St Theresa’s Parish Plimmerton Newsletter Parish Priest Church/Parish Office Father Bill Warwick, 4/10 James Street. Phone: 233 2080 e. [email protected] St Theresa’s Church 210 St Andrews Road, Plimmerton p (04) 233 1279 e [email protected] w EUCHARIST & LITURGY IN OUR PARISH- ANY CHANGES FOR WEEK ARE LISTED IN PARISH EVENTS Sunday Eucharist Weekday Liturgy Saturday - 6:00pm (Vigil) Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday Thursday Reconciliation By appointment Parish Office St Theresa’s School Bishop Viard College Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri James Street, Plimmerton 20 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua 18 Mungavin Ave, Porirua St Vincent de Paul Shop Mission Statement Sunday - 9:30 am 10 am Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion 9:30 am Mass st rd nd th 11 am (1 , 3 Whitby Resthome – 2 , 4 Harbourview Resthome th 5 if appl 9:30 am St Theresa’s Church) Hours 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm p (04) 233 8093 p (04) 237 5248 p (04) 237 5968 Our Parish is a Eucharistic Community that aspires to express the compassion of Christ. We invite you to walk with us. Naumai, haere mai. 33RD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 15-16 NOV 2014 Readings 16 Nov First Reading Second Reading Gospel 23 Nov First Reading Second Reading Gospel Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-2-, 30-31 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-15, 19-21 Ezekiel 34:11-12, 15-17 Corinthians 15: 20-26, 28 Matthew 25:31-46 PARISH EVENTS THIS WEEK Mon 17 – 10am Liturgy of the Word and Holy Communion and Adoration till 3.30pm 7pm - No Meditation this week Tues 18 – No 9.30am Eucharist. Priests and Lay Pastoral Leaders attending Formation Day. Wed 19 – 9.30am Liturgy of the Word and Communion (Fr. Bill attending Council of Priests’ meeting) 6pm Vigil for Cathy Egan in Main Church. 7.30pm Prayer Group meet in Hall. Thurs 20 –8.50am Fr. Bill in Room 2 for prayers 11am Requiem Mass for Cathy Egan.( NO Eucharist at Whitby Rest home ) 7.30pm RCIA meet in the upstairs lounge Parish Centre Fri 21 – 9.50am SVDP meet in Abbott Room Sat 22– 8.30am Contemplation in Day Chapel are timeless, such as holding out a hand to the THOUGHT FOR THE WEEK poor, while other talents shift and change. The You have been faithful in small point is that all of us are gifted in varying ways and things; come and join in your degrees: none of us should begrudge anyone else master's happiness their talents, for fear that we overlook our own. We We must be very careful that the work wisely and well, looking forward to the real point of today’s first reading is masters return, when we can hand over to him not not washed away in genuine just what he gave us, but also the fruits that our concerns over what one can and labours have gained. Building, and cathedrals cannot say about the and churches everywhere are not just responsibilities of spouses. This is meeting-places, but visible signs to the not, in fact, a recipe for ‘the perfect wife’, but an world of the Body of Christ in prayer illustration, from one age, of the virtue of fully employing the talents God gives us. Some things 1 Those who are sick NZ CATHOLIC The November 16-29 issue of NZ Catholic is out now: Ken Sampson Josephine Butler Fr John Heijnen. A.A. CATHY EGAN RIP – Cathy died peacefully on Tuesday morning at home in Aotea. She had been unwell these past few years but always brought joy to all around her. Cathy was often seen sitting in her wheelchair after lunch by the front entrance to Summerset Aotea. Cathy’s background was in teaching, Tertiary Chaplaincy, and Adult Formation for both the Wellington and Palmerston North Dioceses. She was also trained in supervision and spiritual direction. We will miss Cathy but know she is now at peace. Our sympathy and prayers to her husband Alan Jamieson and the Egan family, Aotea Summerset Community. Cathy’s vigil will be held this Wednesday 19 Nov at 6pm in the Church. Her Requiem Mass will be celebrated on Thurs 20 Nov at 11am. Bishop Peter Cullinane will be the presider. Defence Force battles to find Catholic chaplains. Vocation “speed-dating” a hit at college. Final bell for principal after 38 years as head. A privilege is not a human right PASSIONIST FAMILY GROUPS Co-ordinators – next meeting Tues 25th Nov at Curry under the canopies, Porirua Funseekers & GRaSSroots – 16 Nov 4.30pm “Pentanque & Pizza” at Karehana Bay Reserve, access off Cluny Road beach end or off Airlie Rd. KAOS – Sunday 16 Nov, 2 pm, Karahana Park Petanque Court, Cluny Road. ANDY’S ANGELS - A reminder about the card night at Yvonne and Brendon’s on Sat 22nd Nov at 7pm at 7 Pukemere Way Pukerua Bay. The Joy of Ministry Thank you to all who attended Sue Devereux’s presentation on Thurs evening on the Joy of Ministry. MANA MISSION We will begin collecting for the annual Christmas Raffle this weekend. A box will be in the foyer. Don’t miss out on your ticket for this raffle, $2 per ticket, we have some at the office. RCIA – meets this Thurs evening at 7.30pm in the Upstairs lounge of the Parish Centre. ROSTERS FOR CHRISTMAS: A reminder to all who serve in ministry to let us know if you are available for the Christmas Masses at 7pm, midnight and 9.30am on Christmas morning. Altar servers contact Noemi Thomas, Proclaimers of the Word Commentators, POF, Audrey Hinder, Offertory and Ministers of Communion contact Joss at the office please by the end of this week. THE PARISH BOOK OF LIFE: is displayed in front of the altar during the month of November. 2015 SACRAMENTAL PROGRAMME is open for enrolment. Please contact Annemaree Deed for information either via [email protected] or 2341641. 2 ON SALE NOW - $10 EACH COLUMBAN CALANDARS to help with our interesting work please call and chat with Bill Jorgensen phone 237 4511 HEALING SERVICE – 4 Dec at 7.30pm at St. Bernadette’s Naenae. See notice board for more information SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL PORCH CHRISTMAS PARTY 29 Dec 2pm at 1 Ribbonwood Tce, Ranui Heights Please bring a plate – all welcome. SECRETARY NEEDED – Our SVDP needs a new Secretary. Meetings are every 2nd Fri around 10am for about ½ hour. You don’t need to be a member of SVDP to do this. Let Jan know if you are interested 234 7882 – great working conditions and no pay, who could ask for more. CHRISTIAN MEDITATION. There will be a day of reflection and meditation on Saturday 29th November at the Home of Compassion, Island Bay from 10 am - 3pm. Please bring lunch and a donation. Any enquiries to [email protected] or phone (04) 2989370 Te Ngakau Tapu Parish Church Garage Sale/Gala. Sat VIGIL FOR LIFE – Fri 21 Nov at St Anne's Church, Emmett Street, Newtown. It begins with Mass celebrated by Archbishop Dew at 7pm, a rosary walk to pray outside Wellington Hospital, the site of 2,252 abortions in 2013, and concludes after Adoration back at St Anne’s at 9 pm. 22 Nov 2014, 10am – 2.00pm, 4 Kenepuru Drive, Porirua (next to Bishop Viard College They are looking for books, furniture, clothes etc Please contact: Sarah Sarah: 027-497-8098 or Pera Symon 027 224-7224. They can pick up – Thank You and God Bless A CHRISTMAS GARDEN PARTY at the Chilean Embassy residence will be held on Thursday 20th November at 6.30pm. 104 Park Road, Belmont. There will be food, wine and entertainment including 'Live Visual Art' , barbershop, jazz and more. Tickets $25 (door sales available). All proceeds go to the work of Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust. For more info contact Wendy 0272549222 or [email protected] ADVENT DAY OF RECOLLECTION Offered by Fr. Gerard Whiteford SM Sat 29th Nov 10am - 3pm at “Anam Cara”, 150 Rangiuru Road; Otaki. Cost $10 - tea and coffee provided - please bring your own lunch. Please register by phoning Anam Cara 06 364 7544. Building a positive culture of life: Do you have a positive culture of life? John Kleinsman, Director of the Nathaniel Centre, speaks and leads a discussion on to this topic at 8pm on 27 November at Connolly Hall, Hill St, Wellington. For more details see or Page 5 of the November Wel-Com . Holy Hour. You are invited to a Holy Hour on Tues 18 Nov at 7.30 pm in the Cathedral chapel to pray for vocations to priesthood and religious life. . Some of the young men who will be entering the seminary next year will join us for this Holy Hour, the last for the year. THE LAZARUS EXPERIENCE – A healing weekend for separated and divorced Catholics. Fri Nov 28 to Sun Nov 30 in Lower Hutt. Contact Katrin 04 970 9385 brochures on notice Board. Open Home Foundation International Thanks for the opportunity last weekend to talk about our support for impoverished children in 5 overseas countries. Please keep the children in your prayers. If you would like to donate, please make one off payments or set up an automatic payment to ANZ Wellington 01 0505 0602787 83. Donations are tax deductible. If you would like Do you have young children or know people with young children who are thinking of attending St Theresa's Catholic School in the future? Now is the time to ensure they are on the pre-enrolment list. It really helps the school for planning purposes if they know how many are coming and when so please get in contact with the school office at [email protected] or 233-8093 to make an appointment with the principal Zita Smith. 3 LOST or MISPLACED – the remote for the overhead projector in the Hall. This is usually in the office but if someone has borrowed it and not returned it, could you please let Jocelyn know. would be very much appreciated. A young police woman who served in Timor-Leste, (her family are part of Holy Family Parish) is organising this, she is now working over there for another group. If you can help in any way please drop off books in a box in foyer in church / or at Kayren and Laurie’s place 2 Airlie Rd Plimmerton Collecting Books for Timor-Leste: there is no Central Public Library, Esperanza’s vision is to create one in Central Timor. If you have any books, of any type suitable for a library, to be used by a range of ages etc, your donation of books Emmaus New Year's Retreat. See the notice board for details Service Rosters for Nov 22nd/23rd (Christ The King) Mass Time: 6:00 pm 9:30 am Sacristan Greeters Data Projectionist Welcomer /Prayers of Faithful Gina Rollandi Maureen & Ruth Dobbs Jasmin Matchett Rachel Blackaby David & Kylie Duncan Phoebe McClean Robyn Teppett Liz Wootton Lachlan Beasley Toi Royal Isabella Barber Liana Reiher Annemaree Deed Sharon Lewin Blank Family Tracey Williams Richard Gibbs Sef Truyens Dorothy Gibbs Sue Gibbs Altar Servers Children’s Liturgy Proclaimer of The Word Offertory Procession Extra-Ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Catherine Gibbs Elizabeth Valsenti & Mary Jones Mary Cruz Fae Johnson Mary-Anne McKennie Patricia Williams Leo Maher Communion to the Sick Hospitality Flowers Church Cleaning Isobel & Mike Whooley Dorothy Gibbs/Dianne Patterson Ursula Leggett/Francenne Caldwell 4 Altar Society Claire Gordon Rosary Statue (wk fm) Nualla & Garry Calderwood
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