Friday 14th
A Message From The Head
Welcome to our new, monthly newsletter! I hope you can take some time to read through it
carefully and find out about the tremendous achievements of your children over the last half term.
Please note the upcoming dates and events. Hugh Myddelton Primary School is a school where
everyone is committed to doing their best, and that is evident in the information contained in this
newsletter. Work hard, play well, learn lots and have fun! Ms Parker
What's Going On
Houses of Parliament Visit
Ten children accompanied Ms Parker & Ms Rogers, to visit the
Houses of Parliament. They met MP Emily Thornberry and were
shown where Guy Fawkes hid his gunpowder.
From the Stone Age to the
Iron Age
Year 3 have really enjoyed
their history topic. They have
created fantastic models of
Stonehenge out of biscuits,
cheesy puffs, and sand dough.
Gutsy Girls Canoeing Trip
Gutsy Girls went canoeing last half-term. Seventeen girls and ten
members of staff braved the waters of Regent’s canal, building
character and having great fun. In December the Gutsy Girls are
planning an ice skating trip.
If you are interested in joining the Gutsy Girls please talk to Ms
Jacob’s and request an application form.
Music at Hugh Mydd
Year 4 were amazed last week when a drummer performed for
them from the Worshipful Company of Musicians, one of the
oldest musicians' guilds in the world. Amazon class are attending
a professional recorder concert at Union Chapel on 17th. The
choir will be performing Christmas songs for the elderly at the
Peel Centre in December. If you're interested in joining the
Choir, please speak to Ms Elander.
Islington in Bloom Awards
Hugh Myddelton received first prize in the Islington in Bloom
competition. Hugh Mydd won the best new entry award as well
as the bronze award for best children’s planting. Well done!
Debate Mate
The Debate Mate workshops are up and running. The workshops
cultivate confidence and critical thinking. Participants can even
compete in national debating competitions!
Armistice Day
Hugh Myddelton raised a total of £37.97 for the Poppy Appeal. A
Remembrance assembly gave the children an opportunity for
reflection. Vincent wrote this moving poem.
He looked across the horizon,
trudging along the dusty plains
bearing his gun as he steadied himself.
How much he would give to return home,
but in reality he knew he could never return
or never would.
His heart ached with sadness
as memories of his loved ones sprang to mind.
His daughter, his wife and his newborn son.
The baby would never know his father.
His gaze slipped to the old stone slab,
a memorial made for a dead soldier.
He turned away, flinching as the cold air whipped across his ghostly face.
His gaze turned towards a small poppy,
trying to grow and thrive.
He smiled sadly and threw it upon the grave.
It glided slowly and landed on the corner,
its petals spinning and twirling.
He turned away, sadness settling in his heart.
He would never smile again.
Slowly walking towards the graveyard gate,
he realised what awaited him.
He took a deep breath, his chest heaving with emotion.
He would haunt the graveyard forever.
Vincent Year 6
Celebrations Around The World
Year 1 are learning about celebrations
around the world. Last week they had
fun learning about Bonfire Night and
creating their own Guy Fawkes. They
wrote poems using onomatopoeic
words, and designed rockets and
firework collages. This week they
have focused on Diwali, making diva
lamps and Rangoli patterns.
Winter Crafts Fun Day, Saturday 13th December
The Friends of Hugh Myddelton are hosting a Winter Crafts
Fun Day in the Spa Green Building. If you would like to help
us make it happen, please bring your wonderful wintery ideas
to our meeting on Tuesday 18th November at 9am in the Spa
Green Building.
Class Competition update:
Best Overall to date;
Danube - Well Done!
Smartest Class
Tidiest Class
Best at Lining Up
Best Attendance
The School Governing Body has decided that school uniform will
be compulsory from January 2015. Made up of representatives
of all parts of the School community, it agreed uniform is
beneficial as it promotes equality, community and a positive
learning environment. Please see our website for further details.
Supporting Children Online
To find useful information on supporting children to use the internet responsibly, follow this link:
Punctuality & Attendance
Please ensure that children arrive at School on time. The School gates open at 8.45. The School
day begins at 8.55; children must be at School before this time. If your child arrives after 8.55 they
will be marked as late; if they arrive after 9.30 they will be marked as absent.
VIPs (Very Important Pupils)
Head Girl
Deputy Head Girl
Hamdi Yusuf
Lily Tunbridge
Hamdi says: I'm Hamdi, the Head girl. This
week I have seen a big improvement in
attitudes towards learning. Keep it up!
Head Boy
Deputy Head Boy
Yunis Abdullahi
Joseph Walsh
Yunis says: Hi! I'm Yunis and I'm the Head
boy. This week I have noticed excellent lining
up at lunchtime. Well done!
Caitlin Kelly
Deniz Guller
Eve Dawit
Coming Up
Monday 17th
Tuesday 18th
Monday 24th
Monday 8th
Thursday 11th
Anti-Bullying Week
Amazon Class trip to professional recorder concert at Union Chapel
Friends of Hugh Myddelton meeting, Spa Green Building, 9am - all welcome!
Year 6 visit to Imperial War Museum as part of their study of WW2
School Closed for Inset Day
Community Dental Service visit to School for children in the Nursery to Year 5
Hugh Myddelton Primary School, Myddelton Street, London, EC1R 1YJ
Tel: 020 7278 6075
Web: www.humydd.com