FEBRUARY 2015 NEWSLETTER Redeemer Lutheran Church 210 S. Oneida Mailing Address: 205 Hudson St. Green Bay, WI 54303 Phone: 920-499-1033 Website: www.redeemerlutherangb.com E-Mail: [email protected] __________________________ Redeemer Mission Statement We share with all people the good news of Jesus Christ, teaching faith and love. __________________________ Inside This Issue Church Council Minutes............... 2 Financial Update .......................... 3 Prayer List ..................................... 4 Church News ................................ 5 This ’n That .................................. 6 Bible Readings ............................. 6 Worship Volunteers ...................... 7 GBLSA Update .............................. 8 Birthdays, Anniversaries .............. 9 Upcoming Events ......................... 9 Official Acts ................................... 9 Calendar .....................................10 March Newsletter Deadline: All newsletter articles for March are due in the church office by Sunday, February 15, 2015. This newsletter is published monthly. Dear Friends in Christ, I recently received an email from a friend of mine from my previous parish. I really would like you to hear a portion of it. Darkness may best be defined as an absence of light; cold may best be defined as an absence of heat; and perhaps the decline of a nation may best be defined as the absence, or withdrawal, of God. Nature cannot tolerate a vacuum and neither will societies; as a void is created, something will fill it. As a nation drifts further from its spiritual moorings and away from the One True God, it leaves a vacuum that humanism, secularism and any other host of man-made “isms” rush in to fill. The hand of Providence pulls back, leaving only the evils which fill the heart of man; which then, man fashions into a god of his own image and making. Sir Alex Fraser Tyler, a Scottish jurist and historian, describes this vacuum in stages which are so subtle that one hardly recognizes the pull on their society until they are so sucked in that it would almost seem hopeless, in his writing of The Cycle of Nations. "From bondage to spiritual faith. From spiritual faith to great courage. From courage to liberty. From liberty to abundance. From abundance to selfishness. From selfishness to complacency. From complacency to apathy. From apathy to dependency. From dependency back again into bondage." A s the American people during the American Revolution embraced God and His divine Hand of Providence, so the French devoted themselves to secularism. The results of those revolutions and the societies which followed were vastly different. As America has left her spiritual moorings and has been embracing humanism and secularism, the destinations we seem to be heading for, if we are not careful, will be one in the same. America has refused to heed the warning of William Penn and is finding the truth of his words to be shackles around our liberties of today, including our religious liberties: A people who will not be ruled by God are destined to be ruled by tyrants. Jesus suffered, died and rose again to make us spiritually and eternally free. For over two centuries we have enjoyed great religious freedom as citizens in the United States. While no one can take away our spiritual and our eternal freedom, many are working hard to take away the civil religious freedom that we have taken for granted for too long. This is not about politics. But if we hold only to politics, and party lines, and do not focus on what we will lose in the effort to be “tolerant”, we will lose more freedom than we can imagine. If Islam rushes in to fill the vacuum, our civil freedoms as Christians will be stripped away completely. As Christian citizens we must remain ever vigilant and ever faithful to our Lord Jesus Christ, and steadfast and immovable when it comes to following Him. In Christ’s love, Church Council Meeting Minutes Redeemer Lutheran Church Church Council Meeting Minutes January 13, 2015 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Dan Schreiber at 6:30. Pastor opened the meeting with a devotion from Psalm 27. Introduction/Installation of new board members: All Board members introduced themselves. A motion was made by Jim Wirch to appoint Brad Van Lannen as Chairman-elect. Elmer Nienow seconded the motion and the motion was approved. Pastor’s Report: Pastor shared the Church attendance volumes for the month of December including Christmas Eve, Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve services. During the month of December there were (3) adult Bible classes, (3) Confirmation classes, (4) hospital visits, (5) shut in visits, (2) nursing home services, (2) counseling sessions, (2) jail visits. There were no new members or other membership changes made. There was one funeral (Ann Caldie: 12/2/14). Current baptized membership is 624; current communicant membership is 483. There was an Elders/ Executive Committee meeting on 12/2/14 and the Circuit Pastor’s meeting on 12/8/14. School Board Report: Tom Jablonski shared a booklet that he has put together regarding ideas for use of the school building. The booklet outlines the differences between pre-school programs and day care programs. It outlines all such programs in the Green Bay area. Tom shared that he has been working with Lloyd Carpenter regarding what it would take to get these programs up and running. Trinity Update: Brad shared information regarding The Love Boat Dinner and Gala to be held February 21, 2015; the Eagle Fund which kicked off in December; Trinity was mentioned in a news story which aired on NBC 26 and the open house which was held at Trinity on January 15, 2015. 2015 tuition fees were discussed. Board of Elders’ Report: The Board of Elders met on January 5, 2015. Discussion of “The 72,” an LCMS group of trained volunteers that helps congregations boost their outreach in their local communities and helps with member retention, was continued. The next step is to contact the group to let them know of our interest in meeting with them. Pastor Pett is in the process of completing an online contact form to start the process and will report back to the Board. Worship attendance was discussed and it was noted that attendance increased every week through the Advent season as members were attending both the Sunday and Wednesday services. The Board will be reviewing some historical attendance information in the future. There will be a new member class held in mid-February for several new members. There is still a need for at least two more Elders and there are several open Board positions for the congregation. Dates for the Elder weekend retreat were discussed. Board of Mission and Ministry Report: Pastor reported that the Advent Fellowship sponsored by the Board of Mission and Ministry went well as did the Giving Tree which sponsored St. John’s homeless shelter. Pastor reported that when the gifts were delivered to St. John’s shelter, they were very appreciative of the congregation’s efforts to support them. Board of Property Report: Perry Wegener reported the following: the school’s north entrance door will be installed soon; the downspout project is done- the landscaping and parking lot resurfacing will be done this spring/summer; water heaters are here for the front of Church and will be installed soon. The Board is still looking into the options of a chairlift/elevator. Chris Stewart has joined the Board. New officers for the Board include Perry Wegener- Board Chair; Jeremy Thyes-Vice Chair; Fidel Arellano-Secretary. Financial Updates: Mortgage LCEF balance is $372,725. Cougar LCEF balance is $41,417. Adopt a bill period ending 12/30/13 was $4,569.72. Adopt a bill for Fiscal Year 2014 was $5,139.49. There are 40 Adopt a bills that were picked up but not paid totaling $2,254.95. The checkbook balance as of 1-10-15 is $1,119.94. We were able to pay $6,000.00 back to the loan that we took from our own savings account. Old Business: Congregational Meeting Highlights: There are still several vacant positions open on the School Board, Board of Mission and Ministry and Board of Property. The revision to the Constitution to change Board members terms to 2 years; 2 terms max and the term of the Chair positions to 2 years in the role was given first approval at the recent Congregational meeting. We will need a second approval at the next Congregational meeting in order to make a final change to the Constitution. The Board of Elders had generated a final list of members to be removed from the church roster and it was put to a final vote and approval by the congregation. The Church Council needs to take another look at responses received from recent interviews regarding Redeemer’s Strategic Plan. The Council will discuss key 2 | FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Financial Report elements to be included in the plan (1-2 year plan and 3-5 year plan). “The 72”: Pastor completed the paperwork needed to start the process of working with this LCMS group. He did get an initial call from them and they discussed congregational needs. An application will be sent to us. Pastor reported that one of the steps that we will need to complete is a self study of our needs in the congregation. Options for use of School: A brief discussion was held regarding options for use of our school property. Ideas discussed were use as a warming shelter, pre-school/daycare; food/toiletry pantry; Ruby’s Pantry program. Ruby’s Pantry program is already in place in other parts of the state and would like to expand to the Green Bay area. In this program, pantry items are supplied and volunteers are needed to distribute them. A suggestion to send members of the Board of Mission and Ministry to Greenville WI to see Ruby’s Pantry in action was discussed. All of the aforementioned ideas will need further investigation and discussion. New Business: Discussion was held regarding the fact that new terms for Board members as defined by Constitutional changes will apply to current Board members/Chair persons. Pastor reported that Faith Lutheran is bringing in a new DCE and they have approached Redeemer to consider sharing this position with them. The DCE would take the lead in running Sunday School, VBS, Junior and High School programs as well as other areas of need in our congregational educational programs. Following a discussion, a motion was made to explore the possibility of bringing on a part-time (1/4 time for Redeemer) DCE in conjunction with Faith. The motion was seconded and approved. This will need to go to the Board of Mission and Ministry to develop a job description. It will also need to go to the next Voter’s meeting for discussion and approval. Pastor brought forth some information regarding an option for electronic giving in the form of a kiosk in the church entryway. Pastor has a pamphlet with more information. He will also check into the cost, etc. It was shared that Mary Pett is Redeemer’s delegate at N.E.W. Lutheran High School. The next Executive Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 10, 2015. The meeting was adjourned at 7:53 and closed with a prayer. Respectfully submitted, Jennifer Nehring Congregational Secretary FINANCIAL REPORT December 2014 offerings were $38,301, compared to $22,622 in November. Total December income was $44,024 including offerings, “Adopt a Bill”, debt reduction, and Thrivent choice. Total expenses paid were $48,304, including $7,598 repaid to our savings accounts. Fiscal year to date offerings total $140,879, compared to budgeted offerings to date of $141,750. As of the end of November our mortgage balance is down to $372,725 and the Cougar Care loan is down to $41,417. We had hoped to finish repaying the money we borrowed from our designated savings accounts in December, but our income was a little lower than predicted. Holiday offerings were down a bit but the main difference is that we received less from Thrivent programs. We are thankful that we are still current on our bills and obligations. Through November 2014, we have received $61,396 through our Partnership in Ministry (PIM) campaign which means we have received $12,279 (20%) to use for outreach activities to spread God’s Word, $24,558 (40%) toward projects (including security cameras, classroom renovations, chair lifts and parking lot resurfacing) and $24,558 (40%) to pay down the mortgage principal. The total amount pledged for the three year campaign was $101,348 so we have received about 60.6% of the amount pledged at the end of the first two years. For those who made a pledge there is a box toward the end of the statement which shows how much each had contributed as of the end of the calendar year. Respectfully, Susan Kupsky (outgoing) Financial Secretary REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 PRAYER LIST Prayer List International Concerns: Persecuted Christians Ebola Victims Undergoing Treatment: Nora Brown Haven Burris –friend of Jeremiah Goin Family Karen Clark –sister of Becki Larson Barbara Gapp-friend of Julie Zimmer Tom Gendill –brother-in-law of Joanne Pludeman Jim Greene Mary Groh Dale Hedtke –nephew of Cecilia Chlopek Bev Jablonski Don Kieweg Charlie Knuth-friend of Jeremiah Goin Mary Kramer –sister-in-law of Llew Kramer Tianna Lange Maria Pflueger-aunt of Carol Knapowski Chris Wagner-Shelia Ferron’s aunt Recovering: Marcella Antonneau Margie Bergelin Dee Davies –mother of Jill Kern Edmond Foral –father of Sheila Ferron Carol Knapkowski Marian Kiley –mother of John Kiley Ruth Kohn - mother of Joanne Pludeman Bev Larsen Brixon Martin - nephew to Darsi Nuske Dave Malueg Jean Palomino Lucille Schmidt Brenda Uhlig Jim Willams- brother of Becki Larsen Mike Williams –father of Becki Larsen Sandy Wilson –sister-in-law of Kiewegs Dorothy Zastrow Art Zoellner– brother of Lyndon Zoellner Ongoing Health Problems: Neal Anderson Paul Berntson - uncle of Christina Flores Donna Branch - mother of Mary Pett Marjory Holmes Ron Howard Helen Joslin Sue Kienitz - sister in law of Neal & Ann Anderson Tom Krahl –friend of Petts Frieda Landgraf Gladys Meath Josh Moede Sue Nehring 4 | FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Lila Schroeder - sister in law of Pat Taylor Charmaine Scott –mother of David Tucker Todd Valitchka Aiden Van Lanen Don Van Pay - Jim Delvoye Sr. stepfather Doug Vercauteren Larry & Bernice Vomastic School Ministry: N.E.W. Lutheran High School Trinity Lutheran School Missionary Overseas: Anne Davies Elliot & Serena Derricks Military Personnel Overseas: Tess Bogner Tyler Hischke –nephew of Steve & Linda Druckrey Blake Howard- grandson of Orvel & Vi Howard Ben Hurlbert Trent Lehrkind Marcus & Maggie Noll - friend of Tess Bogner Nick Olp - NEW Graduate in the Marines Adam Siekmann –grandson of Vernon & Joyce Siekmann Nathan Schroeder - nephew of Pat Taylor Cameron Wiese - grandson of Clyde Druckrey Updated 1-20-15 CHURCH NEWS As Pastor Pett and Jeremiah Goin had announced last spring, Huntin’ the Truth Ministries and Redeemer Lutheran Church Green Bay will be launching a chapter of Huntin’ the Truth here at Redeemer. We will be launching our chapter on March 7th 2015 with a game dinner held at the Redeemer Lutheran School Gymnasium. We are currently seeking donations of wild game like rabbit, pheasant, partridge, goose, elk, deer, bear, moose etc. to help with providing the meal. We will also gladly accept non-game related items for the dinner for guests who prefer to not eat wild game. We are also in need of desserts and side dishes. Huntin’ the Truth Ministries Green Bay WI Chapter will be grateful for any donations big or small; all will help. If you are interested in donating or volunteering to help with the dinner, contact Jeremiah Goin with any questions or donations at 920-412-1410 or [email protected]. and/or envelopes, or first-day covers. Send in the entire album, envelope or postcard. This does not include postal cards sold by the post office. An "old" card is usually from 1930 or before. HUNGER RELIEF FELLOWSHIP CLUB NEWS Redeemer Lutheran is collecting nonperishable food during Lent through March 22, 2015 Current special needs are cereal, soups, pasta, sauces, peanut butter, tuna, and juice. Also need boxed dinners (example: tuna and hamburger helper, macaroni and cheese), canned vegetables, canned fruit, instant potatoes, stew, cranberries, jelly, pancake mix, rice a roni, rice and dry beans, and cake mix. They can also use health and cleaning products such as laundry soap, toilet paper, household cleaners, hair shampoo, cream rinse, deodorant, feminine hygiene products, diapers, toothbrushes and toothpaste. If you are able to make a donation, please bring your donation to the church narthex entrance by March 22. 2015. North Wisconsin Stamp Program Since the Stamps for Mission program began in 1994, it has provided $12,582.64 to help spread the Gospel. Thank you to all who help provide the stamps for this program. The stamps are sold to stamp collectors. PLEASE NOTE: As of July 20, 2011, Christmas stamps will no longer be accepted as there is no market for them. You are encouraged to use commemorative stamps since as their value is 10-15 times more than common stamps. All commemorative stamps are now “forever stamps. Stamps may be placed in the stamp collection basket in the Redeemer church coatroom. Our all you can eat potato and buttermilk pancake breakfast will be February 8 from 8:30am to 1:00pm. We will also have porkies, applesauce, cheese, pies, coffee, milk and orange juice. Sign-up sheets are in the narthex. We appreciate any help you can offer. Upcoming event will be the Fish fry at Our Savior's on March 13 at 5pm. Watch the bulletin and March Newsletter for more information. RUMMAGE SALE Please save your items for the Spring Rummage Sale! ADULT MEMBERSHIP CLASS Green Bay Salvation Army will distribute your donations to the needy in our neighborhood. Pastor Pett will be teaching an adult membership class on Saturday, February 14th, 2015 from 8am to 4pm. Please see Pastor Pett or call the Church office at 4991033 to reserve your seat. CANCELLED POSTAGE STAMPS EAGLE FUND 2015 Guidelines for Gathering Stamps 1. Cut the stamps from envelopes with a 1/4" margin around the stamp. Be careful not to cut the stamp. The perforations must be perfect. 2. Do NOT pull or take the stamps from the envelope. 3. Commemorative U.S. stamps, denominations larger than first class postage, and foreign stamps are especially valuable. 4. Do NOT remove stamps from albums, older postcards Green Bay Trinity is a tremendous asset to our churches and their families, providing an affordable Christcentered high quality education to children in our community. Fundraising helps with the educational costs not covered through tuition and Association church support. Prayerfully consider helping to advance the mission of the Green Bay Lutheran School Association with a contribution today. Visit http:// greenbaytrinity.org to download a brochure. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 5 3 THIS - N -THAT MEN’S RETREAT If you did not sign up for the 2015 Men’s Retreat you still have time to do so. Let Jim know by February 8 that you would like to come. If you cannot make the whole weekend, we do have a Saturday only registration. The theme for this year’s retreat is, “The Samson Syndrome.” It is based on a book with the same name and was written by Pastor Mark Atteberry from Kissamee, Florida. Working with men from his own congregation, Pastor Atteberry sees many of the traits Samson had are the same traits men living in 2015 face in their every day lives. Here are some of these traits: disregarding boundaries that God has set; lust; big egos; taking foolish risks; intimacy; taking God’s blessings for granted; losing sight of God’s big picture; can’t figure out why God put us here on earth. Pastor Atteberry offers specific positive suggestions how men living in 2015 can overcome these traits by completely focusing their eyes heavenward as they face the problems of living in today’s world. Any questions about the retreat or last minute details regarding the retreat call Jim at 414-462-5871 or e-mail jnrberg67 @gmail.com 2015 CAMP LUTHER SUMMER REGISTRATION IS OPEN An exciting summer is planed for children PreK through High School. Register early for your favorite dates and housing locations. Camp Luther accepts registrations through our registration system at www.campluther.com. You can also register by fax or regular mail. Send your children or grandchildren to Camp Luther and watch them grow! TRINITY LUTHERAN SCHOOL LOVE BOAT CAPTAIN’S DINNER & GALA February 21, 2015 at the Riverside Ballroom, Green Bay There will be a silent auction, live auction, dinner, and a DJ. Tickets are $25 and can be purchased by calling 737-4780. Ask about the Captain’s Table. 2015 NEW LHS AUCTION FREEZING TEMPS! FROZEN TUNDRA! FREEZING TICKET PRICES!! N.E.W. Lutheran High School will be celebrating their 25th Annual Auction on Nov. 14,2015. This is a Legendary Event being held at Lambeau Field. The ticket prices are being held down to $50 per person for an extended time-March 1. They will then increase to $70 per person. Please call the high school and speak with Kristin Voskamp at 469-6810 or the website: www.newlhs.com. Each church in the association has committee members that can help you with getting your ticket as well. Redeemer Lutheran- Mary Pett 265-4635 ([email protected]). Don’t miss this exciting evening! A COLLECTION OF COMEDIES The NEWLHS Drama Department presents a Collection of Comedies!! Join us February 7th & 8th at 6:30PM at NEWLHS, for a laugh-out-loud good time. This year we are featuring 6 situational comedy plays… from DR. DEATH trying to blow up the most beloved state of Iowa to a couple of elderly women with a penchant for discussing their HEALTH ISSUES over dinner, you are sure to enjoy these HILARIOUS plays. Get your tickets at the door for $6/adult and $4/students & seniors. 6 | FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER Read The Bible in a Year February 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Genesis 4-7 Genesis 8-11 Genesis 12-15 Genesis 16-18 Genesis 19-21 Genesis 22-24 Genesis 25-26 Genesis 27-29 Genesis 30-31 Genesis 32-34 Genesis 35-37 Genesis 38-40 Genesis 41-42 Genesis 43-45 Genesis 46-47 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Genesis 48-50 Exodus 1-3 Exodus 4-6 Exodus 7-9 Exodus 10-12 Exodus 13-15 Exodus 16-18 Exodus 19-21 Exodus 22-24 Exodus 25-27 Exodus 28-29 Exodus 30-32 Exodus 33-35 REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 4 | SEPTEMBER NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 7 Kathy Bongel Fidel Arellano Kristin Arellano Gerald Pludeman Lorin Sternberg Jeremiah Goin Usher Usher Usher Marion Schmeling Dolores Schulz Shirley Strehlow Altar Guild SCRIP Polly Nienow Altar Guild Helen Baldwin Joanne Pludeman Cindy Pfister Altar Guild Altar Guild Mallory Walton Acolyte Jaelyn House Craig Hurlbert Doug Siebert Lay Reader Corey Laatsch John Kiley Andy DeGrave NONE Sacristan Usher Lori DeGrave Polly Nienow Kathy Miller Greeter Helen Hazaert >>> >>> >>> >>> Nick Ahtonen Stewart Dan Mannisto Chris Fred John Carl Hazaert Fred John Mike DeGrave Elmer Nienow Ron Miller Dan Mannisto 8:45am Greeter 6:30pm 8-Feb Bryan Nehring 10:45am 8:45am 4-Feb Doug Siebert 1-Feb 1-Feb Elder Date >>> >>> >>> >>> Emilie Pludeman Llew Kramer 10:45am 8-Feb Janet Groh >>> >>> >>> >>> Jaci Mannisto Mae Aprill Bud Aprill Tristen Tucker NONE Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Jeff Goin 6:30pm 11-Feb Cindy Pfister >>> >>> >>> >>> Michelle Larsen Tim Radtke Jim Martin Jim Wirch Susan Kupsky NONE Pat Taylor Grace Ebert Jim Wirch 8:45am 15-Feb Andrew Pludeman 10:45am 15-Feb Mae Aprill >>> >>> >>> >>> Mattie Zimmer SELECT NONE Tom Meath Laurie Zoellner Lyndon Zoellner Lyndon Zoellner 3:30pm 18-Feb Cindy Pfister >>> >>> >>> >>> Justin Mannisto Jeremiah Goin Lorin Sternberg Gerald Pludeman NONE Mark Sprague Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Jim Wirch 6:30pm 18-Feb Janet Groh >>> >>> >>> >>> Emily LeCleir Kristin Arellano Fidel Arellano Christopher Hazen Kathy Bongel Kristina Hazen Perry Wegener Tim Radtke Gary Behnke Tim Ahtonen 8:45am 22-Feb FEBRUARY REDEEMER WORSHIP VOLUNTEERS >>> >>> >>> >>> Bridgett Uhlig Llew Kramer Helen Hazaert Sharon Strehlow Rachel Strehlow Faith Rafferty SELECT NONE NONE Polly Nienow Elmer Nienow Jeff Goin 10:45am 3:30pm 22-Feb 25-Feb Jodie Ellingson >>> >>> Jaelyn House Mark Sprague Harold Sisel Curt Moede NONE NONE Carol Hoffman Jack Hoffman Lyndon Zoellner 6:30pm 25-Feb Green Bay Lutheran School Association GBLSA and Green Bay Trinity Update MERCY FOREVER “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45 The theme for the 2014-15 school year at Green Bay Trinity, as well as the theme for Lutheran Schools week which was held the week of January 26th, is “Mercy Forever”. Throughout the school year this theme has been put into action via visits to local nursing homes, letter writing campaigns, participating in Operation Christmas Child and decorating Christmas ornaments for display at the National Railroad Museum. Another opportunity in the coming months will be participation in the “Old Glory Honor Flight” program. Stay tune for photos from these exciting service opportunities the students have taken part in during the year and from activities held as part of Lutheran Schools week. REGISTRATION FOR NEXT YEAR Do you know someone who is looking to provide their child(ren) with a high-quality, Christ-centered education? Encourage them to check out Green Bay Trinity by visiting greenbaytrinity.org or contacting our Admissions Counselor at [email protected] or 465-4673 to set up a tour! Registration for the 2015-16 school year is underway with a registration fee of $100 per child ($300 family maximum) until April 1st. After April 1st the fee increases to $150 per child ($450 family maximum). CAPTAIN’S DINNER AND GALA This year’s auction is fast-approaching and Saturday, February 21 will be here soon. Have you gotten your tickets? Tickets can be purchased for $25 at any of the Association churches. Interested in being a sponsor of this exciting extravaganza? Individual sponsorships are available for $250 and include to tickets with seating at the Captain’s Table, a commemorative gift, entry into an exclusive drawing and VIP checkout service. Perhaps you know a business owner that would be interested in building awareness for their company. A tremendous opportunity is available for them in the form of a $1000 corporate sponsorship and includes a half-page ad in the auction booklet, as well as recognition during the event. Visit greenbaytrinity.org , the Taste of Trinity Facebook page (facebook.com/ tasteoftrinity) or email [email protected] for more information. EAGLE FUND 2015 One of our most important fundraisers of the year, Eagle Fund is currently underway. The Eagle Fund is a key component to the Green Bay Lutheran School Association being able to provide an affordable, Christ-centered, highquality education experience at Green Bay Trinity Lutheran. By providing an affordable opportunity to parents in the Green Bay area, we can help them raise up faithful disciples that are a shining example in a sin-darkened world. Pick up a brochure today or download one at greenbaytrinity.org and prayerfully consider giving a gift to the Eagle Fund today. Your gift will help us in reaching our goal of $50,000 by May 1st. February GBLSA Board Meeting The next meeting of the GBLSA Board of Directors is scheduled for February 23 at 6:30 pm. If you would like to address the Board, please contact me to be placed on the agenda. As always please keep the Association and Green Bay Trinity in your prayers, asking that God would guide us to do His will. God’s Blessings! Brad Van Lanen GBLSA President [email protected] 8 | FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 3 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Happy Anniversary! February February David Eichman Jaden Goin Lucille Schmidt 3 Eric Eichman Johanna Forrest Jennifer Woller 4 James Delvoye Enix Scheidt 5 Fred John 6 Amanda Kralovetz 7 Dolores Mueller 8 Jaelyn House Dan Schreiber 9 Michele Nooyen 10 Shelley DeGrave Eugene Priem 11 Brooke Frisque Shannon Gerczak 13 Heidi Kramer Marcus Kramer 14 Terry Reeder Gerald Thyes 15 Ronald Kupsky 17 Edward Groh Timothy Plischke 19 Darrel Eichman Jill Kern Kathy Kieweg Susan Kupsky Margaret Ulrich 20 Samantha Strehlow 21 Brielle Goin Jaci Mannisto 22 Teresa Hurlbert 24 William Schuessler Montana Walton 25 Jeff Busarow Jeffrey Hoffman 26 James Delvoye Bette Woodhouse 27 Katrina Kramer 28 Danielle Wauters 6 Carl & Helen Hazaert 15 Bill & Jean Borchardt 16 Orvel & Violet Howard 23 Gary & Sheila Ferron 23 Jacob & Arlene Koivisto 1 2 Upcoming Events Feb 8 Feb 13 Feb 18 Apr 5 at 6:40 & 8:45am Apr 24 & 25 Porkie/Pancake by Fellowship Club Boys Basketball Tournament Ash Wednesday Easter Services Tentative Rummage Sale Official Acts Released by Congregational Vote: Randy & Debra Breecher, Tasha Breecher, Thomas Breecher, Cheryle Cheslock, Ignacio Fredrickson, Ishmael Fredrickson, James Goltz, Adam Goltz, Timothy Goltz, Andrew Goltz, John Goltz, Charles & Melody Grutza, Melanie Grutza, Emily Grutza, Carly Grutza, Corey Grutza Joshua Grutza, Tony Hansen, Dustin Hansen, Nicole Hansen, Jerry Hardtke, Marcella Huens, Ashley Jones, Jesse Jones, Lisa Kabacinski, Diana Kain, Kimberly Kain, Enola Vue, Lucky Vue, Bobbi Kaye, Christine Kelly, Nicholas Husnik, Benedict & Elaine Kontny, Kayla Lardinois, Kyle Lardinois, Christopher Lewis, Joshua Lewis, Leonard & Bonnie Lutzow, Suzanne Matzke, Wendy Matzke, Mason Dixon, Thomas & Lisa Miller, Scott Miller, Alex & Aileen Moreaux, William & Katrina Moreaux, Nathan & Nicole Peters, Tristan Peters, Lawrence & Cheryl Pleau, Eric & Laura Reimer, Ethan Reimer, Logan Reimer, Wyne & Marianne Reimer, Tracy Rojas, Kayla Rojas, Leah Rojas, Jaden Thomas, John Rutter, Mark Schley, Shawn Schley, Sheena Schley, Debra Schubring, Paul & Jenny Schulz, Deborah Sorenson, April Schmidt, Christopher Schmidt Church Office Hours: Monday –Thursday 8am to 2pm Friday 8am to 1pm Note: The Church office is located in the school building. REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH | 9 10 | FEBRUARY NEWSLETTER 17 6:00 p. Mission & Ministry 6:15a.-9p. Public Vote No 9:30 a. Bible Study 16 Presidents Day 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Rehear No. Ladies Craft No 9:30 a. Bible Study 24 10 9:30 a. Bible Study 6:00 p. ExecuCom 9 No Handbell Rehea No Choir Rehear 8 8:30 a.- 1 p. Pancake serve 8:45 a.Worship w/com. 9:30 a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/ comm 7:30a. Kitchen open 15 8:45 a. Worship 9:30 a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship 23 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 7:15 p. Choir Rehear 3 9:30 a. Bible Study 6:30 p. Sch Bd Mtg. 6:30 p. Bd Property Mtg 2 Ground Hog Day 6:00 p. Handbell Rehea 6:30 p. Elders Mtg 7:15 p. Choir Rehear 1 Super Bowl 6:30ET 8:45 a. Worship 9:30 a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship 22 8:45 a. Worship/Com 9:30 a. Sun. School 9:55 a. Bible Study 10:45 a. Family Worship w/Com Tues. Mon. Sun. 25 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day 3:30 p. Lent Worship 4:15 p. Lent Meal – Felllowship Club 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Lent Worship No 7:45 p. Bible Study 18 Ash Wed 3:30 p. Lent Worship w/com 4:15 p. Lent Meal - RWCS 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Lent Worship w/com No 7:45 p. Bible Study 11 9:00 a. Bethesda Wk Day 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p. Worship 7:45 p. Bible Study 4 9:00 a. Christian Ser Proj 4:30 p. Confirmation Class 6:30 p.Worship w/com 7:45 p. Bible Study Wed. 26 19 12 5 Thurs. Contact Grace Ebert at 469-8291 or [email protected] - to reserve dates, rooms, property, etc - for the most current information. - to provide your additions and corrections 27 20 13 6 Fri. 28 21 14 Valentine Day 8 a.-4 Adult Membership Class $$$$$ 7 8:00 a. Pancake prepare 6:30 p. game night Sat. February, 2014 This printed calendar is current through the print date. It is subject to updates after the print date.
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