ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH Lakeville, Minnesota | ENDS AND MEANS - FR. TOM WILSON The human condition, probably from the very beginning, has had conversations about goals and means to obtain them. We decide what we would like to see happen and then establish a strategy for getting to the objective. Depending on who you ask and depending on the goal, people will give different answers to questions about what means are permissible to get to a desired end. We examine the proportional importance of the objective in light of the process to get there and make a determination whether we believe it will work and if it is worth it. I remember getting conversation years ago when a doctor who Son ofinto Goda serious Moviemoral in Theaters Now! was instrumental in convincing Congress of the necessity of partial birth abortion The first major motion picture on the complete life of Jesus came out months after his testimony and said he had flat out lied about data Christ in nearly 50 years is in a theatre near you just in he presented in his time testimony (much like the original advocates for abortion in the for Lent. Son of God is in local theaters now.1960’s). His conscience bit him and he told the truth. It was reported on about page six of the national section of the newspaper. revelation nothing Please note that this His movie is ratedmeant PG-13. Due to to those the in-who got what they wanted in the testimony and from Congress. For them, it was so important tense portrayal of the Crucifixion, the scourging and severto prevent any restrictions on abortion that lying to Congress was a necessary al sequences of violence in the movie Son of God, some step to achieve the desired end. Thebe endinappropriate justified the means. material may for children under 13. This is a real example, but the moral case is very easy because both the ends and the means are reprehensible. It gets much more complicated when the ends appear to be so good and the path to get there so overwhelming that people consider doing whatever it takes to achieve the end. That’s the place many people involved in public policy discussions and decisions find themselves. It was revealed last week that a key person involved in constructing the law and advocating for health insurance overhaul in 2010 publicly announced in multiple places that lack of transparency was necessary to get it passed, that the law was deliberately written to obfuscate its real costs, and that people were told that certain things would not change that the advocates knew would. It was a clear example of the end justifying the means. The advocates deemed insurance regulation changes to be so important and the noble goal of reducing or eliminating uninsured people so necessary that it was okay to shield the truth about the law from the people and likely Congress for the noble end of getting it passed. We are now on a similar collision course of ends and means in public policy discussion about immigration in our country. Very few would argue that change doesn’t need to happen to make a broken system work better and treat people with appropriate dignity. The way it happens, however, is the boiling point. As the executive branch prepares to change the laws unilaterally if Congress does not, we are faced with a national ends and means question. Is it worth getting better policies in place at the risk of challenging the Constitution’s separation of powers? The policy needs to be debated and altered, but how it is done could have significant ramifications of how we are governed in the future and everyone involved needs to measure not just the immediate consequences but the long term ones as well. The relatively little public reporting or discussion on these matters suggest that for many in the media this is just the way it’s done and that it is no big deal. Whatever it takes to get the policy in place is what will be done. But as Catholics, and I would argue as Americans, how it happens is just as important as what happens. It is a bedrock moral principle that one can never use an evil means to a good end. It is a good principle. We can see in the growing lack of trust in government and other institutions that people are upset about the means that are used in systems. It’s up to us to be voices in the process that no matter what happens, the ends do not justify the means. Challenging a system in which the ends justify the means is de facto accepted can be a unifying and rallying point for people of goodwill who disagree on the ends, but should agree on the means. 1 November 1997 (the Feast of Christ the King) marks the 17th anniversary of the day we moved into our beautiful ‘church on the hill.’ All powerful and ever-living God, fill this church with your love and give Your help to all who call on you in faith. May the power of Your word and sacraments in this place bring strength to the people gathered here. Opening prayer at Church Dedication. Advent Family Workshop Monday, Nov. 24 at 6:30 PM Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service November 26 at 7:00 PM Cross of Christ Community Church Read More - Page 2 Armful of Love Christmas Service Projects Read More - Page 3 Senior Christmas Event Read More - Page 4 Sunday Bulletin for LITURGY & WORSHIP Saturday, November 22 Rv 11:4-12/Lk 20:27-40 8:00 AM Marissa Dybedahl 5:00 PM † Rita Huppert Sunday, November 23 Ez 34:11-12, 15-17/1 Cor 15:20-26, 28/Mt 25:31-46 7:30 AM † Donald McGuire 9:00 AM Parishioners of All Saints 11:00 AM Parishioners of All Saints 5:30 PM † Loraine White Monday, November 24 Rv 14:1-3, 4b-5/Lk 21:1-4 7:30 AM Molly Brackins Tuesday, November 25 Rv 14:14-19/Lk 21:5-11 7:30 AM Allyn & Dee Eaves 6:30 PM † Arthur Lombard Wednesday, November 26 Rv 15:1-4/Lk 21:12-19 7:30 AM Joe & Catherine Brennan † Thursday, November 27 Rv 18:1-2, 21-23; 19:1-3, 9a/Lk 21:20-28 9:00 AM Happy Thanksgiving Danielle Goodfellow Thanksgiving Day Mass Annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service Wednesday, November 26 We are pleased to announce that this year’s annual Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service will be hosted at Cross of Christ Community Church located at 8748 210th Street West in Lakeville on Wednesday, November 26 at 7:00 PM. Pastor Paul Marzahn from Crossroads Church will be the guest speaker. This will be a traditional Word Service with choral music. We will partake in Sacred Scripture and words of wisdom from the Pastor. Please mark your calendar. This is a wonderful way to begin your Thanksgiving holiday weekend. Participating churches include All Saints Catholic Church St. John’s Lutheran Church Crossroads United Methodist Church Cross of Christ Community Church The Parish Office will close at 4 PM on Wednesday, November 26. The Parish Office will also be closed on Thanksgiving Day & Friday, Nov. 28. Here’s wishing everyone a very safe and blessed Thanksgiving! Friday, November 28 Rv 20:1-4, 11--21:2/Lk 21:29-33 7:30 AM † Marian & James Warmka Saturday, November 29 Rv 22:1-7/Lk 21:34-36 8:00 AM Ray & Alyssa Sumption 5:00 PM † Edwarda Keller Sunday, November 30 Is 63:16b-17, 19b; 64:2-7/1 Cor 1:3-9/ Mk 13:33-37 7:30 AM † Ray Seurer 9:00 AM Parishioners of All Saints 11:00 AM Parishioners of All Saints 5:30 PM † Alyssa Ettl PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION As we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, it offers us an opportunity to give thanks to the Lord for the many gifts He has provided for us! Please consider signing up for a scheduled hour of adoration each week! Open adoration hours available to all parishioners will be limited to only a short period after the morning Masses on Thursday November 27 and Friday November 28 since all parish offices will be closed. Come spend an hour with Jesus! He shows His pleasure with Perpetual Adoration by bestowing many blessings through it! If you are interested in adoration or need more information, contact 2 Jerry Daily at 952.891.2684 or at [email protected]. Thanksgiving Prayer Almighty God, you bring forth bountiful food from the earth that our loved ones may never grow hungry. For this, we give thanks. You give us families that meet at this time to reunite and be one with each other. For this, we give thanks. You have let us live in a land that has unbridled opportunity and unparalleled freedoms. For this, we give thanks. For those who are hungry today, we pray for their fulfillment. For families that are separated, we pray for their unity. And for people who live in the midst of persecution, we pray for their deliverance. We ask all these things through Christ, our ever-risen Lord. Amen. DON’T FORGET TO TURN IN YOUR COMMITMENT CARD Our annual Stewardship Renewal continues as we are still accepting your Commitment cards. If you haven’t returned your Commitment Card, you still can mail it to the parish, drop it in the collection basket or turn it in at the Parish office. Returning your card is an important part of being an active member of All Saints. Please take this opportunity to express your support for our parish with your time, talent, and treasure! EDUCATION & FORMATION POINSETTIA PLANT SALE TO BENEFIT SCHOOL All Saints Catholic School is sponsoring a Poinsettia plant sale. Poinsettia plants are available in three colorsred, white or pink, and two sizes--6 or 8 inch plants. Prices are $15 for the 6 inch and $25 for the 8 inch. Orders will be taken in the Church Lobby after all Masses this weekend - November 22/23. Plants will be delivered to the school for pickup Friday, December 5 from 2:00 - 6:00 PM in Murphy Hall. The proceeds of the sale will be used to enhance the technology within our school. Please help to support our school and order your holiday plants. FIRST RECONCILIATION Congratulations to all of the children who made their First Reconciliation last weekend!! We will continue to keep you in our prayers as you continue preparing for the beautiful Sacrament of First Eucharist in May. JUSTICE & SERVICE END POVERTY ONE COMMUNITY AT A TIME Founded by the U. S. Bishops in 1970 as the Catholic Church’s domestic anti-poverty agency, the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD) is dedicated to breaking the cycle of poverty by funding community programs that encourage independence and self-sufficiency. Each year in November, our bishops ask us to contribute to CCHD. Your donations will give those in poverty the support they need to make lasting changes. More information about CCHD is available at Contributions for CCHD can be placed in the regular Sunday collection between now and December 1. Envelopes for this collection are part of our parish envelope mailing. Additional envelopes and more information are available in the Gathering Space for the next few weeks. (Make checks payable to “All Saints.” The parish will forward the funds.) Your support helps end poverty one community at a time. CHRISTMAS OUTREACH SERVICE PROJECTS Remember to bring your Armful of Love and Gifts of Love gifts in by 5:30 PM on Sunday, December 7. (Those sponsoring families should bring packages in by Thursday, December 4.) Many hands are needed to help with sorting of the Armful of Love gifts on Sunday, December 7 in the Gathering Space after the 5:30 PM Mass. Details about all of our service projects can be found on the flyer available by the tree in the Gathering Space and on the parish website. There is still plenty of time to get involved. Service projects for Joseph’s Coat and Sharing & Caring Hands will continue through Monday, December 15. GIVE TO THE MAX DAY THANK YOU!! On Thursday, November 13 during Give to the Max Day, over 100 donors donated $8,400 plus a matching gift to fund the development of a parish and school website and to help increase communication to our parishioners. This is the second year we participated in this statewide event and we are very grateful to everyone who made a donation. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for All Saints Catholic Church & School. ADVENT BOOK STUDY Come join us in reading and discussing Prayer for Beginners by Peter Kreeft which is one of the "Rediscover: Book Club" books. We will have morning groups on Tuesdays mornings 9:15-11:15 AM on December 2, 9, & 16, and have one or more Thursday evening groups, 6:30-8:30 PM on December 4, 11, & 18. If enough interest, other times may also be offered. Cost for book is $10. (Free if you have your own copy.) Childcare is available on Tuesday mornings. You can register at the Parish Office, contact Mike at 952.469.6480 or [email protected]. The forms are also on the parish website. ALL SAINTS NEXT BIBLE STUDY Will be on Colossians using "Ignatius Catholic Study Bible"materials. Its five sessions will go from January to early February on Tuesday mornings, 9:15-11:15 AM starting January 6, and also offered on Thursday evenings, 6:30-8:30 PM starting January 8. Sessions include small group discussions and closing presentations (talks by Mike V.). The first session will provide an introduction and materials. The cost is $15 (some scholarship funds available). Childcare is available on Tuesday mornings-recommended $3 per child per session. You can email or call Mike, [email protected] or 952.469.6480, to let him know you are coming, or complete a registration form at the Parish Office. 3 [email protected] SUPER SATURDAY SERVICE DAYS IN ADVENT As we enter this Advent season, please consider participating in one of our Super Saturday Service Day projects in December. On December 13, help pack food at Feed My Starving Children. This Advent help pack meals for those in need around the world. Choose either 9-11 AM or 11:30-1:30 PM in online signup. On December 20, share the holiday spirit with residents at Trinity Care Center by helping to make Christmas cards and caroling. Advance sign up is needed. All ages are welcome although we encourage youth to be middle school age or older unless accompanied by a parent. Please see the Super Saturday page on the website for more details. Come and help everyone have a blessed holiday! SUPPORT AND RESOURCES FOR THOSE SEEKING EMPLOYMENT The Job Transition Group at Easter Lutheran Church in Eagan offers help, training, and encouragement to job seekers. ( This group meets weekly, on Tuesday mornings from 7:30 - 9:00 AM at Easter on the Hill (at corner of Diffley Road & Pilot Knob Road). PARISH LIFE AT ALL SAINTS KC PANCAKE BREAKFAST Please bring your appetite with you when come to church on Sunday, November 23. The KC’s will be serving a delicious breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs, juice and coffee after the 7:30 | 9:00 | and 11:00 AM Masses. We will be serving real eggs. A blind taste test at the last breakfast selected them 100% of the time.A free will donation will be accepted at the door. Suggested donations are: Adults—$6.00 | Seniors - $5.00 | Children 6-12 years old - $4.00 | and children under the age of 5 are free, with a $25 maximum for immediate family. You and your family can enjoy good food, wonderful fellowship & and help support this event. We hope to see everyone there! ADVENT FAMILY WORKSHOP will be on Monday, November 24, 6:30-8:00 PM in Murphy Hall. Come for stories, traditions, treats, making of Advent wreaths, and more. If possible, please bring work gloves and pruners, plus a plate of cookies to share. Please pre-register by Thursday, November 20, by contacting Mike Vievering at [email protected] or 952.469.6480. Cost: $5.00/family. CUB SCOUT WREATHS Pack 260 will be selling wreaths outside the Teacher’s Lounge after all Masses on Saturday & Sunday, November 29/30. The Pack appreciates you buying these wreaths to support this year’s activities. PARISH ADVENT RETREAT All are invited to our parish Advent Retreat on Tuesday, December 2. We will begin with our parish Mass in Church at 6:30 PM. The retreat continues with an inspiring talk by Fr. Marcus Milless. The closing prayer will conclude by 8:30 PM and refreshments will follow. No pre-registration. Free-will offering. Sorry, no childcare. If questions, call Mike at 952.469.6480. CHRISTMAS MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Bring the best marriage possible into the Christmas season by attending the December 6-7 Marriage Encounter. Weekends are held at Mt Olivet Conference and Retreat Center in Farmington. Visit for a listing of additional retreats or call 651.454.3238. LOOKING FOR HOST FAMILIES Open your heart to 10 and 11 year old children from Northern Ireland this summer. Children’s Program of Northern Ireland is looking for Host Families for the Summer of 2015. Children will arrive at the end of June for five weeks. If your family or someone you know is interested in hosting please contact us for more information. Please call (651) 405-1108 or email [email protected]. ROSARY REPAIR If you need rosaries repaired, please contact Joyce at 651.423.1506 or email [email protected]. They can be left in the church office with her name on them. Please include your 4 name/contact number so you can be contacted once repaired. SENIOR EVENT NOTICE Bring your Christmas cheer and voice to the 55+ Christmas Holiday Breakfast. The event will take place after the 8:30 AM children's Mass. It will be held in the Dining Room where you can enjoy coffee while meeting old friends and newcomers. Breakfast will be served at 9:30 AM with entertainment by Larry McCaghy. Cost is $15. Register in the Parish office by December 8 by 12:00 noon. Questions? Please call Laurie at 952.469.3464. UNIQUE IRELAND PILGRIMAGE FOLLOWING THE IRISH SAINTS Along with many popular Irish sightseeing experiences, this journey will be an opportunity for a small group of Catholic women to follow in the steps of Ireland’s saints and learn about the history of Christianity in Ireland. With prayer, reflection and pilgrimages of sacred places the pilgrim will be able to discover the spirituality within themselves with study of the Celtic virtues. Daily Mass, a one day retreat and many exceptional experiences will be included. This pilgrimage is scheduled for September 4-16, 2015. Deposits will be due in March 2015 and space is limited! Contact Kim Thoraldson today for more information at [email protected] or call 952.393.5594. THIS WEEK’S STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” This trust in God, this belief in Him as the Shepherd and the Guardian, is that trust that allows us to live lives of stewardship — lives that…... whatever commitments we make through stewardship, God will enable us to succeed. ONLINE GIVING IS AVAILABLE! Online Giving is available any time on our website. Just click on “Give Now.” YOUR FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP Budgeted Financial Stewardship 11/10—11/16 * Figures represent the 2014/2015 fiscal $ 43,249 year budget divided by 52 Sundays. Fiscal YTD $866,330 YOUR WEEKLY OFFERING 1 Week Fiscal YTD Envelopes: $ 28,389 Electronic Transfers/EFT $ 1,166 Plate: $ 1,918 Total $ 31,473 $ 740,139 Over/(Under) Budget: ($11,776) ($126,191) Strength & Balance Capital Campaign/Debt reduction 1 Week $ 3,315 Fiscal YTD $ 84,064 LIVING OUR FAITH CALENDAR Monday, 5:00 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:00 PM November 24 NFP, Conference Room Advent Family workshop, Murphy Hall 33 Days to Morning Glory, Room 110 KC's Monthly Meeting, Small Dining Room Troop 260 Scout Meeting, Murphy Hall Chosen 10, Commons & Room 3-7 Tuesday, November 25 2:30/4:45PM Young Voices Rehearsal, Main Church 7:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:15 PM Emergency Leadership Meeting, Con. Room Prayer Shawl Ministry, Teacher’s Lounge Al-Anon, Room 5-7 Wednesday, November 26 8:00 AM 7:00 PM Coffee Fellowship, Dining Room Ecumenical Thanksgiving Prayer Service, Offsite 8:00 PM Teen Holy Hour, St. Mary's Chapel Thursday, November 27 9:00 AM Friday, 7:30 AM Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving Day Mass, Main Church November 28 Daily Mass, Chapel Saturday, November 29 9:00 AM 6:00 PM Sunday, 8:30 AM Open AA, Library Boy Scout Wreath Sale, Church Lobby November 30 Boy Scout Wreath Sale, Church Lobby 5 STEPS TO WINNING THE WAR WITHIN There is no question that we are living in difficult times. Too many people are looking for answers only to find empty promises. How can you bring purpose into your everyday life? How can you have lasting and substainable happiness? Discover your mission in life at the Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission event. Take your personal clarity and life-direction to a whole new level. This conference will be held at St. John the Baptist, Jordan in partnership with St. Wenscelaus, New Prague. Ordinary Lives Extraordinary Mission will be held on Saturday, December 6 from 9 AM-1:30 PM. Tickets are $20. Purchase your tickets at or at St. John the Baptist, Jordan or St. Wenceslaus, New Prague. YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY SOUTH METRO THEOLOGY ON TAP We are pleased to announce the first ever South Metro Theology on Tap series kicking off on November 25 at Brunswick Zone in Lakeville off of 35. Greg Aitchison will be presenting helpful tips on How to Live Like a Catholic: Becoming a Big-Time Saint. Open to all individuals ages 18-39. Doors open at 6:30 PM, talk starts at 7:30 PM. Contact Michelle Neitzke for more information at [email protected]. 5 YOUTH MINISTRY Chris Kuhn 952.469.6466 | [email protected] “Facebook: All Saints Youth Group” YOUTH MINISTRY - Will be taking time off over the Thanksgiving weekend! Here’s hoping you and your family have a blessed and fun Thanksgiving! WINTER BLAST - December 12 & 13 for Middle School students. Lock-in 6:00 PM-7 AM. Swimming, ice skating, crafts, and movies. Pizza and holy Mass will be held by Bishop Piché. Movies, open gym, dance, Minute to Win It arcade game and much more! FAMILY PILGRIMAGE 2015 - The Family Pilgrimage is scheduled for July 3-6, 2015. Highlights include Catholicfest hosted by Catholic Youth Expeditions, Our Lady of Good Help Shrine, and the National Shrine of St. Joseph. Next informational/ planning session is scheduled for December 2 from 5:30-6:30 PM at All Saints. If interested, please contact Chris Kuhn. INTERCESSORY PRAYER TEAM FOR TEENS All Saints Middle School and High School Faith Formation/ Youth Ministry are seeking individuals interested in praying for the teens of All Saints. Each member would take one day out of the month to intercede for our youth. Please contact Michelle Neitzke, at [email protected] or call 952.985.9919 for more information CROSS PATHS WITH THE POPE! World Youth Day in Poland, being held from July 19- August 3, 2016 is open to teens and college students who will be 15 at time of trip. Chaperones are also welcome. Gather with literally millions of young Catholics during the summer of 2016 in Poland! This trip will be the trip of a life time, not only will we travel around the country of Poland but we will gather with millions of young people and Pope Francis! Contact Michelle Neitzke at [email protected] or call (952) 985-9919 for more information. Deadline for deposits is Monday, December 1st. TEAM VIANNEY OPPORTUNITY It takes courage to follow Jesus... dedication…...leadership..…vocation. The next Team Vianney event will be held on Thursday, December 4, at 5 PM. Team Vianney is a Catholic movement of men in 9 - 12 grades in the Archdiocese of Saint Paul and Minneapolis. Events are held at Saint John Vianney College Seminary, located on the St. Paul Campus of the University of St. Thomas (2110 Selby Avenue). If you've got what it takes, come to Saint John Vianney College Seminary for Team Vianney and meet for dinner with college seminarians, hear a short, dynamic talk on our Catholic faith, and participate in an energetic Mass with seminarians and university students. PASTORAL CARE CONTACT US HEALING THE WOUNDS OF ABUSE RECLAIMING THE GIFT OF HUMAN DIGNITY Main Church Number ................................. (952).469.4481 After Hours & Emergencies ................................. 469.4481 Pastoral/Administration FAX .................................... 469.5752 Clergy Pastor: Fr. Thomas Wilson......................................... 469.6501 Associate Pastor: Fr. Marcus Milless........................ 985-9981 Pastoral Admin. Assistant: Eileen Legros……………… 469-4331 Deacon George Nugent (Facilities) ......................... 985.9960 Deacon Jim Marschall ............................................ 985.9983 (Pastoral Care /Justice & Service) Administration Director of Mission: Annette Walker ........................ 469.6470 Director of Bus/Operations: Rose Thurlow .............. 469.6473 All Saints Preschool Director: Wendi Jurek ............................................... 985.9936 All Saints Faith Formation ................................... 469.6461 Director: Mary Kay Bungert ..................................... 469.6465 All Saints School .................................................... 469.3332 School FAX ................................................................. 469.4484 Principal: Carol Margarit ........................................... 469.5725 All Saints Nursery Director: Michael Burket........................................... 994.0946 Jesus taught that in this world we would have great tribulation but he also promised us the gift of his Peace, a peace the world cannot take away. “Grief to Grace: Healing the Wounds of Abuse” is a psychological and spiritual program in a retreat setting for anyone who has experienced physical, emotional, sexual, or spiritual abuse. It is appropriate for persons who have endured sexual abuse, rape, incest, neglect, or other trauma in childhood, adolescence, or adulthood. By traveling the paschal mystery of their own lives, participants will also share in the new life of Christ’s resurrection. A “Grief to Grace” retreat will be held in Buffalo, MN on January 11-16, 2015. More information is available on the website, PRAYER SHAWL MINISTRY MEETING This Parish Ministry meets to create shawls or lap robes for those suffering from mental, physical or emotional difficulties. If you like to crochet, knit, weave or tie and would like to join this gathering, please come join us at 7:00 pm on Tuesday, November 25 in the Teachers’ Lounge. Yarn is always welcome! RETREAT FOR MEN INTERESTED IN PRIESTHOOD Men interested in priesthood, between ages 18 and 40, are invited to a retreat December 19-21, from 6:30 PM on Friday until noon on Sunday at the beautiful Christ the King Retreat Center in Buffalo. Communal and private prayer, Eucharistic Adoration, Mass and presentations by the Archbishop are designed to help participants discern their future vocation. Contact the Vocation Office at 651.962.6890 or [email protected] A referral from a priest or Religious is needed to register, and a $75 fee is requested to offset the cost of room and board. No one will be turned away for financial reasons. 2015 YEAR OF CONSECRATED LIFE Pope Francis has proclaimed a Year of Consecrated Life (Nov. 29, 2014 – Feb. 2, 2016). The Holy Father asks us to “make a grateful remembrance of the recent past” while embracing “the future with hope.” To mark the beginning of this year, all are invited join with members of religious orders for Advent Vespers at one of these locations on Sunday, November 30: 3 PM at the Basilica of Saint Mary, 88 N 17th Street in Minneapolis 4:30 PM at The Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, Our Lady of the Presentation Chapel, 1884 Randolph Avenue in St. Paul Keep updated on events and resources throughout the Year of Consecrated Life by visiting OUT & ABOUT CHRISTMAS ART FAIR Cretin-Derham Hall will host a Simple Christmas Art Fair on Thursday, December 4, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM. The event, which will be held in the Commons area of the school, will feature unique gifts made by those in the CDH community and people from countries all around the world. Please use the Albert St. entrance to the school at 550 S. Albert St. in St. Paul. 6 WEEKLY RECONCILIATION TIMES The sacrament of Reconciliation is available every Saturday from 8:30-9:30 AM and 3:30-4:30 PM unless otherwise stated. A private appointment can also be made with a priest by calling the parish office. All Saints Prayer Network “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:20 Linda 952.469.3804 or Janet 952.435.5711 [email protected] BULLETIN NEWS Our Sunday bulletins are sent to press on Wednesday mornings. In order to ensure they make deadline and are printed timely manner, bulletin articles or event information should reach us by 8:00 AM on the Wednesday prior, unless otherwise stated. Please try to get your information to us as soon as possible. We thank you. Information can be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to the parish office, Attn: Mary Baatz. We are in the process of obtaining bulletin articles 7 days in advance to ensure all timeframes can be met. Parish Questions/Comments - [email protected]. ALL SAINTS CATHOLIC CHURCH 19795 Holyoke Avenue Lakeville, MN 55044 Telephone: 952.469.4481 All Saints Website Addresses: www.
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