The E-Knightlighter The Official Publication of the Knights of Columbus, Msgr. James R. Jones Council 3303 and Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820, New Bern, NC US MARINES TO THE RESCUE 3, 10, 17, 24 - Bingo 6:30 PM, Hall 4 - 3rd Degree Meeting 7:00 PM, Chamber. 4 – Fraternal Benefits Night, 8:00 PM, Hall 6 - Widows Dinner, 6:00 PM, Hall 9 – Memorial Service, 9:30 A.M., St. Paul Church 11 - 2nd Degree Exemplification, 8:00 PM, Hall 12 - 4th Degree Meeting, 7:00 PM, Hall 13 - Bingo Appreciation Dinner, 6:00 - 7:00 P.M., Hall 25 - 3rd Degree Officer Meeting, 7:00 Pm - 8:00 PM, Hall Volume: 2014. 08 Editor: Michael Haynes [email protected] Our Yard Sale could not have been as organized and as successful without the help of the many Marines that assisted over the last days of the preparation and sale. Not only did they move furniture and load cars, but some proved that they could sing by performing the “Marine Hymn”. Grand Knight’s Knightlighter Comments Brothers, We welcome new Brothers: Charles “Chuck” Havens, Brian Benard Benard, and Gunny Sergeant Konrad Kleczek to our Council. We also welcome back Brother William Sears. Our First Degree for the three new Brothers was held in the Chambers on Tuesday October 14 and the Honoree was James A. “Jimmy” Downs, a long standing Member of our Council and a wonderful example of an “Exemplary Catholic Gentleman”. Congratulations Jimmy on a well well-deserved Honor. In these turbulent times with the ongoing threat of ISIS or ISIL we need to pray for those fellow Christians and Catholics who are being being persecuted and in some cases executed for their Faith. These people are true martyrs and need our prayers. Please add them to your daily prayer list. Speaking of prayers, let us not forget our Holy Father and all Religious who are such an important part p of our community and our lives as they bring the Word of God to us in all that they do. As Fr. Tully has reminded us several times, we need to take time to listen for God’s Word. It may come in a thunderstorm or a gentle breeze—but it’s there and we need ed to be quiet and listen. This is very hard to do with our busy schedules, but certainly an important part of our lives. As more and more legislation is proposed and pro-life pro life decisions are challenged, let us continue to support and pray for pro-life decisions sions and actions. Consider joining Brothers Bart Spano and Jim Bottcher in their protest in front of the Jacksonville abortion clinic on Wednesday mornings I hope some of you have answered Fr. Tully’s call to be Eucharistic Ministers. This is a very rewarding rew Ministry. We have a very busy usy schedule in front of us. Your help and participation is needed and appreciated: • Annual “Honor our Knight’s Widows” Dinner November 6 • Third Degree in Goldsboro on November 8 • Memorial Service for departed Brothers - November 9 at 9:30 A.M. Again, God Bless you for all you do for our Church, Community a and nd the less fortunate among us. Vivat Jesus! Dick Dodson Knight of the Month This month I am proud to announce that Robert “Chick” Natella has been selected as our Knight of the Month. Chick as he is called by all his friends has been photographing pictures of installations and other events for the council and the assembly for many years. When we see Chick at an event, we have all become accustomed to seeing him with a camera. Quarterly at a pot luck dinner or ice cream social, Chick is calling numbers for the 300 Club Drawing that he took over many years ago to help the Council raise some needed funds. Many of us who participate in the 300 Club drawings have found ound this to be a worthwhile and fun project with all proceeds after expenses flowing back to the Council. Chick can also be seen on the Bingo floor on some Monday nights selling additional books and verifying numbers of our bingo winners. In past years, Chick served as an Usher and as a Eucharistic Minister at St. Paul for many years. In the community, Chick works with the Burmese community helping them find housing and clothing. On a personal note, while Chick pretends to be a UNC fan, it is believed he is a true Duke fan. Chick is a working member of Council 3303, our church and our community. Jim Whetzel, DGK Sir Knight of the Month Have you ever been to the Knights of Columbus Hall and not seen Walt Sierocki working. Well I certainly have not and I also see him at the business meetings, whether it is for the Council, the Assembly or the Columbus Club. Walt can be found during the day or evening tending to those things that keep our club working as well as it does. He is also on call for maintenance issues, working with other volunteer workers at the hall. In addition to these duties, he is a bingo worker, yard sale worker, and a club sitter when we rent out hall and is always there when needed. He is always there for our Lamb collections helping out counting money that’s collected; he is a money counter at St Paul Church , usher at 8:00 AM Mass. Be sure to congratulate Walt on being selected SK of the month for October 2014 Patrick Rocco, Faithful Captain Knight’s Benefit Night On Tuesday, November 4, at 8:00 P.M. (after the regular Council meeting) the Msgr. James R. Jones Council will sponsor a benefits night. If you answer “NO” to any of the following questions you need to be there: • Is your retirement plan at risk? • Are you making mistakes with your money? • Do you know what Medicare will not cover? • Have you protected your biggest assets? • Are your loved ones protected? • Is your income in danger of not lasting your lifetime? Come learn some of the many benefits available to you and your family with membership in the Knights of Columbus. This meeting is open to ALL parishioners, Lady’s Auxiliary, and Knights of Columbus members. Be sure to bring your wives. Robert Leonardo 910-708-1404 [email protected] Another GREAT Yard Sale As predicted, we had the best yard sale of the year as well as the most successful financially on record. None of this would have been possible without everyone who worked in any way; our workers in every dept., marines, cooks & bakers, and especially those Tuesday workers and pick-up crews who donated a lot of time and energy every week year-round. In 10 years, we have more than doubled our work force; however, what is so amazing is there are still 22 of our 54 workers who worked in 2004 that are active now. During the hectic week of this last sale, these were our daily figures: Tues. 89, Wed. 60, Thurs. 63, Fri. 82, and Sat. 97. This yard sale was extremely organized. All of our workers made sure the inside depts. were ready and then they came outside where we had an overabundance of merchandise that needed to be organized. Our ladies especially did such a fabulous job with Christmas decorations, clothes, books, pictures, etc. that we even started selling outside on Thursday. By 12 noon on Saturday, we made over $5,000 outside - twice the amount we usually make! A lot of the items had been packed up from inside after our June sale, and we sold them outside at the prices already marked on them which goes to prove it is worth holding on to older items and relocating them for a different clientele. Many of our customers just prefer an outside sale and never go inside. As usual, our meals were fantastic! Vince had chili on Tuesday, Priscilla prepared seafood salad and sandwiches on Wednesday, Gennantonio's friend, Bert Nye, prepared hearty chicken and vegetable soup for Thursday, Friday was leftover sandwiches and soup, and DeLessandro's prepared a delicious hearty Italian meal on Saturday. We can't forget to thank all the ladies who baked our desserts: Joan Campbell, Lois Fragnito, Margaret Lalonde, Marge Pederson (2), Dena Sierocki, Rita Casem, Sandra Mattingly, Becky Evans, Hannah French, Joan LaCasio, Maureen Zackmann, Margaret Colbert, Marlene Corkery, Aggie Derda, Mary Jane Jaskolka, Judy blust, Nancy Tomasik (2), JoAnn Webb, and Rosemary Whetzel. Father Tulley visited us on Thursday and we celebrated Father Bill's birthday on Friday with Aggie's HUGE chocolate cake. Father Bill froze the leftovers so he and Father Tulley could enjoy it when he returned from California. Father Tulley's birthday was Monday, Oct. 6. Our Marines from MCAS CNATT CO at Cherry Point really outdid themselves this time! We had 19 on Tuesday, 3 on Wednesday, 6 on Friday, and 21 on Saturday, and 9 worked two or more days. They must have enjoyed us as much as we enjoyed and appreciated them. They have a new CO at Cherry Point and we have sent him a detailed thank you letter of appreciation with pictures letting him know how much his marines did to make our sale so much easier. A special thanks to Konrad Kleczek for getting so many volunteers for us and to all our volunteer drivers for driving them to and from our sale. Mary Spano, our PR Chairman must have done a fantastic job as usual because we had over 1300 customers on Friday and another 1,239 on Saturday. I don't know all the individual totals for each Dept.; however, I'm sure all had great success since this was our most successful sale ever. Our Electronics Dept. even sold those two incredibly huge T.V.'s. Daphne kept up with our outside picture sales so we were able to add that to our inside total showing how much we really do make in pictures. We even sold those two large wooden work tables outside and didn't have to take them to the dump. Kit sells a lot of our better merchandise on line and on “Cool, Cheap, Stuff” between sales so we can get what they are worth instead of the reduced amounts we sell them at our yard sales. This time he also did well with all the Christmas Snow Villages even after we pulled some for our State Convention & the SPCC Gala. Even with all our sales outside there was still a lot left outside for the poor in our area to take home. Also, on Oct. 8th Marie & Cindy took 23 pictures to the Kinston Veteran's Home because they heard from the Elk's they needed some for the bare walls in their individual rooms. As usual, we also donated a lot of medical supplies to Merci Clinic and others who needed them. Also, you already have a head start on your next sale with the $1300 we made the week after our sale. We are especially thankful to God for keeping the rains away and giving us such beautiful weather. It is no fun trying to sell rain-soaked merchandise as we have in the past. THANKS SO MUCH TO ALL MY YARD SALE VOLUNTEERS FOR YOUR FANTASTIC PERFORMANCE ON THIS OUR LAST YARD SALE. God Bless and keep up the good work! Danny Gennantonio, 2014 Yard Sale Chairman Annual Widows Dinner The Knights of Columbus council 3303 will be holding their annual “Honor our Knights Widows Dinner” on Thursday November 6th. A social will begin at 6:00 pm and dinner will be served at 6:30. Tickets for this event will be sold after all Masses this weekend or by contacting Danny Gennantonio at 6372322 or Nick D’Alessandro at 637-3550. Ticket prices are $8.00 per person, $15.00 per couple and a maximum of $20.00 per immediate family. We look forward to seeing our fellow Brothers joining us to honor these wonderful women. Nick D’Alessandro, Family Director LAMB Report The LAMB fall collection is now complete. My sincere thanks to all the Knights who donated their time to help this most worthy cause. Special thanks to “Iron Man” Bob Cisco who worked 6 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday. Also special thanks to Walt Sierocki and Jerry Boyle who worked all day Thursday Friday and Saturday in the Lounge counting the donations. At Walmart we collected $ 3,290 and the Church collection was $ 319. Total for the weekend was $ 3,609 and added to the spring collection and a contribution from a Bingo player we have a total of $ 6,932.50. I have several grant requests outstanding so hopefully we still have a chance of reaching our goal of $ 10,000. Jim Kelly, Chairman 2014 LAMB Kinston Veterans Home Attached is a picture of two K.I.Parker Assembly yard sale workers (Cindy Gennantonio & Marie Senzig from the Yard Sale Picture Dept.), who traveled to Kinston on Oct. 8th and delivered 23 pictures to the Kinston Veterans Home. We heard from our local Elks Lodge that they needed pictures for the bare walls in their individual rooms. Danny G. K of C Soccer Challenge The Knights of Columbus Msgr. James R Jones Council # 3303 held their annual K of C Soccer Challenge. Fifty students in grades 5 thru 8 participated. All students received a soccer ball hacky sack. The winners received an official size soccer ball and will have an opportunity to participate in the District Competition in October. Thanks to the Knights and Brother Knight Jeff Ross for sponsoring this event. Picture: l to r winners by grades Mike Hamby, Piper Little, Skye Davis 5th; Bruno Pizani, Owen Rose, Will Hamby 7th ; Jim Anderson, Principal, Margaret Audilet 7th Adriana Lewis and Paul Blain 8th and Coach Dan Mowry. Sandy & Nancy Stewart, PR Annual Memorial Service Just in case you missed it, we will be celebrating our Annual Memorial Service for deceased Brothers on Sunday, November 9 at 9:30 a.m. in the Church. This will be a separate Service and not part of the 8:00 A.M. or 11:00 A.M. Mass. Please wear your blue blazer and grey slacks. The Catholic Daughters will be serving breakfast in the Family Life Center after the Service. I look forward to seeing you at the Service. Golf Winners And the winners are: 1st place - Lou Colombo, Kevin Blust, Jack Webb, and Ed Kearney 2nd place - Andrew Townsend, Patrick Townsend, Richard Gilbert, and Dave Toler 3rd place - Rich Tomasik, Paul Tomasik, Paul Masotta, Charlie Hendricks Thank you to everyone you participated in this event. We look forward to another rematch next year. HAPPY THANKSGIVING Officers and Program Chairmen of Msgr. James R. Jones, Council 3303 Chaplain Grand Knight Deputy Grand Knight Chancellor Recorder Financial Secretary Treasurer Advocate Lector Warden Inside Guard Outside Guard Trustee (1 Yr.) Trustee (2 Yr.) Trustee (3 Yr.) Program Director Church Council Reverend Thomas Tully Dick Dodson Jim Whetzel Ray Savage Sandy Stewart Larry Spallanzani Larry Winsor Mikie Casem CJ Brooker Nick D’Alessandro Bill Bottcher Dean Reynolds Rich Tomasik Leo Minervini Pat Rocco Open Jim Anderson Community Family Youth Membership Director Hispanic Membership Bingo Pro-Life Operation Lamb Knightlighter House Golf 300 Club Columbus Club Bowling Special Olympics Public Relations Web Master Lounge Manager Walter Bock Nick Dalessandro Jeff Ross Tony DiFede Richard Mora Doug Uhland Bart Spano Jim Kelly Michael Haynes Jimmy Bottcher Chick Natella Chick Natella Gerald Boyle Don Monk John Scharf George Halyak Martin Culpepper Ralph Aviles Officers of Father Kenneth I. Parker Assembly 1820 Faithful Friar Faithful Navigator Faithful Captain Faithful Pilot Faithful Comptroller Faithful Scribe Faithful Purser Reverend William J Upah SK Vincent A. Fragnito SK Patrick Rocco SK David Rose SK William Camp SK Ralph Aviles SK George Halyak Inner-Sentinel Outer-Sentinel Faithful Admiral Trustee 3 Year Trustee 2 Year Trustee 1 Year Lounge Manager Yard Sale SK Doug Uhland SK Phil Nassef SK Rich Tomasik SK James Whetzel SK Sandy Stewart SK Ignacio "Budd" Rancatore SK Ralph Aviles SK Danny Gennantonio THE KNIGHTLIGHTER THE KNIGHTLIGHTER is published bi-monthly (Feb., Apr., Jun., Aug., Oct., Dec.) by Council 3303 K of C, New Bern, NC. Editorial deadline is the 20th of the month preceding. The E-KNIGHTLIGHTER is ELECTRONIC ONLY and published (January, March, May, July, September, November) Editor: Michael Haynes ([email protected] ) Circulation: R. Andre, Wm. Camp
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