St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church St. Rose of Lima Youth Event

N o v e m b e r
2 3 r d
C h r i s t
t h e
K i n g
St. Rose of Lima
Catholic Church
“Give thanks to the Lord
for He is good! His love
endures forever!
~ Psalm 118
Christ the King Mass
St. Rose of Lima Youth Event
See Page 7 for more information!
See Page 6 for more information!
293 H Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910 phone: (619) 427-0230 fax: (619) 427-5786 Web:
Welcome to St. Rose
The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the
St. Rose Staff
Reverend Luke Jauregui
Pastor/ Párroco
Rev. Alexander De Paulis
Associate Pastor/ Vicario
Deacons (619) 427 - 0230
Charlie Frice
(Ext. 117)
Greg Smyth
(Ext. 110)
John Gabbard
(Ext. 145)
Juan Buenrostro (Ext. 556)
Gerardo Márquez
Hispanic / Deaf Ministry
Jeff Saavedra
School Principal/ Principal de Escuela
(619) 422-1121
Sister Patricia Weldon OSF
Josie Advento, Jackie Carmona
Religious Education, K - 8th
(619) 426-6717
Vincent Dao
Confirmation & Youth Ministry
(619) 427-0230
Denise Jantz
Sr. Dolores Social Outreach
(619) 427-7637
Rosy Vasquez
Marketing & Development
(619) 427-0230
Joseph Advento
Music Dir. & I.T. Administrator
(619) 427-0230
Patti Favela
Business Manager
(619) 427-0230
Cory Chavez, Adilene Trujillo,
Adrianna Ceja-Melvin
Office Staff
Maggie Reynoso
Capital Campaign Manager
An important and consistent message being communicated
to us in recent Sundays is brought into clarity on this Solemnity
of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King. As sovereign, Jesus has the
right, the authority, and the responsibility to judge us; and, that
judgment is real. Honestly, none of us are comfortable with being
judged because we are unable to absolutely know what will be
the result of that judgment; on the other hand, we are not to fear
judgment because our trust is in the Lord for we are the body of
Christ doing his work.
Are you doing His work? It is the work of Christ which
the evangelist Mathew is focused on this Sunday, since Jesus’
judgment has roots in the work chosen for the least deserving.
When you stand before Christ would you be able to say yes I
fed the hungry, gave drink to the thirsty, I clothed the naked, and
visited the imprisoned. Often we look at these categories and
understand them in limited application, but rather it is an attitude
of giving to others in need which is being demanded. That is what
Jesus did by giving himself over to the cross because we were in
need of redemption and life.
What are the needs around us today? There are definitely
those who are in need of physical food and thirst for hydration;
but, how many people in your family and this community who
hunger for the true nourishment of the Eucharist and thirst for the
mercy of penance? There are those who are in need of clothing
in San Diego; but, how many people are stripped of their dignity
and lives due to a promiscuous society entrusting contraception
rather than moral discipline. The truly naked in our nation are the
babies living in the womb who have no legal right to even live.
They were put into that position because pleasure has become
the highest goal regardless of responsibility and consequence.
There are many men and woman imprisoned who need love
shown to them. How can a criminal, an enemy, change if they do
not know the love of God? Our visitation and dedicated to prayer
for their conversion needs to be unending. There are many other
needs not listed.
Jesus is the physical manifestation of God in the world
connecting us to the divine. We are in the Church, the body of
Christ. How do you continue to manifest Christ in the world in a
concrete real way?
St. Rose of Lima Church
bienvenidos a St. Rose
La Solemnidad de Jesucristo Rey
Un mensaje importante y consistente que se nos ha
comunicado en domingos recientes se vuelve más claro en este
día de la Solemnidad de Jesucristo, Rey del Universo. Como
soberano, Jesús tiene el derecho, la autoridad, y la responsabilidad
de juzgarnos, y ese juicio es verdadero. Si lo vemos honestamente,
a ninguno nos gusta la idea de ser juzgados porque no es posible
que sepamos con certeza absoluta el resultado de ese juicio.
Pero por otra parte, no debemos temerle al juicio porque nuestra
fe está en el Señor y porque somos el cuerpo de Cristo haciendo
su labor.
¿Estás haciendo la labor de Cristo? Mateo el Evangelista
se enfoca en la obra de Cristo este domingo, ya que el juicio de
Jesús tiene sus raíces en las obras dirigidas a los que menos lo
merecen. Cuando te pares frente a Cristo, ¿podrás decir, “sí, di
de comer al hambriento y de beber al sediento, vestí al desnudo y
fui a ver al encarcelado”? Muchas veces vemos estas categorías
y las comprendemos de una manera limitada, pero exigen una
actitud de dar a los que tienen necesidad. Eso fue lo que hizo
Jesús cuando se entrego a sí mismo a la cruz porque nosotros
teníamos necesidad de redención y vida.
¿Cuáles son las necesidades que nos rodean hoy en día?
Definitivamente hay gente que tiene necesidad de verdadera
comida y que necesitan beber algo para hidratarse, pero,
¿cuántas personas hay en sus familias y en esta comunidad que
están hambrientos por el verdadero alimento de la Eucaristía y
sedientos por la misericordia de la penitencia? Hay personas
en San Diego que necesitan ropa para vestirse, pero, ¿cuántas
personas son despojadas de su dignidad y vida debido a la
sociedad promiscua que cree en la anticoncepción en lugar
de en la disciplina moral? Los que realmente van desnudos en
nuestro país son los bebés dentro del seno que ni siquiera tienen
el derecho legal de vivir. Están en ese predicamento porque el
placer se ha convertido en el objetivo principal sin importar la
responsabilidad ni las consecuencias. Hay muchos hombres y
mujeres encarcelados que necesitan que se les muestre amor.
¿Cómo puede cambiar un criminal, un enemigo, si no conoce el
amor de Dios? No podemos dejar de visitarlos ni de dedicarnos a
rezar para su conversión. Hay muchas necesidades más que no
he mencionado.
Jesús es la manifestación física de Dios en este mundo que
nos conecta con lo divino. Nosotros somos la iglesia, el cuerpo
de Cristo. ¿Cómo estas continuando tú esta manifestación de
Cristo en el mundo de una manera concreta y real?
St. Rose of Lima Church
As members of Christ’s Body, the
Church, we have a share in His
prophetic, priestly & kingly
mission. “Sharing in His prophetic
mission, we come to know Christ
and make Him known.
Mass Times
Monday - Friday 6:15 am & 8 am
6:30 p.m. - (Español)
7:30 a.m.
5:00 p.m. (Vigil)
6:30 p.m. (Español)
7:00 a.m., 8:30 a.m.
10:00 am. (sign language)
11:30 a.m.
1:15 p.m. - (Español)
5:00 p.m
Eucharistic Adoration
Fridays in pastoral center chapel:
8:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Baptisms & Weddings
Call the Parish Office
(619) 427-0230
Saturday: 8-9 am
(Or by appointment)
Monday 1:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
(Closed 12:30-1:30 for Lunch)
Parish News and Activities
Mass Intentions
Saturday, November 22nd
7:30 a.m. -Agapito Oxina
5:00 pm -Bernard Lanzrath
6:30 p.m. -Tim Belisle
Sunday, November 23rd
7:00 am - Barbara Jones
8:30 am - Jesus A. Martinez
10:00 am - Emiliano Nerona
11:30 am - Ceferina Marucut
1:15 pm - Alfredo Lara Castillo
5:00 pm - Leonides Viado Suyat
religious education & school
Father Luke would like to invite you on a
Turin/ Siena/ Pisa/ Assisi/ Cascia/ Rome
Fr. Luke Jauregui, Spiritual Leader
April 22 to April 30, 2015
Here are a few of the locations you will
be visiting:
*Basilica of Our Lady of Christians
*Siena: Cathedral and Duomo and the
Basilica of St. Francis
*Basilica of St. Dominic
Monday, November 24th
6:15 a.m. - Jean Adamo
8:00 a.m. - Alan Smith
Friday, November 28th
6:15 a.m. - Rene Bernardino
8:00 a.m. - Arcelia De La Mora
If you would like to Offer Mass
for a loved one please contact
the parish office.
Sister Dolores
It Is Better To Give…
St. Rose of Lima School would like to announce its 2014 Christmas Toy Drive to be
held during the week of December 8 – 12.
Bless a child by donating a new, unwrapped
Toy to the school office anytime on or before the Week of December 8.
Sack Lunches
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
9am - 11:30 am
Are you interested in baptizing your child?
¿Está usted interesado en bautizar a su hijo/a?
Wednesday, November 26th
6:15 a.m. - Ignazio Adamo
8:00 a.m. - Virgilio Alfaro
Parish Office
The Parish Office will be closed on November 27th & 28th in
observance of Thanksgiving. The office will reopen on Monday,
December 1st at 1:30 pm.
Thanksgiving Day Mass
Thursday, November 27th: Thanksgiving Mass
(9 am English)
5-S Mail Out
On Tues. Dec. 2nd & Wed. Dec. 3rd,from 8:30 to about 2:30, the
5-S group will gather in the hall to mail out the Christmas Holiday
Schedule. Please join us...”many hands make light work.” See you
St. Rose of Lima Church
Social Services
*Life Nights will take place in the Parish Hall from 6pm-8pm
*Confirmation sessions will take place in the Library from 9:30am-11:30am
Here are the requirements:
• Parents and godparents need to be registered at a church.
• If you are not registred at a parish and want to register with us
please come to the parish office or register online. Registration is
a 4 week process.
• Both parents and godparents need to attend Baptismal Classes,
dates are listed below. (Call the office to register for this classes.)
Tuesday, November 25th
6:15 a.m. - Ignazio Adamo
8:00 a.m. - Enrique & Teresa
Thursday, November 27th
9:00 a.m. - May Virata
Confirmation News
Candidates must attend Life Nights and confirmation morning sessions on the following dates:
Life Night
Year 1 Sessions
Year 2 Sessions
November 23
December 7
December 14
Estos son los requisitos:
• Los padres y padrinos necesitan estar registrados en una iglesia.
• Si no está registrado en una parroquia y desea registrar con nosotros por favor venga a la oficina parroquial o regístrese en línea.
El proceso de registro es de 4 semanas.
• Tanto los padres como los padrinos tienen que asistir a las clases
de bautismo, las fechas se muestran a continuación. (Llame a la
oficina para inscribirse en estas clases.)
Food Distribution
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
3pm - 4:30 pm
Mondays 9am - 11am
Thrift Store
Wednesdays 10am - 2pm
Saturdays 8am - 2 pm
Sundays 9am - 3 pm
For Question about Sister
Dolores Outreach please
Denise Jantz
(619) 427-7637
Catholic Charities
Immigration Social Services
(619) 498-0722
English (must attend both dates) Spanish
Time: 10 am
Horario: 11 am
December 7th & 14th
January 4th & 11th
St. Rose of Lima Church
December: no clase
18 de enero
Youth & Young Adult News
Youth Ministry News
diocesan news & events
“Christ the King”
Build Your Kingdom Here:
Mass, Eucharistic Procession, Adoration
All high school teens are invited. Parishioners are
welcome to come join youth ministry for a dynamic
talk and adoration. Lets bring His Kingdom into our
community. Confirmation candidates, please sign in at the
Parish Hall at 6pm after the 5pm mass.
When: Saturday, November 22nd from 6pm - 9pm
Where: Mater Dei High School
What: Join other Catholics from around the diocese for
an outdoor Vigil Celebration to honor “Our Lord, Jesus
Christ, King of the Universe” at Mater Dei Catholic High
Parent Hospitality Youth Committee:
Looking for a team of parents/parishioners to serve our
hungry teens for Life Nights.
Desire to change teens lives by leading teens closer to
Christ? Come and talk to our Director of Youth Ministry to
see how you can be part of youth ministry.
The Vigil will include the Celebration of the Eucharist,
procession with the Blessed Sacrament and Eucharistic
Please contact Kimi La Salle for more information
at: 619-507-1990 or visit the website at
Contact Vincent Dao, Director of Youth Ministry, by e-mailing: [email protected] or call (619)
427-0230 x227.
Young Adult Bible Study with Fr. Alex
Fr. Alex will be leading an Advent bible study for Young
Adults on Wednesdays from 7:00 - 8:30 pm in the old
classrooms, Lunch room 7. We will break open the scriptures
to discover in a deeper way, how the scriptures at Advent
prepare us to receive this Christ Child.
Catholic Young Adult Sports
FB Group: Catholic Young Adult Sports of SD
Pick-up Groups: CYAS-SD Running Club & CYAS-SD Soccer/
World Meeting of Families 2015
The next World Meeting of Families will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 22 to
25, 2015. This event, which seeks to explore the critical role the family plays in society, and to
give families opportunities to talk about the challenges and blessings that all families have, was
started by Saint John Paul II, hailed as the Pope of the Family, is sponsored by the Holy See’s
Pontifical Council for the Family and is held every third year somewhere in the world. This will
be the first time that the World Meeting of Families (WMOF) will be held in the United States!
Although there is much excitement about Pope Francis joining us in Philadelphia, there has been
no official announcement from the Vatican at this time. For more information and to register – go to
What is Retrouvaille?
A program designed to help troubled marriages regain their health. It helps spouses uncover
or re-awaken the Love, Trust and Commitment that originally brought them together. For
confidential information or to register for January 9, 2015 Weekend call (951) 259- 9474.
March 27, 2015, Spanish Weekend call (619) 423-0182.
Ultimate Monday Schedule:
Nov 24 - Serve dinner to our homeless neighbors
Get active and involved with other Catholic young adults aged 1839! Contact Nathan Poe at 619-415-3024 /[email protected]
or check out the CYAS website.
Bulletin Announcement Submissions
Beginning Experience
To submit an announcement in the bulletin for a ministry or small group please visit the the bulletin
announcement submission link on our parish website:
An international program for Widowed, Divorced and Separated Catholics is sponsoring a weekend
December 5-7. You will meet people who have experienced a loss like yours and you will have an
opportunity to experience positive growth. Call Linda at (858) 335-0915 or Mary Beth at 619-4354471, or Mary 619-857-4759
(click the Submission Link below the bulletin image or
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church
Ministries & Groups
Ministries & Groups
Help to Decorate our Church & School
We are decorating on December 1st - 5th at 8:30 am - 11:30 am. Meet by the
flagpole. If you can help, please email Michelle at [email protected].
Taking Down our Decorations:
We plan on taking down our decorations on the Epiphany on January 5th.
Knights of Columbus Calender Events
November 24th Annual Memorial Mass:
Knights of Columbus Assumption Council #3368 Memorial Mass on
Monday, November 24 at 7:00PM in Church, reception to follow in Parish
Hall. All Brother Knights and Family are invited to remember all Brother
Knights who have passed away.
December 18th K of C Christmas Party:
All Knights and their families and grandchildren are invited. Santa is
usually there with gifts for all the little children.
American Sign Language Classes
Come learn American Sign Language with others in
our parish community. Classes will take place every
Saturday from 12 noon until 1:15 p.m. Meet in the
Multi-purpose room at the parish school. For more
information contact Jesse Martinez: [email protected]
or 619-498-1551. Also
If you can help interpret please call Dcn. Gerardo:
Chirstmas Ornaments
Knights of Columbus are selling their limited edition Christmas
Ornaments in the month of November after all weekend masses.
This year’s ornament is the 4th in the series- one of the Wise Men.
Cost is $10 per ornament and $5 per display stand. All proceeds
support the St. Rose of Lima “Thy Kingdom Come” Campaign.
Thank you.
St. Rose of Lima Church
St. Rose of Lima Church