From the Principal … 27 November 2014 ‘Together We Journey with God.’ RETIREMENT OF STAFF Don’t forget that we will be farewelling Noel Kapernick, Dianne Reardon and Angela Nasternak at the final Monday afternoon Assembly next Monday 1 December at 2:00 pm in the Penola Centre. Years 4 Red and Yellow will be leading this Assembly. 2014 SCHOOL CHRISTMAS CONCERT Thank you to everyone who contributed to the success of our Christmas Concert last night. The students sang sweetly and the storm that threatened at one stage went somewhere else. Michael Mangan led the students in the singing of Christmas and Advent songs and the evening proved to be a tremendous success. I would like to thank Tara Martin and our staff for the organisation of the children in the weeks leading up to the concert. Well done! ASSEMBLY Every Monday 2pm Penola Centre 28 Nov 1 Dec 2 Dec 3 Dec 4 Dec 5 Dec Italian Day Yrs 4 – 7 Ten Pin Bowling - Yr 3 & Yr 5 Incursion Yr 2 (Auditorium) Swim Carnival Yrs 3 – 7 Preps Big Day In Seniors Assembly Southbank (Seniors) Graduation (Seniors) School Holidays begin 12.00 noon (please make arrangements to collect your child / children by 12.30pm) It’s nice to be important but it’s more important to be nice! SCHOOL REPORT CARDS This year all students will receive their Report Card before the end of the day on Wednesday 3 December. Please check with your child that afternoon for their Report Card. THE LAST DAY OF 2014 SCHOOL YEAR - SCHOOL CLOSES AT 12:00 NOON The school will close for our Christmas Holiday break next Friday 5 December at 12:00 noon. We ask that all children be collected before 12:30 pm on that day. On that day we will be holding an early Morning Tea at 10:00 am and will follow this with Mass in the church at 10:45 am. On the conclusion of the Mass all classes will return to their classroom and will be dismissed at 12:00 noon. All students need to be collected before 12:30 pm. Outside School Hours Care are running a special program that afternoon from 12:00 pm. Children must be booked in for this special session. TERM 4 - SCHOOL FEE ACCOUNTS Thank you to those families who have settled their Term 4 School Fee Account. All Outstanding balances are now overdue and MUST be paid immediately. If there is a problem settling your account please contact the Finance Secretary, Trish Reuter as soon as possible. You will appreciate the school has a number of financial commitments that we also need to meet such as loan repayments, electricity, rates, and insurance to name a few. A deficiency with the fees therefore has an impact on our ability to ensure our operations run effectively. I trust you will understand our concern to ensure that all school fee accounts are paid by the end of the school year. Mr Ron O’Mara, Fee Administrator, will be in the office, over the next week to follow up on all School fee Accounts that remain unpaid. Thank you. Mark Badke Principal Our Lady of Lourdes Primary School Like us on Facebook to receive updates and community information. 2014 Term 4 Tuesday 7 October - Friday 5 December 2015 Term 1 Wednesday 28 January - Thursday 2 April Term 2 Monday 20 April - Friday 26 June Term 3 Monday 13 July - Friday 18 September Term 4 Tuesday 6 October - Friday 4 December Remember … All parents helping out in the school are required to sign in and out at the office and wear a “PARENT HELPER BADGE”. All grandparents, aunts, uncles etc. MUST have a Blue Card (from the Commission for Children and Young People and Child Guardian. Forms can be obtained from the school office). All volunteer / parent helpers MUST have completed the Student Protection Workshop on the school website and submitted the forms to the office. From the APA … SWIMMING – HOUSE CAPTAINS HEGERTY Ryan Stannard & Isabella Miers LOURDES Jack Hilton & Charlotte Butterfield MACKILLOP Mark Kandathiparambil & Daniella Bonomo Booklists for 2015… Booklists for 2015 are now available from the school website via “What’s on” – “Back to school”. An email was sent out on Monday with the instructions for ordering. Orders close 5 December with delivery between the 12 and 18 January 2015. YEAR 4 FAMILIES Party in the park to say goodbye to the families leaving and celebrate the end of year. Where: Woff Street Park When: Friday 5 December - 12 noon (after school has ended). Siblings welcome. Pizza and drinks to celebrate. Bring plate if you want to. $5.00 per person if you want pizza and a drink. Text reply for numbers on Yr 4 mums facebook or 0407 337 004 (Karen) From the APRE … ADVENT This Sunday, 30 November, is the first Sunday of the Season of Advent. Violet vestments and hangings will be used instead of the green of Ordinary Time (actually, white replaced green last Sunday for the feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe). Advent is a period of four Sundays, not four weeks as we sometimes think. There was a tendency in the past to consider Advent to a penitential season like Lent, but the document General Norms of the Liturgical Year and the Calendar describes Advent as “a period for devout and joyful expectation”. Watching in joyful hope is what the Season of Advent is all about. We are “in-between” people: we live in the time between Christ’s incarnation at Bethlehem and his return “in glorious majesty” at the end of time. In this interim age we have much cause for rejoicing. Salvation, redemption, the hope of eternity is ours. If we focus on reliving history, on baby Jesus in the manger, we may miss Christ speaking to us today in our everyday lives. The texts of Advent – the scripture readings, prefaces and prayers – are some of the richest treasures of the Church’s liturgy and can draw us into the true spirit and purpose of the Advent season. During Advent, as in every liturgy, we offer thanks and praise for the saving actions of God in the past, we celebrate the presence of the risen Christ with us today and we look for the day when Christ will return in glory. (Ref. Liturgy Brisbane) St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal- Reminder We are still collecting items for Christmas hampers which will be distributed by the St Vincent de Paul Society. Please send along non-perishable food items for these Christmas hampers. As well as everyday grocery items, you are encouraged to send along some special Christmas treats e.g. Christmas pudding, tinned hams, Christmas cake, confectionary, snacks and other special delicacies. These items will be collected during our school assembly each Monday until the end of term. Items brought to school on other days will be stored in the classroom until Monday’s assembly. Thank you for your generosity- we have filled eight washing baskets already! TERM 4 LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS Families and friends are warmly invited to join us for our liturgical celebrations. Week Wk 9 Date 2 December Day Tuesday Location Class & Celebration OLOL Liturgy of the Word Church Year 1 Wk 9 4 December Thursday 7:00pm OLOL Seniors Graduation Church Wk 9 5 December Friday 10:45am OLOL End of Year Mass Church * Dates and times are correct as at 27-11-14. Any changes to these dates and times will be noted in the school newsletter. Have a great week! God’s blessings, Tara Martin (APRE) Time 9:30am …or at your fingertips with the school app ① ② ③ ④ ⑤ ⑥ Search - our lady of lourdes sunnybank Install → open Click OK to receive push notifications Select MORE from the bottom of the app Select SET UP → select categories that are applicable Ensure push notifications are selected in your device’s settings Please note – for iPads, change the drop list to “iPhone Apps”. For more instructions please refer to the skoolbag communication centre on OLOL website If you need assistance with downloading the app, please see Debbie in the office or uniform shop. To give feedback about the app or website, please email Debbie at [email protected] All excursion notes are viewable on the app, as well as other communications from school. Absences can be advised through the skoolbag app Parent eForms > Absentee Note This can be done any time of the day or night. Forms and documents can be printed from the app if you access it from the school website – Skoolbag Communication Centre at the bottom of the main page. Add events directly to your personal calendar from our events or calendar. No smart phone? You can receive alerts that are sent by email instead Visit our school website – The skoolbag communication centre is at the bottom of the page. Click “subscribe for email” and then you will be registered to receive any reminders by email. Of course you can access all the content from this centre as well. Forms and documents can be printed from this also through your printer. Only whole school alerts are sent this way, not specific year level only alerts. Thank you to the parents and carers who are advising absences through the app. Whilst the ladies in the office love taking your calls, the mornings can be quite hectic in the office. Using the app to advise an absence helps us serve you more efficiently when you’re in the office. Student of the Week … Congratulations to the following students:James Podevin Costi Petrides Caitlin Power Alyssa Mayo Olivia Day Adam Eastgate Rory O’Shea Prep Blue Prep Red Prep Yellow 1Blue 1Red 1Yellow 2Blue Sarah O’Malley Hayden Sturges Asher Van Breemen Ella Corby Laura Murphy Nathaniel Rowe Cormack Lambert Annette Chan Lily Harman Calan Wiremu Lindsay Baker Alyssa Ryder Charlotte Butterfield Antonio Pippia Maxwell Patane 2Red 2Yellow 3Blue 3Red 3Yellow 4Blue 4Blue 4Green 4Red 4Yellow 5Blue 5Yellow Senior Blue Senior Red Senior Yellow Active School Travel … Walking School Bus All interested parents are most welcome to attend NEW PRIZES available Walking Bus every Wednesday from 8.05am Woff Street Skate Park, Sunnybank Looking forward to seeing you there!!!! PLEASE NOTE On wet days, please DO NOT DROP YOUR CHILDREN OFF AT THE PARK unless there are supervisors present. (Walking under these wet conditions make pathways slippery and dangerous) NO HAT – NO WALK MISBEHAVING WILL NOT BE TOLERATED Jo Bowman (AST Coordinator) PLEASE NOTE: The Walking School Bus has finished for the year. From the Library … Library News: HOLIDAY READING The holidays have almost arrived, and now is the perfect time to explore the Brisbane Catholic Education Digital Library. There are some great new titles available to keep your children occupied during those long hot summer days (please see below). It has now become even easier to access the Digital Library as students under the age of 13 no longer need an adobe id! Please follow the instructions below and email me at [email protected] if you have any problems. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Download the 'overdrive' app. Link up to the BCE Digital Library: Open the overdrive app. In the 'add a library bar' search for 'Our Lady of Lourdes’. Once you have selected our school, the BCE digital library will appear. Click on the BCE Digital Library option and you will be directed to the home page. From here you can browse the collection. Borrowing an ebook or audiobook: Once you have selected a book you will be prompted to sign in. This is when you will need your child’s log in details. Most students from Year 3 upwards will know their computer user name and this is their ‘Library Card Number’. Reading your ebook: The ebook can be read straight away in your browser or you can download it for reading at another time (for example on a car journey when you may not have internet connection). The students are allowed to borrow up to 3 books at a time. Please contact me on [email protected] if you have any problems or if you require your child’s ‘Library Card Number’. Happy ereading! THANKYOU Thankyou to all you wonderful parents who have supported your children in the library borrowing this year. We hope you’ve enjoyed a story or two along the way! During the year a group of generous people have helped in our library. Some helped by covering hundreds of new books and others by shelving books day after day or repairing the ‘worn out ones’ – the books that is! Some of our helpers just popped in whenever they had a spare moment and other we’d see most days – just as we though we’d be buried in piles of returns a friendly face would appear to ‘dig us out’!!! Also this year a small group of valiant mums took on the running of the Scholastic Book Club. Thanks to their efforts and the hundreds of purchases made by our school community our library has acquired many wonderful new books through the point system. We truly appreciate the generosity of all these people who lead such busy lives. Thank you one and all. OVERDUES Good news and now some bad news! There are still 170 books that need to be returned to the library by our students. If your child has come home with a library note please check all the likely suspects and the dark corners of the house. (In fact any book with a school barcode needs to be returned). Next week we’ll send a final notice which will have the replacement value of the book on it and we’d ask you to consider paying for the lost book. If you know the book is not at home and it was returned please let us know. The library number is 3345 0711. Wishing you the peace and joy of Christ this Christmas Sally, Jackie and Maree From the Tuckshop … (every Wednesday, Thursday & Friday) SECOND CHOICE As the Tuckshop is running down its stock before the end of the year, could you please put a second choice when ordering your child’s lunch in case we have run out of what they order. Thanks Cindy TUCKSHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 3 December – Friday 5 December Wed 3 Dec CLOSED Thurs 4 Dec CLOSED Friday 5 Dec CLOSED PLEASE NOTE: Tuckshop will finish for the year on Friday 28 November. (No Tuckshop the last week of school, however their maybe some iceblocks for sale). Running stock out! School Shop … SCHOOL SHOP ROSTER: Wednesday 3 December – Thursday 4 December Wed 3 Dec CLOSED Thurs 4 Dec CLOSED The uniform shop has closed for the year for stocktaking and reordering. We appreciate your support of this. Orders can still be placed at the office with payment and collected next year from the shop. Thank you…Thank you...Thank you… Thank you to all my regular volunteers and all those people who have just offered a helping hand in the uniform shop when they have seen that we needed one. The shop is blessed by such wonderful and reliable volunteers who never leave me in need. The shop can only give the great service it does with the help of these very generous people. Merry Christmas, Happy Holiday Season and God Bless you all. Debbie Johnson Convenor [email protected] Music … PLEASE NOTE: All music lessons will finish for the year on Friday 28 November School Banking Rewards … Remember School banking is on a FRIDAY - Happy Banking PLEASE NOTE: The last day for School Banking this year will be Friday 28 November. (NO banking last week of school) OLOL SWIMMING CARNIVALS …. The end of the year has arrived and is bringing with it the Our Lady of Lourdes Swimming Carnival held at the Sunnybank Swimming Club. Like last year, there will be one carnival with the 8 – 13yrs all swimming on Tuesday 2 December. The 8 and 9 years carnival will begin at 9:00am and finish at around 11am. The 10 – 13yrs swimmers will then be taken to the pool for their events. The Age Champion and Runner Up medals will be presented on Wednesday 3 December at 1:45pm. We highly encourage ALL children, no matter what level of swimming, to participate and cheer on their peers and house teams. Those who ‘forget’ their gear and have no note from their parents will remain at school. Swimmers will need to bring their swimming cap, goggles, togs, towel and sunscreen. Students are to wear their sports uniform (a house coloured shirt is permitted) including school hat and black sport shoes but may wear thongs for between events. Morning tea or lunch and a water bottle will also need be taken to the carnival in a small bag. Our new shade tents will also be available on the grass area for spectators. Please leave the grandstand available for students. Importantly, we still need parents to be TIMEKEEPERS! We can’t do it without you. If you have experience then that’s great, if not, come along anyway and we’ll show you how. All officials will need to be there by 8:30am. Just remember that you need to have done the Student Protection Training to be able to volunteer. You can find information and training for this on the Our Lady of Lourdes School website. Parents – don’t forget your swimmers and cap for the highly anticipated parent/student/teacher relay! Don’t worry, we’ll wear the kids out before the event. Please return the note below if you will be available to be a timekeeper. TIMEKEEPER VOLUNTEER _____________________ (name) Experience? Yes / No (circle one) All day / Morning / Afternoon (circle one) 8:30 – 11am 11am – 2:00pm Child/ren and class ___________ ___________________________ ___________________________ Sport … Community News … PARENTS BOOK CLUB Two books to write about again this time! We have read A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki and Bereft by Chris Womersley. A Tale for the Time Being is an intriguing and beautiful narrative, unusually constructed. Ruth (the character, but loosely autobiographical) is a writer living in a remote corner of the Pacific coast of British Columbia. One day she finds a collection of materials contained in a lunchbox that has washed up on the beach. The journal and letters that she finds inside envelop her in the story of the life of a Japanese teenager, who, believing suicide is the only relief for her teenage angst, nevertheless is determined, before she commits that final act, to write down the story of her great-grandmother, a Buddhist nun. Exploring themes of the relationship between writer and reader, past and present, fact and fiction, quantum physics, history, and myth, this book is recommended highly by our members, we rated it 4 out of 5. Set in 1919 in rural NSW, Bereft is a beautiful but harrowing gothic tale of loneliness, injustice, anguish and love. Quinn Walker returns home from WWI to his dying mother after leaving 10 years earlier accused of raping and murdering his little sister, with the purpose of clearing his name. Most of our members enjoyed this book, we rated it 4 out of 5. Our next meeting will be breakfast on Sunday 30 November at Riverbend Teahouse 193 Oxford St Bulimba at 8am, we will be discussing Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. New members are most welcome, if you wish to join us please call Jenny Scodellaro 0402 457 462 or MaryAnne Hiscutt 0413 199 974. SUNNYBANK MARTIAL ARTS We are a family based martial arts and self defence school based at the Paloma Reception Centre. We have been teaching students from Our Lady of Lourdes and kids from the local area for the last 10 years. Classes are every Tuesday or Thursday nights from 5.30pm. Catering for ages 4 and up. Come along and join our family. IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Applications for Year 7 2018 close on Friday 6 February 2015 Applications for Year 7 2019 (Year 3 students 2015) now open If your daughter is currently in Year 3, 4 or 5 and you wish to submit an enrolment for her please contact the College on 3399 8888 to request an Enrolment Pack or alternatively download from our website: Maria Krause Enrolments Registrar Tel: (07) 3399 0434 THE IONA PASSION PLAY – AUDITIONS - EASTER 2015 Experience Easter as part of the cast or crew of The Iona Passion Play. All are welcome – you can involve the whole family! Plenty of speaking, non-speaking and support roles available. o Sunday Dec 7 @ 2pm (Wynnum West) If interested please contact Veronica on 3333 1993 or [email protected] The Iona Passion Play greatly appreciates your community’s support and please keep the Play in your prayers. Veronica Kirn (Secretary), The Iona Passion Play Inc. [email protected],, (07) 3333 1993. SUNNYBANK JUNIOR CHESS COMPETITION: 13 December 2014 A Queensland Junior rated chess competition for primary and high school students will be held from 9am to 12:30pm on Saturday 13 December 2014 at Sunnybank State High School, Sunnybank, Brisbane. There is a Beginners Division and Advanced Division. Competition format: 7 round tournament (students play all rounds, irrespective of whether they win or lose) Divisions: o Beginners Division: students will receive coaching; excellent opportunity for primary school students who are new to chess to practice in a friendly and supportive environment o Advanced Division: excellent opportunity for students to further their chess skills and interest, as well as to improve their Queensland Junior rating (time control: 15 mins/side) Prizes: st nd o Beginners Division: 1 place: $30; 2 place: $20; encouragement prize: chess book/set st nd o Advanced Division: 1 place: $50, 2 place: $30; under 650 QJ: $30; random draw prize: chess book/ set Entry fee: o Early bird: $20; if paid before 7/12/2014 o Standard: $25; if paid after 7/12/2014 but before 12/12/2014 o Late: $30; if paid on the day Registration:
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