From the KalbarStateSchool Newsletter • Issue No. 37• (20th November, 2014) From the Principal Important Dates Volunteers’ Afternoon tea Disco The staff at Kalbar appreciate greatly the work that our many volunteers do to make our school a better place. Sometimes we think of volunteers in schools as those that help in the class-‐ room. This is just one place, vol-‐ unteers work in the tuckshop on the P and C, covering books, or-‐ ganising fundraising and uniforms and special events, attending ex-‐ cursions and camps and even helping with transport. We rarely have an opportunity to truly ex-‐ press our thanks. On December 4 it is our turn to show our thanks. We invite our volunteers to come to an afternoon tea starting at 2pm in the Li-‐ brary. This is no time to be hum-‐ ble, please come so that teachers and students have an opportuni-‐ ty to thank you. Prep Interviews Over the past two weeks I have had the pleasure of meeting the parents of our prep students for 2015. This is an opportunity to answer any questions, go over the policies and procedures of the school and generally have a chance to speak informally with the new members of the school community. Chris Muir Principal Year 1 Fire Ed Nov 21 Online booklist orders due Nov 27 Disco Nov 28 Swimming for Yr 1/3 Dec 1, 2, 3 & 5 Graduation Dinner Dec 3 Volunteers’ Afternoon tea Dec 4 School Concert Dec 9 Reports issued Dec 10 School Breakup Dec 12 P and C News Upcoming P&C Fundraising activities for this term: School Disco -‐ Friday 28th November -‐ Christmas Theme. More details to come next week. Christmas Raffle -‐ Drawn at School Christmas concert. Please support our Christmas raffle by donating non-‐perishable grocery items. Please be mindful of expiry dates. The first prize is a wheelbarrow full of groceries. Items can be placed in the tub in the school office. All donations are appreci-‐ ated. Families have received a book of tickets to sell. If you didn't get yours or need more please see the school office. All tickets and money need to be re-‐ turned by Wednesday 3rd December. Some great prizes are up for grabs which would help with the Christmas celebrations. Our last P&C Meeting was held on Tuesday night. A big thank you to eve-‐ ryone who attended our meetings this year. It was great to see so many people participating and having a say. We would like to thank everyone who contributed throughout 2014 to make this a very productive year for the P&C. Our 2015 AGM date has been set for 17th February 2015 at 7.30pm. Hope to see you there. Next Friday Night is the final school dis-‐ co for the year. A great opportunity to let your hair down before Christmas. The usual rules apply. 1. Only Kalbar students may at-‐ tend. No exceptions. 2. Prep students should come with an adult. 3. No bubble gum or chewing gum. 4. Students must comply with teacher directions as per usual school rules. 5. Students will not leave the as-‐ sembly hall except for a short supervised break. 6. All students must be picked up by an approved adult. Children will not walk home. ENTRY COSTS $2 FOOD AND DRINKS WILL BE FOR SALE. Prep Enrolments If you have, or know of, children eligible for Prep in 2015, it is time to have them Enrolled for school. This will help us plan for classes. Please contact the Principal for more information. Tuckshop News Tuckshop is available tomorrow. Tuckshop Helpers: Morning Orders: Sharyn Beutel, Volunteers: Summer Worth, Linda Treadaway, Pikelets: Gayle Herrmann Booklists for 2015 Booklists were handed out two weeks ago. You have the option of: # Purchasing online through Bedrock Books # Purchasing through our local newsa-‐ gent # Any other book suppliers. The school receives a commission if you choose to use Bedrock Books or the local newsagent. These funds go to-‐ wards extra literacy and numeracy pro-‐ grams for our school. Please read instructions on the booklist carefully and thoroughly. There are several options for delivery. The school does not collect your payment. Year 4 Booklist has an error please note a letter is coming home with your stu-‐ dent regarding this. Paper orders are due Monday. Online orders are due Thursday next week each school day. The average Junior Secondary timetable will show that a student will have some classes three times a week and other classes twice a week. This means that they will require different learning materials on different days. One of our expectations is that students come to school prepared to learn. That is, they need to have with them the necessary materials to allow them the best opportunity to partici-‐ pate in learning activities for the sub-‐ jects they have on each day. Most of the time, this is a simple case of making sure they have packed what they need for the day. Class formation All schools undertake forward planning to ensure that the needs of future stu-‐ dents are accommodated in the best way possible. Having met parents and students at Days of Excellence, Infor-‐ mation Evenings and Enrolment meet-‐ ing, and having received transitional academic information from our partner primary schools, our Junior Support Team are now in the process of forming classes for Year 7 and 8 students of 2015. If you know that your child is des-‐ tined to become a student at Boonah High and you have not yet completed the enrolment process you are encour-‐ aged to do so as soon as possible. Kind regards Sandra Malmstedt Deputy Principal Junior Secondary Junior Secondary News Student Resource Scheme Preparing for high school The move from pri-‐ mary to high school is a significant event in the lives of students and their families. Despite students being excited about being in high school one of the things they typically struggle with in Term 1 is organisation of the school day. Parents can assist their child to be organised and independent by establishing a routine where students have to pack and unpack their own bag Student resource scheme forms for 2015 were sent out to families in early Term 3. We request that these be re-‐ turned to the office as soon as possible. Checklist o Return swimming money and per-‐ mission notes immediately. o Graduation RSVP’s and payment due by November 21. o If returning booklists to school, do so by November 24. o Preps return permission and money for the Southbank excursion. o Return Student Resource Scheme form. Payment due 2015 It’s hard to believe that the school year is coming to a close. Could you please check your homes for any library books and return them no later than the end of November, also could you check for all home readers, classroom readers as well as library books. A new database for the Library will be implemented in the first week of next year so your assis-‐ tance in returning books promptly would be greatly appreciated. A big thank you for the support the school community gave with Scholastic Book Club and the 2 Book Fairs held this year. All commission from these went to new books and resources for the Li-‐ brary. The students enjoy the variety of books, laptops, games and iPads availa-‐ ble to them in the Library in class time and break times. Thank you for a great year – from the Resource Centre Beaucare -‐ Family Support Program The Family Support Service from Beau-‐ care is available at your school. Beth Outerbridge is the Family Support Worker for the Canungra area and will be providing a free and confidential ser-‐ vice that has been designed to create family wellbeing. We hope to achieve this through developing a nurturing en-‐ vironment for children where their physical, emotional and developmental needs are met. The Family Support Worker will work primarily with parents to achieve these outcomes. If you wish to use this service, please make an ap-‐ pointment by calling 0419 021 867 or emailing [email protected]. If your phone call is unanswered, please leave a message and the Family Support Worker will contact you as soon as pos-‐ sible. Chappy News – Hi everyone, I was very interested to hear 2 of the speakers at our Rembrance Day Service last week – Both are at university study-‐ ing conflict and peace. One speaker reminded students that two words are very important -‐ “I’m sorry”. The se-‐ cond speaker talked to the students about understanding difference and how we need to respect each other’s views. In our ‘Friends For Life’ program, we are working on conflict resolution. One of the pictures students saw 14 different ways – same picture, just different ways of looking at it. What do you see in these pictures? th Next Wednesday, 26 November, the Project Club are holding a ‘Crazy Hair Day’ for a gold coin donation, and sell-‐ ing “Olaf Jelly cups” for $1. All pro-‐ ceeds are going to children with cancer. Please support this worthwhile cause. Once again SU are running school holi-‐ day camps. For information go to I am at school on Monday and Friday each week. Please come and have a chat when you see me. Kind Regards, Karen Turner. Thought -‐ Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen. – Winston Churchill From the Uniform Shop Book covers are for sale at the uniform shop. A4 and scrapbook sizes. pkt of 3 for $1. Christmas Raffle Please assist by brining in Grocery items or gift items as soon as possible. Make sure you get your Christmas Raffle tickets for great prizes. The Raffle is drawn at the Christmas concert. Organised by the KSS P and C
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