected]. Contact
Diana Schutt, (914) 948-3111 ext. 4370.
Tri-State Area Regional Jewish Day School, Yeshiva and Camp
Fair: Sunday, November 16, 10:00 AM-12:00 PM. Featuring over 60
schools, camps and Israel programs. Beth El Synagogue Center in New
Rochelle, NY. Enter to win a $1,000 scholarship to any of the participating
schools, camps and Israel programs. More information: www.Jewish
Fair.org or [email protected]. Free and open to all.
CSAIR member Sarah Stern's new poetry book, But Today is Different,
has just been released by Wipf and Stock publishers. All are welcome to a
book party on Wednesday, November 19, at 6:00 PM at Poets House, 10
River Terrace, New York, NY 10282.
Camp Ramah in the Berkshires 2014 Annual Fund Dinner: Sunday,
December 7, 4:30 PM, at the Park Avenue Synagogue, New York, NY.
Honoring Vivian Fried and Lee Podair, Drs. Ellen and Jay Steinberg and Alumni Leadership Award Recipients Mark Damsky and Ilana Kustanowitz. Information: www.ramahberkshires.org/dinner, 201-871-7262, or
[email protected].
Interfaith Thanksgiving Service: Join neighbors from other faith
traditions for a celebration of gratitude and community on Tuesday,
November 25th at the Riverdale Presbyterian Church at 7:00 PM.
Participation by Rabbi Katz and other local clergy. Performance by Riverdale
Choral Society. Please bring a donation of non-perishable food for the
KRMH Food Bank.
Lung Cancer Screening: The NYU Langone Medical Center Lung
Screening Program offers lung cancer screening for individuals at risk. The
single most important risk factor for lung cancer is cigarette smoking. The
longer you have been smoking, the greater the risk. Call 1-855-698-5864 for
more information.
SAR Information Sessions: Thursday, December 4 or Tuesday,
December 9, 9:30-10:45 AM. SAR Academy opens each child's heart and
mind to a life-long love of Torah and Medinat Yisrael. Register:
www.saracademy.org/informationsession. More information: 718.548.1717
x1206. SAR is located at 655 West 254th St., Riverdale.
Make A Minyan, Make A Difference!
Minyan Times-Mornings: M-F 7:00 AM,
Sundays 9:00 AM Legal Holidays 9:00 AM (New Year’s Day, Presidents Day,
Memorial Day, July 4, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and December 25),
Evenings: Sun.-Thurs. 7:30 PM
Enlightening the mind through study. Nourishing the soul through prayer. Creating a caring community.
Kiddush sponsored by Daniel Taub and Sharon Kern-Taub
in honor of Matthew’s bar mitzvah.
Friday, November 14, 2014 (21 Cheshvan)
Minha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv, 4:21 PM
Afternoon/Shabbat Evening services.
Taub Room-Downstairs
Saturday, November 15, 2014 (22 Cheshvan)
Shaharit, 9:00 AM
Morning service.
Torah reading begins on page 127 in the Etz Hayim.
Bar Mitzvah of Matthew Taub, son of Daniel Taub and
Sharon Kern-Taub.
Havurah, 9:15 AM
Lay-led minyan committed to spirited prayer in an
intimate atmosphere.
Taub Room-Downstairs
Innovative and exciting Shabbat experience for
children ages 0-7 and their families.
Supervised Play, 10:00-10:45 AM
Hebrew School Wing-Upstairs
Minha/Maariv, 4:21 PM
Afternoon/Evening Services.
Beit Midrash-Downstairs
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Sisterhood Bazaar, 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Come browse the new and nearly-new household
items, toys, books, clothes and more! Shop through
lunch - hot dogs, soda, coffee and cake will be on sale.
Social Hall-Upstairs
Zemirot-Songs for the Shabbat Table
will NOT meet this week.
Join Cantor Elizabeth Stevens on Sunday, December 7
for the next session.
Note: The Holy Grounds will be closed today.
Monday, November 17, 2014
Parsha Mondays, Following 7:30 PM Minyan
Speaker: Dr. Yoni Schwab. Listen to a thoughtful 5-10
minute teaching about the Torah reading for the
coming weekend. Organized by Charlie Pripas.
Through the Door of Life:
A Jewish Journey between Genders, 7:45 PM
Talk by Joy Ladin. Ladin's return to Yeshiva University
Tefillat Yeladim (grades K-2), 10:45-11:45 AM as a woman after receiving tenure as a man made her
Board Room-Downstairs
the first openly transgender employee of an Orthodox
Jewish institution. Her memoir, Through the Door of
Club 613, 10:45 AM
Life: A Jewish Journey Between Genders, was a finalist for
Short Torah service for ages 8-10, followed by
a 2012 National Jewish Book Award.
“chugim” such as game shows, drama, and more.
Beit Midrash-Downstairs
Shabbat Shelanu (ages 0-5), 10:45-11:45 AM
Hebrew School Wing-Upstairs
475 West 250 Street, Bronx, NY 10471
Web: www.csair.org Email: [email protected]
Tel: 718-543-8400 Fax: 718-543-3110
Daveners: November 14-15: Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv-Cantor Stevens. Psukei D’zimra-Margaret Danishefsky.
Shaharit–Cantor Stevens. Haftarah-Matthew Taub. Ashrei-TBD. Musaf-Cantor Stevens.
Torah Reader: Larry Lebowitz, Cantor Stevens, Jerry Ostow, Cantor Leslie Friedlander, Sharon Kern-Taub,
Matthew Taub. Minha Torah Reader: Cantor Stevens.
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
70 Faces of Torah, 10:30 AM
Each week we will look at the Torah reading for the
coming weekend. Free to CSAIR members. Nominal fee
for others. Sponsored by Sisterhood. Taught by CSAIR
Rabbi Barry Dov Katz (October-December 2014) and
guest scholars (January-May 2015).
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Doing a Drash: Short Sermon Writing 101,
7:45 PM
Learn the skill of asking questions about the Torah,
finding answers, and the basics of structuring and
delivering a short sermon. Taught by Rabbi Barry Dov
Katz. Next sessions: Wednesdays, December 3 and 17.
Sephardic Cooking - Festive Food Treasures,
7:00 PM
Stuffed Vegetables will be the focus of this class. Taught
by Judy Matthews. Accepting names for a waitlist. Call
the office to register.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Thursday Experience, 3:45 PM
This new pilot program is an innovative Jewish
education and enrichment after school experience that
offers meaningful opportunities to develop skills in areas
such as dance, visual art, physical fitness and modern
Hebrew language. For all 2nd–5th graders, public,
private and day school students. For more information:
www.csair.org or email [email protected].
Biblical Temptresses: Sacred or Scandalous?,
7:45 PM
There are stories in the Bible that tell of women
seducing men - sometimes the outcome is positive, and
sometimes disastrous. Through close readings and
modern scholarship, we will see what determines
whether seduction is sacred or scandalous. Taught by
Dr. Diane Sharon, Skirball Center for Adult Jewish
Learning. Next dates: Thursdays, December 4 and 11.
Friday, November 21, 2014
Lechu Neranena, 5:45 PM
An intimate, spirited Kabbalat Shabbat service. Come
ready to sing and welcome Shabbat, then stay for a
catered Shabbat dinner. Pre-paid reservations required
for dinner. Go to: www.csair.org. This will be the
only service this evening.
Taub Room-Downstairs
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Shaharit, 9:00 AM
Morning service.
Contemplative Service, 9:00 AM
A contemplative Shabbat morning service that includes
all rubrics, but minimal traditional liturgy. Poetry,
chanting, silence, chevruta conversations, and
contemplative Torah study will be among the modalities
used. Optional meditation "sit" from 9:45-10:00 AM;
service from 10:00 AM-12:00 noon. Open hearts and
minds welcome! [Note: Latecomers will be welcome at
the discretion of the shaliach tzibur.]
Sukkah Room-Upstairs
Upcoming Friday night service times and programs
Service Time
Nov. 28
4:12 PM
Minha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv.
Dec. 5
6:00 PM
6:00 PM Ruach Shabbat Family Evening Service with a story aimed at kids and a
streamlined service. A catered Shabbat dinner follows Ruach Shabbat service
(pre-paid reservations required for dinner). Go to www.csair.org.
This will be the only service this evening.
Dec. 12
4:10 PM
Minha followed by Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv.
Innovative and exciting Shabbat experience for
children ages 0-7 and their families.
Supervised Play, 10:00-10:45 AM
Taub Room-Downstairs
Tot Tefilah (ages 0-5), 10:45-11:45 AM
Taub Room-Downstairs
Pickup Davenning (ages 6-10), 10:45 AM
Discover the meaning of the prayers, join in a
skit or chant from the Torah.
Beit Midrash-Downstairs
Minha/Maariv, 4:15 PM
Afternoon/Evening Services.
Beit Midrash-Downstairs
Tefillat Yeladim (grades K-2), 10:45-11:45AM
Board Room-Downstairs
A Package From Home: Completed hats for IDF soldiers can be placed in the Sisterhood box in the office.
Deadline: End of December.
Book Discussion Group: Guide for the Perplexed by Dara Horn. Software prodigy Josie Ashkenazi has
invented an application that records everything its users do. When an Egyptian library invites her to visit as a
consultant, her jealous sister Judith persuades her to go. But in Egypt’s post revolutionary chaos, Josie is
abducted—leaving Judith free to take over Josie’s life. The author intertwines Josie’s story with that of Solomon
Schechter’s search for the Cairo genizah and that of Moses Maimonides, the doctor and rationalist who sought to
reconcile faith and science. Free and open to all. Coordinated by Sharon Kern-Taub. Sunday, December 7,
10:30 AM. Pre-registration required. Call the CSAIR office.
Donate Your Used Shoes: The Sisterhood is collecting gently used men's, women's and children's shoes and
sneakers to be distributed to people who might otherwise not be able to have them. Please leave shoes in the
lobby collection. Contact Phyllis Schulberg, [email protected] or Faye Lieman, [email protected].
Europe in Crisis: Is there a Future for Jews? As elections for the European Parliament indicated, extreme
parties are on the rise both in western and eastern Europe. Though much is different, the inevitable question is
whether democratic values are under siege as they were in the ‘30s. And what does it all mean for the Jews of Europe? Seventy years after the Holocaust, do Jews have a future in Europe? What will determine whether or not
Jewish life in Europe is sustainable? Talk by Kenneth Jacobson, Deputy National Director, Anti-Defamation League.
Wednesday, December 10, 7:45 PM.
Mazel Tov To: Daniel Taub and Sharon Kern-Taub on the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Matthew.
Mazel Tov To: Shalom Kalnicki who will be honored by UJA-Federation of New York’s Health Care Division at
their 2015 Annual Reception in November.
Condolences To: Amy Leveen, Bill Yaggy, Matt Yaggy, Sam Yaggy, and Rachel Tarlow and their family on the
death of their mother and grandmother, Pauline “Polly” Leveen. Shiva will continue at the home of Amy Leveen,
3145 Tibbett Avenue, as follows: Saturday evening, November 15, 7:00-9:00 PM; Sunday, November, 16, 2:004:00 PM and 7:00-9:00 PM (with minyan at 7:00 PM); Monday, November 17, 2:00-5:00 PM. On Monday,
November 17, from 7:00-9:00 PM, shiva will be observed at the home of Adriane Leveen, 315 W. 106th Street,
Apt. 6A, New York, New York.
Refuah Shelayma: Erica Brodie, Madeline Huemann, Nathan Kane, Lillian Kormes, Millie Magaliff, Harriet
Milgrim, Henry Pollack, Denise Resnik, Bob Schwartz, Joan Spett, Martin Spett, Eleanor Squadron, Naomi Stein,
Yetta Weitsman, and all those in need of healing.
We want to reach out! If a member of the congregation is sick or in need of a call or visit, please call Norma
Finkelstein, Bikur Holim Chair (718-543-8618 or [email protected]) or the shul. If you would like to
volunteer to make pre-Shabbat calls or visits to our homebound members call Norma.