St. Mary November 16, 2014 Roman Catholic Church FAIRFIELD, IOWA PARISH OFFICE 3100 W. Madison • Fairfield, Iowa 52556-4213 Website : .............................. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM–4 PM Phone: 641-472-3179 Fax: 641-472-6137 PASTORAL STAFF: Fr. Nicholas J. Adam, Pastor Karen Crossland, RCIA Coordinator Jean Dorothy, Faith Formation Coordinator Diane Tone, Youth Ministry Coordinator.....319-217-0148 OFFICE STAFF: Roberta Danielson, Parish Secretary Jo Ann Adam, Parish Bookkeeper Email: Fr. Nick’s Email: [email protected] Faith Formation Email: [email protected] Youth Ministry Email: [email protected] Parish Office Email: [email protected] Parish Finance Email: [email protected] PARISH COUNCIL: Susan Mosinski– Hervey, President FINANCE COUNCIL: Mike Nunn, President KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS # 4092 Dean Adam, Grand Knight ....641-777-3079 Aaron Sheetz, Deputy Grand Knight ......641-919-6105 LITURGY SCHEDULE: MASSES Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 8 AM & 10 AM Memorial Weekend through Labor Day Weekend Saturday 5:30 PM - Sunday 9 AM RECONCILIATION (Confession) Saturday 4:30 - 5 PM or by appt. (641-472-4375) Daily Masses: See enclosed calendar SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION: Call parish office A WELCOMING FAMILY OF FAITH” Blessed Trinity, we thank you for helping us become a welcoming family of faith. Smile on us as we greet each other and all visitors to our Church. Hear us sing your praises at Mass and in our daily lives. Embrace us as we support growth in love for You. Guide us as we study Your Word, celebrate the Sacraments, and work in Your Service. We ask for your forgiveness and grant our own to others. Inspire us to respond to the needs of our world today. Amen WELCOME TO OUR PARISH. We extend a warm welcome to all who attend our Church. We hope that you will find our parish community a place where your life of faith will be nourished and that you will share your special gifts with us. Your prayers, your presence and your talents are most welcome. Parish registration forms are at the church main entrance. Fill one out and give it to Father or drop it off at the church office. We take this opportunity to welcome all of you, our parishioners and visitors, to church today. We thank you for making us a part of your day. Gospel Readings for the Week Mass Schedule & Intentions Nov. 17 Lk18:35-43 Nov. 18 Lk19:1-10 or Mt14:22-23 Nov. 19 Lk19:11-28 Nov. 20 Lk19:41-44 Nov. 21 Lk:19:45-48 Monday, Nov. 17 No Mass Tuesday, Nov. 18 5:15 PM Mass — Sally Arndt † Wednesday, Nov. 19 9:00 AM Mass — Les Robeson Intention Thursday, Nov. 20 9:00 AM Mass — Matilda Perdomo † Friday, Nov. 21 8:30 AM Mass — Pedro Castellon † Saturday, Nov. 22 5:30 PM Vigil Mass — Jean Smith † Sunday, Nov. 23 8:00 AM Mass — Nadina Castellon Intention 10:00 AM Mass — Nancy Baird † 16 SUN N O V E M B E R 2 0 1 4 8 AM Mass Anointing of the Sick Mass 17 MON No Mass 23 SUN Solemnity of Christ the King 8 AM Mass 10 AM Mass Rite of Welcoming 18 TUE 19 WED 20 THU 5:15 PM Mass 9:00 AM Mass at Sunnybrook Assisted Living (by the church) Faith Formation for Youth Meal: 6 PM Class: 6:30 PM 9:00 AM Mass at The Oaks, (Parkview Care Center) 6:30 PM RCIA 10 AM Mass Anointing of the Sick Mass 24 MON No Mass Congratulations to our new Baptized children! Julian David Gomez Cote and Juan Jose Gomez Cote, twin sons of Julian and Laura Gomez Cote and Caroline Annette Clark, daughter of Jeremy and Olivia Clark. 25 TUE 5:15 PM Mass 6:30 PM RCIA 26 WED 9:00 Mass at Sunnybrook Living Care Center (old hospital) 21 FRI 22 SAT 8:30 AM Mass 4:30 - 5:00 PM Confessions Rosary after Mass 5:30 PM Mass Schola at 6:30 PM 27 THU 8:30 AM Mass 28 FRI No Mass Parish Office is closed Liturgical Ministers for November 22 & 23, 2014 Lectors: (1) Dane Dickinson (2) Molly Mosinski (3) Teresa Mottet Eucharist: (1) Frank & Karen Redeker, Mary Ling (2) Cindy Lowe, Jane Adam, Esther Urban (3) Madalene Duran, Diane Tone, Karen Crossland Servers: (1) Tyler Huff (2) Catherine Lowe (3) Emily & Sarah McAvan Greeters/Gift Bearers: (1) Ken & Jeanne Erickson(2) Tim & Jean Hart (3) Dave & Judy Dickey Keyboard/Cantor: (1) Mary Webb / Fran Bovard (2) Evelyn Pacha / Meg Earsley, Nolan Lydolph, Gerry Garles (3) Evelyn Pacha / Rebecca Reeve, Therese Cummiskey 29 SAT 4:30 - 5:00 PM Confessions First Sunday of Advent 5:30 PM Mass Parish Announcements For over 40 years, Campaign for Human Development has worked to defend human dignity and take poverty off the map. Local programs supported by CCHD have changed neighborhood across the county. We need your help to continue to meet the needs of more than 46 million people who still struggle to overcome poverty. Please help us continue this good work by supporting the Collection for CCHD. Notes from Father Nick... Have you made your contribution to the Annual Diocesan Appeal? If not, would please do so? We would like to conclude this collection as soon as possible. Envelopes are available on the center table in our Gathering Space. Please make your checks out to "The Diocese of Davenport." I will be celebrating the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick this week during our Wednesday Mass at Sunnybrook and during our Thursday Mass at The Oaks. If you would like to receive the sacrament during those liturgies you are most welcome to do so. Attention St. Mary Bakers: Mark your Calendar The annual cookie walk is scheduled for Dec. 6, 2014.Cookies, candy, fudge, etc are needed. Helping Hands of St Mary uses the funds for non budgeted donations such as: Heartland Pregnancy diaper drive, Lord’s Cupboard; Mission trips and needed items for God has given each of us talents to share with our church kitchen. For more information call others gifts to offer to one another. In our Esther Urban at 641-919-4896 if you can help or gospel Jesus reminds us that one day we will donate. Thank you for your support! have to account to God for how we used, shared and offered those talents and gifts. The Lord’ Cupboard is in need of : Earlier this week I read the following words tuna-5oz, diced tomatoes-14.5oz, which perhaps capture the meaning of this chicken noodle and tomato soups-10.5oz, beef stew-24oz, peaches, pears, mixed fruit-15oz, gospel. They were written by Sr. Verna spaghetti sauce (canned)-15oz. Holyhead and found in the November issue of Give Us This Day. Christmas Box Volunteering Schedule: Nazarene Center on North 5th Street December 15, 2014 from 9:30AM to 10:30AM to prep and stack banana boxes December 16, 2014 from 7:30AM to 8:30 AM to stack dry goods December 16, 2014 from 5:30PM to 7PM to pack boxes December 17, 2014 8AM to 10AM and 10AM to 12 PM to help carry boxes to cars Advent Reflections with Fr Robert Barron Receive free daily reflections throughout Advent. All you need to do is go to Each day, from November 30 until Christmas Eve, you will receive a short reflection on an Advent theme. Remember this is free. "The risks that earn us affirmation as 'good and trustworthy' servants are the ordinary kingdom exchanges of daily life: forgiving rather than burying a grudge in our hearts; standing by another in times of sorrow, failure, or misunderstanding; giving someone the benefit of the doubt; associating with those whom many consider 'the wrong kind' of unacceptable people; laying down one's life for another - - perhaps a misunderstood friend, rebellious child, a terminally ill spouse, aged parents. All this 'now' effort is preparing us for the 'not yet' entry into the kingdom." As we continue to remember our deceased Advertiser of the Week from the back of our bulletin: brothers and sisters this month, may we prepare ourselves to one day join them in glory. Arnold Motor Supply Please support those who support our parish bulletin. Parish Ministries The next Blood Pressure Screening will be held on Sunday, Nov. 23rd from 9:0010:00. We will be located in the one of the Faith Formation classrooms. Hope to see you there! The next "Senior Lunch & Learn" program will be held on December 12th at Indian Hills Community College. The program is "All That Jazz" with David Sharp, Professor of Instrumental Music and Jazz at IHCC. Cost is $6.00 for a delicious lunch at the college. Please call Sandy Berto at 641-683-5183 to make a reservation or contact Roseann Karbacka at 641-472-2954. It's a fun way to learn and socialize with other Seniors from the area! Heartland Pregnancy Center in Ottumwa is in need of supplies for their clients. Parents can earn "Mommy Money" or "Daddy Dollars" through the Earn while You Learn Classes to purchase needed items for their babies. It's a great way to help these children get a good start in life! Please contact Jean Dorothy or Therese Cummiskey ( Board members) if you would like to help the center. Volunteers Welcome (and needed!). Confidentiality legislation prohibits the release of hospital admissions to churches. If you or a family member are admitted to a hospital, a direct contact from the patient or family must be made with the parish office to ensure that you receive visitation and pastoral care from the parish staff. Protecting God’s Children These sessions are open to all adults and are mandated for all employees and volunteers who work on a regular basis with children. Register on-line at P.O. Box 232,Bettendorf, IA 52722-0004. To report child abuse contact: Iowa Department of Human Services Child Abuse Hotline: 800-362-2178 and if it involves clergy or church personnel also notify Alicia Owens, the Victim Assistance Coordinator, 563-349-5002; [email protected] or PO Box 232, Bettendorf, IA 52722 Nov. 16 : Leticia Alonso, Benedicta Atangana, LaVerne Weber Nov. 17 : Melissa McAvan, Christian Rojo Nov. 18 : Nov. 19 : Nov. 20 :Audry Hammes, Konrad Hellweg, Lane Mosinski Nov. 21 :Tracy Hammes, Beverly Lamansky Nov. 22 :Dane Dickinson,Dennis Lydolph, Tom McMahon As you celebrate your birthday of human existence this year, in your charity, would you help other celebrate their life also? Please consider joining many of us here at St. Mary by sending a check for $12.00 (yet the gift you give is your gift) to Choices Medical Clinic, PO Box 2537, Iowa City, IA 52244 so that others may have a life and a birthday to celebrate. Consider that a yearly donation of even $12 averages out to about 25 cents a week. And you have helped contribute to a Culture of Life by helping others help those in need. Thank you! Please remember in your prayers: R. Adam, M. T. Adam, S. Ayala, J. Bradley, J. & K. Buch, T. Cummiskey, L. Forbes, M. French, R Goldstein, J. Graber, S. Hardin, G. Hellweg, M. Kauffman, A. Kessel, L . Koerselman, L. Kurtz, R. (Lamansky) Larson, M. Laux, L. Merschman, S. & J. Murphy, B. Nelson, A. Pech, R. Sieren If you wish to be placed on the prayer chain and if you want your names removed, we respectfully ask that you make that request to the Parish Office, Marilyn Glass (472-3165) or Dot Hellkamp (472-5282). FINANCIALLY SPEAKING: October 21 thru 26, 2014 87 Families Contributed Envelopes Offertory Total week’s income 3313.00 335.00 3648.00 World Mission Sunday 432.00 Total week’s expenses Building loan payment Total week’s expenses 4538.93 470.49 4994.75 Mass Attendance: November 8 & 9, 2014 5:30 PM: 157 , 8 AM: 147 & 10 AM: 168 Knights of Columbus #4092 November 30, 2014, Breakfast served from 8 AM– 11 AM 4th degree Assembly #268 of Ottumwa and Fairfield Business Meeting at noon. Knights of Columbus Hall 123 W. 3rd St. Ottumwa Jim Cutsforth is the Faithful Navigator Breakfast is open to everyone!
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