Swedish salmon management - today and in the future 2015-10-08 Håkan Carlstrand Unit for Fisheries Policy 1 Presentation • Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management • Salmon management - Today - Future 2015-10-08 2 SwAM Approximately 230 employees Headquarters located in Gothenburg Fisheries inspection in Simrishamn, Västra Frölunda, Kungshamn, and Karlskrona 2015-10-08 3 Instructions from the government The Swedish Agency for Marine and Water Management is the administrative authority for issues dealing with the preservation, restoration and sustainable use of lakes, streams and seas. The Agency shall, within its areas of responsibility, be proactive, supportive and unifying in its implementation of environmental policies and shall promote the sustainable management of fishing resources. 2015-10-08 4 SwAM is responsible for carrying out Sweden's commitments Three of Sweden's 16 environmental objectives EU’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive EU’s Water Framework Directive EU’s and Sweden’s Common Fisheries Policy The regional conventions OSPAR, HELCOM and NASCO 2015-10-08 6 Regional environmental conventions NASCO – North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization, - Convention on Atlantic salmon, six inter- governmental organizations OSPAR – aims to protect the marine environment in the North-East Atlantic ̶ 15 countries and the EU Commission HELCOM – aims to protect the marine environment of the Baltic Sea region - 9 countries and the EU Commission 2015-10-08 7 EU Common Fisheries Policy Common rules throughout all EU countries, management of marine stocks (focus commercial) Decided upon together by the member states Equivalent fishery inspections Necessary to manage our stocks of fish Reformed by 2014 2015-10-08 8 SwAM national responsibilities International and national fisheries policy Commercial and Recreational fisheries Marine and inland waters Technical regulations Permits and licenses Monitoring of commercial fishing quotas, recreational fishing, analyses. Landing-, transport-, och trade control International cooperation 2015-10-08 9 General tools Fundings (distribution of financial) Legislation (establishing regulations) Information, coordinating and guidance 10/8/2015 Presentation title Name 10 Baltic Salmon Management – an owerview EU commission Proposal TAC BALTFISH – Ministers Decision on TAC ICES/SLU Advice Status Stocks MSY National objectives TAC in sea commercial fisheries Stakeholder Private regulation In rivers consultation Recreational fisheries Commercial fisheries SE TAC = 28% SwAM national legislation National regulation of salmon fisheries 2012 - 2015 • Phasing out mixed stock fisheries in open sea - No longline fishery since 2013 - Trolling only allowed for farmed fin clipt salmon 2015-10-08 12 Mixed stock fisheries in open sea 2015-10-08 13 Relative stability, SE TAC, and SE part of salmon production Fördelning laxkvot (TAC) Estland Älvfiske Danmark Finland Tyskland Lettland Litauen Polen Sverige Ryssland Andel av vildlaxvattendrag Estland Finland Lettland Litauen Kustfiske Födovandring (laxsmolt) Sverige Andel av total produktion av vild smolt Estland Finland Lettland Litauen Sverige Havsfiske Lekvandring (vuxen lax) Swedish part of TAC (number salmons) and commercial catches in the Baltic 140000 Laxfällor 120000 Krokfiske Drivgarn 100000 Svensk TAC 80000 60000 40000 20000 0 2006 2015-10-08 2007 Presentationsnamn 2008 2009 2010 Namn 2011 2012 2013 2014 15 Principal for regulation of commercial fisheries • Only coastal trap net fisheries • Early season ban to secure wild salmon run • Restricted area in sea near salmon rivers • Higher exploation on reared populations • Lower exploation on weak wild salmon stocks BD 20 000 salmons 31 AC 10 000 salmons Y 30 C+X Principal for regulation of recreational fisheries • Trolling in Baltic - Catches of wild salmon not allowed • Trap net fisheries – restricted time, marketing of cathes prohibited • Sportfishing in wild salmon rivers - restricted in time - bag limit one salmon a day 2015-10-08 17 Swedish salmon fisheries SE salmon fisheries 2014, catches (ICES) Yrkesfiske i havet, fasta redskap, 28 000 2% Yrkesfiske i älvar, fasta redskap, 8 000 25% 44% sportfiske trolling, 7 000 Fritidsfiske i havet fasta redskap, 3 000 5% Sportfiske i älvar, 16 000 11% Traditionella fisket, Torne älv, 1 500 13% 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 19 Swedish trolling – approx 7 000 salmons (2011) 2015-10-08 20 Trap nets 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Approx 39 000 salmons Namn 21 Approx 1 500 salmons Traditional fisheries in river Torne älv 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 22 Sportfishing in rivers Approx 16 000 salmons 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 23 Beståndsbaserad förvaltning – exemplet Torne älv Överenskommelsen mellan SE och FIN §1. “Med hänsyn till ett skäligt nyttjande av gränsälvarna på ett sätt som främjar hela gränsregionens intressen, ska utgångspunkten vara att åstadkomma en rimlig och rättvis balans ur bestånds- och nyttjandesynpunkt mellan tillämpningsområdets sammantagna fiskeintressen” 2015-10-08 24 Torne river. Number of salmons returning, total catches (SE+FIN) and remaning spawning stock Scientific advice – MSY approx 50 000 salmons Spawning stock 2015 approx 55 000 salmons 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 25 Future management ? • Objectives – conservation limits > MSY 75% - Individual complementing management targets for diffrent stocks • Management of individual stocks, avoiding mixed stock fisheries • Knowledge of stocks contributing to mixed stock fisheries and the status of each stock • Important ! – Private owners complementing management and stakeholder involvement. Organization – Salmon Management Units • Data collection and advice for regions and individual stocks • Complex management model - more resources needed ! 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 26 Potential in Swedish salmon fisheries • Commercial fisheries - In coastal fisheries, as today 30 000 salmons in the short time ( 5 - 10 years) - In rivers with water power stations , possibilty to expand to 40 - 50 000 salmons yearly 2015-10-08 Presentationsnamn Namn 27 Potential in Swedish salmon fisheries Recreational fisheries and fishing tourism - Stronger wild salmon stocks, better possibilities for tourism – but catches in the same magnitude as today - In rivers with power stations – a lot of salmons but small possibilities to expand sportfishing - Trolling – more fin clipt in catches (Finland fin clipping program from 2017) 2015-10-08 28
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