DIOCESE OF CHARLESTON OUR LADY OF THE HILLS CATHOLIC CHURCH 120 Marydale Lane Columbia, SC 29210 Parish Office–772-7400 Fax –798-8030 E-Mail [email protected] Website: ourladyofthehillssc.org Mission Statement Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church November 16th, 2014 rd 33 Sunday in Ordinary Time Our Lady of the Hills Roman Catholic Church is inspired by the Holy Spirit and formed by the Gospel, under the patronage of Mary, the Mother of Jesus. Our mission is to preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As one family under God, the Father, we welcome all who come to us and are particularly mindful of those in need. STAFF REV. DAVID R. WHITMAN Pastor –Ext. 1 Email - [email protected] Medical Emergency – 803-772-7490 REV. GUSTAVO CORREDOR Parochial Vicar - Ext. 3 Cell 803-394-6773 Email - [email protected] SISTER CHRISTINA MURPHY, SNDdeN Pastoral Associate – Ext.. 2 [email protected] DEACON CHUCK DIRUSSO 794-3388 or [email protected] DEACON DENNIS JONES 808-7196 DEACON STEVE BURDICK 798-8296 MASS SCHEDULE Saturday, (Vigil) 5:30 PM Sunday, 8AM, 10AM & 12NOON Spanish Mass –3:30 P.M. RECONCILIATION Saturday, 4pm or by appointment ST.VINCENT DE PAUL Crisis Line 465-1644 JACKIE BRACE Director of Religious Education - ext. 13 [email protected] ELIZABETH HUDACKO Youth Minister - Ext. 4 [email protected] GLORIA CAZALLIS Assistant Secretary/Parish - Ext. 6 Assistant Secretary Religious Ed- Ext.14 [email protected] & [email protected] PEGGY WILLIAMS Parish Secretary - Ext. 5 [email protected] MARIANNE MELTON Bookkeeper - Ext. 7 [email protected] JUAN MARMOLEJO Facilities Manager – Ext. 8 Welcome ~ We welcome all newcomers to our parish family and request that you see an usher after mass for a registration packet or call the Parish Office. Sacramental Information Baptism You must call the parish office to register for a Baptism Class. This must be done one month prior to the scheduled class. Call the Parish Office for more information. Marriage You must contact the Parish Office at least six months prior to wedding. Anointing of the Sick If you find yourself or a loved one as a patient in a hospital and are in need of the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, please call the office during business hours as soon as possible. Please do not wait until your loved one is in critical condition. There can be unavoidable delays in a priest getting to the hospital immediately. Also, if you plan on entering the hospital for a particular procedure, you may receive the Sacrament of the Anointing, prior to admission, by making contact with the parish office. Change of Status If you have a change in your family information (i.e. new address, new phone # or leaving the parish) please notify the Parish Office. Please note: If you or someone you are accompanying is unable to approach the altar for Holy Communion please notify an usher of your circumstances prior to Mass . Attention Young Adults!! Interested in finding out what is available in our Diocese-go to these web sites http://sccatholic.org/young-adultministry http://catholicyoungadultsofsc.com The Vocations Office would like to announce its presence on Twitter (@FatherKirby) and on Facebook (Charleston Vocations). The office invites everyone to “follow” and “like” us on these social media. On FaceBook and Twitter, you will see updates from our seminarians including YouTube videos, photos, information on discernment, vocations updates, and also hear about upcoming vocations events! Since each of us is given unique gifts to serve, finding an opportunity to apply our gifts, heart, abilities, and experiences in the church is important. MINISTRY CORNER- we remain in need of: Cantors-please contact Mickey Mahon [email protected], Ushersplease contact Mark [email protected], Ministers of the Eucharistplease contact Maria Bernhagen [email protected], Adult Altar Servers-please contact Maria , Altar Servers – please contact Gloria Cazallis - [email protected] Choir – Saturday @ 5:30 please contact Debbie Bernhagen @ 750-7146 or [email protected] / for the 10am Choir please contact BethAnn Moats [email protected], Nursery Workers – Contact Pam Baxley @ 732-8985, Altar Committee Members – Contact Pat Reiland 781-3371, Lectors – Contact Laura Church @ 803-606-9374 or [email protected] Our Lady of the Hills is committed to the protection of children. Here are important numbers: Diocesan Victim Assistance Minister ~ 800-921-8122 / Diocesan Office of Child Protection Services ~ 843- 853-2130 ext. 206. COMMUNITY BUILDING Next Sunday, the Feast of Christ Our King, is the 39th Anniversary of our Parish. Please keep our Pastor, Father Whitman, and all our parish family in your prayers. Everyone is invited to join us after the 10am mass on Sunday, November 23rd, for coffee, doughnuts and cake. PLEASE SAVE THE DATE: FOR WOMENS GROUP ANNUAL HOLIDAY CRAFT AND BAKE SALE. WE WILL ALSO HAVE PECANS FOR PURCHASE AND AS ALWAYS CRAFTS AND DELICIOUS BAKED GOODS. OUR SALE IS NOVEMBER 22ND & 23RD AFTER ALL MASSES. Attention Eucharistic Ministers – if you have borrowed a Communion pyx from the Sacristy please return. BREAKFAST WITH SAINT NICHOLAS : The Knights Of Columbus will be holding its annual Breakfast with Saint Nicholas on Sunday, December 7, 2014, after the 8 and 10 AM masses (8:30 to 11:45 AM), in the Parish Center. Saint Nicholas will be there to visit and talk with the children. The Breakfast will consist of Pancakes , Scrambled Eggs, Grits, Sausage, Fruit, Juice, Milk, and Coffee. Tickets at the door are $5 per adult. Children 8 & under no charge. Catholic Inquiry has begun! No previous experience necessary. Contact Debbie Heizer, Inquiry Coordinator or Deacon Steve Burdick at the Parish Office at 772-7400. Discover the Catholic Church! th Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, Nov. 18 , at 10am in the Church nursery. Please contact Ashley Bender @ 447-2555 with any questions. Music lessons are available in piano, voice, and flute. All ages, and levels are welcome. Please call Beth Ann Moats at 803-530-0018. THIS WEEK AT OLH Monday, Nov.17th Tuesday, Nov. 18th 10:00AM – Playgroup – Church Nursery 6:30PM – Spanish Ministry – FLC Classrooms 7:00PM – Joy in the Spirit – Church 7:00PM – St. Vincent de Paul – FLC Hall Wednesday, Nov. 19th 12:45PM – Senior Lunch – FLC Hall 2:00PM – Scripture Study – FLC Library 6:15PM – K5 – 5th Grades Religious Ed – FLC Classrooms 6:30PM – Little Rock Scrip. Study – FLC Ministry Room 6:30PM – Sp. RCIA – Church 7:00PM – Legion of Mary – FLC Library 7:00PM – Joyful Noise – FLC Music Room Thursday, Nov. 20th 12:45PM – Adoration – Church 5:00PM – Vespers – Church 7:00PM - RCIA – FLC Ministry Room 7:00PM – Morning Star Choir – FLC Music Room 7:15PM – Pastoral Council Friday, Nov. 21st 7:00PM – OLH Men’s Group – FLC Hall Saturday, Nov. 22nd 4:00PM – Spanish Young Adults – FLC OLH WOMEN’S GROUP BAKE SALE PLEASE RETURN ALL THANKSGIVING BAGS ALL MASSES Sunday, Nov. 23RD - Happy 39th Anniversary Our Lady of the Hills 9:00AM – Sharing Sunday Readings – FLC Library 12Noon – Sp. EM Mtg – FLC Ministry Room 1:30PM – Spanish Choir – Church 6:30PM – Junior High, Confirmation & Sr. High Religious Ed – FLC Classrooms 6:30PM – Little Rock Scrip. Study – FLC Ministry Room Coffee & Doughnuts Schedule: November 16th – OLH Welcome Committee November 23rd – The Parish Staff Anyone interested in hosting please contact the Parish Office or Fran Dudley at 772-7400 or 781-0706 Pastoral Council-will meet on Thursday, November 20, at 7:15pm. PRAYER & WORSHIP "Joy in the Spirit” weekly meeting in the Church on Tuesday, Nov. 18th, 7 to 8:30 pm. We gather each week to worship and praise the Lord in song and prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. All are invited to gather with us." For information or questions, please contact John Killilea, phone 803-201-7900 or email jkillilea@ hotmail.com. Pray For Peace If you have a family member or friend serving in the military, please see the bulletin board in the Narthex and provide a picture so we can keep them in our prayers. Details are on the board. Everyone, please pray daily for our service men and women and their families. Vespers Services on Thursday, November 20th, at 5:00PM, which will include the evening prayer of the Church (Vespers), The Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Benediction. This all takes place in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Please join us for this time of prayer which will end at 6:00PM. All precious hearts are invited to become Guardians of Adoration ~ Adorers of Jesus in the Eucharist, What: Eucharistic Adoration When: Every Thursday Following the 12:15 Holy Mass until Friday, 12 Noon ending with Benediction, Reposition of the Eucharist and Holy Mass. Where: Our Lady of the Hills Catholic Church ~ Needed: Precious adoring hearts to spend time with Jesus in the Holy Eucharist to believe, adore, trust, praise, love, thank & offer reparation to Jesus’ Sacred heart. Please bring your family &/or friends with you . Any questions or to promise a hour please contact The Hoods at 661-1079. May God be with you and bless you! Christ Central ~ Thanks for your continued support with much needed clothing and other supplies for the homeless in our community. Donations of new or used clothing in clean condition may be placed in the white chest located in the Church Narthex. Tax donation receipts are also available in the chest. New Outreach Ministry We are seeking members of the parish to form a committee that would inquire about OLH members during a time of home confinement due to an illness or injury. There may be members of the parish that would enjoy or appreciate any of the following: a brief visit, a home cooked meal, a phone call or some small gesture that lets our “OLH Family” know we care. If interested or if you require more info please contact: Mary Ruth Sorrel at; [email protected] or 345-0239, Carol McEvoy at; [email protected] or 749-1183 or Deacon Chuck DiRusso at; [email protected] or 794-3388. STEWARDSHIP We appreciate everyone who can increase their giving levels. Giving is joyful and makes your soul smile. Let us all smile together! PARISH SUPPORT LAST WEEK YEAR TO DATE Budget Amount Needed $ 17,096.00 $ 324,82400 Amt. Received 11/9 $ 19,985.00 Variance $ 3,911.00 $ 348,860.00 $ 25,058.00 Total Number of registered households….……….......1662 Children’s Stewardship……......................................$5.00 Kairos Prison Ministry …..…….....……..….$200.00 One of the simplest ways to make a future gift to Our Lady of the Hills is through your will. Please call the Parish Office for details on how to make arrangements. NEXT WEEK’S SECOND COLLECTION CAMPAIGN FOR HUMAN DEVOLPMEN SOCIAL OUTREACH Our Lady of the Hills St. Vincent de Paul group will be distributing Thanksgiving Food Baskets to clients on Tuesday morning November 26 between 9 & 11am. We are in need of several strong, able bodied men to help pick up about 100 boxes, each weighing between 40 and 50 lbs. and placing them in the client’s car. If you can help please come to the FLC Gym at 8:45am Tuesday, Nov. 26 th. "The Giving Tree” will be in the Narthex from November 21st , through December 7th. If anyone knows of an OLH family or someone in need, please notify Peggy in the church office, so that they can be added to the Giving Tree. Thank you for your continued generosity and support OLH Women's Club. Sunday evening religious education classes Grades 5th – 12 begin at 6:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm. Wednesday evening religious education classes Grades K5 – 5th begin at 6:15 pm and end at 7:30 pm. If you have any questions grades K5 - 8th please call Jackie Brace e-mail [email protected] or Grades 9 – 12 Elizabeth Hudacko at 772-7400. Religious Education UPDATE: Please update your calendar. There are some changes to the Religious Ed Calendar for the Wednesday and Sunday evening classes. The changes are for all classes. Wednesday evening -We have class on Wednesday December 3rd, at regular class time. We are having an Advent Day on SATURDAY December 6th. This will replace class on Dec. 10 & 17th. Wednesday class will resume on Wednesday January 7th, 2015. Please mark your calendar! Sunday evening Religious Education classes will be cancelled on Sunday December 14th, so that everyone can attend the Our Lady of Guadalupe celebration following the 3:30 pm Mass. Sunday classes will resume on January 4, 2015. Please mark your calendar regarding this change. ADVENT DAY for grades K5 through grade 5 will be held on SATURDAY December 6th from 9:30 am until 1:30 pm. The day will consist of activities, games and prayer experiences which help the children understand the purpose of Advent and various traditions which help us to focus on preparing for Christ's birth. Lunch will be served and attendance will be taken. This day will replace class on December 10th and December 17th. Students in grades 6 through high school are needed as peer leaders for Advent Day. It is a great way to earn service hours. If you are interested please call Jackie at 772-7400 or e-mail [email protected]. Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Greetings to Our Lady of the Hills Senior Citizens: Happy Fall y’all! You are cordially invited to our next Senior Citizen Luncheon on Wednesday, November 19, 2014 at 1:00 PM in the Parish Life Center Social Hall. Please call the Cathy, 732-2524, 2389832 and leave your name, phone number and how many are attending. Please make your reservations before or by Sunday, November 16th. If you are calling for several people, leave their names also on the message. 1. You have to be 65 years old or older, 2. You have to be a registered member of Our Lady of the Hills Parish and, 3. You need to call Cathy (see above for phone number) to make a reservation. 4. If your name is NOT on the reservation list, we will be unable to serve you. It is imperative that we have an accurate count of reservations so that our cooks know how many meals to prepare. Our menu will be Baked Ziti, salad, bread, dessert (SURPRISE), coffee and iced tea. Our next Senior Luncheon will be January 21st, 1:00 PM. The Catholic Campaign for human Development (CCHD) has come to the aid of communities nationwide for over 40 years in an effort to eradicate poverty. During World Youth Day on July 25, 2013, Pope Francis told us to ‘never tire of working for a more just world, marked by greater solidarity.” CCHD puts these words into action by funding housing, education and the development of job opportunities. Projects supported by CCHD move beyond providing for basic needs. They work to build healthy, sustainable futures for communities. Ten years ago, Boston’s Haley House began offering bakery training at the request of a few regular guests at the soup kitchen. Experiencing a tremendous demand Haley House created a six-month course that includes customer relations and basic business principles. Haley House currently has 70 trainees who have completed the program and are now employed in the Boston Area. Haley House also runs cooking classes for at-risk teens and a Transitional Employment Program that provides holistic, individual support to men and women re-entering the community after incarceration. Haley House creates a strong local economy by building human relationships; it carries on Christ’s mission “to bring glad tidings to the poor….liberty to captives…sight to the blind, to let the oppressed go free”(Lk 4:18) This Collection is the primary source of funding for CCHD’s anti-poverty grants and education programs. Collection funds offer new hope each year to those living in poverty throughout the United States. And remember, 25% of the Collection’s proceeds stays here in our diocese to fight poverty in our communities and defend the dignity of our neighbors. Help us defend human dignity and show Christ’s charity to those in need. For more information about the Collection for the Campaign for Human Development and the groups it funds, please visit www.povertyusa.org PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS: Sue Abbruzzi, Kathy Lopiccolo Ammermann, Christine Arehart, Edward Arvalo, Tim Assemany, Joe Audet, David Barranco Hogo Bass, Monique Beddengfield, Fred Berby, John Berg II, Noah Berg, Barbara Berch, Susan Bowers, Jerry Broughton, Sharon Brown, Alex Burbules, Debra Bytnar, Ann Campbell, Ellen Campbell, Charlotte Cardenas, Logan Cardosi, Judy Case, Gloria Cazallis, Jimmy Clark, Kathryn Clark, Bruce Cole, Jim Connelly, Shannon Connolly, Sonja Corley, Pat Coval, Amy Cox, Cameron Dadger, Diane Del Tova, Tara Dempsey-Robinson, John Dierickx, Susan Dietrich, Heather Dorn, Kathryn Doucett, Avilis Dowd, Rita Dowd, John Duffy, Larry Echerer, Daphne Ellis, Darl Evans, Dan & Pat Everhart, Nancy Esposito, Camille Farrell, Bette Fine, Maureen Floyd, Bernadine Fontaine, Brendan Fontaine, Jerry Fortin, Sandra Gaines, Roseann Gallagher, Sheila Gallagher, Jennie Gannon, Michael Gibson, Betsy Gilkeson, Barbara Glenn, Rachel Godwin, Ben Greer, Jay Griffin, Harlen Grillot, Paul Guigliano, Doug Haley, Scottie Hallbick, Tim Hancock, Park Haney, Loretta Hebert, David Hebda, Harold Hoffman Jr., Ann Holland, Justin Hooks, Margie & Jim Horosko, Rose Marie Howells, Daniel Hudacko, Robert Imker, Dorothy Irwin, Larry Janczak, Lorenzo Johnson, Raymond June, Lynn Keller, Rick Kelly, Hal Kennedy, Cal Kitay, Leah Klevgard, Edward Kriner, Richard Ksenzakovic, Frank LaCastro, Daniel Lane, Jr.,Antonio Lazaro, Kristin Lesesne, Chris Libert, Floyd Lipe, Jay Lopiccolo, Jacqueline Lucas, George Lusk, Barbara MacCallum, Raymond J. Malejko, Louis Martin, Maggie Mackaben, Mildred McCormack, David McDonald, Melissa Martin, Eunice Matthews, Sandy McCloud, Irene McCollam, Marge McCollam, Carol McDonald, Kathy McNeal, Jack McRedmond, Carol Meitus, Joan Menhart, Buddy Meyers, Tom Mitchell, Carol Miletti, Joan Miller, Linda Miller, Andrea Miranda, Todd Momeyer, Donald Montjoy, Kim Munch, Marlene Murphy, Loretta Narewski, Sherri Nilsson, Jane Obie, John O’Brien, Patricia O’Hara, Sandra Olijar, Richard Olsen, Becky Opachan, Joan Patrick, Bessie Pellitier, Marguerite Perry, Phyllis Peterson, Eileen Petransky, Charles Petrino, Barb & Tom Pfaffl, Cathy Pharo, Rocky Pocock, Anthony Portigiana, John Post, Doris Prosser, Sally & Placido Prujillo, Mary Pat Reddick, Matthew Reddick, Pat & Lynn Reiland, Jerry Reuss, Patty Richards, Norbert Rohling, Ernest Rouse, Jr., Stella Ruiz, George Sandland, Donald Scagliola, Charles Schaffer, Greg Schoning, Brigette Schutzman, Rosemary Scopel, Harry Seigel, Dan Sease, Daniel Seay, Alan Shaw, Alan Shealy, Steve Shepard, Lauren Shunkwiler, Courtney Sigleton, Connie Slezak, Max Snyder, Cooper Andrew Soltes, Sam Spade, Sue Spinuzza, Nicholas Sprenkel, David Stegbauer, Jennifer Strudwick, Donald Stuart, Monica Szymanski, Molly Taylor, Aaron Shuford, Samuel Tarrant, Rita Thiel, Diane Thornton, Dante Tomasini, Virgil Treece, Eva Tyson, Lemar Underdown, Tova Urborg, Bob Valwa, Victoria Vinzami, Joyce Vitiello, John Watts, Ann Watts, Donna Weiss, Bill Wells, Juanita Wharten, Nancy Waller, Paul Williams, Amanda Wilson, Chris Wilson, Kenneth Witcraft, Paul Womak, Trudy Woodcock, Mason Wright, Pat Yerema. MASS INTENTIONS & SCRIPTURE READINGS Date Sat., Nov. 15 Scripture Reading 3Jn 5-8 Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 1Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 Sun., Nov. 16 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Mon., Nov.17 Rv 1:1-4,2:1-5 Lk 18:35-43 Tues., Nov., 18 Rv 3:1-6, 14-22 Lk 19:1-10 Wed., Nov.,19 Rv 4:1-11 Lk 19:11-28 Thurs., Nov. 20Rv 5:1-10 Lk19:41-44 Fri., Nov. 21 Rv 10:8-11 Lk 19:45-48 Sat., Nov.22 Rv. 11:4-12 Lk 20:27-40 Ez 34:11-12,15-17 1Cor 15:20-26,28 Mt 25:31-46 Sun., Nov. 23 “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ “ Time Intention Requested by 5:30PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM 12:15PM 6:00PM 12:15PM 12:15PM 12:15PM Kurt & Julie Thiel + Emmanuel Lewis Best + Ericka Lynn Miller + John Freeman + For the Parish Grace Gugliotti + Joseph Dickmann + Betty & Chuck Goff + Herb Hunt + Irene McCarty + Family Irma & Clyde Best Bill & Carol Miller Family 5:30PM 8:00AM 10:00AM 12Noon 3:30PM Dr. Stephen Everhart + Mark Bradshaw + Isave Phan + Rodney Q. Ricard + For the Parish Family Kathy Dickmann Gloria Cazallis Gloria Cazallis Peggy Sookikian Dan & Pat Everhart Richard & Lynn Wainscott Loc Phan & Family Anita Tuohy SERVING IN MINISTRY NOVEMBER 22ND & 23RD MASS PRESIDER 5:30PM Sat. 8AM Father Whitman Father Whitman 10AM Father Bernard Father Bernard Father Gustavo 12Noon 3:30PM Sp. Mass MUSIC LECTOR ALTAR SERVERS EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION Joyful Noise Peter Nyikos Organ George Faller Nathan Bragg, David Garcia, Alejandro Samperio Andrew Flanagan, Revon Landreneau Deacon Burdick, Bella Valona, John & LaLone Augustine, Jimmy & Peggy Gibson, Pat Toohey Deacon Burdick, Al Sadowski, John Volmer, Chris Stockholm, Rusty Dragoon Morning Star Choir Don Moore Organ Diane & Adrian Thoman Faith Hudacko, Molly Matthews, Callie Matthews Nikki Frattaroli, Nina Frattaroli Deacon Jones, Susanne Gooch, bill Baker, Steve Lee, Liz Berg, Paul Hudacko, Carolyn Whalen Deacon Jones, David & Denise Angel, Dave Brangan, Randi Olsen, Mary Ellen Rouse Sp. Choir The Vocations Office is excited to announce the new theme, "Your Servant is Listening". The Lord is calling--how will you respond? Check out the NEW promotional video online by visiting www.CharlestonVocations.com. Wednesday Scripture Study th Our study of the Gospel of John continues on Wednesday, November 19 , at 2:00PM in the Family Life Center Library these sessions usually last 1-1½hours. We also go over the readings for the following Sunday. Looking forward to seeing you all and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me, Deacon Chuck, at 794-3388 or e-mail me at [email protected] Results of Parish Survey - Bulletin The weekend of October 3-4, 2014 we conducted a parish survey regarding the parish bulletin. We would like to thank you for your response and thoughtful comments. The results of the survey are summarized below. Question 1. Do you find the information published in the bulletin helpful? 2. Is the paper bulletin the best way of communicating parish information to you? 3. Would you like to receive parish information through electronic means (email, text, social media etc.) “Yes” Response “No” Response 95.76% 2.38% Blank or both checked 1.86% 85.73% 11.69% 2.58% 59.77% 38.06% 2.17% Many of you commented on how important the bulletin is in helping you stay informed regarding parish activities. Comments include the following: It is my communication system for OLOH Very informative, I refer to it a lot I read the bulletin cover to cover and appreciate all the hard work that goes into it. Well done, love the new color version While we received many positive comments, we also received suggestions for improvement. Several noted that much of the bulletin does not change from week to week and suggested that new material be separated from the routine information. Some felt that too much information was printed and a more concise publication would be more effective. We also received suggestions that including additional information such as Gospel reflections, updates on ministry teams, and youth activities would be beneficial. In response to the second question concerning the paper bulletin being the best way of communicating parish information, many parishioners also cited the parish website as a good way of keeping up with parish activities. The fact that the bulletin is also included on the parish website was noted as being helpful especially for reference throughout the week and when you are not able to obtain a paper copy. However, it also appears that some parishioners are not aware that we have a parish website. You can access the parish website at www.ourladyofthehillssc.org. While several positive comments were received about the parish website, commenters also noted that the website needs to be updated more frequently. Many parishioners expressed interest in using electronic means to share information. Suggestions included using email or texts for important new information or emergency situations. At the same time many parishioners noted that they did not use electronic media and wanted to retain the current paper bulletin.
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