ANNUAL REPORT 2013 CARINE PRIMARY SCHOOL ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Carine Primary School is proud of its tradition of serving the educational needs of students for over three decades, maintaining a commitment to achieving high standards of academic, social and sporting excellence. Our motto, vision beliefs and values reflect what we stand for and define who we are. The school nurtures positive self-esteem in each student and provides a supportive, inclusive environment in which students are encouraged to care for and respect themselves and others. The positive contribution of parents is recognised and valued in all aspects of school life. NATURE OF THE COMMUNITY Carine Primary School is a level 5 school with nearly 600 Kindergarten to Year 7 students. It is situated on the coastal strip 15 kilometres north-west of Perth in Western Australia. Many parents have tertiary degrees and many own their own businesses. There is a high degree of value placed on education. Our primary school grounds merge with Carine Senior High School and both schools have wide open playing areas which are extensively used and enjoyed by the students. The community is well serviced by shops, sporting clubs and recreation areas. PARTNERSHIPS AND PARENT PARTICIPATION Carine PS is an Independent Public School. The Carine Primary School Board is made up from parents, staff and community members. It meets each term to update and review policies and monitor the school‟s Business Plan. The Board is committed to supporting the school to achieve its vision which states: Quality teaching providing opportunities for growth in student achievement. CPS fosters and enjoys excellent support from the parent body and encourages parent participation through the P&C, regular assemblies and newsletters. Parent volunteers are used in various curriculum and extra curricula activities such as classroom assistance, coaching and officiating at sporting events, assisting with excursions and camps and being involved in fundraising. We will continue to build on the positive relationship we have with our community using strategies already in place. Our emphases will be on continuing to enhance the physical environment, improving and refining major policies across the school and continuing to make our school a welcoming and supportive learning environment for new and existing students and parents. SUMMARY OF STUDENT ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT IN 2013 Literacy & Numeracy 2013 Numeracy Reading Writing Spelling Punctuation & Grammar Percentage of Carine PS students at or above National Minimum Standards Year 3 Year 5 Year 7 100 97 100 100 100 100 100 97 99 100 99 100 100 100 100 E:\Carine Admin Developments\School Report Stuff\Annual Report 2013\CARINE PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Final.doc Percentage of CPS Students above WA Public Schools Minimum Standards 2013 Numeracy Reading Writing Spelling Punctuation & Grammar Year 3 98 96 98 95 96 Year 5 94 97 96 99 94 Year 7 98 98 98 100 100 STUDENT ACHIEVEMENT At CPS, classroom assessments combined with data gathered from National and State testing programs indicate that there are high standards in the school and comparative results with „like schools‟ shows evidence of significant 'value adding' in core curriculum areas. 97% of students in years 3,5 &7 performed above the minimum national benchmark and we continually strive for excellence in student learning. CPS continues to achieve and strive towards high levels of literacy and numeracy, the foundation for success at school. SUMMARY OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN MATHEMATICS 2012 Band CPS NUMERACY ACHIEVEMENT IN NAPLAN 2012 / 2013 Percentage of Students in each Proficiency Band Year 3 Year 5 2013 2012 2013 2012 Like CPS Like CPS Like CPS Like CPS Year 7 2013 Like CPS Like 10 9 24 26 41 30 8 21 17 12 21 25 24 30 22 7 23 18 16 19 35 25 21 23 6 35 22 22 15 36 32 35 31 11 18 6 17 5 38 25 33 33 14 22 29 19 5 6 1 7 4 22 29 33 30 6 8 4 8 0 1 0 1 3 3 16 9 16 0 3 3 2 2 2 7 2 4 1 0 1 0 2 Table 1: Comparisons with Like Schools in Numeracy 2012 /13 (shown as percentages) [ ] Above National Minimum Standard [ ] At NMS [ ] Below NMS Student performance in the national numeracy test again highlighted the effectiveness of classroom teaching and the planning for improvement that exists across the school. Table 1 (above) shows that our students‟ achievement levels were above „like schools‟ for Years 3 and 7, and just below „like schools‟ for Year 5. „Like schools‟ achievement levels are above State achievement levels. Students „at risk‟ work in small groups and are given educational support to develop the concepts needed to develop mathematical competency. Recommendations: Continue to ensure planning is evidence based. Analysis of point of error to inform operational planning. Comparison with any available national standards. Continue with classroom extension and support programs. Moderation activities in Numeracy to identify areas of weakness and support staff in making professional judgements about student grades. Continue with ICT mathematical development using interactive smartboard and iPad technologies. Continue to explore mathematical exemplars online to reach shared understandings about what is required for demonstrations of standards of achievement. ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Carine PS SUMMARY OF STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN ENGLISH STUDENT PERFORMANCE IN SCIENCE AND SOCIETY AND THE ENVIRONMENT LITERACY AND READING 2012 CPS Band READING ACHIEVEMENT IN NAPLAN 2012 / 2013 Percentage of Students in each Proficiency Band Year 3 Year 5 2013 2012 2013 2011 Like CPS Like CPS Like CPS Like CPS CARINE PRIMARY SCHOOL Percentage of Carine students at or above the WAMSE Test Standard Year 7 2012 Like CPS Like 10 9 14 14 20 8 20 14 15 10 35 32 37 7 27 27 15 20 29 29 30 6 67 36 44 36 29 29 37 31 17 17 11 5 18 27 28 19 20 19 29 30 5 6 1 4 12 19 19 25 3 7 1 7 0 2 1 3 3 11 6 13 1 4 3 3 2 0 6 4 6 1 0 1 0 2 Table 2: Comparisons with Like Schools in Reading 2012/13 (shown as percentages) [ ] Above National Minimum Standard [ ] At NMS 11 20 29 27 10 2 [ ] Below NMS Students from Carine Primary School continue to achieve at high levels in Literacy and they are above „like schools‟ achievement levels in all areas of literacy, except Year 5 Spelling. The data in Table 2 above shows that in the national assessment in Reading for Years 3, 5 and 7 our students‟ achievements in the higher bands were above Like Schools. Whole school planning in Literacy enables teachers to plan together; base their planning on the evidence available, focus on the point of error and relate it to the national standards. Moderation activities in English are used to identify areas of weakness and to support staff in making professional judgements about student grades. Specific programs are designed for students „at risk‟ and where necessary are prepared in collaboration with parents. Interactive smartboard / iPad technologies are used to enhance teaching and learning in literacy and all learning areas; and teachers use online exemplars to reach shared understandings about what is required for demonstrations of standards of achievement. Recommendations: Continue to ensure planning is evidence based. Analysis of point of error to inform operational planning. Comparison with any available national standards. Moderation activities in English to identify areas of weakness and support staff in making professional judgements about student grades. Continued focus on the teaching of reading in all year levels. Continue with ICT English development using interactive Smartboard and iPad technologies. Continue to strengthen the teaching of phonics. Design specific programs for students falling below national minimum standards in collaboration with parents. Continue to explore English exemplars on line to reach shared understandings about what is required for demonstrations of standards of achievement. Science Society and Environment Year 7 2011 2012 2013 76 68 79 59 78 75 Students performed well in these areas, with 70% of Yr 5 and 79% of Yr 7 students assessed in Science achieving at or above the WAMSE Standard. In Society and Environment 64% of Yr 5 and 75% of Yr 7 students achieved the standard. The table displays an overall increase in results this year in Yr 7 Science and in Year 5 Society and Environment. NON ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT School enrolment trends 2010 - 2013 Carine Primary School FULL TIME SCHOOL ENROLMENTS 2013 Pre – Primary Primary Total 2010 62 483 545 2011 65 443 508 2012 63 460 523 School staff numbers 2013 Carine Primary School STAFF NUMBERS 2013 Administration Staff Level 3 Teachers Teaching Staff Support Staff Total No. 3 1 29 18 51 FTE 3.0 1.0 23.6 12.6 40.2 Student Attendance Carine Primary School Primary Attendance 2013 2010 2011 2012 2013 E:\Carine Admin Developments\School Report Stuff\Annual Report 2013\CARINE PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Final.doc Year 5 2011 2012 2013 84 78 70 80 59 64 School 94.2% 95.1% 94.4% 94.8% State 92.9% 92.7% 92.3% 92.6% 2013 65 458 523 Carine PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Student Attendance 2014 Destination Schools for 2013 Year 7 Students Attendance data in 2013 showed the Regular Attendance category in Semester One (90% or greater) at 85% whereas in Semester Two the Regular Attendance category dropped to 79.7%. Student extended overseas absences have contributed to this decrease of attendance in Semester Two. The indicated Moderate At Risk category (80% to 90% student attendance) increased from 12.4% (65 Students) to 16.2% (85 students) in Semester Two, 2013. This increase of 3.8% equates to 20 more students at risk in category 2 in Semester Two. Even though the school promotes the “It‟s Not Okay to Stay Away” message, parents are still taking students out on holidays during school time and this remains the greatest factor influencing attendance data. Our Year 7 students selected these public government high schools to continue their secondary schooling for 2014 and beyond. The school uses an integrated student attendance record and SMS contact system to message parents when students are not at school and where no notification is received for their absence. Students with attendance irregularities or regular lateness are followed up through the SAER program to ensure co-operation between home and school. Letters are sent to parents where a student‟s attendance without acceptable reason falls below 90% or where students are regularly late. Parents are phoned when a student is absent from school without explanation for an extended period of time. The school will continue to monitor student attendance and use the strategies above to further reduce unacceptable attendance, so that students are given the best opportunity for continuity in learning.. Teacher Judgements on Attitude, Behaviour and Effort Information from teacher reporting on students‟ attitude, behaviour and effort indicates a high level of student performance. Students showed a consistent improvement in attitudes across all the eight attributes in Semester 2. Question 1 „Works to the best of his/her ability‟ showed a steady shift in student attitudes towards doing their best. Semester 2 reporting showed an increase from 94% to 95% of students showing in this category, removing 1.47% of students from the „sometimes‟ attribute. Question 4 „Participates responsibly in social and civic responsibilities‟ showed the greatest shift in student attitudes. Semester 2 reporting showed an increase from 98% to 100% of students showing social and civic responsibility, removing 1.47% of students from the „sometimes‟ attribute. Destination Schools for 2013 2011 2012 2013 49 61 63 Perth Modern School 3 1 3 Duncraig Senior High School 3 2 1 Warwick Senior High School 0 1 2 Others 0 0 2 Carine Senior High School PROGRESS REPORT ON SCHOOL PRIORITIES Priority 1: Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) The school‟s main priority is to teach Higher Order Thinking Skills in order to improve reading comprehension skills and create critical thinkers because this impacts on all oral and written work across all curriculum areas. Our students will then be able to apply these skills when they are faced with challenging or problem situations. The HOTS program is embedded in all learning areas giving the students the skills and ability to interpret, analyse, evaluate and to problem solve. It also encourages freedom of self-expression and for students to be responsible for their own learning and to develop self-confidence and the motivation to be life-long learners. Teachers have been supported and encouraged to improve their skills to enable a differentiated curricula to be offered to our students as they have a wide range of abilities. Through high quality teaching, students are embracing a culture of „thinking outside the square‟. They are more proactive in asking quality questions which helps in the development of deeper knowledge and understandings. Teachers and students have valued the learning input that cooperative learning strategies and tactics have had on their daily activities. The use and distribution of the tactics across learning areas indicates clearly that teachers are providing the students with a differentiated curriculum to promote life-long learning skills. Teachers need to be highly commended in embracing the tactics and in enriching the students‟ thinking and learning to promote high order thinking and open-ended tasks to complement the cycle of explicit teaching. (I do, we do, they do). Therefore the school‟s HOTS program is seen to be effective and adds value to the students‟ knowledge and understanding. Among the recommendations for 2014 are : 94% to 98% of students in Semester 1, Year 5 were rated as performing „consistently‟ or „often‟ across the eight attributes and 95% to 100% of students in Semester 2, Year 5 were rated as performing „consistently‟ or „often‟ across the same eight attributes. The table above shows an overall increase in attitude, behaviour and effort compared to Semester 1, 2013. There were no suspensions or exclusions recorded in 2013. E:\Carine Admin Developments\School Report Stuff\Annual Report 2013\CARINE PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Final.doc Continual use of co-operative learning strategies in parallel with the Values and Virtues section of the School Plan for 2014 Whole school common language usage to ensure that the correct language of each of the disciplines is known by our students The use of the Inquiry Model and approach to research The use of Investigations which allow students to demonstrate and apply what they have learned to new situations The provision of Professional Learning is continual and increasingly focussing on networking, co-coaching and sharing and developing in-school expertise and a thinking community The merit selection of all new staff to fit in with the school‟s Workforce Planning requirements which emphasize HOTS in both staff and students. Carine PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Priority 2: Instructionally intelligent Teachers Academic Achievements The Explicit Teaching Model has been adopted at Carine and is designed to maximise time on task for both teachers and students. The model is evidence-based and recognises that the most important influence on students‟ results is the quality of the teacher and the quality of the teaching in the classroom. Year 7 students have won scholarships to various high schools including Carine SHS and Perth Modern School. A significant number of students were placed in the highest bands in the NAPLAN and WAMSE results across all areas. It focuses on the following beliefs that underpin successful teaching – 1. Every child matters every day 2. Every minute of instructional time counts 3. All students can be high achievers Explicit, logical and sequential learning programs, combined with our staff service values, ensure we develop the essential prerequisites for engaged students. The attention to the establishment and maintenance of a strong school culture is a priority within the leadership team and the staff. This is because a strong sense of belonging and of knowing what is expected of all staff and what it takes to be „A Carine Kid‟, together provide the foundation for effective teaching and learning. Teacher Judgements on Academic Achievement School and system data show that there is significant agreement between teacher judgements on student reports and the NAPLAN results across the areas of Literacy and Numeracy. Report ratings given by teachers are compared with the students‟ achievement in NAPLAN and there is a show strong correlation. In a few instances where discrepancies arise, these are investigated and explained. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE 2013 SCHOOL YEAR Carine Primary School became an Independent Public School in 2013. This is a very significant step for the school and will provide substantial benefits in staffing and additional funding, giving the school more autonomy and flexibility in its operations. In keeping with this change and in consultation with the school community, a new school logo was designed, a common vision was prepared and a three year Business Plan outlining our strategic directions was developed. The new logo design can be seen above and the three arcs symbolise strength, commitment and community as well as representing the partnership of parents, students and staff. Upgrades Following last year‟s technology upgrades, there is now wireless access across the school, and extra laptops and iPads have been added. The school already has Smartboards in every teaching area with the enhancement of high definition touch screens in three teaching and learning areas. This year there were upgrades to four of the junior classrooms converting them to two fully functional early years classrooms. Extra storage and disabled toilet facilities were included to bring the school up to new school standards. A Windows 7 and Office 2010 upgrade was performed in November. This operating system was deployed to all laptops and desktop computers. Our standard operation system is referred to as version four. (SOEv4) All administration and curriculum servers were replaced by the Department of Education. This is in line with the latest department technology support and infrastructure management mandated policy guidelines. A Website upgrade was completed in July 2013 and our School App is also nearly complete to enhance our communications strategy. E:\Carine Admin Developments\School Report Stuff\Annual Report 2013\CARINE PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Final.doc A large number of students gained Distinctions and Credits in International Competitions and Assessments for Schools in English, Writing, Spelling, Mathematics and Computer Skills. Staff planned together to implement the Australian Curriculum in History and have worked collaboratively on planning documents in English, Mathematics and Science. The Scitech Early Childhood Initiative was implemented in junior classrooms in 2013 and Dr Alex Lubansky, a Chemical Scientist at ECU visited the school to talk to students from Pre-primary to Year 7. The Carine Writing and Speaking (CWAS) program for students in Years 4-6 continued this year. Students prepared short speeches and arguments on specific topics in a formal situation with set roles and procedures designed to assist their speaking and writing skills – in particular, „thinking on their feet‟, presenting an argument and writing expositions. This has been a very successful program with students demonstrating competence and confidence in speaking and writing. It is based on the Toastmasters‟ Model. Other individual student achievements include – A high distinction in Science was achieved by a Year 7 in the ICAS competition. Top scorers in the 2013 Australian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad. One student attained the top score in Mathematics across all Australian schools that participated at Year 4 in the ICAS competition. One Year 7 student attained recognition in the North Metropolitan Education Region for excellence in their work at PEAC. Two Year 6 students represented the North Metropolitan PEAC group at Scitech‟s annual brainstorm challenge. Achievements in Music and the Arts The Choir performed at the 2013 „WA Government Schools Make Music‟ Festival at Burswood. The school string orchestra performed at Perth Modern School in the WA Schools‟ Orchestra Festival. A Year 7 student attended The Australian Performing Arts Network in the USA. Achievements in Sport Carine again won the Interschool Cross Country and the CDSSA Shield in the Interschool Winter Sport carnival in Term 2. The School Faction Swimming carnival was held in Term 1. Cook was the winning faction. The School Junior Athletics and Senior carnival was held in Term 3. Phillip was the winning faction for both groups. Individual students performed at very high levels of competition in many sports including Swimming, Athletics, Soccer, Baseball, Ice Hockey, Basketball, and various high level Gymnastic events at the local, state and international level. Carine PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Staff Achievements Curriculum leadership roles continue to be developed in the school and three teachers have responsibility for the junior, middle and senior years. They have been instrumental in developing whole school approaches to teaching English, Mathematics, Science and History and aligning them with the Australian Curriculum. A large number of senior students nominated for leadership positions within the school and those achieving Student Councillor status had to be competitive and persuasive in order to win over support from other students. Curriculum leaders provide strong support and advice to staff and continue to be outstanding in their leadership. All staff at Carine has been involved in teamwork and collaboration to strengthen the „whole school approach‟ to planning this year. They are to be congratulated for their efforts. Parent and School Community Staff provided a „Thank You‟ morning tea for parents and helpers to express their appreciation for the ongoing support of an active P&C and School Council. The assistance we receive for our school programs, such as Support a Reader, enable us to provide the best outcomes for our students. Civic Responsibility The school continues to support Bikabele, which is a local group that supports deaf and very poor orphans in Bali. The Student Councillors and our students showed initiative and compassion in their fundraising events held throughout the year. A total of $813.00 was raised for the Bikabele Foundation. Teacher, Parent and Student Satisfaction In 2012 a Year 6 and 7 (137 students) online survey was conducted. The feedback reflected that senior students felt safe, that they, along with staff, were respected and that teachers were committed to giving of their best and expecting the best from students in return. This reflects the school vision promoting quality teaching and learning. The two questions least highly rated were in keeping with having a say about school activities, eg ice cream days, and a perceived bullying problem. The staff discussed that students always want more fun days, more mad hair days and more ice cream days and so weren‟t overly concerned with that item. However, the student councillors would be briefed and ensure they had mechanisms to seek student feedback and input into the various activities they organise throughout the year. On the bullying ratings, staff reps discussed that a lot of the bullying pertained to cyber bullying which had occurred out of school and the teachers had dealt with each incident accordingly. This lower rating response from the students, was, however counteracted by the positive response reflected in another question where feedback was that students feel safe at school. The school will continue to monitor the bullying issue along with reinforcing the message about responsibility of the bystander. Overall the student survey responses were very positive. Students Voting for Leadership Positions Financial Report - School Annual Budget 2013 SOURCE Previous Year‟s Balance Salary Pool Allocation Voluntary Contributions Bank Interest Term Investment Interest School Grant Commissions Utilities Other Revenue TOTAL REVENUE Less Salary Pool Less Unallocated Less Cost Centres TOTAL EXPENDITURE AMOUNT $ 45 494 $ 50 000 $ 28 560 $ 1 000 $ 15 600 $153 700 $ 7 500 $ 92 942 $ 6 300 $ 391 496 $ 50 000 $ 19 964 $ 321 532 $ 391 496 P&C Donations 30 iPads 30 iPad Smart Covers 32 Bay iPad Cart Sand Junior Play(self-funded) Fete Banners & Signage(self- $17,100.00 $1,227.30 $3,518.00 $1,731.89 $1,600.00 funded) Sub Total iPhone App(funds committed) Nature Garden(funds committed) Reading Eggs(funds committed) 30 iPad Air(funds committed) 30 iPad Smart Covers(funds $25,077.19 $1,000.00 $2,000.00 $4,442.00 $18,000.00 $1,227.30 committed) Teacher-parent interviews continue to be positive and there is a strong home-school partnership at Carine. Class teacher meetings at the beginning of the year were very well attended and very positive feedback came from parents about this experience. The school‟s website attracts many positive comments and we continue to get enrolment enquiries through the considerable information available to parents on our website. Information about our school from the My School‟s website has also been viewed positively by our community. E:\Carine Admin Developments\School Report Stuff\Annual Report 2013\CARINE PS ANNUAL REPORT 2013 Final.doc 32 Bay iPad Cart(funds $3,718.00 committed) Sub Total Total $30,387.30 $55,464.49
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