St Paul’s Church, Wokingham St Nicholas’ Church, Emmbrook Pews News 16th November 2014 2nd Sunday before Advent Welcome in the name of Jesus Christ to this house of prayer, especially if you are with us for the first time today! We invite anyone who wishes to receive Holy Communion to come to God’s altar. Please tell the priest if you need a gluten-free wafer. If you’d prefer to receive a prayer of blessing please come forward with everyone else and keep your head bowed at the rail. White Gift Aid envelopes are available in each pew. If you’re a UK tax payer, we can reclaim the tax on the amount you donate, but please remember to fill in your name and address on the envelope. Clergy Contact Details Fr Richard Fr Patrick Mthr Deborah Fr Roy Mthr Judi 327 9116 977 3397 978 7658 978 4141 976 1197 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Churchwardens David Ruddock 437 6104 Peter Wells 377 6351 [email protected] [email protected] The Parish Office Mon, Tues, Thurs & Fri from 9.00am to 12.00 0118 979 2122 – [email protected] Rest Day– Sat Rest Day- Fri Rest Day- Fri Rest Day– Sat This Sunday: 2nd Sunday before Advent 16th November 8.00am 9.30am Low Mass Parish Mass Readings: 1 Thessalonians 5. 1 – 11 Matthew 25. 14 – 30 Hymns: Gradual: Setting: Anthem: 449, 338, 464, 334 Plainsong Alleluia Mass of St Thomas, Thorne O thou who camest from above, P Stopford Celebrant Celebrant Preacher Fr Richard Mthr Deborah Fr Patrick Celebrant Fr Richard Celebrant Fr Patrick Fr John Connell 10.00am Woosehill Church: Methodist Service 11.00am St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village Hall: Community Eucharist 6.15pm Evensong & Sermon Collect Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. Post Communion Prayer Gracious Lord, in this holy sacrament you give substance to our hope: bring us at the last to that fullness of life for which we long; through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen The Week Ahead Morning Prayer 8.30am (Mon, Tues, Thurs at St Paul’s, Wed at Woosehill) Rosary in The Parish Rooms on Saturday 9.00am Mon (17th) PCC Meeting 7.15pm Mass before PCC Wed (19th) Hilda, abbess, 680 Thurs (20th) Edmund, king, martyr, 870 Sat (22nd) Cecilia, martyr, c.230 10.30am House Mass *17 Martins Drive 10.30am Low Mass Fr Patrick 9.30am Fr Patrick Low Mass Fr Patrick Sunday 23rd November – Christ the King 8.00am Low Mass Celebrant Fr Roy 9.30am All Together Mass Celebrant Fr Patrick Preacher Mthr Deborah Readings: Ezekiel 34.11 – 16, 20 – 24 or Ephesians 1.15 – end Matthew 25. 31 – end. Hymns: Gradual: Setting: Anthem: 443, 352, 421, 345 Celtic Alleluia Mass of St Thomas, Thorne Lift up your heads, P Stopford 10.00am Woosehill Church – Communion Celebrant 11.00am St Nicholas, Emmbrook Village Hall, Community Eucharist Celebrant Rev’d Richard Lamey Mthr Deborah 6.15pm Service at Woosehill Church Celebrant Fr Patrick Church Notices West Africa Appeal At the recent meeting of the Mission Committee, it was decided to hold a retiring collection this week for the DEC (Disasters Emergency Committee) Ebola Appeal. Please give as generously as you can. Rosary Until further notice whilst access to the church is problematical the Rosary will be prayed on a Saturday at the usual time of 9.00 am but in the Parish Rooms. For further information or to let us know of anyone who needs our prayers please contact me (9786420) Geraldine Lea. Thank you’s I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to make the Autumn Bazaar a success, and to everyone who came along and supported the event. We made a total of £2,031, which is a superb amount. Thank you, Fr Richard. Thank you to all who came along and supported the Kid's Kingdom toy stall at the Autumn Bazaar, lots of goodies were sold. I do still have a number of good quality jigsaws, board games, paperback books and a dolly pushchair with dolly and shopping bag! If there is anyone who was not able to attend but wanted too, please catch me after the service or call me later and perhaps you can drop around to our house to look through and grab a bargain. Any left will be donated to one of the charity shops at the end of the month. Tina and Heather Selwyn-Smith 0118 979 2819 Temporary closure of the Churchyard The steeplejack and stonemason are due to come on Tuesday 18th November to check the stability of the pinnacles, after which, we are hoping that the main path St Paul's will be back in use. All services are happening as usual but you still have to walk right round the Church to get to the South Door to get in. We are working as hard as we can to get back to normal, and we do thank you for your patience in the interim. Mothers’ Union I'm making (hopefully with some help from others) some Fiddle Blankets for dementia sufferers. I'm using fleece for the top but could do with flannelette sheeting for the backing and wonder if anyone has old sheets they no longer use? The blankets are only about 2'6" square so old sheets would be fine. Jean Vaughan 9790538 The Children's Society You may have noticed that one of this month's charities in Waitrose is The Children's Society, so please support us as often as you can throughout November. Many thanks. Forthcoming Dates Tues 18th of November Healing Meeting – 8.00pm at Woosehill Church There will be a meeting for people from across the Parish to talk about what we mean by healing and what a healing service is all about. There will then be a discussion about the way forward for healing services in each church. Do please come along, whether this is something you are already involved in or not. Saturday 22nd November Hawthorns Fair Woosehill Church are having a stall at Hawthorns Fair from 12 – 3pm, this year with lots of thing for kids to do, all free! Why not pop along? 23rd November Parish Walk Weather permitting; there will be a walk on Sunday 23rd November. Please meet in the Parish Rooms car park at 2pm, as usual. Teri Austen Tuesday 25th November Church Action on Poverty There is a meeting which is open to all at The Lounge, Park URC, Palmer Park Ave, Wokingham Road, Reading RG6 1DN with guest Speakers Amanda Bickerton and Malcolm Peirce, all are welcome. Contact [email protected] Wednesday 26th November Lily’s Story A story of a munitions worker during WW1, presented in period costume. Being held at Wokingham Library at 2.00pm. Cost of £5.00, which includes refreshments, tickets available at the Information Centre in the Town Hall. Call 0118 978 1368 to book in advance. First Monday of the Month Prayer-walking the new Housing Developments A group from Wokingham Baptist Church are keen to start prayer walking the new housing developments on the first Monday of each month. It seems important to be praying as the churches seek to engage with the new residents in the coming months. We'd really like to invite others from across Churches Together in Wokingham to join us. Meeting at 9.15am outside the Lay-By Café on Reading Road (opposite the entrance to the Montague Park development) to finish at 10.15am at the latest. For more details please contact Anna Rogerson [email protected] or just turn up! 1st to 24th December Wokingham Living Advent Calendar There are performances in venues all around the town during this period. To find out where and when, visit the information Centre or website Sunday 7th December – Notice for St Paul’s 11.00am St Nicholas Patronal Festival Given how well the people of St Nick’s support things happening across the whole Parish, and given how often they come to worship at St Paul’s, it would be brilliant if some people from St Paul’s could return the favour by joining them in the Village Hall for their Patronal Festival, either after the 9.30am or instead of the 9.30am on that particular morning. You would be most welcome. Sunday 7th December Alexander Devine – Carol Concert A concert by St Paul’s choir is to be held on Sunday 7th December at 6.30pm at St Paul’s in aid of the Alexander Devine Hospice Service. Tickets are available from the Parish Office or Bookends, 9 Peach Street £6 adults, £2 children, including refreshments. Saturday 13th December Christmas Workshop A Christmas workshop has been arranged in conjunction with Wokingham Flower on Saturday 13th December 2014 from 10.00 am-1.00 pm. The cost is £15.00, which covers all materials. If anyone is interested please contact Sue Davenport, 01189786554 as soon as possible. Sunday 21st December Lessons & Carols at 6.15pm The Social Committee would be grateful for donations of Mulled Wine, nonalcoholic Mulled Wine and Mince Pies to serve after the Lessons & Carols service. Please give to a member of the social committee or leave at the Parish Office. Many thanks. Coming Up First Steps for pre-schoolers We meet in church for singing, craft, stories, biscuits and drinks. Starting 9.15am (we will be in church from 9.00am) and finishing 10.15am. Dates and topics: 11th December, The Nativity. 8th January, Epiphany. See Father Richard or Liz Gallagher to help or find out more. Other Notices Biodiversity team wanted for St Paul’s The churchyard is just as much for the living – people, animals, plants – as it is for those who have passed on. The parish is looking for people in the congregation – young and mature – to form a group to look at how the churchyard could be developed to take advantage of the plants and animals, which occur there naturally, in order to make it a more attractive place to visit. Would anyone interested in joining such a group please talk either to Andy Clark or to Michael Johnstone. If you don’t know who we are, our pictures are to be found in the Rogues’ Gallery just inside the main porch. Wanted - Shoe Boxes The OTB team would be very grateful for shoe boxes for the (proposed) Fall of Jericho on 10th February 2015. Please ask/give to members of the team, Debbie Davison, Sally Dowling, Liz Gallagher, Geraldine Lea, Nami & Justin Elliott). Many thanks, team OTB. 22nd November Christmas Fair - B.M.S.T.C. Multiple Sclerosis Therapy Centre On Saturday 22nd November the BMSTC are having their Christmas Fair at their Centre: at The Bradbury Centre, 23a August End, Brock Gardens Reading RG30 2JP. We are looking for Raffle and Tombola prizes, so if there is anything left over from the Church Bazaar you know where to send it! I also have some raffle tickets to sell if anyone is interested. We would love to see anyone of you there. Please contact Petra Johnstone for raffle tickets and prizes. Thank you. 25th November Smalley Lecture – Spies A talk by Charles Crawford at LVS Britvic Theatre, LVS Ascot, London Road, Ascot SL5 8DR. Refreshments afterwards and a chance to chat to the organisers. Book your free place now [email protected] or call on 01344 882 770 For Your Prayers Prayer before the Service at St Paul’s At 9 o’clock on Sunday mornings in the Walter Chapel there is an opportunity for a short period of prayer for the parish, our clergy and the 2014 events. Siren Prayer for 2014 We meet at 29 Sewell Ave at 9.55am on the first Monday of the month, excluding Bank Holidays. If you can’t be there, then please pause when the Siren sounds to pray for the Parish and for the community. Sally Dowling 0118 978 2729 Please pray: In 2014: for a successful and enjoyable year of thanksgiving, renewed commitment and active focus in which we grow in our confidence in God, in our relationships with one another and in our links with the wider community. West Africa Ebola Crisis We pray for the persisting situation in West Africa, for the people and also the International response. The Sick: Bernice Ross, John Smith, Steve, Jane Stillman, Rex Blamires, Elizabeth Hurst, June Harbour, Diane Hebbs. Recently Departed: Margaret Hollings In the Year’s Mind: Wilfred Fildes (16th), Jane Joyce, Amy Charity, Ken Nightingale (18th), Evelyn Hopwood (19th), Laurence Hopwood (20th), Gordon Winsby (21st), Lilley Stephens, Alice Crew (22nd). Anglican Cycle of Prayer Sunday: Pray for Bermuda the Lusitanian Church (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury) Lusitanian Church - (Portugal), José Cabral Monday: Karimnagar - (South India) Vacant Tuesday: Karnataka Central - (South India) Vacant Karnataka North - (South India), Ravikumar J. Niranjan Wednesday: Karnataka South - (South India), John Sadananda Thursday: Katakwa - (Kenya), Zakayo Epusi Friday: Katanga - (Congo), Muno Kasima Saturday: Katsina - (Kaduna, Nigeria), Jonathan Bamaiyi
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