BØKER SELGES! Jeg er en masterstudent som selger alle mine

Jeg er en masterstudent som selger alle mine bøker til halv pris av det de ble kjøpt for. Er du interessert i
en eller flere bøker, ta kontakt på sms: 960 13 956, eller email: [email protected]
1. Introduction to computing systems, from bits & pieces to C and beyond, Second edition
Yale N. Patt, Sanjay J. Patel
2. The C programming language, Second edition
Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie
3. Algorithms in C, Parts 1-4, Third edition
Robert Sedgewick
4. Algorithms in C, Part 5, Third edition
Robert Sedgewick
5. Computer organization and design, the hardware/software interface, Fourth edition
David A. Patterson, John L. Hennessy
6. Modern operating systems, Third edition
Andrew S. Tanenbaum
7. Protected mode software architecture
Tom Shanley
8. Computer networking, a top-down approach, Sixth edition
James F Kurose, Keith W. Ross
9. Database system concepts, Sixth edition
Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan
10. Parallel programming, techniques and applications using networked workstations and parallel
computers, Second edition
Barry Wilkinson, Michael Allen
11. Distributed systems, Principles and paradigms, Second edition
Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen
12. Distributed systems, Concepts and design, Fifth edition
George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair
1. Gyldendals formelsamling i matematikk
2. Matematisk formelsamling, Karl Rottmann
3. Matematikk i praksis, 4. utgave
Tor Gulliksen
4. Sinus matematikk – forkurs
Tore Oldervoll, Odd Orskaug, Audhild Vaaje
5. Lineær algebra, kort og godt – Rolf Nossum
6. Elementary linear Algebra, 10th edition
Howard Anton, Chris Rorres
7. Discrete mathematics and its applications, Sixth edition
Kenneth H. Rosen
1. Statistikk for universiteter og høyskoler, 2. Utgave
Gunnar G. Løvås
1. Organisasjon og organisering, 6. utgave
Tor Busch, Jan Ole Vanebo, Erlend Dehlin
2. Målrettet prosjektstyring
Erling S. Andersen, Kristoffer V. Grude, Tor Haug
1. Sams teach yourself Android application development in 24 hours, Second edition
Lauren Darcey, Shane Conder
2. Coding 4 fun, 10 .NET programming projects for Wiimote, World of Warcraft, Youtube, and more
Dan Fernandez & Brian Peek
3. The oracle hacker’s handbook
David Litchfield
4. Hacking, digital media and society series
Tim Jordan