Zion United Methodist Church of Iona 1920 South Fifth Avenue, Lebanon, PA 17042-9101 he Advance Edition November 2014 Issue INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Mission Updates 2 Stockings 2 Shoeboxes 3 Advent Study 3 Church Conference 3 Community Events 4 Calendar 5 Rev. Beth Trone, Pastor Office: 717-273-2958 Urgent Calls: 717-406-2180 Email: ionaoffi[email protected] [email protected] Website: www.zioniona.com Relevant Missions Help People Really Live! I’ve been giving a great deal of thought lately to local missions . . . what people seem to need and what other churches are already doing to meet those needs. It seems there are a lot of food pantries, and free clothing banks, and free meals . . . which are all necessary! Even as we listened to the Director of the Rescue Mission a few weeks ago, we learned that their services are given to the needy with a heapin’ helpin’ of the gospel, too! Many have been saved and have turned their lives over to Jesus. Spiritual care has to be RELEVANT! And so I ask you (and me), what is it that we are called to do to care for the people in our neck of the woods . . . and perhaps to bring them into a better relationship with Christ? What do people really need? Is it possible that we should just open our doors to people who need someone to walk the extra mile with them in this very hard life? Even though we do need to put people’s hands into the hand of Jesus, we also just might need to put people’s hands into the hands of very practical resources. Special points of interest: Shoeboxes—Operation Christmas Child Annual Church Conference Do they need “no cost” counseling? Where can they find tutoring for their children? How can a mother get some “time out?” Does someone need to learn how to fill out an application for food stamps? How about public transportation? Do the elderly want to reminisce? Where can you go to get a G.E.D.? Teens always want to do something very challenging. Is it possible that Zion is called to be a Center of Life Resources for those who need help to live when things are complicated or lonely? I am thinking that Lebanon County is rich with resources that people need and sometimes can’t figure out. Could we help point them in the right direction? Perhaps if we help people to live better in this world we could also help them achieve eternal life in the next, as well! What do you think? Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. ~ Gala ans 6:2 ...Pastor Beth For additional Mission information, please check the Mission bulletin board in the hallway next to Classroom #1. Thank you for your continued support! ~JENNY CARRINGTON - DiscipleMakers (Jenny ministers to college students at Penn State) The 2014 DiscipleMakers fall conference was held in October, which Jenny helped to plan. Prayers were answered as 400 students attended. Due to the large number of students that attended, it was held in a hotel in Harrisburg. Pray that the students who attended the conference would be on fire for Christ and then reach out to others on campus. ~AARON AND DANIELLE MINER - Currently in the U.S. The Miners will be returning to Russia in December, rather than January. Ilye, their newly adopted son, received his visa in two days, instead of the usual eight weeks! Praise the Lord for that miracle! Pray that their budget needs will be met. ~LEBANON RESCUE MISSION - Lebanon Thank you for your donations to the Rescue Mission. Since their move to a larger building, they are able to provide more services to more men at their facility. They are especially grateful for the donations of food and personal items. ~LEBANON COUNTY CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES - Lebanon The benefit dinner and silent auction will be held on Thursday evening, November 20 at 6:30 p.m. at Lebanon Area Evangelical Free Church. Music will be provided by Johnathan and Laura Shuey. Tickets are $25. See Bev Henry for tickets by November 9. Pray that the dinner will be a successful event for LCCM. ~LEBANON YOUTH FOR CHRIST - Lebanon YFC moved from Grace Avenue to Willow Street in Lebanon about two years ago, so they would be closer to the young people they are helping. They have clubs and meetings for children of all ages, and they also provide meals for them. In September they served 885 meals, their largest monthly total ever. Pray that God would use their Tuesday night monthly outreach as an opportunity to draw new kids into YFC. Help Fill Christmas Stockings for Nursing Homes Please mark your calendars for Sunday, November 23 following morning worship to help us fill and sew Christmas stockings. Everyone is welcome to help! These stockings will then be distributed by Church Women United to local nursing homes. Come help us in this worthy cause! November 2014 Let us thank God heartily as often as we pray that we have His Spirit in us to teach us to pray. Thanksgiving will draw our hearts out to God and keep us engaged to Him; it will take our attention from ourselves and give the Spirit room in our hearts. ~Andrew Murray Page 2 Advent Study Begins November 23 It’s Shoebox Time! It’s time for Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse. To participate, just fill a shoebox with a variety of quality gifts that a child would enjoy, enclose $7 for transportation costs and BRING IT TO CHURCH ON NOVEMBER 23. The brochures with more information and envelopes for a monetary gift are on the table at the back of the sanctuary. Please pray that the project will be a success and that God will use the gifts to show his love to the children that will receive them. GIFT SUGGESTIONS (all ages): TOYS: Dolls Cars and Trucks Jump Rope Stuffed Animals Musical Instruments Etch-a-Sketch SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Pencils Crayons Colored Pencils Notebooks Coloring Books Sharpener Balls Puzzles Play Doh, etc. Pens Markers Erasers, etc. We will look back from the foot of the cross to his ministry with the multitudes, from the boy in the temple to the stable where he was born. We will watch a 10-minute video each week and discuss the content. NOT A SILENT NIGHT will challenge you during this Advent Season. Annual Church Conference Save the date! Saturday, November 8, 10 AM NON-LIQUID HYGIENE ITEMS: Toothbrush Toothbrush Holder Comb Toothpaste in box Bath Sponge Bar Soap (in plastic bag) Washcloth Brush Lip Balm, etc ACCESSORIES: Hats Socks Sunglasses Watches, etc. Hairbands Flashlights batteries) Beginning November 23, join us in the Library at 8:45 a.m. for 5 Sundays, as we imagine Jesus from Mary’s point of view. Please check the flier for more ideas and information! “Every shoebox offers an opportunity to share the Good News of Jesus Christ with a hurting child.” Plan to attend our annual Church Conference with District Superintendent Rev. Gary Nicholson to elect church officers, review the 2015 annual budget, and discuss goals for the future! If you are a church member, you have a VOTE! Come and plan to use it! - Franklin Graham November 2014 Page 3 Community Events and Ministry Opportunities... LCCM Benefit Dinner Thursday, November 20 The Annual Benefit Dinner of the Lebanon County Christian Ministries will be held at Lebanon Evangelical Free Church in Jonestown on Thursday, November 20. This is always an enjoyable evening for the entire family. Good homemade food, great entertainment, and Christian fellowship. Entertainment will be provided by John and Laura Shuey (Lebanon Idol Winners). A SILENT AUCTION begins at 5:30 p.m. and bidding will end at 7:45 p.m. Come early to view the many themed baskets. The BUFFET DINNER begins at 6:30 and the menu includes lettuce w/hot bacon dressing, potato filling, choice of ham or turkey. All proceeds will help LCCM provide food, shelter, clothing and other emergency services to families and individuals in need or crisis. Tickets cost $25 each or a table sponsor costs $250 (includes 8 tickets with reserved seating) Please see Bev Henry by November 9 for tickets, or call 272-4400, ext. 211 or email [email protected]. Veterans Day Concert Saturday, November 8, 7 p.m. The Lebanon Community Concert Band will present the concert at Avon Zion U.M. Church, 1205 E. Old Cumberland Street (Avon), Lebanon. A donation of $5 is requested and half of the proceeds from the concert will go to the veterans at the VA Hospital in Lebanon for their altar fund, sanctuary, and any other needed items. Cornwall Manor Retirement Community Presents An Afternoon with Actress Karolyn Grimes ‘ZuZu’ from It’s a Wonderful Life” Sunday, November 23, 2014 at 3:00 PM. Grimes is best known for her famous line, "every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings." ZuZu Bailey won the hearts of millions in the classic 1946 file, It's A Wonderful Life. She will provide inspiration through sharing the stories of her own personal struggles with much adversity in her own live. Grimes will speak about her life growing up as a child actor and her role in It's A Wonderful Life. She will also show clips from the movie and share moments from the film and memories of behind the scenes experiences with Jimmy Stewart and other cast members. Proceeds from the event will go toward the Cornwall Manor retirement community's "Future Fund" for the construction of its new skilled nursing facility. Tickets for this event ($20 + processing fees) can be purchased at www.hersheytheatre.com or by calling the Hershey Theatre Box Office at 717-534-3405. For VIP Reception Tickets ($100/person) for a “Meet -n-Greet” with Karolyn Grimes, etc. contact the Cornwall Manor Public Relations office at 717-273-2647 or 800-222-2476. Sponsors are needed. If you would like to be a sponsor, please call 272-5555 for more information. Forms are also available on the bulletin board outside the Zion Iona church office. November 2014 Page 4 30 First Sunday of Advent 8:45 Sunday School 10:00 Worship 23 Christ the King Sunday Thanksgiving Sunday 8:45 Sunday School 10:00 Worship—Collection/dedication of shoeboxes Following worship—fill Christmas stockings 4:30 Bell Choir (Gable) 16 23rd Sunday after Pentecost 8:45 Sunday School 10:00 Worship 9 22nd Sunday after Pentecost 8:45 Sunday School 10:00 Worship 4:30 Bell Choir (Sanctuary) 2 All Saints Sunday 8:45 Sunday School 10:00 Communion Worship 4:30 Bell Choir (Gable) SUNDAY November 2014 6:15—7:30 Cub Scouts Pack Meeting (Lounge) 24 6:15—7:30 Cub Scouts (Rms. 1,3,4,5) 17 6:15—7:30 Cub Scouts (Rms. 1,3,4,5) 10 6:15—7:30 Cub Scouts (Rms. 1,3,4,5) 3 MONDAY 25 18 6:00 Trustees 7:00 Admin. Council Meeting 11 9:00 Young at Heart Breakfast @ Quentin Haus 4 Election Day TUESDAY 26 19 12 5 WEDNESDAY 27 Thanksgiving Day 20 13 6 THURSDAY 28 21 14 7 FRIDAY 9:30 4H Friends (Gable Hall) 29 22 15 10:00 Church Charge Conference 8 1 All Saints Day SATURDAY
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