SAINT PETER EVANGELICAL Lutheran church 4843 Southport – Supply Road SE Southport, North Carolina 28461 Church Office Phone 910-457-5604 The Rev. David P Nelson, Pastor [email protected] CHURCH OFFICE HOURS M-F 9:00AM-1:00PM Submission Deadline Thursday 9:30 a.m. Carolyn Gallo, Administrative Assistant Judy Morehouse, Administrative Assistant Jane Boberg, Director of Music Dale Giannatasio, Accompanist Vicki Carlson, RN, Parish Nurse BITS OF NEWS November 16, 2014 twenty-THIRD Sunday after pentecost Our readings during November speak of the end times. Zephaniah proclaims that the coming day of the Lord will be filled with wrath and distress. Paul says it will come like a thief in the night and urges us to be awake and sober. Jesus tells the parable of the talents, calling us to use our gifts, while we still have time, for the greater and common good. In a world filled with violence and despair, we gather around signs of hope—word, water, bread and wine—eager to welcome the good news of Christ’s coming among us. Jesus tells a parable about his second coming, indicating that it is not sufficient merely to maintain things as they are. Those who await his return should make good use of the gifts that God has provided them. FLOWERS AND CANDLe Given Sunday, November 16, 2014 The Chancel Flowers are given to the glory of God by Gloria and Michael Foss in honor of Jamie Foss’ birthday. The Sanctuary Candle is given to the glory of God by Irene Hennessey in memory of Anna Musil. Bible Study schedule Bible Study Sunday, November 16, 9:45 a.m. Thursday Evening Bible Study, November 20, 7:00 p.m. Women’s Bible Study, Friday, November 21, 8:30 a.m. The shoebox ministry Operation Christmas child This year, the Outreach Committee is again sponsoring Operation Christmas Child, The Shoebox Ministry. This wonderful program is part of the Samaritan’s Purse ministry led by Franklin Graham. You can help by packing one or more of the plastic shoeboxes provided by the committee and/or donating money to cover shipping and costs of the plastic shoeboxes. The cost for shipping each box is $7.00. Pick up the plastic shoeboxes at the church in the Narthex. Suggestions for items to include in the boxes are school supplies, small toys, and personal hygiene items. Each box should also include a $7.00 donation to cover the cost of shipping the box. Checks are to be made payable to Saint Peter Lutheran Church with “Shoebox” in the memo line of the check or you can make the check payable to Samaritan’s Purse with a note on the memo line that the donation is for Operation Christmas Child. You can also make a donation online at Please take as many boxes as you can fill. The boxes must be returned to the church by November 16. Call Linda Voegtlin at 253-7281 if you have questions. Thank you. THRIVENT ELECTION On Sunday, November 16, the Cape Fear River Chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans will be asking our members to vote for the officers for the 2015 year. Please stop by the THRIVENT table and cast your vote and at the same time pick up information about a new Action Team program that gives you the opportunity to raise funds for a service project of your choosing. You get to decide to whom or what group you want to help. For additional information check out A HEARTFELT THANK YOU Karen and I were very appreciative of the cards, love and support we have received at the recent death of her father and my mother. We are especially thankful for the care and concern shown by Pastor David Nelson. Karen and Ron Wedekind wilmington’s first downtown holiday arts and crafts market Saturday, November 15th 9AM – 5PM at St. James Parish - Dock Street Entrance Artists and crafters from New Hanover and surrounding counties will bring a wide variety of original handmade art, photography, jewelry, wood, soaps, textiles, cards and more just in time for the holidays! You will have the opportunity to meet the artists and talk with them about their work. Good Shepherd Center will sell fresh baked goods provided by generous church congregations in addition to offering lunch for purchase. Admission is $5.00 and includes a raffle ticket. Proceeds from the artists’ booth fees will benefit Good Shepherd Center and will help to fund their mission to feed the hungry, shelter the homeless and foster transition to housing for those in need. ATTENTION CRAFTERS!! A craft show is being planned for Saturday, December 6, here at Saint Peter. We know there are many talented artisans that belong to Saint Peter. If you are interested in renting a table to sell your wares or gathering more information then please contact Jill Riggs at 704-905-9875 or [email protected]. The selling of baked goods and beverages is also being considered. A portion of the proceeds would go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund. Thursday night dinner November 20, 5:30 p.m. Thank you for your continued support for Thursday Night Dinners. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday and travel, there will be NO dinners on November 27 or December 4. Dinners will be served on December 11 and 18. PUMPKIN BREAD SALE FOR THE FOOD PANTRY THIS SUNDAY!!! Did you know… that last year the Pantry served over 5,500 families and 18,000 individuals? ...that many people served by the Pantry require assistance on a monthly basis? …that a volunteer force of almost 200 people is composed of many members of Saint Peter? …that by purchasing pumpkin bread this Sunday you’ll be part of a five church effort to feed the hungry in our midst? …that this would be a perfect hostess gift for the holidays since it refrigerates and freezes beautifully? …that we can’t possibly accomplish this without you, and we thank you in advance for your support!!! Loaves will be priced according to size, from $3.00 to $6.00. Exact change or small bills would be greatly appreciated. Checks may be made payable to the church, with “Pumpkin Bread” on the memo line. GUITAR INTEREST GROUP The Guitar Interest Group is now meeting on Wednesday evenings, but it is not meeting in the Church Fellowship Hall. Contact Joe Mazzei (910-368-9786) or Randy Lewis (910-2694321) for additional information. SACRED JOURNEY; ENCOUNTERING THE SPIRIT LADIES SACRED CIRCLE The Sacred Circle is an ancient form of gathering to share stories, experiences and faith and to find greater depth in your relationship with other sisters on the journey. The sacred circle is built upon the experience of “heart listening.” Please continue to check the calendar for upcoming dates and locations of the next Sacred Circle gathering. CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED NOVEMBER 27 AND NOVEMBER 28 FOR THANKSGIVING The newsletter will be published and distributed on Wednesday, November 26. Deadline for articles will be Monday, November 24, at 10:00 a.m. Thank you. Fellowship committee news The Fellowship Committee needs your help. The coffee hours for both services are our main weekly “fellowship” gathering. It takes many “HELPING HANDS” to make this fellowship function from week to week. Your help is needed to bring snacks to share (and help cleanup) at the coffee hours. There is a sign-up sheet for each service on the Fellowship Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall. Pick a week and sign up! Any questions? Call Paula Minges at 448-1817 Sea Notes Christmas Concert The Sea Notes will perform their Christmas Concert on the following days and times at Hatch Auditorium on Caswell Beach: December 4, 7:30 p.m. December 5, 7:30 p.m. December 7, 3:00 p.m. Jane Boberg will be the accompanist. Many Saint Peter congregation members will participate. fall concert – Brunswick county band The Brunswick County Band will be giving a Fall Concert on Friday, November 21, at Hatch Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, November 23, at Odell at 3:00 p.m. George Boberg is directing and Jane Boberg will be performing Warsaw Concerto with the Band. waves 4 k.i.d.s. – the holiday party Please help kids in disruptive situations (foster care and Child Protective Services) to have the blessing of giving through a “Santa’s Village” for “Shopping for their Family Members” on December 12! Contribute unwrapped new or re-gifted items no later than December 5! Suggested Items for kids to give family members – or use your imagination…. MALE ADULT small tools outdoor items sports items cologne key chains wallets FEMALE ADULT jewelry cosmetics purses scarves kitchen items toiletries GIRLS dolls jewelry makeup sports items perfume toys BOYS balls remote control cars games toys sports items cologne There will be a collection box at Saint Peter. Items will be picked up by Waves 4 K.I.D.S. on December 3. SERVERS November 16 8:30 am Lector 11:00 a.m. Barry Kelchner November 23 8:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Gloria Foss Kathy Railo Irene Hennessey Chalice Connie Zaenglein Bearer Lay Assistant Bill Villano Joe Mazzei Paul Murphy Larry Capriotti Rik Zawadzki Vicki Carlson Joe Mazzei Communion Assistants Greeters Fred Strickert Gloria Strickert Ken Corrao Beverly Oberjohann Randy Huth Paul Murphy Shirley Murphy Rochelle Havert Doug Voegtlin Colleen Weathers Lewis Weathers Judy Petterson Bill Petterson Larry Capriotti Dottie Capriotti Lois Beddard Phil Nord Sandra Reibert Kathy Googins Carol Roche Linda Kauffman Marge Keeley Graydon Barz Ron Collins Don Seeber Jim Prell Judy Huffman Altar Guild Emy Vig Mary Jo Klinger Noel Dusanenko Mary Jo Klinger Child Care Attendants Noel Dusanenko Sandy Huth Beth Nelson Brenda Orrison Noel Dusanenko Sandy Huth Beth Nelson Brenda Orrison Ushers Counters Saint Peter Financial Summary 2014 YTD Jan-October Income Expenses $ $ $ 289,442 274,743 14,699 Complete Financial Reports Posted in Office Corridor Positive Cash Flow Mary Jo Klinger Gloria Foss Michael Foss Lois Beddard Larry Capriotti Sunday 11/16/2014 8:30 a.m. Worship Service (New Members received) PUMPKIN BREAD SALE 9:45 a.m. Children’s Sunday School 9:45 a.m. Bible Study 10:00 a.m. Choir Rehearsal 11:00 a.m. Worship Service Monday 11/17/2014 5:00 p.m. Sea Notes (S/FH) Tuesday 11/18/2014 12:30 p.m. SOIICF- First Bapt. Spt. 6:00 p.m. Via de Cristo 7:00 p.m. Council (CR) Wednesday 11/19/2014 1:00 p.m. Alzheimers Support (CR) 3:30 p.m. Worship Comm. (CR) 6:00 p.m. Boy Scouts (FH) 6:30 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday 11/20/2014 5:30 p.m. Thursday Night Dinner 7:00 p.m. Bible Study (CR) Friday 11/21/2014 8:30 a.m. Women’s Bible Study(CR) Saturday 11/22/2014 8:00 a.m. TOPS (FH) 10:00 a.m. Health Ministry (MPR) Prayer CONCERNS KEEPING IN OUR PRAYERS Members: Charmelee Boehm, Judy Bowers, Ken Bowman, Noel Chisholm, Ralph and Jackie Ditch, Nancy Doelp, Marguerite Doerr, David Ford, Twylla Ford, Evie Loukas, Barbara Nowell, Chris Page, Bill Petterson, Dick Polity, Wally Profis, Larry Rentch, Tony Rizzo, Nelda Roush, Connie Sloop, Bill Sraver, Eldon Stoehr, Mia Voparil, Warner, Ann Marie Weigeshoff Military: Peter Anderson, Christopher Archer, Brandon Arnold, C.J. Buscagilia, Gordon Carey, Pamela Cole, Kyle Dugas, John Garr, Cory Graeber, Charles Graifer, Clay Huffman, Scott Johnson, Edward Jones, James Lewis, Scott Orr, John Rusch Students: Donielle Coloeonni, Seth Hardcastle, Felicia Merritt, Catherine Nguyen, Jonathon Nguyen, Stephen Seeber, Alyce Vest, Parker Vest, Brandon Whiting Friends and Families: Mary Kelly Andrews, Lee Lee Baird, Joe Bales, Bill Baldino, Marcia Bastik, Robert Bastik, Davis Beaube, Blake Biffle and Family, Aiden Brown, Diane Brown, Kenny Bryant, Sally Burner, Catherine Burris, Roco Cillo, Joe Cleary, A W Clemmons, Molly Cooley, Coptic Christian Church in Egypt, Americus Crawford, Sr., Leanor Cunningham, Terry D’Amico, Claire Davis, Irene Dieck, Steve Dillon, Glen Doelp, Jeff and Linda Doelp, Bill Doolan, Mark Dowd, Aleza Epstein, Daryl Erdman, Durwood Fisher and family, Family of Patty and John Schroeder, Matthew Foss, Fred Fratto, John Genzel, Suzanne George, Kevin Gillooly, Cristine Hall, Anna Hardcastle, Luke Hardcastle, Barbara Hardin, Dick Hayes, Kara Hazelton, David Hirst, Dot Hoerr, Jeff, Joan Hough, Matt Howey, Phyllis James, Laura Johnson, Katherine, Kim Kuchler, Dottie Kyle, Barbara and John Lawter, Walter Lester, Tori Loukas, Pastor Vernon Lucky, Patty McArn, Don McCord, Carolyn McTague, Madeline, Alex Mazzei,Betty Meyer, Leslie Miller, Reverend Roger Miller, Jeff Moynihan, Tom Mullins, Courtney Norris, Karen Occhiogrosso, Tara Orrison, Ray Pace, William Parker, People of Palestine and Israel, Richard Pedersen, Tom Pedersen, Jimmie Perryman, Sandy Perryman, Jean Petrakovitz, Tom Polukak, Caryl Portney, Linda Pratt, Michael R, Brian Railo, Rebecca (infant), Gary Reibert, Renate, Connie Rice, Louise Rivenbark, Jennifer Roach, Charles Roush, Jr., Genevieve Salas, Maggie Samides, Christine Steele, Marlene Stumpf, Martha Suver, Joe Sviatko, Dana and Suzanne Swain, Anna Swiney, Mike Tedder, Roscoe Thigpen, Jracy Thompson, Mark Turoff, Suzanne Vacirca, Pastor Gary Weant, David Weber, David Weber Sr., Mark Weber, Elsa Wedekind, Pastor Gary Weant, Sue Wescott, Adeline Wolfe, the world, Sonya Zammataro The Apache People – Lexi, Hannah, Kimberly, Anika, Debra, Veldon, Angela, Rudy, Victoria, Josh, Wayne, Cheryl, Billie, Brody, Shania, Rhonda, Peter, Ronnie, Russell, Cody, Vanesa, Denzell, Michelle, Tara, Billy, Dorcas, Monica, Sean, June, Mabel and family
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