בס"ד שבת פרשת נח Beis Medrash Ahavas Shalom HaRav Avraham Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav Oct 24/25 התשע״ה,א׳ חשון Lifecycles From The Rav’s Desk The Lifetime Project Condolences to Rebbetzin Zachariash on the loss of her uncle Haim Freeman. נ ַֹח ִאישׁ ַצ ִדּיק ָתּ ִמים ָהיָה ְבּדֹר ָֹתיו (ט:)בראשית ו We are standing after the yo mim nora’im, charged with emuna and bitachon in HaKadosh Baruch Hu. As we now look at Noach, ish tzad ik tamim b’dorosav, who tried to influence those around him to lead a proper life by following in the way of hashem. Yet, he was not successful. Not even ONE person was affected by his effort. We ask ourselves “Why? What was lacking? What went wrong?” ַה ּ ָמקוֹ ם ינ ֵַחם ֶא ְתכֶ ם ְ ּבתוֹ ך ְש ָאר אֲ ֵב ֵלי ִציוֹ ן וִירו ָּש ָליִם The Return of “Normal” Time Remember to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed Motza’ei Shabbos, as “summer time” ends Sunday at 2am. More Time Changes Be excited about being Torahtrue Jews I would like to offer a possible explanation: Chazal compare Noach to Avraham, those say that if he had been in a generation of Avraham, he would have been insignificant (Rashi quotes chazal: ואילו היה בדורו של )אברהם לא היה נחשב לכלום. How could we understand a person that HaKadosh Baruch Hu calls a “Tzaddik,” but Chazal refer to as “insignificant.” The simple understanding is comparatively (e.g. Noach was a tzad d ik compared to the men of his generation, but would not be a tzad d ik compared to the men of Avraham’s generation), but that also needs an explanation, because being a “tzaddik” is unbelievably far removed from being “כלום.” Avraham Avinu’s spent his life in an energetic quest to convert all people to the belief of monotheism—and he was successful, bringing them to Hashem in droves. Where did his success lie, and where did Noach’s failure lie? The answer to the question, I think, is found in understanding what it means not only to believe, but to be excited in what one is doing. Avraham Avinu did not need any signs from Hashem to reach out to the masses. Thus he was successful. Noach, on the other hand, though he was a tzad d ik , he was lacking that enthusiasm to affect people. Therefore, possible he was no successful. This Shabbos is a “world class” Shabbos, our opportunity to reach out and affect others. We should learn from Avraham Avinu’s example not only to go through the motions, but to actually be excited about being Torah-true Jews as the children of Avraham, we will definitely reap success. One should try to complete Mincha before sunset. Unfortunately, m incha has been running late many tmes on Friday afternoons in our kehilla. Therefore, with the Rav’s approval, the Vaad has changed the time of mincha on Friday to 18 minutes before shekiah instead of 17 minutes. Hopefully this will be sufficient time. Also, as the new winter zman is beginning, there will not be a maariv at 20:00. However, we will continue mincha at 20 minutes before shek iya and maariv at 20 minutes after shekiya. Both of this minyonim will take place in the new room, and not in the main shul. NOTE: The vaad is experimenting with new minyonim at these times due to the availability in the new room, but may withdraw the minyonim subject to demand. Finally, Mincha Gedola will now start at 12:45 Su-Th (12:30 Fr) throughout the winter. Shabbos Schedule Parshas Noach לוח שבת פרשת נח ערב שבת Erev Shabbos Mincha 2 17:43 Sh’kia 18:01 מנחה הדלקת נרות מנחה שקיעה Hashkafa - HaMabit 7:45 המביט- שיעור בהשקפה Brachos 8:00 Shochane Ad 8:25 Latest Shema – M. A. 8:52 ברכות שוכן עד סוף זמן ק"ש למג"א סוף זמן ק"ש לגר"א מנחה א׳ אבות ובנים מנחה ג׳ שקיעה מעריב א׳ מעריב ב׳ Mincha 1 Candle Lighting 13:30 17:21/17:41 יום השבת Shabbos Day Latest Shema – G’ra 9:37 Mincha 1 13:30 Avos u’Banim 16:15-17:15 Mincha 2 17:15 Sh’kia 18:00 Ma’ariv 1 18:37 Ma’ariv 2 19:00 הפרויקט נצחי (ט:נ ַֹח ִאישׁ ַצ ִדּיק ָתּ ִמים ָהיָה ְבּדֹר ָֹתיו )בראשית ו אנחנו עומדים כרגע לאחר הימים הנוראים – טעונים אמונה ובטחון " תמים היה בדורותיו, כשנסתכל על נח ה"איש צדיק.בבורא עולם .שנסה להשפיע על אחרים לעבוד את הבורא ? נשאל את עצמינו – למה. אבל לא הצליח,נסה ? מה חסר לנח ולמפעל הקירוב לבבות שלו אפשרות אחת היא כך – חז"ל משווים בין נח יש מרבותינו שאומרים שאילו.לאברהם אבינו .היה בדורו של אברהם לא היה נחשב לכלום איך נביו מאמר חז"ל זה ?! הרי הקב"ה העיד "עליו שהוא צדיק – הדרך מ"צדיק" ל"כלום ? ! היא ארוכה מאוד – אברהם אבינו עסק כל חייו בקירוב לבבות נשאל את עצמינו מהיכן נבעה.עסק והצליח הצלחתו ? ואיך משתווה הצלחתו לעומת כשלונו של נח ? ייתכן שהתשובה היא לא רק להאמין .בבורא עולם ובעבודתו אבל גם להתרגש מזה אברהם אבינו הדביק אחרים על ידי הרגש והדבקות שלו בקב"ה אבל נח לא התרגש ולכן .לא השפיע השבת הזאת היא ”שבת עולמית“ – הזדמנות להושיט יד ולהשפיע על בואו ונלמד מאברהם אבינו – לא רק לבצע את המצוות באופן.אחינו טכני – אלא לתת לאש הרגש לבעור גבוה בתוכינו – ובעז"ה נראה .הצלחה רבה אלא לתת לאש הרגש לבעור גבוה בתוכינו Avos uBanim Avos uBanim on Shabbos 16:15-17:15. Boys aged 3-7 learn for 30 minutes. Boys aged 7+ learn for 60 minutes. הצטרף עם קהילת אהבת שלום כדי להתחיל ולסיים את כל מסכת ראש השנה !20:30 סיום.19:30 - החל מ.במוצאי שבת You have an extra hour due to the end of Daylight Saving Time…What better way to spend this time than learning and having a siyum? Details: Just before 19:30 show up at Ahavas Shalom with a Mesechta Rosh Hashanah (we will have individual pages from www.e-daf.com if you don’t have). Pick a Daf to learn. Find a chavrusa (you can also learn alone) . Learn your Daf (You can learn more than one) and complete it by 20:29. At 20:30 the Rav will lead us in the HADRAN for Meschta Rosh Hashanah, and we will go home knowing that as a kehilla we had a major accomplishment on this night! Weekday times until Parshas Lech Lecha *New Room (ו׳Fri) (ה׳Thu) סעודה שלישית Open to all: Men, Women and Children Starting after the 2nd mincha (approximately 17:40) Shabbos Kiddush The Chasan Breishis Eliyahu Jacobs invites the entire kehilla to a gala SHABBOS ROSH CHODESH Kiddush, immediately following davening Shabbos morning. The holidays are behind us and the new zman is about to begin. Join the Ahavas Shalom Kehilla as we start and finish the entire Mesechta ROSH HASHANAH on Motza’ei Shabbos. Starting at 19:30. Siyum at 20:30! You’re Invited! Donations Start the Year with Rosh Hashanah Seudah Shelishis The Shabbos Project (ד׳Wed) Thank you to Avi Kehat for donating siddurim and seforim. Thank you to Jack Kalla for donating to the otzar seforim. NEW! Chassidus Chabura This past Thursday was the first meeting of a new English chabura for men led by Reb Chaim Shmuel Twerski, the grandson of Rabbi Dr. Abraham Twerski. The chabura will be a place for chabura members to give and get chizuk and to explore themes in chassid us, hashkafa, and avoda. The shiur will take place at approximately 21:15 in the Ezras Nashim (Maariv at 21:00). Want to find out more? Download the first Chabura from the Ahavas Shalom audio store at: store.ahavasshalom.org. (ג׳Tue) (ב׳Mon) (א׳Sun) יום שחרית מנחה מעריב 06:20,07:15, 08:15 06:20,07:15, 08:05 06:20,07:15, 08:05 06:20,07:15, 08:05 06:20,07:15, 08:05 06:20,07:15, 08:05 12:30,16:36 13:00, 15:15, 16:35* 13:00, 15:15, 16:36* 13:00, 15:15, 16:37* 13:00, 15:15, 16,38* 13:00, 15:15,16,39* 17:15*, 19:00,21:00 17:16*, 19:00,21:00 17:17*, 19:00,21:00 17:18*, 19:00,21:00 17:19*,19:00,21:00 HaRav Avraham Baruch Zachariash, Sh’lita, Rav 052-763-5938 Lev Seltzer, Chairman [email protected] 02-999-8923 Please do not read during Tefillah or Kriyas Hatorah Please keep the sanctity of this bulletin Main Ahavas Shalom list: [email protected] Address: 33 Nachal Lachish, Ramat Beit Shemesh, Israel www.ahavasshalom.org זמנים לימי חול עד שבת פרשת לך לך *חדר חדש Newsletter Contact: Send your lifecycle events, news, comments, etc. to [email protected]. Remember: If we don’t know about your event, we can’t publish it! נא לא לקרוא את העלון באמצע התפילה או בקריאת התורה נא לשמור על קדושת הדף
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