SAINT MARY’S PARISH 17 MSGR. OWENS PLACE, NUTLEY NJ 07110 PHONE : 973-235-1100 FAX: 973-661-0233 SERVING NUTLEY AND BELLEVILLE WEBSITE: WWW.STMARYSNUTLEY.ORG EMAIL: [email protected] FACEBOOK: GOO.GL/QUTP7F TWITTER: HTTPS://TWITTER.COM/STMARYSNUTLEY Annual Knights Memorial Mass November 17, 2014 Saint Mary’s Church 7:00pm Our annual Memorial Mass for Brother Knights who have passed away will be held on Monday, November 17th, at 7:00 PM. Fr. Thomas Nicastro our Chaplain will be presiding, and we invite all Brothers Knights and their families to join us. Sir Knights having attained the 4th Degree are asked to wear their Social Baldric. After Mass, all are welcome to come to our Fellowship Hall for a social gathering 150 Chestnut Street, Nutley, NJ Please confirm attendance with a call 973-667-0104 or email Council Mail [[email protected]] Healing Mass and Reception Saturday, November 22nd at 12 NOON in St. Mary’s Church There will be a reception to follow the Mass Volunteers are needed and donations of desserts are appreciated. Sign up sheets are available in the back of the Church 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 16, 2014 Weekly Mass Schedule Unless otherwise noted, all weekday Masses will be held in the Parish Center Chapel Saturday, November 15 5:30 PM Intentions of Sandra Adams (Birthday) Sunday, November 16 7:30 AM Fr. John M. Golding † (26th Anniversary) 9:00 AM Edith Stamerra † 10:30 AM Enrique Vicente † 12:00 PM Elvira and Antonio Lopes † Monday, November 17 6:30 AM Michael G. Matto † 8:00 AM Richard Lauber † (2nd Anniversary) 12:10 PM O. Allen Beyer † Tuesday, November 18 6:30 AM Dolly Berbary † 8:00 AM Frances Chiariello † 12:10 PM Eleanor Rose † Wednesday, November 19 6:30 AM Phyllis Nicastro (Birth Intentions) 8:00 AM Roseanne Affinito † 12:10 PM Joanne Paulson † Thursday, November 20 6:30 AM Brian Carugan † 8:00 AM Sara Gemus † 12:10 PM Ernest Tucker † Friday, November 21 6:30 AM Ann Marie Morel Crosby † 8:00 AM Patricia Kyzima † 12:10 PM Jose Ponce † (6th Anniversary) Saturday, November 22 8:00 AM For the Intentions of Jacqueline Baujin 5:30 PM Ray and Florence Laino † Sunday, November 23 7:30 AM Ann Corrigan † 9:00 AM Chi Tran † 10:30 AM Intentions of Jack Pandolfi (Birthday) 12:00 PM Janice Szot † RCIA Adults who wish to receive Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation should call the Religious Education office (973-667-8239) or see Fr. Trinidad for information. The RCIA program helps those who may want to become a practicing Catholic or return to practicing the Faith. Hosts for each Mass have been donated by the Rosary Society Church Lamp in Memory of Frances Cimino † Chapel Lamp in Memory of Fred O’Boyle and Family † Save the Date Rosary Society Christmas Party The Rosary Society Christmas Party will be held on Monday, December 15 at 7:30 PM in the school hall. All ladies of the Parish are welcome. More information will follow. Saint Mary’s Announces: New Weekday Mass Schedule! Beginning Monday January 12th, 2015! Saint Mary’s Church: Monday - Friday: 7:30am, 12:10pm Saturday: 8:00am Other weekday masses in Nutley: Holy Family: Monday to Friday: 7:00am & 8:45am Saturday: 8:45am. Our Lady of Mount Carmel: Monday to Friday: 7:00am & 8:00am. Saturday: 7:30am. Thank you for your understanding! 656 – Page 2 Bishop McDonnell To Change Residence! Dear Friends, Bishop McDonnell and his family have decided it would be beneficial to the Bishop to move his residence to The Little Sisters of the Poor, Saint Joseph Home for the Elderly located in Totowa, New Jersey. This move will take place over the next few weeks and we will keep you updated. Bishop Charlie has been an inspiration to many of us at Saint Mary’s and it has been a joy to have him living with the priests in the Rectory. The Bishop is looking forward to this change, which will allow him to live more comfortably and securely. Even after his move, the Bishop will be with us on a regular basis, as we will have his rooms here available for his convenience. He will be staying with us many weekends and will be returning to participate with us in many of the liturgical celebrations and activities of the parish. Saint Joseph’s in Totowa is a wonderful place. The Bishop will be able to come and go as he pleases and will be able to receive visitors. I am sure he will continue to accept lunch and dinner invitations! If you see the Bishop over the next few weeks, please let him know how much we appreciate his presence and service here, and please thank him for all he has done for our parish. God Bless, Fr. Rich Blood Drive The Blood mobile will be coming to St. Mary’s this Sunday, November 16th. Donations can be made from 8:30 AM to 1:30 PM. The need is constant; please donate. Thank you! Nutley Community Thanksgiving Service November 24th at 7:30 PM The Nutley Community Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service will be held on Monday evening, November 24th at 7:30 PM at Holy Family Church located at 28 Brookline Drive in Nutley. Father Thomas Nicastro of St. Mary’s Church will be preaching, area clergy will participate, there will be the blowing of the shofar, a Nutley Congregations Choir will sing and the Vincent Church Wesley Ringers will play. The evening’s offering will be donated to the Nutley Family Service Bureau, whose mission is to promote the emotional and social well being of individuals and families through counseling and to provide community outreach to those in need. All are welcomed and encouraged to join! 656 – Page 3 "Find Us Ready Lord!" Some week’s music selections fit a singular theme. This is not one of those weeks. There are more than a few things to consider in today’s readings; from the blessing of a good wife to the parable of the talents. (The readings begin on page 230) There is also the end of time, which Paul writes will come unexpectedly “like a thief in the night.’ In addition to this, our liturgical calendar tells us we are one week away from the end of the church year while our civil calendar tells us the secular “holyday;” Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Our first prelude speaks of a busy-ness appropriate for builders of the kingdom. When pray that God “Find Us Ready” I think of the 2 people in today’s gospel who were found to be ready by the master on his return. Our second prelude “Ubi Caritas” (song #530) is a beautiful adaptation by Bob Hurd. The chorus is translated “where there is true charity, God is present. It would be an excellent choice for a wedding. (A hint and word of congratulations to the couples, who just completed their pre-cana training.) Finally, I mention the communion song we will be singing for the next two weeks; “We Give You Thanks.” You will find the words to the refrain in a reprint box in this bulletin. Peace, Bruce P.S.: Please consider joining us at the Nutley ecumenical Thanksgiving service, Monday Nov. 24th at Holy Family Church. (St. Mary’s Adult Choir will be one of the groups offering an anthem.) 656 – Page 4 The Holy Father's Prayer Intentions We pray that all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. We also pray that young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Religious Education News First Penance First Penance Preparation Class for our Sunday students is next Sunday, November 23 from 9-10:15am. Fr. Trinidad will help us all to better understand the Sacrament of Penance and what it does to help us grow as followers of Jesus. Students should go to their classes while parents are invited to come over to Walsh Hall for coffee as they await the start of the preparation. Please remember to bring your completed First Penance book with you to the class. Confirmation Our next class will be this Thursday, November 20 from 7-8:30pm. We also have lots of opportunities for service coming up this month so be sure to check out the website to find out where you can help serve. National Donor Sabbath – This Weekend!!! Places of worship throughout New Jersey are celebrating National Donor Sabbath this weekend to raise awareness about the critical need for organ and tissue donors. Close to 115,000 men, women and children are waiting for a healthy organ. In New Jersey alone, close to 5,000 people await lifesaving organs and thousands more wait tissue transplants. Today, 18 people will die because they will not get the organ transplant they so desperately need. One donor can save the lives of 5 people. One tissue donor can enhance the lives of more than 50 people. We encourage members of the St. Mary’s family to consider organ and tissue donation. Talk it over with your family members to discuss your wishes. You can register as an organ donor when you renew your driver’s license or online at Wit Nutley Little Theatre will open its production of Margaret Edson's powerful drama, "Wit," on Friday, Nov. 7 at the NLT Barn, 47 Erie Place, Nutley. Evening performances will be on Nov. 20, 21 and 22. Matinee performances are on Nov. 16 and 22. Curtain for evening shows is 8 PM, and for matinees, 2 PM Ticket prices are $17. There is a $2 discount (matinees only) for students and senior citizens who show IDs at the box office. The opening performance on Nov. 7 is a benefit for New Jersey Buddies. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize, besides many drama awards, "Wit" takes place over the course of about a year in a patient room of the University Hospital Comprehensive Cancer Center and in various places in the memory of Vivian Bearing, an acclaimed scholar contemplating her own mortality. This show contains adult content and is not suitable for children. Nutley Little Theatre engages to handle ticket sales by phone and through the Internet. Patrons can order by phone by calling 1-877-238-5596. To order online, patrons can go to the NLT web site at and click on the "Click for Tix" icon, or can go directly to . For directions, please see . 656 – Page 5 St. Mary’s Church is served by: Rev. Richard J. Berbary, Pastor Most Rev. Charles J. McDonnell, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Newark, In Residence Rev. Thomas D. Nicastro, Parochial Vicar Rev. Trinidad José Cuevas, Parochial Vicar Anthony G. Armando, PAC/DRE/Youth Minister, 973-667-8239 [email protected] Bruce Mauro, Music Director, [email protected] Patrick Perrone, Trustee Anne Scheidel, Trustee A Time of War and Peace… We pray that our troops serving our country may be protected by the Holy Spirit, know the prayers of a grateful nation, and be brought home safely to their families. We pray especially for Mark Nostro, David Nostro, Douglas Reiman and James Zaremba. A Time to Heal… For all those who are sick or suffering especially all those listed on our webpage at A Time to Die… For all those who have passed on into eternal life before us, especially: Claudia S. Oliveira †, Joan Dellaguzzo † and Joseph Hui † A Time to Seek… Mass Schedule For all seminarians on the road to priesthood, especially: Diego Navarro Sundays 5:30 (Sat. evening) 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 Weekdays Parish Business Hours Mon.-Fri. 9 AM-4 PM, Parish Center Saturday 3 PM-7 PM, Church Vestibule Sunday 9 AM-1 PM, Church Vestibule Masses in Parish Center Chapel 6:30, 8:00, 12:10 (Monday - Friday), 8:00 (Saturday) Holy Days 6:30, 8:00, 12:10, 7:00 PM National Holidays 9:00 AM Readings for the Week of November 16, 2014 Monday: Tuesday: Parish Collections: The November 9th collection was $9,066. We thank you for your generous donations! Parish Giving Donation Cards are available in the back of the Church. Those who use Parish Giving may wish to place them in the collection baskets during the collection. Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 18:35-43 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15:2-5; Lk 19:1-10, or, (for the memorial of the Dedication) Acts 28:11-16, 30-31; Ps 98:1-6; Mt 14:22-33 Wednesday: Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150:1b-6; Lk 19:11-28 Thursday: Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Lk 19:41-44 Friday: Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119:14, 24, 72, 103, 111, 131; Lk 19:45-48 Saturday: Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144:1b, 2, 9-10; Lk 20:27-40 Sunday: Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23:1-3, 5-6; 1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46 ©JPPC Confessions Parish Membership Saturdays, 4:30 to 5:30 or by appointment Parishioners should register and should inform the Parish Center when moving from the parish. Eucharistic Adoration Every First Friday of the month 1 to 9 Nocturnal Adoration Society prayers). PM in the Chapel. (8-9 PM Novenas • • • Miraculous Medal: Mon., 12:00 PM before Mass Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Weds., 7:00 PM Devotion to the Divine Mercy: Thurs., 7:00 PM in chapel RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Adults who wish to receive Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation should call the Religious Education office (973-6678239). Baptisms Baptisms are the third Sunday of each month, at 1:30 at least a month in advance to make arrangements. PM. Please call Good Shepherd Academy (973-667-2049) Our Catholic grade school sponsored by the Archdiocese of Newark. Sr. Jane Feltz, Principal Religious Vocations If you think you may have a vocation, speak to one of our priests, or call the Archdiocesan Vocations Office (973-497-4366). Care of the Sick Communion will be brought to any parishioner confined to home, upon request; those who are seriously ill, or weak from the burden of years, should request the Anointing of the Sick. Urgent calls will be attended immediately. Marriage Contact a priest to make arrangements. The Bishops have directed that the normal preparation time is a year or more. 656 – Page 6
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