Trinity Episcopal Church 128 West Hardin Street Findlay, Ohio 45840 The Episcopal Church serving Hancock County, Ohio…and beyond 2014 1 OUTREACH PLEASE - NEW SOCKS AND BLANKETS ARE NEEDED FOR DISTRIBUTION THRU HOPE HOUSE. THEY ARE COLLECTING OCTOBER 22nd THRU DECEMBER 11th . YOU JUST NEED TO DROP ITEMS OFF AT TRINITY AND NANCY AND I WILL GET THEM DELIVERED TO HOPE HOUSE. The City Mission is need of napkins, large and small freezer/storage bags, unpowdered, large latex gloves, and breakfast bars. Any monetary donations will be used for cheese, milk, and butter. Men's shoes and pants are needed. All food items are greatly appreciated. Also needed are personal items such as feminine products, toilet paper, laundry soap, etc. All of your generosity is so greatly appreciated. NANCY AND PAUL O'SULLIVAN, OUTREACH CHAIRS Music Notes The choir practices in the parish hall at 8:30 on Sunday mornings. We are hoping to gain some new members. If you enjoy singing, we welcome you. Come join us! Mary Brater has been installed as the new Head Sacristan at Trinity. She will be supported in her duties by the members of the Altar Guild. Thanks to this group for all that is done for the church. If you are interested in this mission, please contact any Altar Guild member. PLEASE REMEMBER THE SECURITY OF TRINITY! Be sure that the doors are locked tight when you leave. There are SEVEN outside doors: 1) the "front" door at the south end of the nave, 2) the east door (with a porch and steps) leading into the choir room, 3) the kitchen door, 4) the east door leading into the stairwell, the "Yellow Room" and the offices, 5) the west door at the top of the outside stairwell (the emergency exit for the children's classrooms), 6) the west door opening on the hallway between the parish hall and the offices, 7) the west door at the top of the ramp leading into the parish hall. THANKS!! A REMINDER Protect family members of all ages. When visiting anyone in the hospital, a long-term care facility, or even at home it is important to protect them and others from germs and ‘bugs’ that are spread through touch (handshakes, sharing cell phones, etc.) or close contact (hugging and kissing). Please follow each institution’s request for washing your hands every time you enter and leave the room. If additional precautions are needed (gloves, mask, and/or gown) please use these supplies when entering and wash hands when you are leaving. Wipe down your cell phone if you used it in the room or shared it with the patient or resident. These familiar practices are the best ways to stop the spread of colds, flu, and other conditions that complicate the recovery process. 2 MOMENTS WITH MERLIN Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Your hands are an amazing and well designed part of the body. Every day we put them to work to create something, perform a task, or send a message. I’m using my hands to type out some thoughts on stewardship. Take a look at your hands. Make a fist. Now open your hands. Are you more like a clenched fist or an open hand? I’ve had the experience of being both. A clenched fist is closed off. You see the rough side of your hand. You can hide things in it. A clenched fist can do harm to others. Clench your fist and you feel stress in your hand. If you wave a fist it’s a threat. An open hand is relaxed and vulnerable. It is the more tender side of the hand. One receives and gives with an open hand. If you wave an open hand it is a sign of welcome, friendship, or good bye to someone you care about. Our hands are God’s hands and God’s hands are to be open to receive the abundance of God’s ongoing generosity to us and the world. God’s abundance is overwhelming and we are continuously in need of God’s many ways of creating and sustaining life. The power of God’s gifts are multiplied over and over as we open our hands to give, pass on or spend these gifts for others. I can at times be a clenched fist and at other times an open hand. It makes a difference however when I am reminded that what I call mine is not mine at all but God’s. Then I feel a freedom and a relief that makes giving a joyous experience. Generosity is a gift of the Spirit that is nurtured in those who bear the name of Christ. Generosity finds peace and joy not in being recognized for the good it does for oneself but in how it extends life for others. Open hands, open hearts, Interim Rector, Merlin Jacobs 3 ITEMS FOR DECEMBER tidings should be submitted by Wednesday, November 19th. THANKS! NOVEMBER PRAYER God our Father, as we remember those who have gone before us this November, give us the comfort of knowing that they have gone only as far as you and you are very near. Father in Heaven, Creator of all and source of all goodness and love, please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks. Thank you for all the graces and blessings you have bestowed upon us, spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage, our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends. Dear Father, in your infinite generosity, please grant us continued graces and blessings through the coming year. Amen. TRINITY KNITTING CIRCLE The last meeting of 2014 will be Monday, Nov. 10th at 1:00 p.m. The Trinity Knitting Circle started seven years ago knitting 116 Prayer Shawls. During that time we have knitted for veterans, premature babies and, for the past two years, have knitted scarves and hats for The Seaman's Church Institute. We meet the second Monday of the month, (except December)1:00 p.m., at 129 Second Street. My thanks to Anna Miller, Marjorie Weaver, Caroline Dunham, Peg Dailey, and Paula Wolper. Thanks also to Jan Taylor for donating yarn. If you are interested in joining this ministry, please call me at 419-424-9786. Purls, Pat Fox ALTAR FLOWERS The sign-up sheet for 2015 altar flowers is now on the bulletin board in the parish hall – under 2014. CHURCH CALENDAR As a central area of communication, there is a monthly Trinity scheduling calendar on the bulletin board in the parish hall. It includes all events, activities, and facility usage. THIS IS YOUR CALENDAR…IF SOMETHING NEEDS TO BE ADDED, DO SO. IF THERE IS AN ERROR, PLEASE CORRECT IT! You may submit items to Deborah anytime for the upcoming calendar, but please feel free to make this an interactive tool for the parish! Please let Deborah know by noon on Wednesday of that week what you would like printed in the bulletin for your gift of flowers. E-mail to [email protected] or call 419-422-3214. When providing altar flowers from a florist they need to be delivered to the church before noon on Friday or between 9 and 10 on Saturday morning. The altar guild members will leave by 10 a.m. and the church will be locked. Thanks! WEEKLY PRAYER LIST We all need a little prayer and Trinity provides a prayer list each week in the bulletin for those who could use some extra. Would you please take a moment to review that prayer list and help us keep it up-to-date? If there are names which should be removed, let Deborah know. If there is someone on your heart, we can add that person. Thank you! 4 Come and gobble up a tasty breakfast while you enjoy fall fellowship! Everyone is invited to the parish breakfast at 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 8th. There are openings for helpers and hosts for Trinity’s parish breakfasts at 8:30 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month. If you are able to cook or to help clean up at any of these, there is a sign-up sheet on the bulletin board in the Parish Hall. Thank you. Trinity will have its annual Celebration Sunday on November 23rd. Please watch for details in the bulletin and on the web-site! COFFEE CORNER November coffee hour hosts… 2nd – Bell 9th – 16th – 23rd – Celebration Sunday 30th – Baltzell Please consider adding your name to the sign-up sheet on the bulletin board. You don’t have to do it alone – several families or a group may host together. THANK YOU for the donations of coffee and decaf! A reminder for those with reservations - the Lunch Bunch will meet at 11:30 a.m. on Thursday, November 6th at the Village Cafe at the University of Findlay. We will enjoy a Thanksgiving Meal planned by Erica Arthur. The cost is $9.00, payable by cash or check only. Parking is available by driving down the alley across the street from the UF Village Residence Hall. Questions? Call Joanne McPherson. Would you like to be on a team serving Trinity? Greeters, Gift Bearers, Acolytes, Readers, Ushers, and Commentators are always welcome at both services each Sunday. PLEASE CONSIDER helping in one or more of these positions. Let Deborah or Merlin know if you are interested. THANKS TO THOSE WHO SERVE EACH WEEK.! WHERE DO YOU FIT?? Everyone has special gifts – share yours with your church! Please consider lending your skills and talents to a committee in an area of interest or skill. Just contact a committee or vestry member to join. 5 Trinity Thank Offering (TTO) Trinity has withdrawn from the UTO and created its own THANK OFFERING. The TTO box in the sanctuary is now green, maintaining a distinctive Trinity tradition. Our parish still recognizes the importance of thanking God for its many blessings. More members are becoming involved and those in need locally will now benefit as these Thank offerings are directed to the Rector's Discretionary Fund. Please continue to give thanks with offerings in the green TTO box. Youth Sunday School News The Sunday School class is seeking opportunities to serve those in our church. We are hoping to be asked to complete projects like raking leaves, putting summer patio furniture in storage, snow shoveling, etc. This work will be supervised (and assisted) by the parents of the children. We want to be clear that we are not seeking payment for our work, but are hoping to show God's love through acts of service. This is our version of the Backyard Mission Trip on a smaller scale. The children are eager to help, please consider allowing them to serve you. You may sign up in the Parish Hall or contact Emily Boerger at 419.425.5105. Thank you for your help! The Sunday School class is also working on a project we have named, "Books and a Blanket." We are going to make fleece blankets for disadvantaged and/or ill children. Each blanket will include 2-3 books. We hope to have a bake/craft sale in November to help buy the supplies for this project. We will post more information as our plans solidify. Trinity is on Facebook! Find our page by searching for Trinity Episcopal Church, Findlay, Ohio. Be sure to ‘like’ the page to get posts delivered to your News Feed. If you're not on Facebook and you want to know more about it, please call Ben Dolan or Emily Boerger at 419-425-5105. VESTRY COMMITTEE LIAISONS Christian Education Jim Miller CSG Kent Asher Finance Rita Roberts Outreach Deke Roberts Personnel Terri Kempher Property Social Bill Trudeau Stewardship Bill Trudeau Worship Kim Grove IF ANYONE IS INTERESTED IN BEING INVOLVED WITH A COMMITTEE, PLEASE CONTACT THE PERSON LISTED! Are you interested in working with our web site? Ben Dolan is our webmaster and is looking for others to work with him. Please contact Ben to find out more. 6 KEEPING IN TOUCH NOVEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 2 – Keith & Lollie Buckingham 4 – Phyllis & Jerry Watkins 18 – Debbie & Kim Grove 24 – Merlin Jacobs & Ann Augustin NOVEMBER BIRTHDAYS 1 - Ann Augustin 3 – Asher Boyles 10 – Keith Buckingham 13 – Julie Boucher Barb Richardson 16 – Carolyn Dunham PERSONAL NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR AND ABOUT THE TRINITY FAMILY. IF YOU HAVE ITEMS OF INTEREST TO SHARE, (BIRTHS, ENGAGEMENTS, GRADUATIONS, HONORS, AWARDS, WEDDINGS, PERFORMANCES, ACHIEVEMENTS, ACTIVITIES, ETC.) PLEASE SUBMIT THEM BY THE 3RD WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FOR THE NEXT PUBLICATION. Thank you. If ever there is a name omitted from one of these lists, or a date is incorrect, please contact the church office with the information. Thanks! IN MEMORY Catherine Anne Grant Schiltz December 23, 1957 – October 20, 2014 DIRECTORY UPDATE Trinity’s directory needs to be refreshed - update forms are available in the parish hall and on-line at the Trinity web site. If you have not yet turned one in, please complete the form (both sides) and return it to the church so everyone can be included. Thanks! TRULY KEEPING IN TOUCH… Some parishioners not able to attend services, or attend regularly, would enjoy calls or cards from the rest of us, and visits especially from people who know them. Others have moved – so this is an update on their contact information: Betty Berlekamp – 15100 Birchaven Road, Findlay, 45840. Marilyn Russell - P.O. Box 061600, Palm Bay, FL 32906-1600 Earline Yerger – Otterbein Portage Valley Nursing Home, 20311 Pemberville Road , Pemberville, OH 43450 Jim Speck – 15100 Birchaven Lane, Apt. 325, Findlay, OH 45840 Sarah Worthington – 172 Legacy Lane, Heritage House, 2820 Greenacre Drive, Findlay, Ohio 45840 Romelle Aldrich - 83 Harwood Road, Monroe, NJ 08831 Dr. John Wolper - Thomas More College, 333 Thomas More Parkway, Crestview Hills, Kentucky 41017 [email protected] 7 Your talents are God’s gift to you…what you do with them is your gift to God. FINANCIAL SUMMARY YTD THROUGH 9/30/14 Tithes and Offerings $92,693 Miscellaneous 3,391 Investments 906 TOTAL REVENUES $96,990 Outreach $10,447 Personnel 64,720 Operations 7,335 Property 18,332 TOTAL EXPENSES $100,834 NET TOTAL ($3,844) 198th Annual Diocesan Convention The annual convention will take place on November 7th and 8th in Cleveland. This year Trinity will have 3 delegates, Beverly McCoy, Kim Grove, and Deke Roberts, in attendance along with Pastor Merlin. VESTRY OPPORTUNITIES Our church family is looking for 4 members ‘in good standing’, (you are known to the treasurer of the church) who would like to help lead Trinity over the next 3 years. In this position you will be on the forefront of the decisions that will drive our church. We welcome ‘seasoned’ past vestry members who have a unique skill set to offer as well as ‘rookies’ who would bring a fresh perspective to the group. Vestry has typically met on the 3rd Monday of the month from 7 - 8:30 p.m. but don't let that time stop you from ‘throwing your hat in the ring’. There has been some discussion over the last year exploring the possibility of moving the day/time to meet the needs of future leaders. If you feel God is calling you to take on an active role in the leadership of our beloved church please share your interest with Deke Roberts, Terri Kempher or Merlin Jacobs. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. God Bless each of you and all you do to serve God's family. INTERIM TRANSITION TEAM AT SAIL Members of the Trinity Interim Transition Team continue to meet regularly. ITT The major responsibilities are to gather pertinent data, review that information and determine its usefulness, and create a written report to be given to the parish and to the Search Committee. Your comments about the church from a ‘Trip Down Memory Lane’ were compiled and provided four statements that describe Trinity. They have been posted in several places throughout our building. Check them out! We are now working through the 44 surveys you submitted so we get an even better sense of Trinity – now and future! The Interim Transition Team needs your continuing participation and is committed to keeping you informed and involved as we plan and dream and serve in Christ’s name for the sake of the world. Team members include, Ruth Kay Baltzell, Ben Dolan, Jim Ellerbe, Karen Eubanks (Chair), Rob Fox, Merlin Jacobs, Jim Miller, and Deke Roberts. If you have any questions, feel free to contact any member. Trinity Episcopal Church is . . . a welcoming community that is accepting of others who are different. …a place to experience genuine relationships that help us grow. …people who volunteer to reach out into the community. …people who value tradition, music, and prayer in their worship. 8 TALKING STEWARDSHIP Stewardship, like life, should be celebrated all the time and not just at one time each year. Yet, like birthdays, which are a celebration of life on a particular day, stewardship programs can help us focus in a celebratory way on all God has given to us and all the ways our fellowship has responded to that love. The goal of our stewardship program is to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus through the use of the time, talents, and finances God has entrusted to them. The Fall Stewardship Program will be lifted up on the Sundays of November 9, 16 and 23; with pledge cards being turned in and Celebration Sunday taking place on November 23. A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR BEING SO VERY THOUGHTFUL! Rev. Jacobs, On behalf of the Black Heritage Library & Multi-Cultural Center, I sincerely thank you, Rob Fox, and the parishioners for the use of Trinity Episcopal’s parish hall and kitchen for our big BBQ Fundraiser. The church’s support has been tremendous for numerous years. We greatly appreciate your generosity and support! Rob has served on the BHL&MC’s Board for over 10 years. Trinity has been a true blessing and community leader in building cultural diversity education. Warmly and sincerely, Nina Parker, Founder and EO Would you or any members of Trinity be interested in serving a 3 year term on our board? Please do not hesitate to contact me at my cell (419-429-2566) if there is any interest in the board, speaker’s bureau, or a tax-deductible holiday contribution of art or a financial donation. TAIZÉ PRAYER RETURNS by Kim Grove Sunday, November 16th is the second service in our 14th season of Taizé Prayer here at Trinity. Please join us at 5 p.m. for a service of prayer, song and contemplation. This service has developed into an important outreach ministry for our parish to the community at large. Taizé Prayer is based on an ancient Christian principle expressed by Brother Roger, a founding member of the Taizé community in France: “Nothing is more conducive to a communion with the living God than a meditative common prayer with, at its high point, singing that never ends and that continues in the silence of one’s heart when one is alone again.” The focal point of this communion is the cross – the symbol of God’s saving presence in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Our season of Taizé Prayer runs from October through April held the 3rd Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. We can always use more help in setting up, decorating and clean up; musicians; and hosting or helping to host the reception which follows each service. If you would like to help in decorating, just join us after church as we set-up on the 3rd Sunday of the month. If you are a musician and want to join our ensemble, we meet at 3:45p.m. before the service to rehearse – you are most welcome. If you wish to host a reception or help with same, there will be a signup sheet on the bulletin board in the parish hall. If you have been with us in the past, we encourage you to come again; if you have never attended Taizé Prayer, please join us on November 16th and give it a try – we hope you will find the experience most worthwhile. 9 EVENT CALENDAR NOVEMBER 2014 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY NOV 2 NOV 3 NOV 4 NOV 5 NOV 6 NOV 7 NOV 9 NOV 16 7 p.m. Stewardship Committee NOV 23 NOV 10 NOV 11 11:30 Thanksgiving NOV 17 NOV 12 Convention NOV 13 NOV 14 NOV 15 NOV 20 NOV 21 NOV 22 NOV 28 NOV 29 11:30 Bible Study 12:05 Holy Eucharist Lunch (optional) 6:30 ITT Meeting 1 p.m. Knitting Circle NOV 18 NOV 19 11:30 Bible Study 12:05 Holy Eucharist Lunch (optional) 7 p.m. Vestry NOV 24 CELEBRATION SUNDAY 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour Sunday School Worship Committee NOV 30 1st 11:30 Bible Study 12:05 Holy Eucharist Lunch (optional) dinner @ U of F 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour Sunday school 5 p.m. Taizé NOV 8 8:30 a.m. Parish Breakfast All Saint’s Sunday 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee hour Sunday School 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour Sunday School SATURDAY NOV 1 Sunday of Advent 8:30 Holy Eucharist 9:30 Holy Eucharist Coffee Hour Sunday School Flower of the month – Chrysanthemum Birthstone – Topaz NOV 25 NOV 26 NOV 27 Happy 11:30 Bible Study 12:05 Morning Prayer Lunch (optional) Thanksgiving Thanksgiving break Offices closed
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