THE CROSS Holy Cross Council #2739—Detroit, MI September/October 2014 SANTA WILL BE VISITING HOLY CROSS for the ANNUAL KIDDIES CHRISTMAS PARTY ON SUNDAY, DECEMBER 14, 2014 bake sale @ 12:00noon party 1:00pm till 3:00pm All in the lounge, so tell your children/grandchildren to “better watch out, better not cry, better not pout…..Santa’s going to be at Holy Cross” See and read the chairman’s letter included in this mailing Now is the time for all Brother/Sir Knights who are current PAID UP Members to sign up your child/grandchild in the lounge SEE THE BARTENDER!!! FOOD DRIVE …….REMINDER! We are currently accepting non-perishable items that can be dropped off at the council. Please help us, help those who are less fortunate. Food is currently being gathered and will be distributed to area needy families of local churches before Christmas. If you are able to donate, please do so. Or if you opt to donate financially, please find the enveloped enclosed with this mailing and either mail or drop it off at the council. Thank you in advance for making this project the success it deserves. SPECIAL COLLEGE FOOTBALL SATURDAY - NOVEMBER 29 Tradition will reign as we watch the University of Michigan play Ohio State Lounge will be open one hour prior to game time LL TBA FOO D FOO Happy Thanksgiving! Karaoke Night In Lounge FRIDAY, NOV 28 Come have a BLAST!!! FUN RAF FLES MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM HOLY CROSS COUNCIL MAY THE PEACE OF THE LORD BE WITH YOU THROUGH EACH AND EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE Don’t Forget to VOTE on Election Day—Tuesday, November 4 THE CROSS Official Publication of the Holy Cross Council #2739 Knights of Columbus Phone 843-5233 COUNCIL OFFICERS Chaplain . . . . .Rev Kenneth Mazur Grand Knight . . . . . Jimmy C Szott District Deputy . . .Bishop W Young Insurance Rep . . .Vic Jiompkowski (313)-930-0801 Financial Sec. . . .Darryl Troczynski Deputy GK . . . . . . . Phillip Graham Chancellor . . . . . . . . Walter Glinka Warden . . . . . . . . . Dave Micklash Recorder. . . . . . . . . . . .Tony Tardif Treasurer . . . . . . Matthew Dziewit Lecturer . . . . . . . . . . Advocate . . . . . . .James Niezgoda Trustees 3 year . . . . . . . . . .Dave Vincent 2 year . . . . . . . . . Rick Jaworski 1 year. . . . . . . . . . James Stortz Inside Guard. . . . . . . .Aaron Serda Outside Guards . . . . Albert Pastula COUNCIL DIRECTORS Program Director . Joseph Dziewit Membership Director. . . . . . . . . . Dave Micklash Squires Director. . . . David Vincent FROM THE GRAND KNIGHT. . . . . . . . Brother Knights, The holiday season has caught up to us once again. This is an exciting time of the year and it’s special here at the council because our food drive is in full swing. Gordons Food is playing a major roll in the drive, along with the Wednesday and Thursday bingo players who are also donating. In addition to our thanks to them, I would like to thank all members, including our squires, who have been making donations. It’s through everyone’s efforts that when the food baskets will be sent to the families, I’m sure they too will be grateful and will want to send thanks to all who had helped make their holiday season much brighter. Our last charity poker event was a great success raising $5,500 for the council. It is a great windfall to help us pay some current bills. I would like to thank the following individuals for donating their time over the four day event: Phil Graham, James Stortz, Morris Blackwell, Matt Dziewit, Tony Tardif, Shelly Heyza, James Kuhlman, Rick Jaworski, Dave & Jan Vincent and their son Brian who recently became our newest Brother Knight. A special thanks to Mike ‘Wiggy’ Matras for all of the hours he was able to work. I appreciate everyone’s help more than you know. It’s nice to have people you can depend on. Thanks again! Being that it’s the Thanksgiving season, I would like to mention those who are dear to me and I am very thankful for. Of course first and foremost, my wife Debra and daughters, Kristin and Nicole who have given me so much support during my time as your Grand Knight. My lounge crew - Joe, Mia, Tina and Shelly for doing a great job. PGK Dave Micklash for handling the girl’s scheduling. Bingo chairmen Joe Dziewit and Tom Suski, along with all of the bingo workers for their dedication. The building corporation and all members of the board for maintaining and giving us all a place to go and socialize. Josh Stortz for security and helping out whenever asked. Joe Paja for the Friday feasts. To all of me officers for another year of service. Special thanks to Jim Stortz for always willing to help out. We will be having a karaoke night on the Friday after Thanksgiving in the lounge. Come on down and bring your singing voice. It’ll be a fun time. Hope to see everyone there. I’ll close by wishing all Brother Knights and their families a Happy Thanksgiving and a Blessed Christmas.. Have a safe New Years Eve and I hope to see you down at the council sometime in the new year. Oh! And Michael don’t believe mom and dad when they say they are going to the car. Vivat Jesus Jim Szott Grand Knight Catholic Activities . . .Walter Glinka Retention . . . . . . . . . . Phil Graham From the Financial Secretary COUNCIL MEETINGS Officers . . . .1st Tuesday of the month Board of Directors . 1st Tuesday of the month Retirees . . . .2nd Monday of the month Business . . .2nd Tuesday of the month Columbian Squires . . . . Every Monday at 6:00pm in Squire Room Notices for 2015 dues will be mailed out very soon. Please remember that it costs the council money to send out second or third notices, so please try to pay on the first billing. I’m going to send them out early so hopefully they do not interfere with the Christmas season. Our dues are $42 a year/$3.50 a month. If you cannot make the full year payment at one time, you can break it down and pay for 3 or 4 months at a time if you wish. Remember to keep your membership in good standing by paying your dues. Darryl Troczynski News the From fromFaithful the Fourth Navigator Degree. .. .. .. . Sir Knights! Vivat Jesus ! The month of October is behind us and also behind us is my first meeting as your Faithful Navigator. I have expressed my goals that I would like to attain. First and foremost I would like to know everyone on a one to one basis. I hope to increase our membership by 20% or better and will be seeking members not only from Holy Cross Council but from our councils under our jurisdiction, but above all I wish to reinstatement members. There is a scheduled 4th degree exemplification in the month of March and it’s never to early to get a form 100 to any potential 3rd degree candidate. So if you know of anyone who may want to join, see myself or any other assembly officer for a form. At our last meeting we voted to donate $100.00 to the Desert Angels for shipping “Miracle Boxes” to our service men and women. Also when proper information is received we will sponsor a seminarian and support other charitable projects. We will be sending five Sir Knights and two Ladies to the Fall Harvest District #1 meeting on November 2, 2014. They are Sir Knights Bob Bielenda, Caz Rozmarniewicz, Jamie Kuhlman and Lady and Sir Knight Walter Glinka and Lady and Sir Knight David Vincent. I appreciate all the comments from the survey that was mailed out. Believe me they were all for the better and it shows you are concerned and enthusiastic about our assembly. Responses came from Sir Knights who live out of state as well as those from other councils. I cannot understand the reason for some not responding with a paid postage envelope enclosed. I will have the statistics for you in a personal Christmas letter which I will send out in December. As we approach the month of November we think about Thanksgiving Day, football, turkey and family. However, November has a special meaning for the Fourth Degree. We, Sir Knights have gone through the degrees of Charity, Unity and Fraternalism and now we possess the highest degree the Knights of Columbus can offer, the fourth degree! The degree of Patriotism! November is the time we give “Thanks” to our veterans on Veteran’s Day, November 11, 2014. Sir Knights we have many fourth degree Knights who have served our country with honor and we should be proud that they are member of Holy Cross Assembly #1622. Keep in mind that anyone who has done military service for our country earns the privilege to be called “Veteran”. In a poem by Joanna Fuchs she states: We salute every one of them, the noble and the brave, the ones still with us here today, and those who rest in a grave. So here’s to our country’s heroes; they’re a cut above the rest; let’s give the honor that is due to our countries very best. Thank you and God bless. . Sir Knight Bob Bielenda F.N. (313) 592-8510 [email protected] Holy Cross Assembly #1622 ASSEMBLY OFFICERS Navigator . . . S.K. Robert Bielenda Friar . . . . S.K. Rev Kenneth Mazur Captain . . . . . .S.K. Kyle Smolinski Pilot . . . . . . . . . .S.K. Walter Glinka Admiral. . . . S.K. Mike Kozakiewicz Comptroller . .S.K. James Kuhlman Purser . . . . . . . . S.K. Frank Pilzner Scribe . . .S.K. Caz Rozmarniewicz Inner Sentinel . . . .S.K. Tony Tardif Outer Sentinel. . . Trustees . . . . .S.K. Joseph Dziewit S.K. David Vincent S.K. Don Jedynak BOARD OFFICERS President . . . . . . . . Joseph Dziewit Vice-Pres . . . . . . . . Dave Micklash Treasurer . . . . . . .Matthew Dziewit Recorder . . . . . . . . . . . Tony Tardif Directors . . . . . . . . . . .Phil Graham Andrew Nelsen Albert Pastula Jamie Kuhlman Mike Matras RETIREE OFFICERS President . . . . . . . Joseph Dziewit Vice-President . Walt Pajaczkowski Recorder. . . . . . . . .Richard Macek Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Suski Sgt. at Arms . . .Wesley Troczynski Trustees . . . . . . . . . . Don Jedynak Greg Suski Rick Jaworrski FROM OUR COUNCIL CHAPLAIN Dear Brother Knights, The last few warm days of Fall are coming to an end. I read that there may be some snow flurries later this week. Maybe by the time you will be reading this edition of the Cross Newsletter, those flurries will already have appeared. How can we forget last winter, with the persistent cold and snow; it might have disrupted our lives. The heavy rain and floods from this past summer might have had the same effect. We can never be sure what will be in store tomorrow: unfavorable weather, illness or loss of work. Many times, these disruptions are beyond our control, but we have to deal with them. We can’t just sit back and complain. At the end of November, we celebrate our national holiday of Thanksgiving. We don’t necessarily go to Church that day. We stay home, eat a lot of good food and watch football with family and friends. We might have too much to drink. Maybe we’ll say short prayer, “grace”, before the meal. Some of the relatives will have already gotten their food before the prayer, others won’t be able to drag themselves away from the television because the Lions are driving for a score but may make a quick “sign of the cross” at the end of the prayer, to show that they’re listening and participating, at least with one ear. Thank you, Lord, for all the blessings we have in our lives. We are grateful even though we have a hard time showing it. A month later, the biggie, Christmas, is upon us. We’ve spent most of the past few weeks getting ready for this. Shopping and decorating, baking and partying to lead up to the big day. We might even venture out to Church, having to sit in the far back because of the crowd. At the Wigilia we’re sure to say grace, and maybe an extra prayer or two. Most everyone is involved in the prayer this time, because there’s no football game on TV and because, well, it’s Christmas. Thanksgiving and Christmas aren’t just two more days that come into our lives, like the rain and snow and cold, things that we have to deal with. They are chances for us to realize how much God loves us. Be thankful! Celebrate His birth! More than just two justifiable reasons to party, they are two chances to admit that God is in our lives every day. We should get down on our knees, even for a brief moment, in prayer. We won’t, but we should. May you and your loved ones be filled with grace and blessings from our loving God. Fr. Ken Mazur, PIME - Faithful Friar, Chaplain, Father Prior NEWS from FR. DANIEL A LORD COLUMBIAN SQUIRES #801 First, on behalf of Squires Circle 801 and Knights Daughters Circle 005, I would like to thank everyone that helped with handling the traffic and parking of cars at the St. Francis 125th anniversary mass on October 12th. It all worked out very well, and the Squires / Knights Daughters are very grateful for your support and assistance. We are coming up on Thanksgiving and Christmas soon. It is a time of joy and togetherness of family and friends. Our circle is proud to be part of the council’s food drive for the less needy of our area. Charity is one of the principles of the Knights of Columbus. In addition to reaching out, helping solicit your charitable donations, we are making ourselves available to those who are making a donation, but can’t make the trip to the council with your donation. Contact me and I’ll arrange for your donation to be picked up. It’s the Grand Knight’s goal that we help 100 families or more this year and I don’t see why this can’t de done. Let’s all help to achieve this goal and show why our order was founded. Circle 801 has also adopted a company in the US Air Force currently deployed in Afghanistan. One of our Brother Knights and a past Chief Squire of Circle 801, Staff Sargent Chris McDaniel is in this unit. Please help make his and his company’s holiday a little brighter by donating whatever you can to the care packages we are putting together. I would like to ask that you also consider making a donation for the Poor Man’s New Year’s Eve basket raffle. This is the biggest fund raiser of the year for the Squires and Knights Daughters – so please consider us and make a donation. Any type of donation for a prize is gratefully appreciated. You may also make a monetary donation, if you so choose. The proceeds of the raffle go for the continued support of the youth groups at Holy Cross. Please contact me with any donations or questions, there is a drop off location in the lounge for the Troops and the food drive as well. You can also reach me by phone 313-920-2579 or email [email protected] Thank you for you continued support! Wishing you a most joyous holiday season – God Bless you all! ESTO DIGNUS – Dave Vincent - Chief Counselor Circle 801 BOARD SPLINTERS RETIREE NEWS The fall season is at it’s halfway mark. The tree colors have turned and the beauty of the colors is always worth a country ride every year. I hope you’ve taken yours to enjoy. Soon there will be no more leaves, the trees will be bare and the frigid weather, along with winter will set in. Brrr….it’s that time of the year. It’s also a sign that we are on the brink of Thanksgiving and Christmas. The holiday season is always a festive one here around the lounge. At our council’s general membership meeting in the month of October, there was a nomination and election for three board of directors to fill out the board for the 2015 calendar year. The three brother Knights elected were Al Pastula, Phil Graham and Mike Matras. Al and Phil were re-elected and Mike joins the board after his recent retirement. I’m sure that with their contributions, along the rest of the guys on the board, we will continue with improvements that each board member is providing input to, in helping to make the running the business a much easier job. I’m looking forward to another successful year with all board members contributing. I’m also hoping that our weekly bingos will continue to strive and get better in the new year. It’s the success of the bingos, along with our hall rentals, that is financially helping us to pay our bills. Once again, I tip my hat and say thanks to all of our bingo workers that is allowing us to keep going. I’m also hoping that Brother Matras will consider joining our council retirees club now that he is officially retired. We’re always looking for recent retired members to join us. Are you too possibly in this same category? Then consider joining. It’s a great time of the year to do so. At our October retiree meeting, our luncheon was prepared by Vicki and Walter Pajaczkowski. Once again they did a great job and we all should be very thankful to them for their efforts. In November, after our meeting, we are planning on our annual Thanksgiving lunch and in December we will have our Christmas pot luck. This is when we ask everyone to bring in their favorite holiday dish to pass. The December luncheon will once again be under the guidance of Barb Greeson and Helen Szabla. I’m hoping to see some new members come aboard during these festive months because our attendance at our meetings has been steadily declining during this past year. I know there are some of you out there that might have some free time on your hands and even if it’s just for that one Monday a month, come join us. And as always, we promise a good time - eat, then play cards or shoot pool. If you love to just interact with other retirees , this is the place. We meet on the second Monday of the month. Also remember that every couple of months or so, we take a one day trip to a casino. Maybe one day, we can be honored to say that one of these trips produced a big time winner. In October, at Firekeepers Casino, many of the 56 who boarded the bus to take the trip, claim to have been a winner. But not big time, I don’t think. Because if there was, our trips home would not be so quiet! As the holidays grow near, we at the council give thanks to you for your friendship and confidence in helping our council and lounge this past year. May the peace of the Lord be with you through each and every day of your life, especially during this time as the Christmas season approaches. Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all Brother/Sir Knights. Seen on a church sign: Honk if you love Jesus! Text while driving if you want to meet Him! Joseph Dziewit President, Building Corporation and Retiree Club Squires adopt a company in the US Air Force Please support our troops deployed in foreign lands and make their holiday a little brighter. Our squires circle has adopted a company in the US Air force that is currently deployed in Afghanistan. As mentioned to you in the article from the Chief Counselor, we are asking for donations to support this troop. We will gladly accept any donations—monetary or items from the suggestions list found on the birthday/anniversary page of this publication. The Air Force Company we are gathering care package donations for is a group of fifteen men in the 455th Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron. Brother Knight and previous Chief Squire Staff Sargent Chris McDaniel is part of the group. The packages will ship by November 21st, 2014 to make it to their destination by Christmas. And we sincerely want to ship on or before this date because Chris’ mom has passed along to us that the troop will be moving after the first of the year. Most of our help is needed in getting funds for the postal fees with the shipping. If you’re able to help, please send to the council with Attention to COLUMBIAN SQUIRES. The fourth degree has made an initial monetary donation that we are very grateful for. BIRTHDAYS November 2 Joseph Klimkiewicz Gary Martin* 3 Michael Mireles Anthony Muraca 6 Thomas Wall 8 Frank Zdrojewski 9 Thomas Kandow 11 Bernard Michon 16 Sean Roland 21 Alan Malek Frank Novock 24 Robert Bielenda* 26 Patrick Shea 28 Rev Larry Zurawski* 30 John Bajos Robert Gorski 1 Grace Pernak Dolores Zabinski 11 Jane Topor 13 Kimberley Dziewit 23 Sara Ann Malewski 25 Christine Kavalick * members of Holy Cross Assembly #1622, belong to other councils WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES December 1 Roman Matey 3 Allan Forman Robert A Pernak 4 Dylan Cooper Ernest Pindzia Darryl Troczynski, PGK 5 Michael Zajac 8 David Jaye Daniel Skomra Joseph Szabla 10 John Fron 12 John Brzezinski 15 Robert Mical 17 Adam Cooper James Schuster 18 Frank Jarecki Edward Tymczak 19 Carmel Borg 20 James Stortz 21 Thomas Kapanowski Salvador Torres Jr 23 Thomas Bogdanski 25 Christopher Oginski* 28 Mark Pernak 30 Timothy Michalski 31 Stanley Solak 1 Deborah Cruz 2 Joanne Juzswik 11 Joanne Mosqueda 13 Mary Pernak 17 Helen Micklash 21 Janice Vincent 27 Helen Szabla Brother Knight Anthony and Antoinette Sobczak 11/10/1978 36 years Brother Knight John and Lucy Garcia 11/14/1981 33 years Brother Knight Timothy and Carol Michalski 11/24/1972 42 years Brother Knight Paul and Arlene Patalas 11/24/79 35 years _____________________________ MISSED LAST MONTH Brother Knight David and Janice Vincent 10/30/93 21 years SUPPORT OUR TROOPS Suggested items list for adopted US Air Force troop Fruit snacks - Canned Nuts, Corn Nuts, Sunflower Seeds Candy - Beef Jerky – drink mix – Hot cocoa, instant coffee, tea bags, and creamer. Individual sized packs of seasoned salt, individual packets of hot sauce, mustard, relish, and ketchup. Snack cakes (Lil Debbie’s), cheese crackers, etc. Hygiene items - Lip balm Toothbrush, toothpaste, dental floss, cotton swabs, shaving cream, disposable razors, shampoo, individually packaged tissues. Loon soap/body wash: fragrance-free individually packaged baby wipes, eye drops, lip balm, lotion, aspirin or other pain reliever, Foot care. Moleskin, medicated foot powder, athlete's-foot ointment Clothing: we can always use white or green socks - new or used paperbacks books Game books: Sudoku is popular. So are crosswords and word finds Small and Large zip lock bags Disposable hand warmers, Fingerless gloves, stocking caps Batteries: Size AA and D batteries are in high demand. Writing material. Notepaper, envelopes, pens, pencils, and stamps. Monetary donations help buy I-Pads for the soldiers who can then through an application read bedtime stories to their children back home MEETING ATTENDANCE DRAWINGS Please pray for the Sick of our council September Drawing Leo Mysiewicz Not present at meeting Jerome Wrobleski, PGK Chester Maczuga Brother Mike Drobnicki Frank “Pepsi” Pospychala Nyle Skurnit Louise Borg Angie Barket Al, father of Brother Knights John and Al Jr Dimitroff Xxxxxx, father of Brother Knight Steve Serda & Grandpa of Aaron October Drawing Donald Machuta Not present at meeting Where can you go and make $50 an hour? To the council’s monthly general membership meeting, that’s all. Just be present at the meeting, maybe offer your thoughts or opinion and of course be a paid up member. The meetings occur on the second Tuesday of the month and last no longer than 1 hour. Come see at our next meeting what the Grand Knight has planned for the coming months and you could possibly be our next winner! A HAPPY OUTLOOK ON LIFE ! It’s EASY . . .when you insure with the Knights of Columbus See your K of C Insurance Advisor today Victor Jiompkowski, Field Agent (313) 930-0801 Please help us with our sick list! If you know of any Brother Knight or a family member of a Brother Knight who should be on this list, please inform us so that we may remember them in our prayers. “All powerful and ever-living God, the lasting health of all who believe in You, hear us as we ask Your loving help for the sick; restore their health, that they may again offer joyful thanks in Your Church. Grant this through Christ our Lord, Amen” PINOCHLE TOURNAMENT WINNERS September Jimmy Szott & Mike Matras October This is an invite to all of those card players who enjoy playing pinochle. Come join us! We always have a few surprises along with a few drinks and snacks during the evening. We typically meet on the third Tuesday of each month. November and December dates are posted in the calendar of events. Hope to see you there! BE PROUD! WEAR YOUR EMBLEM! Rest In Peace . . . . . . . . +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please remember the following Brother Knights and family members who have gone on to their eternal rest with our Lord! _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Brother Knight Joseph Kalinowski Please remember them in your prayers. May their souls and all the souls of the faithfully departed rest in peace. ---------------------------------------------------------THANKS TO ALL MEMBERS OF OUR ROSARY CHAIN FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT AND ATTENDANCE. November SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 3 Daylight Saving Time Ends 9 4 Squires @ 6pm 10 Lions football H Miami Lounge Open 5 6 Board @6:15pm Council Officers Council immediately a9er Bingo 11:30am 11 12 Rerees - 12noon 3rd degree Squires @ 6pm membership knights daughters meeng @ 7pm 7 8 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 13 Council Bingo 11:30am 14 15 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 1:00pm gameme 16 17 Lions football 18 20 21 22 4th degree at Arizona Lounge Open meeng 6:30pm 4:25pm gameme council lounge 23 19 24 Pinochle Tour@6:30pm 25 Council Bingo 11:30am 26 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 27 28 29 UM vs OSU Lions football at New England Squires @ 6pm Lounge Open knights daughters 1:00pm gameme NO BINGO Thanksgiving NO BINGO karaoke night lounge college football lounge open at 1:00pm Kiddies XMAS Party / December 14 December 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 WEDNESDAY 3 THURSDAY 4 5 Board @6:15pm Squires @ 6pm Council Officers Council Bingo 11:30am immediately a9er 7 8 Lions football H Tampa Bay Lounge Open 9 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY 6 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 11 12 13 3rd degree Rerees - 12noon Squires @ 6pm membership knights daughters meeng @ 7pm Council Bingo 11:30am 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 1:00pm gameme 14 15 16 Lions football 4th degree H Minnesota Lounge Open meeng 6:30pm locaon TBD 1:00pm gameme 21 Lions football at Chicago Lounge Open 22 Pinochle Tour@6:30pm 23 17 Council Bingo 11:30am 24 Christmas Eve NO BINGO Squires @ 6pm knights daughters 1:00pm gameme 28 Lions football at Green Bay Lounge Open 1:00pm gameme 29 Squires @ 6pm 30 18 31 New Year's Eve NO BINGO 19 20 4th degree Bingo 11:30am 25 Christmas day 26 27 NO BINGO
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