Senast uppdaterad: 2015-10-12 Omtentamen i januari: 4/1 – 7/1, 2015 Re-exams: January 4 – January 7, 2015 Tentamensanmälan: 11/11 – 9/12, 2015 Sign up period: November 11 – December 19, 2015 GU-students sign up via Ladok on Web. (If you can’t sign up for the exam via Ladok on web due to having an old course registration, please e-mail the Student Office during the sign up period). If you are registered on courses beginning with TIG or TIA, please contact the Department of Applied IT. ([email protected]) Chalmers-students sign up via The Chalmers Student Portal. What premises the exams will be held in is posted about an hour before the exam begin. At Johanneberg the notices will be posted in the entrance of the house displayed about a week before the start of the examination days. At Lindholmen the notices will be posted in the entrance of house Saga. Tentamens-lokaler: Exam halls: H = salar på Hörsalsvägen (gul tegelbyggnad på Hörsalsvägen) (Yellow brick building on Hörsalsvägen) M = salar i Maskinhuset (röd tegelbyggnad på Hörsalsvägen) (Red brick building on Hörsalsvägen) V = "Väg och vatten" in Bygg & Miljöteknik building, Campus Johanneberg J = Campus Johanneberg L = Campus Lindholmen Map: Tid: Time: FM = 08:30-12:30 EM = 14:00-18:00 Senast uppdaterad: 2015-10-12 GU Code * * DIT630 DIT201 DIT440 DIT842 * DIT270 DIT948 DIT276 DIT663 DIT027 DIT600 DIT980 * DIT061 DIT390 DIT847 CTH Code LEU061 TDA545 * DAT060 TDA555 DAT250 MCC091 TDA293 * DAT230/DAT231 EDA387 * TIN093/TIN092 * DAT093 EDA122 TDA383 DAT320 Course Datakommunikation Objektorienterad programvaruutveckling User interface and database design Logic in computer science Introduktion till funktionell programmering Software project and quality management Introduction to integrated circuit sytems Software engineering using formal methods Programming Requirements engineering Computer networks Distributed fault-tolerant programming Algorithms Diskret matematik för Datavetare Introduction to electronic system design Fault-tolerant computer systems Concurrent programming Software Quality Date 4/1 2016 4/1 2016 4/1 2016 4/1 2016 4/1 2016 4/1 2016 5/1 2016 5/1 2016 5/1 2016 5/1 2016 5/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 7/1 2016 Time FM FM FM EM EM EM FM FM FM EM EM FM FM FM EM EM EM EM Hall L H L M M L M H L L M L M J M M H J Responsible Ali Sahleson Magnus Myreen Alan Carlson Thierry Coquand Emil Axelsson Miroslaw Staron Lena Pettersson Wolfgang Ahrendt Musard Balliu Eric Knauss Elad Schiller Michal Palka Peter Damaschke Koen Claessen Lars Svensson Johan Karlsson Alejandro Russo Miroslaw Staron Info 5 timmar GU X CTH X
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