FRIDAY, F RIDAY, NO NOVEMBER 14, 2014 EYE ON THE FLEET ATLANTIC OCEAN VOL. 25 NO. 46 WWW.CNIC.NAVY.MIL/KEYWEST Need-to-know info on changes to flat rate per diem NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST, FLORIDA WELCOME ABOARD FROM CHIEF OF NAVAL PERSONNEL PUBLIC AFFAIRS (Nov. 3, 2014) AT1 Mickey Thompson plays Magic the Gathering during a tournament hosted by Morale, Welfare and Recreation aboard the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71). U.S. Navy photo by MC3 Joshua Petrosino inside: BY THE NUMBERS Teens visit tower . . . . . 3 CLEANING UP Ready to launch . . . . .7 ON DISPLAY Vets Day parade . . . 8, 9 CFC UPDATE Current: $8,300 Goal: $38,209 TOP OF PAGE ONE: An F/A-18E Super Hornet from the Royal Maces of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 27 launches from the flight deck of the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS George Washington (CVN 73). T o provide an incentive to Sailors and civilians on long-term temporary duty assignment to seek out extended-stay lodgings, the Joint Travel Regulations was changed Nov. 1. The change to a flat rate will help the Department of Defense save more than $22 million a year and is in keeping with what many federal agencies already outline for reduced travel rates for longer stays. Here are five informational bullets Sailors need to know about flat rate per diem: Long-term TDY is any temporary duty longer than 30 days. Travel from 31 - 180 days will receive a flat-rate per diem of 75 percent. For travel greater than 180 days, the flat-rate per diem will be at 55 percent. Flat rate will apply to all three parts of the per diem - lodging, meals and incidentals. When staying in government lodging, a traveler will be reimbursed for actual lodging costs. The flat rate per diem does not apply when government lodging see PER DIEM page 3 U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales N aval Air Station Key West Commanding Officer Capt. Steve McAlearney, left, and CMC Mark McDonald, foreground, speak with U.S. Fleet Forces Command Fleet Master Chief Charles Clarke at Boca Chica Field Wednesday. Clarke is visiting NAS Key West’s annexes for an informational tour. Talkin’ turkey - fryer safety Navy urges WAAN registration FROM NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION PUBLIC AFFAIRS L et’s talk turkey, more specifically, fried turkey. Consumers have started preparing for the Thanksgiving holiday on Nov. 27 and, for some, those plans include a turkey fryer and several gallons of oil. The National Fire Protec- tion Association discourages the use of outdoor gas-fueled turkey fryers that cook the turkey in hot oil. The use of turkey fryers can lead to devastating burns, other injuries and the destruction of property. Below are some of the dangers of turkey fryers. Hot oil may splash or spill during the cooking. see TURKEY page 6 FROM CNIC PUBLIC AFFAIRS S ailors, active and Reserve, Navy civilian employees and contractors working aboard installations with Navy Marine Corps Intranet or One Net user accounts are required to register in the Wide Area Alert Network and the Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System. “The number of Navy personnel who have completed their required WAAN registration is shockingly low,” said Dan Haacke, Commander, Navy Installations Command’s emergency management systems operations specialist, noting roughly 44 percent compliancy rate across the enterprise. see WAAN page 10 2 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 Extra time S Nov. 14 1910 - Civilian Eugene Ely pilots the first aircraft to take-off from a warship, USS Birmingham (CL 2) at Hampton Roads, Virginia. Nov. 15 1882 - Lt. Cmdr. French Chadwick reports to American Legation in London as first naval attaché. Nov. 16 1942 - Marine Night Fighter Squadron (VMFN) 531 established at Cherry Point, North Carolina. Nov. 17 1924 - USS Langley (CV 1), first aircraft carrier, reports for duty. Nov. 18 1890 - USS Maine, the first American battleship, is launched. o many things to write about but I have so little time. We had the boat races, U.S. Marine Corps birthday, Veterans Day and I am sure more. Last week I talked about Halloween but in the midst of all of this there was another event that happened - the time change. At 2 a.m. Nov. 2 we set our clocks back an hour. We gained an extra hour; I know it gets balanced out later, but we shall not speak of that evil day! How many times have we heard, “There are not enough hours in the day?” Most of us joke - yet somewhat serious - that when we go on leave, we come back to more work. We always seem to be playing catch up. If we truly look at our lives, we can say there is always something to do. Even if I had the power to give you more time, would that really help? Would we really accomplish more? I may not have the power to give you more hours to your day, but I can give you the power to find more hours in the day. It is called setting priorities. Let’s be honest. How many hours do we spend on the TV, computer, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, games and all these other activities that seem to suck the hours into a black hole? We have all fallen guilty to this at some point in our lives. What we need to do is have priorities that keep us accountable. My priorities go like this: God, family, work, friends and whatever else comes up that CHAPLAIN'S I will deal with after these. So if God is CORNER not first in my life then all the other things are vanity. Mark 8:36 states, “What profits a man to gain the NAS Key West whole world, but Command Chaplain lose his soul?” And Lt. what profits you Ethan Everts to gain work greatness, but lose God and your family? There is also a danger in how we justify what we do to make it seem as though we are keeping our priorities when we are not. As a chaplain, you may think that my work is God’s work so pouring myself into my work is service to God. As a result, I glorify God and worship him constantly. I hate to burst your bubble, but no. The story of Martha and Mary in Lk. 10.38-42 gives a great example why. Jesus visits Martha’s house and Martha is scurrying around to serve Him while her sister Mary sits at His feet to listen to Him. Martha looks for justice from Jesus, but Jesus turns to Martha and says Mary has chosen correctly. It is not what Martha was doing that was wrong but her priorities. Like Mary, we need to take time to listen to Jesus, not just stay busy for Jesus. All I do is for the glory of God, but I need to take time to be in God’s presence and listen. I also see this happen in marriages when the working spouse states all his/her long hours at work are for the family. Again, paying the bills and supplying needs are important; however, there are times you need to say no to the extra duties because you have a spouse and/or children at home who take priority. In the end, we all have 24 hours in a day. What you do in that time speaks to what your priorities are. It is not always the amount of time you spend on each item, but how you spend your time that matters. We all need to keep our priorities in place and we will discover we have all the time in the world for what is important. If God is a priority in your life, you are welcome to join us at the Truman Chapel on Sundays at 10:30 a.m. If you need to talk to a chaplain to help sort out those priorities, give us a call at (305) 2932318, Naval Air Station Key West, or (305) 292-8788, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Key West. God bless. Nov. 19 1813- Capt. David Porter claims Marquesas Islands for the United States. Nov. 20 1933 - Navy crew sets a world altitude record in a balloon - 62,237 feet - in flight into stratosphere. THINK FIRST! DON’T DRINK & DRIVE IT’S NOT WORTH THE TIME Suicide intervention training available FROM NAS KEY WEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS T he chaplain’s office is providing the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training workshop Nov. 20-21 at Bldg. 48, U.S. Coast Guard Sector Key West. The ASIST workshop, the last for 2014, is for people who want to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide. Over one million people have participated in this twoday, highly interactive, practical, practice-oriented workshop. Participation in the full two days, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., is required, no exceptions. Enjoy small group discussions and skills practice that are based upon adult learning principles. For more information or to register, call (305) 293-2318 or email at [email protected]. Seating is limited. Find us on Facebook and Twitter! naskeywest naskeywest Southernmost Flyer COMMANDING OFFICER Capt. Steven P. McAlearney EXECUTIVE OFFICER Cmdr. Pornchai Davidson PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICER Trice Denny EDITOR Jolene Scholl STAFF MC1 Brian Morales This newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military service and their families. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy and do not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, the Navy, Naval Air Station Key West or Cooke Communications of the products and services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of Naval Air Station Key West, Florida. The sale of Southernmost Flyer advertising and printing of the newspaper is performed by Cooke Communications, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of Defense or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive contract with Naval Air Station Key West. Additional copy and photographs provided by the readers of the Southernmost Flyer should be addressed to: Editor, Southernmost Flyer, Public Affairs Office, Naval Air Station, Box 9001, Key West, FL 33040-9001. Copy can also be e-mailed to [email protected]. Telephone (305) 293-2027/2434. DSN 483-2027/2434. Deadline for all editorial copy is 4 p.m. the Friday preceding publication. All articles must be submitted on disk in text format, written in upper/lower case style. Advertisements are solicited by Cooke Communications and queries concerning such should be directed to: Cooke Communications, 3420 Northside Dr., Key West, FL 33041. Telephone: (305) 292-7777 November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 3 ALGEBRAIC AIR OPS This Just In… School Liaison office moves The NAS Key West School Liaison Officer’s office has been relocated from the Sigsbee Park Community Center to the Housing Office, Bldg. V-4059, Sigsbee Park. For more information, call Yoli Eldred at (305) 293-2621 or (786) 691-7187. Holiday party tickets available Tickets for Naval Air Station Key West’s Holiday Party are now on sale at the Air Lanes Bowling Center, Boca Chica Field. Tickets can be purchased from 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Tuesday - Thursday. The holiday party, open to military and civilian personnel, is at 7 p.m. Dec. 4 at the Marriott Beachside, Key West. Tickets are $35 for E-4 and below, $40 for E-5, $45 for E-6 and $50 for E-7 and above, officers and civilians. Weekly Bible study scheduled Naval Air Station Key West Religious Ministries Department hosts Bible study at 4 p.m. Wednesdays at the Truman Chapel, Truman Annex. For more information, call (305) 293-2318 or email at [email protected]. see THIS JUST IN page 7 U.S. Navy photo by Jolene Scholl S igsbee Charter School students and AC2 Keesha Page, right, watch from the Naval Air Station Key West Air Traffic Control Tower as a Navy jet lands at Boca Chica Field Wednesday. AC1 Nels Thorsen, background, invited Lisa Blendall’s Honors Algebra students to visit and learn how algebra is used in air traffic control. Per diem continued from page 1 Job Title: Assistant command securitty manager Hometown: Jacksonville, North Carolina Prior Duty Stations: Camp Lejeune, North Carolina Hobbies: Racing R.C. cars Future Plans: Retiring and being a full time RV camper. Words of Wisdom: One day at a time. Every day is a good day. Michael Wells or contracted government lodging is available and directed, when contracted government lodging is provided at no cost, or if a traveler chooses to stay in government quarters. Currently the Defense Travel System does not automatically calculate the reduced per diem based on the length of the TDY. Travelers should follow their component guidelines for how to handle TDY in DTS. Travelers may consider furnished apartments or similar types of lodging, which are typically cheaper than the standard room rate at commercial hotels. This policy change also simplifies travel expense management as the Sailor will not be required to submit lodging receipts or itemize utilities and furniture rental when renting a home, if receiving the flat rate per diem. Sailors still have options if they are unable to find extended-stay lodging within a reasonable distance of the duty location, or if additional costs arise. Work with the approving official to do actual-expense authorizations, which may go above the flat-rate per diem to 100 percent, if needed. At no time should travelers end up paying out-of-pocket for authorized TDY expenses. For more information, visit www.defensetravel. 4 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 MWR Update Month of the Military Family MWR is celebrating November as the Month of the Military Family by offering discounts, giveaways and special events. Enter to win the following on the “NAS Key West MWR” Facebook page: paddleboard and kayak rentals, family 4-pack of movie tickets and family 4-pack of tickets to the Conch Train Holiday Lights Tour. Enter in person at the CDC or Youth Center to win 50 percent off one payment or two free days of day care at the Child Development Center or the School Age Care. Free during the month of November: Kids swim free at the Trumbo Pool Saturday and Sundays, kids bowl for free on Saturdays, and kids receive free soft drinks at the Sunset Lounge, Navigator’s and Beachside Grill on Saturdays. For more information email [email protected] or call (305) 293-2503. Give parents a break MWR’s Child Development Center is offering the parents of NAS Key West a break. Child Care will be provided Nov. 29 from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Cost is $4 per child per hour. Preregistration is required (including shot records). Registration deadline is by 5 p.m. Nov 27. Contact the CDC at (305) 293-4498 for additional information. 394386 Drop in care is also avail- and their spouses, Coast able Monday - Friday from Guard and active members 6 a.m. - 6 p.m. of the National Guard or Reservists can purchase up Family Movie Night to six tickets for friends and family. Black-out dates are Join MWR for Family Dec. 22, - Jan. 2, 2015 and Movie Night on the first and March 29 - April 9, 2015. third Fridays in November Tickets must be activated for free movies at the by military personnel or Sigsbee Community Center. a spouse at the park and The Nov. 21 film, which tickets must be used by starts at 6:30 p.m., is “Up” the same person. For more (PG). Snacks and drinks will information, call the ITT be available for purchase. Office at (305) 293-4173. For information, call (305) 293-2503. In December, Free movies Family Movie Night moves to the second and fourth Free movies are shown Fridays. each Saturday at 1 p.m. and 6 p.m. at Beach Patio Recreation Center on Disney tickets Truman Annex. Popcorn The ITT Office on Sigsbee and snacks are sold during Park is offering the 2015 the show. For more inforDisney Armed Forces mation, call (305) 293-5282. The schedule: Salute tickets: 4-day ticket with Park Hopper option • Saturday - “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” for only $173.75. Tickets (PG-13) at 1 and 6 p.m. are available now through Sept. 30, 2015. All military • Nov. 22 - “The Giver” (PG- 13) at 1 p.m. Strollerobics • Nov. 22 - “The November Man” (R) at 6 p.m. Starting Wednesday, the • Nov. 29 - “When the Game Boca Chica Fitness Center Stands Tall” (PG) at 1 and is rolling out their new fit6 p.m. ness class: Strollerobics from 9:30 - 10:15 a.m. Stroll on down to the Sigsbee Conch Train Community Center for your Holiday Lights Tour guided walk with your little The ITT Office on Sigsbee one. The class will intePark is hosting the annual grate safe exercises for new Conch Train Holiday Lights moms to increase strength Tour Dec. 19. Check in at and most importantly, enerITT at 6 p.m. and trains gy. Children must be young depart at 6:30 p.m. Cost enough to stay in stroller is $4 per person, no child for duration of class. For price. For information call information email [email protected] or call ITT at (305) 293-4173. (305) 293-2480. Trumbo Pool winter hours The Trumbo Pool on Trumbo Point is open for winter hours: Fridays and Saturdays from 11 a.m. 5 p.m. and Sundays from noon - 5 p.m. For more information call (305) 2934324. Liberty Activities The Liberty Single Sailor Program is open to all single or unaccompanied active duty military personnel E-6 and below. Visit us on Facebook at see MWR page 5 November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 5 Dolphins tickets continued from page 4 See the Dolphins vs. the Ravens Dec. 7, all hands $60, Liberty - $55 section 406. Transportation is not included. Contact the liberty coordinator for more information or to purchase your tickets: naskwliberty@ (305) 293-2682 or (305) 797-4468. “MWR Liberty Key West” and request to be added to the closed Liberty Group. For additional information email naskwliberty@gmail. com or call (305) 293-2682 or (305) 797-4468. • Monday - Bowling with Liberty Card, 3 - 5 p.m., free • Thursday - Cards Against Humanity at 1351, 6 - 8 p.m. • Nov. 21 - Volunteer with Sigsbee Community Center Movie Night, 5 - 8 p.m. • Nov. 23 - Liberty Trip to Miami Zoo and Walmart • Nov. 24 - Birthday Bash Celebration, 6 - 8 p.m. • Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving lunch at 1351, 1 - 3 p.m. MWR rentals Need a tent? How about tables and chairs? A stage? MWR has the following items available for rent: 20-by-20 tents, 20-by-40 tents, 10-by-10 pop-up tents and a 15-by-15 stage tent. Note that all tents are for shade, not a camping tent. Also available are 6-foot tables, chairs, a 6-by16 stage and bunting. Rental prices are based on daily rates, on-base only. Miami Heat tickets Prices include set up and MWR is selling Miami break down. For more inforHeat basketball tickets mation, call Leroy Jackson for the 2014-2015 season. at (305) 797-1275. Tickets for the following games are in section 102. Social media Liberty tickets, for registered single or unaccompaHere’s how to get more nied Sailors E-6 and below, are $85. All-hands tickets are $90. The only exception is for the Dec. 27 game against Memphis, which are $40 and $45. • Dec. 21 - Boston Celtics • Dec. 27 - Memphis Grizzles [section 405 Liberty - $40/all hands $45] • Jan. 4 - Brooklyn Nets • Feb. 21 - New Orleans Pelicans • Feb. 28 - Atlanta Hawks • March 7 - Sacramento Kings • March 29 - Detroit Pistons • April 11 - Toronto Raptors information on MWR activities and events: • Weekly Activities Sheet - sent via email; request to be added by emailing [email protected]. • Official website: www. • MWR website: www. • Like us on Facebook NAS Key West MWR • Follow us on Twitter NAS Key West MWR Youth Center The MWR Youth Center on Sigsbee Park serves dependents of active duty, retired military, Reservists and DOD civilians ages 10 18. The facility is open after school Monday - Thursday until 8 p.m., Friday after school until 9 p.m. and Saturday from 1 - 9 p.m. For information on how to register your child call (305) 293-4437. The Youth Center also has a closed Facebook group online for children and parents to join - NAS Key West Youth Center. A request must be submitted to be invited into the group. Saturday 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. For the deck to enter. For more additional information, call information call (305) 2932116. The Sunset Lounge on (305) 293-5282. Sigsbee Park offers entertainment as well as drink Navigator’s grill Landing Zone specials and an updated menu. Every Friday come Located at the Boca Chica The Landing Zone is your see DJ Gunz from 6 - 9 p.m. Marina, Navigator’s Bar and one-stop resource center and every Saturday enjoy Grill is a full-service bar with for quality products at comMuse Gurus from 6 - 9 p.m. food available for lunch and petitive prices. The office is The Sunset Lounge bar is dinner. There is seating in Bldg. A-350, next to Air open Wednesday - Sunday indoors and on the beach. Lanes Bowling Center on 4 - 10 p.m. and the kitchen The bar is open Monday - Boca Chica Field. is open 4 - 9 p.m. Saturday 11 a.m. - 9 p.m., Looking for NAS Key and Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.; West memorabilia? Visit the the grill is open Monday - Landing Zone for a wide Beach Patio Saturday 11 a.m. - 7 p.m., selection of polo shirts, hats, Located on Truman and Sunday 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. visors, post cards, stickers Annex, Beach Patio For more information or to and the NAS Key West chalRecreation Center is located find out the daily specials, lenge coin. Graphics services include next to the Truman Beach call (305) 293-2468. custom, laser-engraved and is a prime location for plaques, desk wedges, rubspecial events under the Runway Grill ber stamps, name tags and new pavilion. Rent snorkel gear, beach chairs, grills, The Runway Grill offers more. Printing services coolers and have lunch at fresh healthy concepts on include large-format printthe Beachside Grill. The its menu. Choose from a ing, photo printing, banfacility includes internet wide selection of a healthy ners, signs and standard access, a gaming center, wraps or sandwiches; prices printing/copying. The Landing Zone also arcade games, a mini movie range from $3.50 - $7.50. theater and more. Hours The Runway Grill opens has a notary service and fax are Sunday - Thursday 10 at 11 a.m. Monday - Friday. service. For more informaa.m. - 8 p.m., Friday and Please use the side door on tion, call (305) 293-2884. Sunset Lounge HARPOON HARRY’S 832 Caroline St. Key West (305) 294-8744 Open Daily 6:30 am - 9:30 pm DINNER SPECIALS $9.95 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY BAKED MEATLOAF BBQ RIBS ROAST TURKEY POT ROAST GRILLED GROUPER GRILLED STEAK CHICKEN & WAFFLES SLIDERS: Chicken, Cuban Mix, Grilled Cheese, Hamburgers $2 Grouper $3 French Fries Onion Rings Caesar Salad $2 $2 $2 ** 10% Military Discount** 394240 MWR 6 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 SINGING JELLIES This week at FFSC Understanding Anger Tuesday, 10 - 11:30 a.m., FFSC This training equips participants with tools to assist in understanding, evaluating and managing anger. Command Financial Specialist Training Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m. Bldg. A-515, Boca Chica Field This five-day training teaches the basics on a vast array of personal financial management topics. In addition, it provides guidelines on how CFSs can take information back to their command and their fellow Sailors. Contact Vinnie Corsano at Vincent.Corsano.ctr@navy. mil to enroll. Fleet and Family Support Center’s hours of operation are 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Friday. FFSC offers many services including deployment support, relocation assistance, family employment readiness, life skills education, notary service, personal financial management, crisis incident response and training, sexual assault prevention and response, ombudsman support, transition assistance management, family advocacy and professional counseling. For more information or to request services, call (305) 293-4408 or visit the center at 804 Sigsbee Rd., Sigsbee Park. U.S. Navy photo by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales S igsbee Charter School’s ‘Jellyfish’ students sing during a mural presentation ceremony Monday. The mural, painted by local artist Rick Worth, depicts different services of the U.S. Armed Forces. It was sponsored by the Key West Military Affairs Committee. Turkey continued from page 1 394471 Personal Injury Law Contact between hot oil and skin could result in serious injury. A hot oil spill can happen with fryers designed for outdoors using a stand. The fryer could tip over or collapse causing the hot oil to spill. Newer countertop units using a solid base appear to reduce this risk; however, NFPA does not believe the risks of either type of turkey fryer to be acceptable because of the large amount of hot oil involved and the speed and severity of burns. The facts are that in deep frying, oil is heated to temperatures of 350° Fahrenheit or more. Cooking oil is combustible. If it is heated above its cooking temperature, its vapors can ignite. Propane-fired turkey fryers must be used outdoors. They are very popular for 394193 R ON S OLOMON , L AWYER 513 W HITEHEAD S TREET , S UITE 101 K EY WEST , F LORIDA 33040 tel: 305.517.6466 • fax: 305.509.7669 [email protected] Find us on Facebook and Twitter! • Thanksgiving. Many parts of the country may have rain or snow at this time of year. If rain or snow hits the hot cooking oil, the oil may splatter or turn to steam, leading to burns. If you plan on frying a turkey, remember safety practices. Turkeys must be completely thawed and dried of excess moisture before placing in the fryer, because a partially thawed turkey will cause the oil to splatter causing serious burns. The fryers use a lot of oil, about five gallons. Determine how much oil to use by first filling the fryer with water and dipping the turkey into the fryer. From the displacement, you can determine the amount of oil that is needed. Again, remember to dry the turkey before adding it to hot oil. Extreme caution must be taken when placing and removing the turkey from the fryer to be sure it is not dropped back into the fryer, splattering the oil on the chef. That said, NFPA still urges those who prefer fried turkey to look for grocery stores, specialty food retailers, and restaurants that sell deep fried turkeys, or consider using a new type of oil-less turkey fryer. November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 7 requires that those born on or after January 1, 1988, continued from page 3 complete an approved boater education course Free film before operating a vessel powered by a motor of 10 on ‘green’ living horsepower or more. For Key West Film Festival more information, call (305) is partnering with Green 744-0043 or (305) 393-5304. Living & Energy Education utilizing the nonprofit’s Health benefits fair event greening guidelines and inviting the public to Health providers will enjoy a slice of the festival gather at Bldg. A-515, Boca with a film that can help Chica Field, Monday from them “go greener” too. “No 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. to meet Impact Man” - free and with Naval Air Station Key open to the public - will West civilian personnel be shown Sunday at noon, interested in learning more at the Tropic Cinema, 416 about health insurance. Eaton Street in Key West. Directions to Bldg. A-515 on Boca Chica - travel three blocks and take the third Commit to quit right onto Langley Avenue. Military members and The training facility is the their families are encouraged second building on the left. For more information to go smoke-free for 24-hours during the Great American on the Health Benefits Fair, Smokeout on Thursday. For contact Yolanda Mingo at more information, go to (305) 293-2479, or email [email protected]. CLEANER LAUNCH This just in Boating course available The Big Pine Key Coast Guard Auxiliary is offering a limited number of scholarships to the Boating Skills and Seamanship Course, scheduled for Dec. 1 - 17 in the second floor conference room of Habitat for Humanity, 30320 Overseas Highway, Big Pine Key. Classes are Mondays and Wednesdays from 7 - 9:30 p.m. Students, ages 14-18 years old may apply. Graduating students receive the Florida Boating Education I.D. Card, Coast Guard Auxiliary Diploma and I.D. Card. Florida law Volunteers needed Volunteer Income Tax Assistance specialists are needed for the upcoming tax season. For more information, contact ABHC Ian Daley at (305)-293-2720 or email [email protected]. SMF digital delivery Available now: Free home delivery of a digital copy of Naval Air Station Key West’s weekly “Southernmost Flyer.” Send your name and email address to [email protected] and your information will be added to the SMF distribution list. WWW.CNIC.NAVY.MIL/KEYWEST U.S. Navy photos by Trice Denny N aval Air Station Key West personnel from the Housing and Environmental departments work with Balfour Beatty Communities in clearing growth Saturday from boat ramps at Trumbo Point and Sigsbee Park. BBC News Upcoming Life Works Events Pilates by the Water Monday, 9 - 9:45 a.m., Trumbo Point basketball court. Resident Advisory Committee Tuesday, 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., 1101B Dewey Rd., Sigsbee Park. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected]. Zumba Thursday, 6 - 7 p.m., Sigsbee Community Center. Contact us Office Number: (305) 292-5590 Service Request Number: (305) 292-5596 Office hours of operation: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Tuesday, Thursday - Friday; 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. Wednesday; Teen View and 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Saturday. Wednesday, 4 - 6 p.m., 1101B Dewey Website: Rd., Sigsbee Park. Facebook: naskeywesthomes 8 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 Annual parade honors military veterans FROM NAS KEY WEST PUBLIC AFFAIRS T he Key West Veterans Day Parade was one of hundreds that took place nationwide, just as they have since 1954 when President Dwight Eisenhower issued the “Veterans Day Proclamation,” recognizing veterans of all wars. The parade began at the intersection of Duval and Julia streets and marched by crowds of people lining Duval Street. Each entry was reviewed by military commanders and city officials at Duval and Fleming streets before ending at Front Street. Joint Interagency Task Force South coordinated this year’s parade. Thirty-eight organizations participated in the parade, including military members from Coast Guard Sector Key West, Naval Air Station Key West and JIATF South. Local veteran and community organizations, including VFW Post 3911, Key West Navy League Council, American Legion Post 28, also participated. The judges awarded Best in Show Military to Naval Air Station Key West, Best in Show Band to the Key West High School Band, Best in Show Boats/Floats to Coast Guard Sector Key West, Best in Show Group to Navy League Key West Council, Best in Marching to NAS Key West, and the Youth Group Award to Sigsbee Charter School. Veterans Day was established 92 years ago after the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919, to end World War I. Fighting actually had ceased seven months earlier when an armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. For that reason, Nov. 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed Nov. 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day to reflect on those who served and died in service to the country. The original concept for the celebration was for a day observed with parades and public meetings and a brief suspension of business. The U.S. Congress passed an Act approved May 13, 1938, that made Nov. 11 a legal holiday - a day to be dedicated to the cause of world peace and to be thereafter celebrated and known as “Armistice Day.” Veterans Day shouldn’t be confused with Memorial Day, held the last Monday in May, which was established to recognize men and women who died while serving in the Armed Forces. Memorial Day began as “Decoration Day” and dates back to mourners decorating the graves of the Civil War dead. U.S. Navy photos by MC1 (SW/AW) Brian Morales A young girl wearing a World War II Navy uniform belonging to an ancestor salutes while riding in the annual Key West Veterans Day Parade. NAS Key West Sailors turn their ‘eyes right’ toward judges as they pass the parade reviewing stand. ACC Chris Ollinger marches alongside Sailors assigned to Naval Air Station Key West. November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 9 A retired Navy veteran rides in the parade. Veteran Shirley Ezmirley walks in the parade carrying a military portrait of herself from the 1950s. Spectators take photos and record marching groups and floats. NAS Key West Sailors march along Duval Street. Veterans from Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 3911 throw candy to spectators. The Jammers, a Junior Football League cheer and dance team, perform for the parade judges. 10 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 LIBERTY STOP NAS Classifieds FOR SALE 2001 Kawasaki Vulcan 1500 Nomad Motorcycle. Low miles, runs excellent, great condition. $3,500. Call after 5 p.m. or on weekend for more information, (305) 8491521. FOR RENT 1/BR apartment for one person, MM15. Very clean, no smokers/pets. All tile, large kitchen, W/D, sand beach, dock, gated, offstreet parking. $1,300. Call William, (906) 226-8429. Boca Chica locations. There are department openings in main store, barber shop, warehouse, maintenance, and minimarts. Excellent benefits for FT/PT. Continuity Program available for military families. Go to for details and to apply or create a profile or call Maj. Johnson (305) 292-7200, ext. 122. NAS KEY WEST CLASSIFIEDS are free for active-duty and retired personnel, their families and civilian base employees only. Deadline for submissions is noon the Tuesday prior to that Friday’s issue. Make HELP WANTED submissions to the NAS Key West Public Inventory control clerk, 20 hours per week, Affairs Office by email, jolene.scholl@navy. Monday - Friday either 8 a.m. - noon or noon - 4 p.m. Successful applicants will be highly mil; mail, P.O. Box 9001, Key West, FL detailed and good with Excel. Apply at www. 33040-9001; or fax submissions to (305) 293-2627. Unless otherwise directed, ads will The Navy Exchange/Navy Lodge is look- run for four issues. Name and phone number ing for people that want to serve our military. must accompany all requests in order for We have full-time, part-time and flex posi- them to be considered for publication. For tions available at our Sigsbee, Trumbo and more information, call (305) 293-2425. U.S. Navy photo by Jolene Scholl T he Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate USS Taylor (FFG 50) arrived Nov. 6 for a liberty port call at the NAS Key West Mole Pier on Truman Annex. In addition to the great weather, the crew has a first-hand view of boats participating in the powerboat championship. WAAN continued from page 1 Updating WAAN and NFAAS is part of the Navy Ready program under Navy Installations Command. Navy Ready is vitally important in the event of a catastrophic situation. As part of the ongoing effort to emphasize the importance of preparedness, Navy Ready needs everyone’s participation in order for the accountability system to be effective, Haacke noted. In what only takes a few moments, registering in the WAAN or NFAAS is the key to success. Registration is not automatic, however. The two programs are independent and perform unique functions critical to force protection and personnel accountability and must be updated separately. “Whereas NFAAS is used for accountability and needs assessments after an emergency, updating your information in NFAAS does not update your information in the WAAN,” said Haacke. “The WAAN is used by region commanders and installation commanding officers to provide real-time alerts before, during, and after emergencies, force protection condition changes, severe weather hazards, major traffic changes and other situations that may affect personnel. Sailors and civilians should update their NFAAS information twice a year to avoid outdated information which can delay the Navy’s ability to account for and provide assistance to affected personnel. Haacke cited Superstorm Sandy and recent typhoons in Hawaii as prime examples when those who had self-registered in the WAAN were able to receive alerts and updates on the evolving situation. “While work phone numbers and e-mails are required to be registered, personnel have the option of registering personal cell phones as well as alternate cell phones of family members so personnel may receive alerts at work, at home, or on the go,” added Haacke. “In doing so, personnel and their families have access to information on what to do and where to go in case of an emergency, base closure or allclear notice. “Bottom line, your command cannot inform you if they cannot reach you. Register today.” For more information on emergency preparedness and Ready Navy, visit, or contact Ready Navy by e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at (202) 433-9348, DSN 288-9348. November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 11 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS 000 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE 100 SERVICES 110..............................Child/Adult Care 112...................................Money To Lend 120............................Private Instruction 130................................Mortgage Broker 200 EMPLOYMENT 210........................................Jobs Wanted 220...............Help Wanted Lower Keys 010 PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS In case of errors, please check your ad the first day it appears. In the event of an error, we are responsible for the first incorrect insertion of an ad. The Citizen does not assume responsibility for any reason beyond the cost of the ad itself. CANCELLATIONS All word ad rates are placement fees and non-refundable (for frequency days canceled). Ads may be removed from publication with placement fee remaining. CHANGES Once an ad has been placed only acceptable minor changes can be made to the ad. GRACE LUTHERAN CHURCH and School located at 2713 Flagler Ave. is hosting its 23rd Annual Art & Craft Festival on Sat., Nov. 15, from 9 a.m.4 p.m. The event includes a book fair, silent auction and craft vendors. There will be a breakfast and lunch concession, bake sale and a spaghetti dinner, which begins at 4 p.m. with 400 MERCHANDISE 402.......................................Roommates 404............................Rooms Lower Keys 406..........................Rooms Middle Keys 408............................Rooms Upper Keys 410...............Mobile Homes Lower Keys 412.............Mobile Homes Middle Keys 414...............Mobile Homes Upper Keys 416........Furnished Condos Lower Keys 417....Unfurnished Condos Lower Keys 418........................Condos Middle Keys 420..........................Condos Upper Keys 422............Furnished Apts. Lower Keys 424...........Furnished Apts. Middle Keys 426............Furnished Apts. Upper Keys 428................Unfurn. Apts. Lower Keys 430...............Unfurn. Apts. Middle Keys 432................Unfurn. Apts. Upper Keys 434.................Furn. Houses Lower Keys 436................Furn. Houses Middle Keys 438................Furn.. Houses Upper Keys 440.............Unfurn. Houses Lower Keys 300 RENTALS 305......................................................Pets 310..................................Sporting Goods 315...............................................Bicycles 320..............................Household Goods 321...........................................Furniture 325...................................Miscellaneous 327...............................................Jewelry 329.....................................Yard Sale Map 330.......................Yard Sales Lower Keys 331.....................Yard Sales Middle Keys 332.......................Yard Sales Upper Keys 335...........................................Antiques 337....................................................Art 338...............................................Fine Art 340.........................Musical Instruments 345.........................................Appliances 350...............................Office Equipment 351.........................................Electronics 355....................................Wanted to Buy 010 PUBLIC NOTICE dinners-to-go available. We hope you will come and enjoy good fellowship and get a head start on your Christmas shopping. There will also be a bounce house for children to enjoy throughout the day! Interested vendors can apply at [email protected] Any questions please call Jenna Stauffer at 260-433-2319 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS Do you want to make a difference? Medicaid Eligibility and Denial Solutions (M.E.D.S.), seeks a FT/PT candidate in Key West, FL. *Assist individuals with Medicaid applications onsite at a medical facility. *Variable schedule working between the hours of 8am-8pm weekdays and some Saturdays. *Social service and/or medical office background are +s. *Strong clerical skills a must *Bilingual skill an added bonus *Competitive pay and benefits (FT Only) Resumes to [email protected]. EOE. 442...........Unfurn. Houses Middle Keys 444.............Unfurn. Houses Upper Keys 446..............Wanted To Rent Lower Keys 448............Wanted To Rent Middle Keys 450..............Wanted To Rent Upper Keys 451.....................Mobile Home/RV Sites 452............Vacation Rentals Lower Keys 454..........Vacation Rentals Middle Keys 456............Vacation Rentals Upper Keys 458..............Vacation Rentals Elsewhere 460..........................Commercial Rentals 462.......................................Office Space 464...............................................Storage 513........................................Timeshares 514..........................Condos Lower Keys 516.........................Condos Middle Keys 518..........................Condos Upper Keys 520...........................Homes Lower Keys 522..........................Homes Middle Keys 524...........................Homes Upper Keys Commercial 526......................Business Opportunity 528...............................Business Wanted 530.......................................Investments 532................................Income Property 534.......................Commercial Property Other Real Estate 536...............Lots & Acreage Lower Keys 538.............Lots & Acreage Middle Keys REAL ESTATE 540...............Lots & Acreage Upper Keys 542...............................Realty Elsewhere Mobile Homes 502........................................ Lower Keys 544...................................Realty Wanted 504.......................................Middle Keys 506........................................Upper Keys AUTOS/ 508................................ Lots Lower Keys 510............................... Lots Middle Keys TRANSPORTATION 512................................ Lots Upper Keys Autos/Trucks 610................................................Trucks Homes For Sale 500 600 615..................................Auto Financing 620....................................Autos For Sale 622.....................................SUVs For Sale 625.....................................Classic Autos 630....................................Autos Wanted 640..........................................Auto Parts 645.............................Heavy Equipment Recreation 650.............................................Scooters 652.......................................Motorcycles 654....................................Travel Trailers 656............................................Campers 658...........................RVs/Motor Homes 660....................................Marine Needs 661....................................Marine Parts 662.......................................Powerboats 664............................................Sailboats 665.......................................Houseboats 667.........................................Misc. Boats 669.............................Dockage/Storage 670.............................................Aviation 900 LEGALS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS BABY’S COFFEE LLC is hiring a FT/PT coffee and food loving, team oriented members. If you have excellent customer service, barista, food service background and a flexible schedule apply in person with a resume to MM 15 US 1 LAS SALINAS CONDOMINIUM Accepting applications for security officer by appointment only. Requires current FL class D license/abilty to obtain with 90 days. Hourly rate, based on training and experience, clear communication skills a must, maturity a plus, eligible candidates please call Rocco for appointments 305-395-0770 Front Desk / Medical Assistant Wanted for a high volume, fast paced medical office. Mon. through Fri. 8am - 5pm. Please apply in person to the address listed below: Southernmost Foot and Ankle Specialists 2407 North Roosevelt Blvd., Key West, FL Accounting Clerk The Galleon Resort is looking to fill a Part Time Accounting Clerk Position. Applicant must be computer literate, have workable knowledge of Microsoft Office and have cash handling experience. Apply in person at 617 Front Street, previous applicants need not apply. MAINTENANCE Part time position available at Old Town Trolley Tours of Key West. Applicants must be reliable and mechanically inclined, have a valid DL. Position will include general cleaning and maintenance. Apply online at EOE & Drug Free Workplace. F/T BOOKKEEPER & SALES ASSISTANT Applicant must have customer service skills, Quick Books and Excel experience. Apply in person at Garrison Bight Marina 711 Eisenhower Drive (Corner of Eisenhower Drive & Palm Avenue) Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 Inside Sales/Classifieds The Key West Citizen is looking for a Full Time Inside Sales Associate. Must have good people & phone skills. Dependable with excellent attention to detail. If you are interested, send resume to [email protected] or drop it off at the KWC office at 3420 Northside Drive. Attn. Tommy Todd POSITIONS AVAILABLE at *WESTIN KEY WEST* *SUNSET KEY* *WEATHER STATION* *BANANA BAY* and *BAYSIDE INN* Westin * Maintenance Staff * PM Houseman Sunset Key * Spa Receptionist * Retail Sales Associate The Key West Citizen’s creative department is looking for: The Key West Citizen’s creative department is looking for a: Full-Time Ad Designers Proofreader Afternoon Shift Job duties and requirements include: • Coordinate ad materials and files • Excellent organizational and customer service skills • Email proofs to sales reps • Make simple corrections on advertisements using Adobe InDesign Job duties and requirements include: • Design client ads and in-house promotions • Special sections layout and design • Prepare overlays for newspaper production • Assist with preparing classifieds • Proofreading Work in the exciting, fast-paced world of newspaper advertising using a Mac. The ideal candidate will be proficeint in Microsoft Word. InDesign knowledge and an eye for composition are helpful. Successful candidates will be comfortable using Macintosh publishing applications: Adobe InDesign, Photoshop and Illustrator. Excellent organizational and typing skills, attention to detail, the ability to work on multiple projects under deadline, schedule flexibility, and a positive, professional attitude are the keys to success. Layout and/or proofreader test required at interview. Please no phone calls. Interested applicants should forward resume as a PDF to Danette Baso-Silvers at: [email protected] 394122 ANNOUNCEMENTS 010....................................Public Notices 020............................Volunteers Wanted 030...............................................Travel 040.........................................Personals 050....................................Lost & Found 060..........................................Pets Found 230..............Help Wanted Middle Keys 240.................Help Wanted Upper Keys ® The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper (Did you catch the intentional typo? If so, email your resume today!) 394120 Layout test required at interview. Please no phone calls. Interested applicants should forward resume as a PDF to Danette Baso-Silvers: [email protected] 394121 12 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS * Licensed Esthetician + Previous applicants need not apply again. + Application hours are from 9am-3:30pm +Can also apply on-line to: hr@westinkeywestre- Drug Free Work Place An Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in Person 245 Front Street, Key West, FL 33040 Tel: 305-294-4000 Fax: 305-292-4348 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS BOOKKEEPER F/T M-F, Must know QuickBooks and Excel, and have good customer service skills. Please apply in person at 311 Margaret St. PLUMBER WANTED Shawn Hudgins Plumbing. Experienced Plumber. with good driving record. Call Shawn 305-797-5124 City View Trolley Now accepting application for Full & Part Time Sales Representatives. Bilingual is a plus. Apply at 105 Whitehead St. POSITIONS AVAILABLE at *WESTIN KEY WEST* *SUNSET KEY* *WEATHER STATION* *BANANA BAY* and *BAYSIDE INN* Westin * Maintenance Staff * PM Houseman Sunset Key *Painter *Restaurant Host + Previous applicants need not apply again. + Application hours are from 9am-3:30pm +Can also apply on-line to: [email protected] Drug Free Work Place An Equal Opportunity Employer Apply in Person 245 Front Street, Key West, FL 33040 Tel: 305-294-4000 Fax: 305-292-4348 The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS A-PLUS ROOFING Experienced Roofers and Helpers wanted Driver’s license helpful. 5686 Maloney Ave. 8am to noon. 305-296-2568. GUEST ROOM ATTENDANT Historic Key West Inns is seeking a Room Attendant. Position requires excellent cleaning ability & attention to detail. Good communication skills are required. Please apply at 725 Truman Ave. F/T Maintenance Key West Art & Historical Society has an immediate opening for FT maintenance. Must be multi-skilled, reliable, positive, a team player, motivated, and able to multi-task. Must be able to pass a background check, be drug-free, and provide 3 references. Competitive pay. Health & dental offered. Contact Jack at 305-731-6604. Rental Booth Agent Hydrothunder is looking for a professional rental booth agent for our scooter and car locations, must be a multi-tasker and people person for a high volume fast paced rental company. Apply at 601 Front St. Scooter booth with valid DL SALES ASSOCIATES Dion Quik Marts in Key West is currently accepting applications for both full and part-time 3rd shift (11pm-7am) Sales Associate position in key West. Qualified applicants will be energetic, positive, enjoy working with the public, and have a can-do-attitude. Applicants must be able to work nights and weekends and have 2-3 years previous retail. All interested candidates can stop by Dion Quik Marts at 1127 Truman Ave or Main Office 638 United Street and ask for Kristie Hernandez EOE/ Drug Free workplace Homegrown Knowledge November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 13 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS GUEST SERVICE AGENT NEEDED Historic Key West Inn is currently seeking a talented individual to fill a position at our front desk. Excellent sales and communication skills are a requirement. We offer a competitive starting salary, medical and dental benefits available. Must be able to work evenings and weekends. Apply at the Key Lime Inn, 725 Truman Avenue PIER HOUSE Looking for can do attitude! PT-Golf Cart Driver Engineer Night Auditor PT-Front Desk Service Coordinator Busser Food Runner Spa Agent Reservationist Email your resume to [email protected] or stop by 1 Duval St. to complete an application EOE Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 Ext. 3 CityView Trolley Tours Is seeking *Full or Part Time Trolley Tour Drivers *with CDL class C or higher Passenger endorsement preferred. $10 per hour to train, $13 per hour plus tips after certification. Drug and alcohol-free workplace Contact John at 305-896-9216 or apply at 105 Whitehead St. office to fill out application. Driver / Yardworker Overseas Lumber Supply Is now accepting applications for employment at our Big Pine facility. Applicant must have a current Class B CDL license, be able to load/unload building materials and work daily outside. This position is full time with competitive pay and excellent benefits. Apply in person at 30251 Overseas Hwy, Big Pine Key. EOE Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS MARINE MECHANIC To work with maintenance team in the Sanctuary. $38k/yr. For details/to apply visit Opening ID 508762 EOE SEBAGO WATERSPORTS Now accepting applications for full & part time front desk/reservationalist ($13/hour) Must be available Monday-Sunday 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Apply in-person at 205 Elizabeth St. or send resumes to [email protected] The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS 220 HELP WANTED LOWER KEYS SEBAGO WATERSPORTS Now accepting applications for full & part time commission based Sales Representatives Apply in-person at 205 Elizabeth St. between the hours of 1-3:30 p.m. CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT F/T Summerland Key. E-mail resume to: [email protected] EOE STOCKROOM CLERK /MERCHANDISER Artisans is hiring someone to organize and manage stock room inventory and assist with restocking and merchandising sales floor. Flexible schedule. Apply in person at 406 Duval St. The Inn At Key West *Lobby Ambassador *Front Desk Agent *Housekeeping Supervisor *Housekeeper *Houseman *Cook *Server *Lead Engineer Complete application at 3420 N. Roosevelt Blvd.or email: justinclark EOE 332 YARD SALES UPPER KEYS 849 ELLEN DRIVE 8am-Noon XL/XXL men’s clothing, women’s clothing, Christmas, household and much more 422 FURNISHED APTS. LOWER KEYS 1 BEDROOM 1 BATH Apartment furnished on canal in Key West $1800/month utilities included. Available 12/01/14 305-522-2133 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED 305.292.7777 14 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE 434 FURNISHED HOUSES LOWER KEYS 1 BR COTTAGE Gated 55+ community, appliances & storage shed. $6,500 rent yearly $35,000 OBO 843-422-5888 440 UNFURN. HOUSES LOWER KEYS 2 BEDROOM 2 BATH House in Key West on canal with boatlift $3000/month utilities included. Available 12/01/14 305-522-2133 Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 Ext. 3 446 WANTED TO RENT LOWER KEYS 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT WANTED Old Town , long tern lease 1-4 years plus . Retired female professor with 15 pound pup. Both apartment- raised. Negotiable. 850-837-6446. RENTAL WANTED For the month of February and March. Must have pool, first floor bedroom. $8,000 to $12,000. Please email [email protected] 452 VACATION RENTALS LOWER KEYS PLANNING YOUR TRIP TO KEY WEST? Historic Hideaways has been providing customers with Vacation Rentals for 25 years. Rent a private home or condo w/ pool for the same price as a hotel. Weekly, monthly or longer. Visit us in person at: 1109 Duval Street or or call at 800-654-5131. Full service property management. KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIED 464 STORAGE STORAGE Industrial Warehouses. Sizes vary. Storage Containers On our site or yours. Call (305)294-0277 520 HOMES LOWER KEYS BRAND NEW WATERFRONT Big Coppitt Key. 3BR/2BA, Call for details. 305-923-4153. VA SPECIAL IS BACK Brand new 3/2.. 0 down, 0 closing cost Low Insurance Call Joe Cleghorn 305-301-7110 305.292.7777 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Commercial For Sale Search All Key West and FL Keys Commercial RE and Businesses For Sale at 725 Caroline St. KW Seaport 5 Spaces Available 1,500 SF,150 Seat Restaurant. Call for details 6811 Shrimp Road 12,600 SF long-term Gov’t backed tenant. Excellent Investment 1007 Truman Ave. Reduced 4 Res.Units/2 Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 534 COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Commercial w/parking Professional Plaza Small Office Avail. 3-Commercial Unit Property Stock Island. Across from New CVS Ramrod Key Convenience Store 1/2 Acre on US-1, Com. Kitchen 6 Full Size Key West ROGO w/ Transient Licenses for Sale Dinner Cruise Business 30 Pas. Certified vessel included Big Pine Shopping Center Space Available , 1,200 SF Contact Claude J. Gardner, Jr. or Will Langley 305-766-3133, Prudential Knight & Gardner Realty # 1 in KEY WEST commercial sales and lease volume in 2013 and for the last 10 years combined. AUCTION On site Sat. Nov. 8th at 2:00pm, preview and registration starts at 12:00 noon 2409 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Key West Commerical waterfront building with 15 Offices Broker participation welcomed. Jacobson Auction Co. Contact Noah 305-360-6262 LIC# AB111/AU231 622 SUV’S FOR SALE 2006 HONDA CRV LX 62K Miles, Automatic, Great Condition, Clean Title $10,800 305-434-2313 654 TRAVEL TRAILERS 2005 6’X12’ TRAILER Single axel, side door and rear ramp door. $1,000 815-228-4650. 669 DOCKAGE/ STORAGE Oceanside 50’ Slip $800/mo. plus utilities. Available for long term lease. Call Jim 305-587-5411 Get results now! Advertise here! Call 292-7777 Local news... We’ve got you covered. Subscribe today and SAVE! (305) 292-7777 November 14, 2014 • Southernmost Flyer • 15 KEYSWIDE CLASSIFIEDS ARE NOW WORLDWIDE Delivered to doorsteps since 1876. Proud to be your daily newspaper. The Keys Only Online Daily Newspaper 16 • Southernmost Flyer • November 14, 2014 Readers Vote Voters Read If you’re looking to connect with voters… 84% of Democratic, 83% of Republican and 81% of Independent voters regularly read newspapers in print or online. Impressive online response! 51% of voters rate newspaper websites as reliable, accurate and in-depth for local political/civic issues. That’s more than all other websites. Now, as mobile usage emerges, 58% of voters who use mobile devices for political information use newspaper sources for that news. Seniority counts! The most reliable voting bloc, seniors, are frequent and regular newspaper readers - a whopping 84%. Surprise! 79% of young voters, 18-34, read a newspaper in print or online at least once a week. Even on mobile devices, young voters turn to newspaper sources first for campaign and election news. When it comes to reliable, accurate and in-depth information about local politics, newspapers - print and online - rank #1 Source: Moore Information (January 2012), American Voter Media Use …no other medium outperforms newspaper media Newspaper Association of America 4401 Wilson Blvd., Suite 900, Arlington, VA 22203 571.366.1000
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