BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOLS Regular Board Meeting Agenda Music Room - BCIG Elementary Monday, November 17, 2014 6:30 p.m. Regular Meeting BCIG Mission: The Battle Creek-Ida Grove Community School District believes that “we will do everything possible to ensure that everyone in the BCIG Community becomes the best that he/she can be.” Agenda: 1. Call to Order 2. Approve Agenda 3. Welcome Visitors 4. Public Comments to the Board During this time the board may receive comments from the public on items that are not on the agenda. If a member of the public wishes to speak on an agenda item, the Board will hear their comments when that item is addressed. Twenty minutes are allotted for public comments either now or further in the meeting with a 5-minute time limit per person, if needed. The board may choose to extend this time if they wish, but that is a board decision. The board does not need to respond to any comments made. 5. Consent Agenda 6. Board Reports 6.1. Curriculum Presentation 6.1.1. 6.1.2. 7. Special Education Presentation Presentation of District's C Plan - Alicia Nelson Dialogue/Action Items 7.1. Appoint Board Representatives to the Negotiations Committee 7.2. Approval of SBRC Request for Increased Enrollment & Open Enrollment Out 7.3. (Dialog Only) Discussion of the new 700 series for Joint Board Policies 7.4. Facility Direction and Discussion of Elementary Renovation 7.5. Resolution for Voter PPEL 8. Discussion/Correspondence Items 9. Confirm Dates and Times of Next Meetings 10. Adjourn SUMMARY OF THE OCTOBER 20, 2014 REGULAR BOARD MEETING OF THE BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT The Battle Creek-Ida Grove (BCIG) Community School District Board met in regular session October 20, 2014 at 6:30 p.m. in the Media Center at BCIG Elementary in Ida Grove. The meeting was called to order by Jill Godbersen, Vice-President with a roll call vote as follows: Tony Bennett, present; Kim Claussen, present; Crystal Endrulat, present; Godbersen, present; Stephanie Konradi, present; Jeff Rasmussen, present; and Brian Riessen, absent. Leonard acknowledged a quorum. Naomi Lozier and Deb Bengford also attended the meeting. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Rasmussen to approve the agenda as amended, with addition of two contracts and Director, Administrator and Curriculum Reports and the motion carried 6-0. Godbersen welcomed visitors. No one spoke during the public forum portion of the meeting. It was moved by Claussen and seconded by Endrulat to approve the consent agenda consisting of board minutes, claims totaling $343,899.52, contract approvals for Dan Dotzler, High School Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach, Donna Rasmussen, .5 Prom Sponsor, Kate Beyke, .5 Prom Sponsor, Dan Dotzler, Head High School Baseball Coach, Jeff Rasmussen, Assistant High School Baseball Coach; and overnight field trip for the FFA National Convention, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2014, in Louisville, KY for 4 students and one sponsor. The curriculum presentation was given by Alicia Nelson, Shelly Spotts, Tina Krager, Kandi Ehrig and Rita Freese. They highlighted the Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) Program and training, Title I Reading and Reading Recovery Programs. Dr. Nick Ouellette, superintendent, highlighted the article on the district technology that was in the School Administrators Magazine and featured Julie Weeda, Alan Henderson and Alicia Nelson; reviewed the 13-14 audit conducted recently; gave a facility project update including the brush trimming at the elementary, finishing projects in the district and stated pre-design work for the high school stadium lighting and geothermal projects have started. He stated the district is receiving positive parent feedback regarding parent contacts from the school this year and stated he has visited approximately 75 of the 95 classrooms in both districts this year. He gave an overview of some of the activities he has observed. Certified enrollment has been completed with BCIG showing a .9 increase in certified enrollment compared to last year. It was moved by Bennett and seconded by Claussen to approve the administration’s recommendation to purchase a new bus from Hoglund Bus Company of Marshalltown and the motion carried 6-0. The cost is estimated at $80,000. It was moved by Endrulat and seconded by Claussen to approve the early graduation request from Tyler Corbin for the 2014-2015 school year, pending satisfactory completion of graduation requirements. The motion carried 6-0. The board discussed the Whole Grade Sharing agreement in place with Odebolt-Arthur Schools. Ouellette gave an overview of the parts of the agreement that both boards have verbally agreed on by consensus. He stated he needed direction from the board on what the next steps should be. He reviewed the timeline for a possible reorganization election and the state deadlines to report any grade configuration changes to Whole Grade Sharing for next year. It was the consensus of the board to schedule a special joint board meeting in January to discuss if both boards are interested in moving toward a reorganization election or to discuss the status of the Whole Grade Sharing agreement. This would allow time for the Odebolt-Arthur Board to receive feedback from Schaller-Crestland and East Sac Community School Districts after they have received the letter Odebolt-Arthur School Board was sending. Correspondence items included a thank you note from a staff member for the t-shirts each staff member received this year. The next regular Battle Creek-Ida Grove board meeting will be held Monday, November 17, 2014 in Ida Grove. There being no further business before the BCIG board, it was moved by Claussen and seconded by Endrulat to adjourn. The motion carried 6-0 and the Battle Creek-Ida Grove Board was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ________________________________ Kathy A. Leonard, Board Secretary Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 11:11 PM Vendor Name Checking Account ID 2 ASPI SOLUTIONS, INC. Board Report - For Board 2014-NOVEMBER OABCIG HS ACTIVITY FUND PAYABLES Description Fund Number 21 ACTIVITY CROSS COUNTRY INVITE REGISTRATION FEE Page: 1 User ID: WRS Check Total 60.00 BMO HARRIS MASTERCARD FFA TRIP EXPENSES TO NATIONAL CONVENTION 3,736.93 BOMGAARS COED ATHLETICS SUPPLIES BORNHOLTZ, VON BASKETBALL OFFICIAL CEDAR VALLEY FUNDRAISING DANCE TEAM BUTTER BRAID SALES FUNDRAISER CHRONICLE PRINTING AND PUBLISHING FFA FRUIT/MEAT FUNDRAISER AD COLLINS, SHAWN BASKETBALL OFFICIAL CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING BOTTLED WATER EDSEN ELECTRIC, INC. RUN NEW ELECTRICITY IN CONCESSION STAND 578.17 EHLERS, CHRIS BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 270.00 FANCY THREADS FFA SHIRTS W EMBROIDERY 544.00 FLOWER SHOPPE, THE SENIOR PARENTS NIGHT ORANGE ROSES FREESE, RYAN BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 100.00 GRAPHIC EDGE DANCE TEAM CREW NECK TSHIRTS/SWEATSHIRTS 711.65 HAUFF MID-AMERICA SPORTS ADAMS 5 VIEW WRIST COACHES IDA GROVE CENEX/HASH INC. FFA/ARTCLUB/STCOUNCIL MEETINGS BREAKFAST IDA GROVE FOOD PRIDE CONCESSIONS AND FFA SUPPLIES IOWA DIRECT FIX VOLLEYBALL SLEEVES IN GYM FLOOR IOWA FFA ASSOCIATION FFA MEMBERSHIP FEES 1,366.50 LARSON, RICH BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 200.00 MALCOM'S PAINT & HARDWARE SET SUPPLIES & BATTERIES-MUSICAL 200.56 MARTIN BROTHERS CONCESSIONS SUPPLIES 755.35 MILLER, BECKY CHEERLEADER CLINIC FUNDRAISER SUPPLIES MOORE'S PUMPING PORT A POT RENTAL FOR CROSS COUNTRY MEET 275.00 NATIONAL FFA ORGANIZATION NATIONAL FFA CONVENTION-TICKETS-CONCERT/ 667.00 NELSON, PATTY DRAMA-COSTUME RENTAL & ALTERATIONS ODEBOLT LUMBER COED ATHLETICS SUPPLIES 314.12 PAULEY AUCTION SERVICE WEIGHT BENCH & WEIGHTS-IKM-MANNING SALE 250.00 PAULSON, MARK BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 200.00 PEPSI-COLA POP, WATER, GATORADE-CONCESSION SUPPLIES 792.97 PETERSON, SHAWN BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 200.00 PRAIRIE LAKES AREA EDUCATION AGENCY 8 WELCOME/FALL SPORTS BANNERS 117.81 PRONTO-PHILLIPS 66 CONCESSION STAND PIZZAS 180.00 26.95 200.00 2,016.00 31.50 270.00 17.50 26.25 27.00 113.90 75.98 580.00 20.00 60.00 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 11:11 PM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board 2014-NOVEMBER OABCIG HS ACTIVITY FUND PAYABLES Description Page: 2 User ID: WRS Check Total QUIZ BOWL QUIZ BOWL 2015 ENTRY FEE RANNIGER, ROYCE BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 100.00 SADLER, TODD BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 270.00 SCHONROCK, DAVE BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 100.00 SELECTIONS HOMECOMING DECORATIONS-STUDENT COUNCIL 82.79 SHOPKO STORES OPERATING CO. LLC FFA SUPPLIES 14.97 SIMONSON, WHITNEY DRAMA - COSTUMING FOR SPRING PLAY 284.55 SLAUGHTER, JASON BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 100.00 STOBERL, RACHEL FFA ENTRANCE INTO KENTUCKY DERBY MUSEUM UPTOWN SPORTING GOODS BASKETBALLS 586.50 WARNE, ROGER BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 200.00 WRIGHT, JEFF BASKETBALL OFFICIAL 200.00 Fund Number 21 Checking Account ID 80.00 45.00 17,048.95 2 17,048.95 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 02:45 PM Vendor Name Checking Account ID AGI PARTS 1 Board Report - For Board 2014 NOVEMBER 10 BD MEETING GF INVOICES Description Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND BATTERIES- SAMSUNG 303C Page: 1 User ID: KAL Check Total 825.00 BARTO, BOBBIE MEAL / SHERATON 47.57 BCIG C.S.D. ACTIVITY ACCOUNT SHOPKO DONATION TO CHOIR ROBES/FY 12-13 BCIG C.S.D.-HOT LUNCH FUND FCS: MILK BMO HARRIS MASTERCARD JIB JAB BOMGAARS SHOP & GROUNDS SUPPLIES 353.77 BUREAU OF EDUCATION & RESEARCH CONFERENCE ON IPAD AND USE OF APPS 470.00 CBD OLDHAM HOMESCHOOL ORDER 3.99 CENTRAL IOWA DISTRIBUTING INC. DISTRICT PAPER PRODUCTS 1,535.00 CHRISTENSEN, ROGER MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT: FOOTBALL COACHING 153.60 CITY OF IDA GROVE WATER / SEWER 757.46 CLAYTON RIDGE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR / 4 STUDENTS CONNECTING POINT COMPUTER CENTER MONTHLY FEE TO MANAGE WIRELESS 125.00 CONTINUUM RETAIL ENERGY SERVICES, LLLC NATURAL GAS 398.03 DENISON HIGH SCHOOL FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR / 5 STDTS FANCY THREADS EMBROIDER WALTER SHIRTS FELD FIRE TEST FIRE SYSTEMS/ALARMS FRANCK & SEXTRO, P.L.C. LEGAL SERVICES FRIEDRICHSEN, LINDA REIMBURSEMENT: CHAUFFER'S LICENSE FUTURE HORIZONS REGIST. CONFERENCE/ELEMENTARY GALVA HOLSTEIN COMMUNITY SCHOOLS FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR / 1 STUDENT GROVE, JEANIE REIM CAR WASH/YUKON HADDEN, KARI REIM:STC SUPPLIES / HIGH SCHOOL BUSINESS HANDS AND HEARTS MASTERS HOME SCHOOL ORDER 197.84 HEWITT, JEFF MONTHLY RENT ECC STORAGE 14-15 150.00 HOEFLING LAWN SERVICE FALL SPRAYING OF ALL GROUNDS HORN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL FLU SHOTS ADMINISTERED 868.00 IDA COUNTY COURIER-REMINDER, INC. BOX AD NOV 4 REMINDER / COURIER - VET'S 440.33 IDA COUNTY SANITATION, INC. GARBAGE SERVICE 518.96 IDA GROVE FOOD PRIDE DISTRICT SUPPLIES 708.10 IDA SERVICES, INC CONTRACTED SERVICE/1 STUDENT/OCTOBER 247.68 INK TECHNOLOGIES, LLC HP Q2610A HP 2300 TONER IOWA CENTRAL COMMUNITY COLLEGE INTRO TO AG BUSINESS CLASS 2,500.00 4.80 3,202.84 5,032.82 7,001.17 63.00 2,121.00 100.00 24.00 624.00 1,530.25 7.00 51.38 3,500.00 67.50 150.72 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 02:45 PM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board 2014 NOVEMBER 10 BD MEETING GF INVOICES Description Page: 2 User ID: KAL Check Total IOWA COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LONG DISTANCE 252.67 IOWA DIVSION OF LABOR SERVICES BOILER INSPECTIONS 200.00 IOWA PUPIL TRANSPORTATION ASS. MEMBERSHIP FY 14-15/BLECKWEHL 220.00 IVERSEN, MICHAEL REIMBURSEMENT: CDL FEES (THRU 12-22) 64.00 JOHNSON, LINDA REGISTRATION FOR ALL STATE 35.00 LUND, SUSAN REIM FOR UPLANDER CAR WASH 10/8/14 MAASS, SUSAN PARKING / ROBOTICS / CORE $ 147.95 MALCOM'S PAINT & HARDWARE ROBOTICS SUPPLIES / IA CORE 144.81 MAPLE VALLEY/ANTHON OTO COMMUNITY SCHOOLS MATHESON TRI GAS, INC. FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR /4 STUDENTS MIDAMERICAN ENERGY UTILITIES MILLER, PATRICK MILEAGE REIM. BOONE MEETING NEW DOMINION SCHOOL CONTRACTED SERVICE / 22 DAYS 3,941.74 NORTHWEST AEA BINDERS 1,730.50 ODEBOLT-ARTHUR COMM. SCHOOL FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR /2 STUDENTS 3,060.50 ODYSSEYWARE LICENSE & TRAINING FEE FY 14-15 PRAIRIE LAKES AREA EDUCATION AGENCY 8 PRINTED OCTOBER NEWSLETTERS (69%) 439.44 PRO-ED PCA: PROFILE OF CREATIVE ABILITIES 191.40 PRONTO-PHILLIPS 66 FUEL QUILL CORPORATION CENTRAL OFFICE SUPPLIES RAINBOW RESOURCE CENTER BARRY PAGE HOME SCHOOL ORDER RAY'S MID-BELL MUSIC ELEMENTARY MUSIC SUPPLIES REIS AUTO PARTS AND SERVICE VEHICLE MAINTENANCE ROHLK, STACI PARKING FOR TRLT & YWIB CONFERENCES SAUNDERS, ROBERT MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT SCHLESWIG COMMUNITY SCHOOLS FY 14-15 OPEN ENROLL / 1QTR / 1 STDT SCHOENFELD REFRIGERATION 4 A/C PROJECTS SCHOENFELD, TERRY REIMBURSEMENT: POWER WASHER TRIGGER SELECTIONS BAND UNIFORM CLEANING SINGAPORE MATH SCHNABEL HOME SCHOOL ORDER 25.00 UNITED STATES CELLULAR CELL PHONE SERVICE 75.43 UNIVERSITY OF NORTHERN IOWA - JACOBSON CTR VAN WERT, KIM UNI READING RECOVERY CONFERENCE OCT 7/8 175.00 REIMBURSEMENT: MILEAGE - DES MOINES 195.20 TANK OF ARGON GAS 7.00 6,121.00 106.54 4,364.16 46.80 10,750.00 9,552.40 54.02 179.80 93.69 4,025.39 18.25 220.80 1,530.25 289.95 38.49 1,121.18 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 02:45 PM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board 2014 NOVEMBER 10 BD MEETING GF INVOICES Description WALTER, ROD 10-18/10-21 HOURS, CLEAN UP AFTER GAMES YEAGER, ALAN 9.304 GAL OF DIESEL FUEL AT MOVILLE Fund Number 10 Checking Account ID AMAZON Check Total 1,140.00 33.02 84,372.19 1 Fund Number BMO HARRIS MASTERCARD Fund Number Page: 3 User ID: KAL 12 GENERAL FUND - DONATION ACCOUNTS BOOKS: BOX TOPS $ USED FOR THIS ORDER 26.86 POSITIVE PROMOTIONS GUIDANCE SUPPLIES 102.64 12 129.50 Checking Account ID 1 Fund Number BURKE ENGINEERING SALES COMPAN 34 SAVE-IDA & CRAWFORD COUNTY 1 CENT HINGES FOR DOOR/ STAGE CLASSROOM PROJECT 84.67 CONTROL SYSTEM SPECIALISTS, LC ELEM BOILER PROJECT FERGUSON ENTERPRISES, INC. HS RESTROOM REMODEL PROJECT Fund Number 34 5,293.33 438.78 5,816.78 Checking Account ID 1 EDSEN ELECTRIC, INC. 36 PHYSICAL PLANT & EQUIPMENT LVY WEIGHT ROOM PROJECT / AIR COMPRESSOR FIX 825.07 HANSON AUTO SUPPLY NEW AIR COMPRESSOR FOR ELEM 649.00 HORN MEMORIAL HOSPITAL REPLACEMENT LIFT STATION WIT/50% OF COST 2,090.17 SCHOENFELD REFRIGERATION 4 A/C PROJECTS 2,140.60 Fund Number Fund Number 36 Checking Account ID 5,704.84 1 96,023.31 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/10/2014 02:02 PM Vendor Name Checking Account ID ANDY MARK Board Report - For Board 2014 NOVEMBER 10 BD MEETING ADD ON GF INVOICES Description 1 Fund Number 10 GENERAL FUND POWERPOLE KIT/HS ROBOTICS Page: 1 User ID: KAL Check Total 17.80 FRONTIER COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE SERVICE 760.65 IAAE: RISKY BUSINESS RISKY BUSINESS CONFERENCE 150.00 IOWA ASSOC. OF SCHOOL BOARDS BACKGROUND CHECKS OFFICE SYSTEMS CO. HS SPEC ED OVERAGE CHARGES 10/13-10/14 POSTMASTER EDDM: NEWSLETTER INSIGHTS/DECEMBER 83.48 POSTMASTER EDDM: NEWSLETTER INSIGHTS/DECEMBER 250.78 PSAT/NMSQT PSAT TESTS - STUDENTS REIMBURSED 210.00 RAINBOW RESOURCE CENTER M SCHMIDT HOME SCHOOL ORDER 352.50 TIMBERDOODLE CO. MASTERS HOME SCHOOL ORDER 133.61 VAN WERT, KIM MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 86.40 WEST MUSIC COMPANY ALL STATE PACKETS/HS VOCAL 34.15 Fund Number 10 Checking Account ID AMAZON Fund Number 96.00 237.48 2,412.85 1 Fund Number 12 Checking Account ID 12 GENERAL FUND - DONATION ACCOUNTS PENCIL GRIPS/ELEMENTARY 29.93 29.93 1 2,442.78 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/07/2014 06:12 PM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board Description Checking Account ID 3 ANDERSON ERICKSON DAIRY CO Check Total 61 SCHOOL NUTRITION DAIRY PRODUCTS 2,323.80 BCIG C.S.D.- GENERAL FUND NUTRITION WAGES & BENEFITS 7,221.77 CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING WATER SOFTENER SALT SUPPLIES KECK, INC. COMMODITY FOOD STORAGE AND DELIVERY MARTIN BROTHERS FOOD AND NON FOOD SUPPLIES PRESTO X COMPANY MONTHLY PEST CONTROL SERVICE CONTRACT 124.80 RAPIDS NON FOOD SUPPLIES 225.91 SARA LEE BAKERY GROUP/EARTHGRAINS BREAD PRODUCTS 822.67 SCHOENFELD REFRIGERATION ADD FREON TO BCIG ELEMENTARY COOLER Fund Number 61 Checking Account ID Fund Number Page: 1 User ID: WRS 93.85 3,720.70 10,545.25 77.50 25,156.25 3 25,156.25 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 10/29/2014 09:02 AM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board OABCIG HS ACTIVITY FUND MID MONTH PAYABLE 10-29-2014 Description Checking Account ID 2 HINTON COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL Fund Number 21 Checking Account ID Fund Number 21 ACTIVITY FB PLAYOFF ADMISSION-CL, MASCOT, COACH Page: 1 User ID: WRS Check Total 36.00 36.00 2 36.00 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/03/2014 05:14 PM Vendor Name Board Report - For Board 2014 NOVEMBER SCHOLASTIC ELEM. BOOK FAIR INVOICE Description Checking Account ID 1 SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIRS -08 Fund Number 12 Checking Account ID Fund Number Page: 1 User ID: KAL Check Total 12 GENERAL FUND - DONATION ACCOUNTS ELEM BOOK FAIR PROCEEDS PURCHASES 4,450.26 4,450.26 1 4,450.26 BATTLE CREEK-IDA GROVE COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT NUTRITION FUND REVENUE-EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 31-Oct-14 Fund Name BEGINNING BALANCE OCTOBER 1, 2014 Revenue INTEREST STUDENT LUNCHES/EXTRAS STUDENT BREAKFASTS STUDENT MILK/RECESS/EXTRA ALA CARTE SALES ADULT LUNCHES ADULT BREAKFASTS LOST ACCU-SCAN CARDS FOOD REBATES/MISC. INCOME STATE REIMBURSEMENT/LUNCH STATE REIMBURSEMENT SCHOOL BREAKFAST FEDERAL SCHOOL BREAKFAST FEDERAL REIMBURSEMENT/LUN SPECIAL MILK PROGRAM COMMODITIES TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND UPWARD ADJ TO BEGINNING FUND BALANCE REVENUE TOTAL $ MTD 56,654.42 $ YTD 42,677.13 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 2.01 10,950.58 855.65 15.90 2,066.55 656.70 1.60 15.00 146.04 21.99 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4.79 32,591.63 1,890.75 3,705.40 4,973.35 1,428.90 3.20 60.00 60.00 146.04 21.99 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,123.20 5,668.14 10,617.40 $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,123.20 5,668.14 10,617.40 $ 32,140.76 $ 62,294.79 Expenditures EQUIPMENT REPAIRS HOT LUNCH VEHICLE REPAIRS HOT LUNCH VEHICLE - GASOLINE EQUIPMENT-NEW HOT LUNCH VEHICLE LUNCHROOM SALARIES FICA IPERS EMPLOYEE PHYSICALS PURCHASED SERVICES TRAVEL/MEETING NON-FOOD SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION REGISTRATION/FEES FOOD SUPPLIES COMMODITIES CONSUMED DOWNWARD ADJUSTMENT EXPENDITURES TOTAL $ $ $ $ - $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 9,485.42 725.62 847.04 159.20 709.62 3,512.60 25.00 16,229.29 31,693.79 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ ENDING BALANCE OCTOBER 31, 2014 $ 57,101.39 $ 16,162.02 1,236.38 1,443.27 (2,488.04) 195.33 1,667.62 3,512.60 62.25 26,079.10 47,870.53 57,101.39 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD 11/05/2014 12:56 PM Activity Fund Balance Report - Summary - Exclude Encumbrances 10/2014 - 10/2014 Page: 1 User ID: WRS OABCIG HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITY FUND SUMMARY REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, 2014 BOARD MEETINGS Fund: 21 ACTIVITY Chart of Account Number Chart of Account Description Beginning Balance Expenses Revenues Balance Change Balance 21 729 000 6645 920 CROSS COUNTRY 2,122.46 784.50 10.00 0.00 1,347.96 21 729 000 6710 920 FALCON BOY'S BASKETBALL 1,692.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,692.80 21 729 000 6720 920 FALCON FOOTBALL 3,847.47 375.55 1,490.00 0.00 4,961.92 21 729 000 6730 920 HS FALCON BASEBALL 4,824.69 0.00 205.00 0.00 5,029.69 21 729 000 6750 920 FALCON HIGH SCHOOL BOWLING 2,876.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,876.65 21 729 000 6760 920 FALCON BOYS GOLF 688.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 688.02 21 729 000 6790 920 FALCON WRESTLING 1,433.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,433.77 21 729 000 6810 920 FALCON GIRLS BASKETBALL 6,358.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,358.38 21 729 000 6815 920 FALCON VOLLEYBALL 4,877.49 267.59 0.00 0.00 4,609.90 21 729 000 6835 920 FALCON GIRLS SOFTBALL 4,546.97 20.00 30.00 0.00 4,556.97 21 729 000 6860 920 FALCON GIRLS GOLF 500.67 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.67 21 729 000 7100 950 CONCESSIONS 10,747.65 1,665.82 5,642.90 0.00 14,724.73 21 729 000 7130 950 INTEREST 10.01 0.00 2.02 0.00 12.03 21 729 000 7220 950 CLASS OF 2017 66.94 44.89 0.00 0.00 22.05 21 729 000 7250 950 CLASS OF 2015 3,113.50 19.56 0.00 0.00 3,093.94 21 729 000 7260 950 CLASS OF 2016 21 729 000 8005 000 OA/BCIG COED ATHLETICS 21 729 320 6210 910 3,788.64 39.35 4,384.95 0.00 8,134.24 32,215.89 5,981.74 3,625.00 0.00 29,859.15 HS VOCAL 1,255.14 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,255.14 21 729 320 6220 910 HS BAND 5,210.68 1,205.05 3.50 0.00 4,009.13 21 729 320 7010 950 SENIOR MEMORIES 1,327.57 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,327.57 21 729 320 7030 950 QUIZ BOWL 392.82 95.00 0.00 0.00 297.82 21 729 320 7060 950 S T E P PROGRAM 266.99 0.00 0.00 0.00 266.99 21 729 320 7070 950 HS ART CLUB 2,947.89 721.31 0.00 0.00 2,226.58 21 729 320 7090 950 FCCLA 944.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 944.88 21 729 320 7120 950 SPANISH CLUB 37.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 37.38 21 729 320 7150 950 HS STUDENT COUNCIL 6,447.91 926.98 208.00 0.00 5,728.93 21 729 320 7350 950 FFA 22,155.42 3,080.05 20.00 0.00 19,095.37 21 729 320 8006 000 OA/BCIG CHEERLEADERS 1,906.95 278.94 285.25 0.00 1,913.26 21 729 320 8007 000 OA/BCIG DRAMA 5,046.44 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,046.44 21 729 320 8008 000 OA/BCIG DANCE TEAM 7,862.48 298.50 0.00 0.00 7,563.98 21 729 320 8009 000 OA/BCIG NHS 3,524.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,524.12 143,038.67 15,804.83 15,906.62 0.00 143,140.46 Fund Total: 21 Battle Creek-Ida Grove CSD October 2014 Bank Accounts GENERAL FUND #10 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 1,818,243.53 1,440,319.66 736,529.38 2,522,033.81 DONATIONS FUND #12 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 6,074.72 4,450.26 49.73 10,475.25 MANAGEMENT FUND #22 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 224,233.86 236,183.59 8,893.00 451,524.45 LOSS FUND #33 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 4,553.95 655.91 0.00 5,209.86 SAVE FUND #34 Prev. Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 93,676.50 45,086.26 17,387.63 121,375.13 PPEL FUND #36 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 88,864.01 86,470.98 -31.57 175,366.56 DEBT SERVICE #40 Prev. Balance Rev/Trans In Expenditures Current Bal. 34,907.15 11,635.67 0.00 46,542.82 PRESCHOOL FUND #63 (3 yr. old PS) Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 18,189.24 0.00 0.00 18,189.24 *ACTIVITY FUND #21 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 143,038.67 15,906.62 15,804.83 143,140.46 NUTRITION FUND #61 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 56,654.42 32,140.76 31,693.79 57,101.39 *PRIVATE TRUST FUND #81 Prev.Balance Revenue Expenditures Current Bal. 1,450.00 0.00 600.00 850.00 Grand Total of Accounts 3,550,958.97 UBI-Checking (.010% int) UBI CD Due 01-15-15 (.30% int) UBI CD Due 04-15-15 (.36% int) Balance 850,717.12 1,250,000.00 1,250,000.00 $3,350,717.12 FSB-Checking 13,413.23 ISJIT 129,727.23 Balance 143,140.46 (*Funds 21 & 81 share checking account) FSB-Checking ISJIT Balance 7,875.37 49,226.02 57,101.39 3,550,958.97 Alicia Nelson Board Report October, 2014 October has been very busy with 1) teaching K-5 Tech, 2) working on PLC development and planning within all buildings, 3) building ongoing professional development, 4) furthering a scope and sequence plan for K-12 technology with the help of Julie Weeda, 5) making sure teaching staff has materials and/or training needed for implementation of any given curriculum, and 6) the analysis of district-wide data and information in completing the C Plan, including the recent reports of the K-5 FAST assessments. I also had the pleasure of attending Solution Tree’s Nation-Wide Response to Intervention Conference held in Des Moines over the last week in October. 1) Teaching K-5 technology has been a very exciting and rewarding portion of my job this year. Students have already taken well to keyboarding in all grade levels. We have focused on using menus in Word, Powerpoint, and on websites, navigating web programs and sites, building language skills, and enhancing curriculum from the classroom. All grades are involved in a project-based task that is connected to a curricular area in general education. For example, 5th grade is working on a plant/animal project in science and will be developing a presentation (oral, and powerpoint) as a culminating assessment. Students are often graded on rubrics. Students are learning so quickly that I have had to adjust quarter two expectations to accommodate their rate of learning. 2) PLC’s often take 3-6 years before the full benefits of implementation are visible. That being said, I am very impressed with how well the majority of our PLC groups are already operating. Teachers are studying schools and concepts that are successful examples of PLC implementation in their book study. They are analyzing the current environment versus ideals and visionary beliefs. Ultimately, PLC groups focus on student needs, student work, and classroom instruction. Vertical PLC groups will occur four more times this year as well, where specific content areas can work together to gain a broader perspective of what is going on with our students. 3) Professional development is an ongoing area of focus. We want to be sure that what teachers are learning and practicing is applicable to them. Teachers are dealing with a lot of new changes with our PD and PLC schedules and in working new elements into instruction such as the standards-based report card and FAST assessment, which can stretch them q uite thin, but they are true champions and should be commended for their work. PD will continue to focus on MTSS (intervening for kids), effective instruction, and instructional strategies such as close reading, and 6+1 Traits of Writing, for example. 4) Julie and I are working on developing a workable document for K-12 technology that will change as the years go on. We would like to provide benchmark goals and tasks at each grade level so we can look closely at the continuum of learning. We expect that the top cap of skills will continue to climb with each year, as students are gaining more and more exposure to technology. 5) Staff members are attending professional conferences as needed or as they fit the curriculum needs. Many new staff members have asked for support in making sure the curriculum is workable and concise, and have worked with me on compiling resources for effective instruction. Many resources that we need or like have been found on the AEA sites for loan. We are very happy about this! STEM grant kits have just arrived for K-12 teachers who received them and we are so glad our kids will have hands-on instruction that aligns to their science and 21st century standards. 6) The completion of the two districts’ C Plans was a task of endurance! I looked at a lot of data, system-supports, professional development, and state requirements in order to complete this plan. I will be sharing this plan tonight. *The RtI conference was eye-opening and very, very informative. I learned so much and am thrilled to be able to bring it back to our staff. We are heading in the right direction! Technology Update November 5, 2014 Julie Weeda Our new elementary JMC report card implementation went very well during our fall conferences. We have received positive feedback from teachers after they completed this first assessment period. JMC has offered them the ability to enter results by student, course, or by individual Standard/Benchmark. Though it took some time and usage practice to learn, overall many teachers found the JMC easy to use and faster than our previous spreadsheet based report card system. We will continue to work with classroom teachers to tweak any small changes before our next reporting period in December. Those parents I talked with also found the new report cards to be informative and easy to read. I feel this was a successful implementation for the districts and I appreciate the board’s support of this change. This part month has been busy with Chromebook repairs. We have placed two large parts orders this month but we are keeping up on repairs and have just about resolved all the lingering repairs from summer and the beginning of the school year. Some of the Chromebook parts are becoming more “in-demand” as the number of schools across the country using the Chromebook 303c’s dramatically rose in the past year. This means that some of the parts are getting more expensive, and sometimes are in short supply such as keyboard and motherboards. However, I have two vendors that I keep in close contact with to supply us the parts we need. Though parts are in-demand, our devices have held up extremely well to the daily student usage. As of right now I do not foresee any issues with the Chromebooks lasting until our next replacement cycle in the summer of 2016. The Odebolt-Arthur school district recently held their sale of district items. Traci worked diligently to go through the OA equipment and weed out old technology that was no longer needed or supported by manufacturers. Traci and I then went through the items that were not working or un-repairable. Those have been wiped of all district data and were taken to Rick’s Computers for proper environmental recycling. We now have a much more streamlined amount of technology that we can use within the OA building. In the next week we will be are working to do a final cleanup of the storage area as well. This past summer, the FCC enacted an E-rate modernization order. Over the next month or so, I will be attending several E-rate workshops to gain a better understanding of their changes and how they will affect us moving forward. In general the FCC are looking strongly at, “closing the wi-fi gap - while transitioning support away from legacy technologies to 21st Century broadband connectivity, ensuring E-rate money is spent smartly, and improving program administration.” This link will also give you more detailed information on the changes that will be occurring over the next few years. I will keep you informed as we move forward and I learn more about the impact and potential changes we might need to make. Last week, I met with a representative from Marco for a yearly review of our copiers and printers. We went over the devices that were purchased from them in the past and he gave us an update on their age and availability of parts should the device need serviced. We do have two copiers, one in the Central Office and one if the High School Office workroom that are at end of life. End of life for these machines means that the availability of parts will be limited and that we will need to think about replacement in the near future. I will be working with Dr. Ouellette and Mr. Miller to go over our options and decide on the best course of action for these two copiers. Both machines are presently working and functioning properly so we do not need to take immediate action however this information will help us plan and prepare for their replacement. Business Manager Report November 2014 IASBO Fall Conference – I attended the two day conference Oct. 28 and 29 in Des Moines. In addition to networking with my peers (over 400 attended) I attended the following sessions: ACA (Affordable Care Act) Update, Iowa Public Information Board and open meetings laws, Excel documents class, Google training, SEC and Continuing Disclosure changes, TLC update (this will be helpful in the districts receive the grant that we applied for again this year) and Board Secretary Training. This conference covered very timely topics and was worth the 2 days out of the office. Thanks for allowing me to attend these conferences. Regional IASBO meeting – Once a month, the business managers from Region 3 (mainly northwest Iowa) get together for a noon luncheon meeting in Sioux City to discuss topics relating to the business offices and share ideas. This again is a great opportunity to share ideas with my peers. BCIG Health Insurance– I met with Leslie Ables from Mercer Trust to discuss the upcoming reporting requirements for ACA. Health Insurance will need to be offered to qualifying employees effective July 1, 2015 (coordinates with the district renewal plan dates). Districts will be required to file reports with the IRS and to the employees (similar to W-2 reporting) effective 2015 calendar year. Districts won’t be subject to any penalties for 2015, but have to start the reporting process. Leslie reviewed the draft forms we will use. The accounting software company both districts utilize, has been instrumental in helping set up the data needed to start tracking hours for part time employees, variable hour employees, bus drivers, substitute teachers, etc. This tracking will help determine who is eligible to receive the health insurance. She mentioned the district will be able to add a 4th option to our plan which is basically a high deductible plan, but will meet the minimum benefit requirements of ACA. Leslie also indicated preliminary reports from Wellmark is indicating the health insurance will show an increase in premiums for FY 15-16 mostly due to changes/additions to prescription drug coverage. We will know the percentage of increase in January, and actual premium rates in February. Dr. Ouellette has mentioned he would like to discuss insurance options with the union again this year prior to negotiations. IASBO Payroll conference – I will be attending a one day payroll conference Nov. 12 in Ames covering the following topics: IPERS, RIC program (State optional retirement program) Payroll Best Practices, Garnishments, challenges of hiring someone to do two jobs, time tracking for non-teacher coaches and calendar year end responsibilities. BCIG IPERs Audit- is set for Thursday, Nov. 6. I will report the findings next month. 700 Series – this project has been put on the “back burner” for too long. The boards will have access to the series in November with passage of 1st and 2nd readings in December and January. It is a lengthy series that took a lot of time to review and recommend changes. November through March is considered “catch up time” in the Central Office. We are working on storage of past years’ files, cleaning up and organizing our offices. Do not hesitate to call or email the central office staff if you have any questions concerning the BCIG or OA Business Office. 712-364-2255 or [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] BCIG Elementary Principal Alan Henderson November, 2014 Board Report Congratulations Julie (Staley)! Battle Creek- Ida Grove Elementary was selected as the winner of $500 for your participation in the Live Healthy Iowa Kids’ Fall Fitness Day! A few of us from LHI will be traveling to your area on Tuesday, November 18, 2014 and would love to present the check to you at that time. Please let me know if that will work for you. November 6, 2013 Board Update: OA- Elementary and OA-BCIG MS Conferences: Percentage of parents/guardians who attended middle school conferences: Grade 6th- 82 students 7th- 86 students 8th- 67 students Attendance percentage Attendance percentage Total % of parent attendance for both days 10/21/2014 10/23/2014 35% 35% 70% 45% 17% 63% 41% 18% 61% On Tuesday night the average number of conferences held per (core) teacher was 36. On Thursday night, the second night for parent/teacher conferences, the average conference per teacher was 22. PK-5 elementary conferences went well. Only one teacher needed to reschedule a conference with parents who did not attend during the set conference time. Red Ribbon WeekTo begin Red Ribbon Week, a group of fifth grade TAG students put on a skit for the rest of the elementary and middle school about the dangers of drugs and how bad decisions can negatively affect the future. The message was clear, presented well, and well received. Each day was a dress up day to remind students about the importance of making good choices. Our Parent Teacher Community Group helped out on Friday to celebrate the close of Red Ribbon Week and our Harvest Party. This was supported well for our teachers and students. The teachers have continued to meet in their PLC groups weekly to take time to discuss students and instruction. The Wednesday afternoons have given teachers many opportunities to discuss curriculum issues between the districts as well as grade levels. Elementary teachers are progress monitoring our students in reading, and we have in place interventions for some students who are at greater risk of not being proficient. This includes CIM reading groups, at- risk interventions, and Reading Recovery. Overall, the climate of the school is positive. I will continue to monitor this through observations and discussions with the Principal Advisory Group. Doug Mogensen OABCIG High School Board Report 11-10-2014 1. Great weekend (November 1) for the Falcons a. Riley Snyder placed 4th at State Solo Competition (Dance) b. Bailey Hare placed 9th at State Cross Country c. Erin Fineran and Jessica Gunderson both auditioned for, and made, NW Iowa Honor Band d. Service Club was out working in the community 2. Darian Ernst made All State Choir a. Anna Dewey was selected as an alternate 3. Veteran’s Day Activities a. Ceremony at 8:30 at HS b. Veterans meal at Rec Center 4. Reminder to follow OABCIG on Twitter if you are not doing so, it’s a great place to promote our students. 5. Grease performances on November 14, 15, 16, look forward to seeing you there! 6. Band Light Show – if you did not see it you missed out. Very well done a. Performed at pep rally on October 31 b. Will also be performed at half time of a BB game early in the season 7. Parent Teacher Conferences a. Overall roughly 49% of high school parents attended conferences. b. We did have a few teachers gone each night due to: i. Regional Volleyball 1. Including Parents ii. Regional Cross Country Add On: Overnight athletic tournament request: OABCIG Wrestling Team to SE Polk Invitational Wrestling Tournament, Saturday, December 20. Coaches Nieman and Hemer wish to go Friday evening, December 19th, leaving at 5:30 pm, spend the night in Altoona, attend the tournament and return home Saturday evening. OA&BCIG Building and Grounds Maintenance Report It’s been quite a month again! I have been working a lot on work orders, clean up around all of our buildings and grounds, getting ready for the sale we had in Odebolt and preparing the fields for football games. It is amazing how much stuff accumulated on the inside of our buildings as well as outside of our buildings. Although I have done a lot of clean up this past month preparing for the Odebolt sale, as well as just general clean up around the 2 districts, I still have more I want to accomplish. I hope everyone has noticed all the changes around the buildings and grounds? If not, I would be happy to talk to you anytime about it. I’ve been trying to get all of our outside facilities ready for winter so we can avoid having to fix frozen water lines in the spring. This takes a lot of time, but is very necessary. It is also time to be thinking about winter and snow removal. We have a plan in place once again this year to move the snow as quickly and efficiently as possible. Although it wouldn’t break my heart if we had a mild winter, we are prepared whatever the weather does! On a personal note, I hope and pray that our 2 districts can some how come back together and join as one united school district. The first time I entered the OA School and walked around the building with Russ Freeman, I can still remember all the work it was going to take to get it to shine once again. Dr. Ouellette also had a vision of what it could be. He had many great ideas that we now have in place. I knew that it was going to take a lot of work, but I also knew how nice it could be when finished. Now through countless hours and hard work, the OA building is a very, very nice educational facility. I would personally be devastated to have to hand this building over to someone else. I know that it’s just a building to most people; but as with all the buildings in my care, I put my heart and soul into each and every one of them as I do my own home. I will continue to work hard on all of the buildings and grounds in the district hoping everything works out. Thank You all for what you do! Roger Walter OA&BCIG Maintenance Director TRANSPORTATION DIRECTOR NOVEMBER, 2014 BOARD REPORT The rebate information for both districts has been sent. Pat and Travis Reis were a great help to me in finding engine numbers to complete the application. The deadline for applications is November 17 and rebates will start to be awarded in mid December. Winter sports practices have started. Middle School basketball is trying the split season, with the boys going first. Only one bus is needed for the sports shuttle. Their schedule will be finalized soon and I will get drivers assigned for the away games. We are a month past bus inspection and everything that needed repairs has been completed. The bus drivers are thankful that Reis' provide us with prompt service. The bus barn renovation in Odebolt is amazing. The drivers appreciate our new space to park. Everyone did a great job in making this a really nice building for us. Also thanks to Roger for getting the sale items moved so we could be moved in by Halloween. Thank you. BOARD REPORT ACTIVITY DIRECTOR NOVEMBER, 2014 1. Bailey Hare placed 9th in the 2014 IGHSAU State Cross Country meet. Congratulations to her! 2. The Falcon Football team participated in a very special pre-game kickoff for a young man from Treynor. Check out the video on the school website to see it happen. 3. The OA-BCIG Falcon Football team qualified for the playoffs. They lost to Hinton 50-26 on Wednesday October 29th. 4. The Falcon Volleyball team fell to Hinton in Regional action on Tuesday Oct. 21st. 5. Darian Ernst was selected for the All-State Choir, and Anna Dewey was selected as an Alternate. 6. 30 high school students participated in the Morningside Men/Women in Song Honor Choir. 7. 8 High School students will participate in the NWICDA High School Honor Choir in January. Thank you Larry Allen Add on: Riley Snyder and Paige Roeder made All-Iowa Honor Dance Team and will perform at the girls state basketball tournament in March. We had 3 girls compete at state solo competition. Riley Snyder received a division I rating and got 4th place overall. Paige Roeder received a division I rating and placed 17th. Leah Lierman competed for her first time and received a division II rating. On December 4th the dance team will be competing at state dance team competition. They will be competing in hip-hop and pom. Battle Creek-Ida Grove Comm School District (05040000) SBRC Application Fall 2014 SBRC Application for Increasing Enrollment, Open Enrollment Out, and LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years No file selected. a copy of the school board minutes showing official action taken by the board, authorizing the request to the SBRC, prior to the date a hearing with the SBRC would be normally requested. Certify the application by December 1 and submit board minutes after the next regularly scheduled board meeting. Minutes need to reflect the amount and the issue for which the request is being made. A district request for a modified supplemental amount will not be approved by the SBRC unless minutes have been received by Department staff. Report Certified On 10/30/2014 10:15:52 AM You have entered text on the page. You must Save Values before you can Certify. Uploaded Files Increasing Enrollment Actual Enrollment Fall 2013 648.9 Actual Enrollment Fall 2014 (Generated nightly, changes to Certified Enrollment are reflected the following day) 649.8 Increase DCPP (FY15) 0.9 6,366 Maximum On-Time Funding Modified Supplemental Amount for Increasing Enrollment 5,729 Request $5,729 Open Enrollment Out Open Enrollment Out Students on Fall 2014 Certified Enrollment but not on the Fall 2013 Certified Enrollment (Changes to student data are reflected immediately) Open Enrollment Out Students Minus Increase (previous section) 5.0 4.1 State Cost Per Pupil for Open Enrollment Out (FY14) 6,121 Maximum Modified Supplemental Amount for Open Enrollment Out 25,096 Request $25,096 LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years Students Served Beyond 5 Years (Changes to student data are reflected immediately) 0 Weighting 0.22 Total Weighting 0.00 DCPP (FY15) 6,366 Maximum Modified Supplemental Amount for LEP Instruction Beyond 5 Years 0 Request $0 Save Contact Information SBRC Contact Name Dr. Nick Ouellette Title Superintendent Phone 712-364-2255 Fax 712-364-3609 Email [email protected] SBRC App Contact SRI Contact Certification Status Joyce Thomsen 515-242-5612 Margaret Hanson 515-281-3214 Rachel Kruse 515-2814153 Gary Kirchhoff 515-281-6278 View
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