Week 5 Term 4 – Wednesday 12th November 2014 Principal’s News Yesterday the Ardrossan Branch of the Returned Soldiers League (RSL) held the Remembrance Day commemorative service at our school. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students to witness and participate in this national day of remembrance for those who paid the ultimate price through the loss of life in war and peace keeping missions. Connections with such significant community events such as this are crucial in growing the understanding of both Remembrance Day and community in our young people. As the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran the impact of war on a returned soldier is life changing. It also permeates into the lives of the soldier’s family and friends. My father returned with significant injuries to his lower legs courtesy of a land mine. He could no longer work as a labourer without significant pain. With my mother’s support, he went back to school completing the requirements to access university as an adult. Three years later, as a fully qualified teacher, he began a successful career as a primary educator. To witness first-hand what can come out of great adversity is my reference point whenever I face a challenge in my life. On Remembrance Day, it is also what I reflect upon: what could the young men and women who died as a result of war have become if they had not paid the ultimate price? I would like to take this opportunity to thank the President of the Ardrossan Branch of the RSL, Mr Kevin Kavanagh and the membership of the RSL for inviting the school to hold the service at the school. Thank you also to Mrs Leonie Peterson, Ms Lori McClelland, Mrs Margaret Roads, Mr Nic Marsh, Mrs Dianna Honner, Mrs Andrea Kuhndt, the School Captains, the staff and the students of Ardrossan Area School and Ardrossan and Districts Community Kindergarten for their contribution and participation on the day. I hope that this connection will continue beyond 2014. On Monday night, the Governing Council met to consider budget allocations for 2015. In this meeting, the Governing Council endorsed the 2015 Curriculum Budget and the Interim Budget for 2015. Also discussed were the proposed 2015 Materials and Services charges to families. These Materials and Services charges have increased in accordance with CPI increases, however, they remain the minimum charge recommended by DECD. Included in this newsletter is a copy of these proposed charges. On 1 st December, Governing Council will meet at the school at 6pm. We invite interested parents or carers to this meeting to discuss these charges. In lieu of attendance to this meeting, parents/carers can contact the school for more information or express their views via a letter addressed to the chairperson of the Governing Council; Ms Kathryn Cameron. The letter should be sent to the school’s address of 14 Second St, Ardrossan 5571. We advise families that we have had further confirmed cases of chicken pox in our primary classes. We appreciate notification to the school if your child has a confirmed case of chicken pox. Kind regards, Karen Bond Principal November 13th 14th 18th 20th 21st Stage 2 PE Exam Whole School assembly 2:40pm - Gym Performing Arts concert–Town Hall 7pm SRC Fun Day Student Free Day AAS Reading Challenge Well done to all the students that have been busy reading and handing in forms. We have now read 7 600 books. We only need 96 more forms handed in to reach our 10 000 book target. Keep reading! We can do it! SAPSASA Cricket & Tennis Last week Fergus, Tysen & Mitchell participated in SAPSASA Cricket & Tennis. Fergus had a great week with 3 wins. His team came 3rd overall in division two. Mitchell & Tysen played tennis at the Seacliff Tennis Club. Mitchell played no. 3 & Tysen played no. 4. They came 3rd in division three. Well done boys! Performing Arts Concert Ardrossan Town Hall Tuesday 18th November 2014 7:00pm Gold coin donation All welcome Diamond Cricket student quotes: “I stacked my team with good players” – Mollie “When I was about to take a catch I missed it and it hit me in the tummy!” – Kimberly “We spun a bat to see who wanted to bat” – Sophie “In each team there was ten kids, in the end Maitland got 5 games and we got 11 games” – Alanna Presentation Night DVD I would like to order _____ copies of the 2014 Ardrossan Area School Presentation Night DVD. I understand the cost will be $10 per DVD. Name _____________________ Signature _____________________ (Parent/caregiver) Date __________ Please return this sip with payment of $10 to the Front Office by 1st December 2014. Reception K Eglinton/M Roads Year 1 C Schahinger Year 2/3 A Charlesworth Year 3/4 P Clark Year 4/5 N Marsh Year 5/6 P Fogarty Year 7 A Nixon Henry Dixon – good participation in PE Cobi O’Connor – good participation in the ‘Have a Go’ cricket session Mikaylah Elsworthy – showing more confidence during class activities Seth Lawrie – for trying to make good choices with his learning Paige Day – for excellent addition and subtraction with the numicon blocks Thomas Williams - for excellent addition and subtraction with the numicon blocks Aimee Taylor – for excellent participation in Maths games Jasper Synnett – for creative and imaginative constructions in Design and Technology lessons Connor Eastley – for displaying empathy and compassion Philip Newton – for making smart choices Star Pannell-Blacklock – for adapting well to her new class environment Chloe Purnell – for improved reading Georgina Chapman – for a positive start to Term 4 Ryan Magor - for a positive start to Term 4 Emma Whittaker – exceptional detailed descriptive writing Hannah Synnett – for producing a believable and entertaining narrative Deearna Bond – for being a good role model and patient helper in the Year 2 / 3 class Jordan Cvitko - for being a good role model and patient helper in the Year 2 / 3 class Cody Benson – for excellent helping out during camp Jasmine Smith – for a consistent attitude in all subject areas Tysen Harrison – for creating some fantastic Haiku and Tanka poems Fergus Rowntree – for participating extremely well in all dance lessons Kids' Club Monday, 17th November Don't miss our Christmas Celebrations. This is our last Kids' Club at the Hall this year. Kids' Club has been postponed from Friday, 14th to Monday 17th due to the Blue Light Disco.
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