(Saturday 15 November) 6pm – Vigil Mass of Sunday (counts as Sunday Communion) [Fr Victor]
16 November 2014 – SECOND BEFORE ADVENT
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (traditional rite) [Fr David]
9.30 a.m. – Solemn Mass [Fr Victor]
11.15 a.m. – Parish Mass [Fr Norman]
Monday 17 November – Hugh of Lincoln, Bishop, 1200
8.00 a.m. – Low Mass
Diocese of Lincoln
Prior’s Acre, Boxgrove
Tuesday 18 November – Elizabeth of Hungary, Princess, Wife & Philanthropist, 1231
10.00 a.m. – Low Mass & Homily (followed by coffee)
1.00pm – Funeral of Wendy Titcombe
The underprivileged
Priory Close, Boxgrove
Wednesday 19 November – Hilda, Abbess, 680
8.00 a.m. – Low Mass
The Society
Selhurst Park, Halnaker
Thursday 20 November – Edmund, King and Martyr, 869
7.30 p.m. – Low Mass
The Armed Forces
Saint Blaise’s Road, Boxgrove
Friday 21 November – Presentation of the BVM
12 noon – Low Mass
Expectant Mothers
Saint Mary’s Road, Boxgrove
Saturday 22 November – Cecilia, Virgin and Martyr, c.230
8.00 a.m. – Low Mass
Stane Street, Halnaker
6.00 p.m. – Vigil Mass of Sunday (counts as Sunday Communion) [Fr Victor]
Next Sunday: 23 November – SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING
8.00 a.m. – Holy Communion (traditional rite) [Fr Victor]
9.30 a.m. – Solemn Mass [Fr Ian]
11.15 a.m. – Parish Mass [Fr Ian]
Christmas Greetings in The Boxgrove Bugle – If you
would like to pass on Christmas greetings in the December
edition of The Bugle then please contact the Editor (Mrs
Virginia Darling) or the Assistant Editor (John Craven) with
your copy. £3 for 1/8th page. Address and contact details on
page 2 of this month’s Bugle available in hard copy and on-line.
A Night Before Christmas – 6th December, Chichester City
Band under direction of Major Tim Cooper. 7.30pm. Tickets £15
from or the Box Office on 01243
813595 - to include glass of wine and mince pies. See website
for further details.
Theo’s Magic Garden – a collection of children’s stories
written by Iris Watts and illustrated by Alex Forrester. On
sale in Saint Blaise’s Chapel after Mass, price £5.
Choir CDs – three CDs sung by the Priory choir, namely
AMDG, Christmas at Boxgrove and Gaudete! are available
featuring seasonal music from the priory shop or via John
Craven. £10 each plus p&p where required.
Stewardship – when did you last update your weekly giving
or your monthly standing order? If you think you need some
help in this area then Sue Chevis will be available to give advice
in Saint Blaise’s Chapel after Mass.
Giving to charity through Gift Aid. Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities by allowing them
to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. If you pay higher rate tax you can claim extra relief on your donations. If you claim
higher Personal Allowances or tax credits, Gift Aid donations can sometimes increase your entitlement.
If you use a yellow envelope to make your gift today please ensure the details on the front are correctly
filled in and signed.
3. Indeed thus shall be blessed
the man who fears the Lord.
May the Lord bless you from Zion
all the days of your life! (R)
Entrance: 466 - Thou whose almighty word
Gradual: 388 - Jesus shall reign
Creed: Marbeck (NEH p.833 – all join in)
Offertory: 333 - All my hope
Post-Communion: 446 - Sing Alleluya forth ye saints
Mass for Four Voices – Tallis
Offertory: O lux beata – Byrd
Communion: Agnus Dei II from Mass
The Collect
eavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed
to destroy the works of the devil and to make
us the children of God and heirs of eternal life:
grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves
even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power
and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal
and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with
you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and
for ever. Amen.
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6
Theme: Let not the Day of the Lord overtake you like a thief.
First Reading: Proverbs 31:10-13.19-20.30-31
Theme: A perfect wife - who can find her?
ou will not be expecting us to write anything to you,
brothers, about ‘times and seasons’, since you know
very well that the Day of the Lord is going to come
like a thief in the night. It is when people are saying, ‘How
quiet and peaceful it is’ that the worst suddenly happens,
as suddenly as labour pains come on a pregnant woman;
and there will be no way for anybody to evade it.
But it is not as if you live in the dark, my brothers, for
that Day to overtake you like a thief. No, you are all sons
of light and sons of the day: we do not belong to the night
or to darkness, so we should not go on sleeping, as
everyone else does, but stay wide awake and sober. · This
is the Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Alleluia… Alleluia…
Make your home in me, as I make mine in you, says the
Lord. Whoever remains in me bears fruit in plenty.
(Alleluias as before)
perfect wife - who can find her? She is far
beyond the price of pearls. Her husband’s heart
has confidence in her; from her he will derive no
little profit. Advantage and not hurt she brings him all
the days of her life. She is always busy with wool and
with flax, she does her work with eager hands. She sets
her hands to the distaff, her fingers grasp the spindle.
She holds out her hand to the poor, she opens her arms
to the needy. Charm is deceitful, and beauty empty; the
woman who is wise is the one to praise. Give her a
share in what her hands have worked for, and let her
works tell her praises at the city gates. · This is the
Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.
Responsorial Psalm: 127 vv 1-5
The Gospel: Matthew 25:14-15.19-21
Theme: You have been faithful in small things; come and join in
your master's happiness.
The Lord be with you; and with thy spirit.
A reading from the holy gospel according to Matthew:
Glory be to thee, O Lord.
The Lord be with you: and also with you.
A reading from the holy gospel according to Matthew:
Glory to you, O Lord.
1. O blessed are those who fear the Lord
and walk in his ways!
By the labour of your hands you shall eat.
You will be happy and prosper. (R)
2. Your wife like a fruitful vine
in the heart of your house;
your children like shoots of the olive,
around your table. (R)
esus spoke this parable to his disciples: ‘The kingdom of
heaven is like a man on his way abroad who summoned
his servants and entrusted his property to them. To one
he gave five talents, to another two, to a third one; each in
proportion to his ability. Then he set out. Now a long
time after, the master of those servants came back and
went through his accounts with them. The man who had
received the five talents came forward bringing five more.
“Sir”, he said “you entrusted me with five talents; here are
five more that I have made.” ’ · This is the gospel of the
Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.
Praise be to thee, O Christ