Jan/Feb 2015 Activities - Boxgrove Children`s Centre

Play & Learn (Ripley V Hall, GU23 6AF)
10am - 11.30am (for 0 - 4 years)
Play based session for parents & 0-4yr olds
Swimming (Boxgrove Pool, Main site)
4 to 18mths
4 to 18mths
18mths to 3yrs
Booked places £25* per 6 sessions. See box below.
Dates: 15th & 29th Jan,
12th Feb. Drop in spaces
Bumps & Babes* (Ripley V Hall, GU23 6AF)
10 - 11 (Health invite Only)
Dates: 8th, 22nd Jan & 5th Feb
For parents in Ripley, Clandon, Horsley &
Send only. Make friends in your community
& have a chat with the Health Team.
‘Ethos Project’ (Main Site)
1:1 advice & information on CV
writing, housing options,
employment & careers advice.
Appointment only, contact the Centre.
Eligibility criteria Unemployed or working less than 16hrs a week
Play & Learn at Ripley
9th Jan — 13th Feb 2015
Mums in Mind PIMH Health referred only)
10—12 (Nest Room, Main Site)
Group for Mums & babies who have been referred
through their Health Professional only. This group
provides massage & attachment support for those
experiencing post natal anxiety.
Advice & Information
Did you know you can pop into the Centre any
time between 9am - 1pm Monday to Friday for
information, advice or just to talk? Or you can
phone or email us and we’ll call you back.
Rhona - IAG
Liz - Manager
This group is for families with children 0-4 years.
Themed weeks with art activities, toys, role play
construction, baby corner, singing and a snack!
Swimming is in the school pool and parent carers
are in the water with the child 1:1. Babies
should have completed their first
immunisations. *If cost is a barrier please
*Bumps & Babes
speak to staff on 01483 540818
Session is run by the Send Villages & East Horsley
Health Team.
Boxgrove Sure Start Children’s Centre
Boxgrove Primary School
Boxgrove Lane, Guildford GU1 2TD
Phone: 01483 540818
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.boxgrovechildrenscentre.co.uk
Programme is subject to change, please
check website for up to date information
Home Based Childcarers Drop In Play & Learn
(Cherry Trees, School Lane, GU4 7RS)
Various days/times
The Centre runs various workshops & courses
such as First Aid for Parents, Potty Training &
Parenting support.
Check our website for when available & how to
book or contact the centre by phone.
Outreach workers
10am - 11.30am (Term time only)
Please contact us for more details.
Admission criteria for groups. *
Priority is given to families with children aged
0-4 years living within our Centre map area
(Bushy Hill, Boxgrove, Burpham, Merrow, Ripley,
Clandon & Horsley).
*Some of our activities are target & through
invite/referral process only.
Most activities are FREE or heavily subsidised.
Check the website for changes to program.
10am - 12noon (Nest & Bridge Room)
For Registered Home Based Child Carers with
their own and looked after Children 0 - 4yrs.
This group is for mothers who are experiencing
Hatchlings (Boxgrove Main site)
Cedar House (Liz Wise) facilitates this group and has
postnatal depression or at risk of post natal anxiety.
many years experience in the field. Cedar House is a
9:30 - 10:45am (Nest Room)
A group for first time mums with babies (new
born). Our Outreach can support discussion on
topics such as feeding, sleep, routine and child
development. With Louise (Outreach Worker).
Two of the group sessions are led by a local
Health Professional. Health related advice should
always be sought from your Health Professional.
Health invite letters only.
Louise & Caroline, are available for Outreach and
Home Visits by arrangement. We can support and
advise you with sleeping or feeding problems,
behaviour issues and other aspects of family life.
Cedar House PND Support Group
Child Health Clinic (Boxgrove Main site)
PND specialist charity. Referral is through Liz Wise.
Limited crèche available. Contact Centre for details.
Busy B’s at Bushy Hill Community Centre
10 – 11.30am
This groups runs in the Bushy Hill Community
Centre (GU1 2UG). Bushy Hill Estate is an area
identified for targeted Children’s Centre
Outreach services. This group is for families
living in the Bushy Hill Estate area.*
11am - 12.30pm (Nest & Bridge Room)
Health Professionals from the Central Guildford
& Horsley/Send Villages Surgeries hold a weekly
drop-in Clinic at the Children’s Centre. No need
to book.
Please arrive by 12:15 to ensure being seen.
HBCC’s Play & Learn
A support group for local registered Childminders
at a great venue. Great toys and soft play
activities for your own and looked after children
0 - 4 years only. (Contact Centre for more details)
Hatchlings - New parents baby group to cover
topics such as: play & development, feeding &
diet and sleep & routine. This group is for first
time Mums (Health visitor letter invite)
*Busy B’s at Bushy Hill
This group is for families with children 0-4 years.
Themed weeks with art activities, toys, baby
corner, construction, role play, singing and a
*Families in need of support from the Merrow
area are also welcomed.