Feast of Christ the King Nov. 23, 2014 Saint Martin de Porres 615 Dunn Road Hazelwood, MO 63042 Phone (314) 895-1100 www.stmartindeporresstl.com Rev. Joseph RajPaul Sundararaj, Pastor Deacon David Pacino Deacon Ed Beirne Parish Office Deacons David Pacino & Ed Beirne PSR Coordinator- Marilyn Saunders Parish Office-Annamarie Sullivan Parish Office-Sr. Stephanie Turck Contacts Pastor Joseph Rajpaul Sundararaj email address: [email protected] Parish Office email address: [email protected] Priests’ Residence (314) 895-0172 Parish Office Ext. 222 (314) 895-1100 Parish School of Religion Ext. 227 (314) 895-1100 Knobbe House (314) 895-1100 St. Ferdinand School (314) 921-2201 Schedule of Holy Eucharist Saturday Vigil - 4:30 pm Sunday - 8:00 am and 10:30 am Weekdays - Monday-Friday 8:00 am Holy Days - 8:00 am and 7:00 pm *First Sunday of month “Youth Music” Mass-10:30 am *Third Saturday of the month “Gospel Music” Mass - 4:30 pm * Children’s Liturgy every Sunday but the 1st Sunday of the month—10:30 Mass Perpetual Help Devotions Tuesdays following 8:00 am Mass. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament Wednesday 8:30 am-6:00 pm. Benediction at 6:00 pm. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:15-4:00 pm or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Sunday after the 10:30 am Mass or by appointment after participation in Baptism Preparation Program. Beyond 50 ... Next 25 Synergize! Energize! Evangelize! Fax: 314-895-5992 PRAYER CHAIN Pat Wiswall.....................................(314) 731-0933 Barb Krings.....................................(314) 731-1893 Betty Wallisch................................(314) 837-0446 GIVING TREE—V de P SOCIETY Our annual “Giving Tree’ will begin on Nov. 15th. It’s your opportunity to spread God’s love and share your blessings with someone less fortunate. Please select a “gift suggestion card” (located in the church vestibule), buy the gift indicated and bring your NEW, UNWRAPPED present back to church with the COLOR-CODED GUMMED LABEL from the card stuck onto the gift or the shopping bag it is in. (The color tells us what agency gets the gift). Place it under the Giving Tree no later than Dec. 7th. Please avoid buying “red” clothing as red is still associated with gangs. In January, we’ll be collecting any of those HUGE plastic shopping bags that accumulate this time of year (to use for next year’s tree). THANKS for all you do to help the poor & needy all year long...................The St. Vincent de Paul Society MINISTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS 1. Ministers Sign Up for Thanksgiving Mass. Please sign up to assist with our Thanksgiving Day Mass, celebrated at 9 a.m. on Thursday, November 27th. We will need lectors, Eucharist Ministers, Youth Servers, Greeters and Ushers (help distribute bread after Mass). If you would like to help, please sign up on the "lime green" sheet on the cabinet on the East side of the vestibule. Thank you so much. MEETINGS THIS WEEK November 24 — November 30 Mon. Nov. 24 11:30 Craft Workshop. 7:00 Scripture Study—KH Tues. Nov. 25 7:00 Choir Pract.—Church Wed. Nov. 26 No PSR Class Thurs. Nov.27 Thanksgiving Day—Parish Office closed. Fri. Nov. 28 Parish Office Closed Sun. Nov. 30 6:30 KH NA MEMORIAL BOOK Please do not forget to enter the names of your deceased loved ones in the Memorial Book in our church during the month of November. NEW CHURCH LINENS Our Church is need of new Church linens. Anyone interested in helping to defray the cost of these items, please contact Chris Beirne at 314-839-0625 ENCOUNTER JESUS: RCIA –FAITH FORMATION Our RCIA Program staff, candidates and their sponsors—will meet today, November 23rd, 2014, at 9:10 a.m. in the rectory basement following our 8:00 a.m. Mass. No RCIA on November 30th 2. Youth Servers and parents: Please make every attempt to adhere to the new schedule that you were sent in the mail; we are still having "no-shows" and it is very important that you contact another server on the list if you cannot attend. Please email Gerry Berviller at [email protected] with your Mass preferences starting in January 2015. I have only had 2 responses to Father Raj Paul's letter and we need committed servers at every Mass on the weekends. Thank you for your assistance with this important ministry. Our Lady of Fatima Council 4429 will be having a Memorial Mass for our deceased members on 11/25 at 7:00 pm. If you know of a deceased member, please pass this information to their family. Call Paul Charney at 314-838-7535 for more information. THANKSGIVING FOOD COLLECTION BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS In keeping with our St. Martin’s tradition, we ask that your offering at the Thanksgiving Day Mass on November 27 be non-perishable food or a monetary donation to the St. Vincent de Paul Society. It’s a great way to thank God by helping Him take care of His children. Thank you! The Baptism Preparation Class is on Wednesday, Dec. 17th, at 7:00 PM in the school building to explain the sacraments and requirements. If you’ve never had a child baptized at St. Martin’s, you must attend a class before scheduling a baptism. Please call the office to sign up —895-1100. THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS - From the Pastor’s Desk Dear Martins, As we end this liturgical year with the Feast of Christ the King on November 23, we raise our hearts and minds in thanksgiving to the Lord of the Universe. We thank God for having journeyed with us for over fifty years. We thank God for having given us the faith to look forward to the next 25 years! As we look forward to a new liturgical year from November 30, 2014, and a new year in January 2015, we are working to complete the pending projects we decided at our various meetings in the past two years! I thank you all for continuing to contribute to the Beyond 50 Maintenance and Educational fund, to update our parish for the years ahead! Thanks especially to families like the late Jacqueline Goldbeck, one of our deceased parishioner, who in her estate bequeathed to the parish $10,000 specifically for these pending projects. Though Thanksgiving Day is a day of joy and celebration, we cannot bypass the realities of our time and situation. As I’m writing this column, the verdict on the Michael and Officer Darryl case is not yet out. Whatever it will be, nobody is a winner. In fact the nation is at a loss! Let me explain. When we pray and are asked to pray for the “situation in Ferguson,” we pray for the absence of violence and arson et al. That is the prayer of a “loser.” The prayer of a victorious disciple of Jesus is much deeper. Let me explain. The prayer for peace as the absence of violence, is like saying that the “most quiet and peaceful” place in town is the cemetery. It is indeed quiet in the cemetery, because life is resting there. Life is not active! Whenever life is active, there would always be problems, struggles and confrontations. Thus the underlying issue, is not the legal merit of the case, it is not even just the lives of two human persons! The foundational issue is about the Christian foundation of 330 million Americans who live in a country called the United States! And much more! The prayer that is true to our Christian faith is for Peace and Harmony, not only due to the absence of violence or confrontation, but due to the presence of God for conversion of hearts and minds to accept one another “as children, of our Father who is in heaven; who causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” Then the nation gains! Then we all are winners. Yet, indeed we are a grateful people. Join us to thank God on Thanksgiving Day Mass at 9 AM. At this mass our Vincent de Paul ministry will take a special collection of food for their ministry. And yes, under the coordination of Lynn Hasekamp each of our families would take a loaf of thanksgiving bread after the mass that day! Amidst all these, please do not stop praying for the future of the Church here in North County and in our parish and for our plans ahead! God Bless you all and your families this thanksgiving! Fr. RajPaul A Holy Land Pilgrimage Proximo Travel, a Catholic Tour Company, has scheduled a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land next year on April 22-May 2, 2015. Travel to Jerusalem, Bethlehem Nazareth, Galilee, Via Crucis, Last Supper Gethsemane, Dormition, Nativity Church, Capernaum. Cost is $3,999.00 Airfare and ALL-included. More information can be found by calling 508-854-8001 or online at www.proximotravel.com or email is [email protected] Why not join Fr. RajPaul on this once in a lifetime experience. Nativity Church LITURGICAL ROLES for November 29th — 30th Saturday, Nov. 29th - 4:30 Mass Lectors..................................Earl Arseneau, Theresa Riley Eucharistic Ministers.....................................Lucy Beirith Wanda Fennewald, Louis Fennewald, Kris Gannon, Ree Herbig, Roy Kuhn, Norma Pawloski, Ray Pawloski Ushers...............................Larry Carron, Lawrence Weber Greeters.........................Marge Heinzman, Linda Spencer Music ..........................................................Timothy Hearn Sunday, Nov. 30th - 8:00 am Lectors...........................Barb Krings, Rob O'Shaughnessy Eucharistic Ministers..........................Rosemarie Benton, Bob Engemann, Mary Jo Giessman, Bob Moeller, Patricia Kistenmacher, Barbara Ross Ushers..................................... Bill Giessman, Al Pohlman Greeters............................. Joyce Rygelski, Ruth O’Keefe Music ....................................Bonnie Vigland, Bill Benner Sunday, Nov. 3oth - 10:30 am Lectors…......................Gerald Griffith, Mary Wooldridge Eucharistic Ministers.........John Cira, Annie Eck, Sharon Fiedler, Don Lancaster, Karen Lewis, Betsey Schaper, Patricia Stallings, Mary Swarthout Ushers….........................Camellia Bealler, Tony Clawson Greeters............................Jim Stann, Mary Kay Van Well Music ....................................Bonnie Vigland, Bill Benner CHILDREN’S LITURGY: Sunday, November 23rd Chris Miller and Mary Hackmeister Sunday, November 30th No Childrens’ Liturgy PROPS AND COSTUMES Please Remember In Your Prayers our sick friends and relatives... Mary Jo Baker, Don Baumgardner, Thad Bethel, Patricia Boyle, Mary Brusca, Joe Caito, Madison Carver, Margaret Davis, Mike Delarossa, Reid Donze, Rose Dunn, Henrietta Eichenlaub, Robert Fink, Melissa Finkeldei, Fred Finley, Dan Friedman, Mike Gorski, Shawn Grein, Timothy Killian, Jerry Kuhlman, Hannah Landolt, Christine and Thomas Lewis, Walter Lyman, Esther Murray, Kevin O’Brien, Cynthia Perry, B.J. Piel, B Piel, Linda Roberts, Mary Anne Shaughnessy, Susan Shuey, Beth Spilker, William Tauley, Joe & Helen Waing, and Laura Wheeler. ...those serving in our Armed Forces: Bobby Baker, Kenneth Barfield, Josh Bohr, Courtney Bright, Stephan Cashore, Mitch Christianer, Jessica Culbertson, Zach Feltmann, Johnny Frye, Spencer Frye, Brandon Grau, Rick Gremminger Robert Groceman, Blake & Michaela Hall, Dan Halley III, Jesse Harris, Joshua Herbig, Jeffrey Kimball, Matthew Klump, Neil Klump, Katherin Landolt, Matt Leahart, Salvatore Lodata, Anthony Lyman, Jerry & Tricia Majda, Joseph Maloney, Mike Mansfield, Ryan Mason, William McNicholas, Vince Metzger, Ryan Meyer, Doug Patterson, Corey Rudroff, John Sexton, Christopher Sherrel, and Robert Wooldridge, Jr. MASS INTENTIONS & READINGS Please stop by the Parish Office and pick up items you loaned for the scenery and stage for the play. Items must be picked up by Friday, November 28th. After that date they will be donated to charity organizations. Thank You, The ladies in black Rev 14:14-19; Ps 96:10-13; Rev 2:10; Luke 21:5-11 HANDMADE QUILT RAFFLE Rev 15:1-4; Ps 98:1-9; Rev 2:10; Luke 21:12-19 Four afghans will be raffled on December 5th, 2014. The proceeds from the raffle will be used to purchase items for the BIG ITEMS booth for Summerfest, 2015. Make checks payable to St. Martin de Porres Big Items. Tickets can be put in the weekend collection or turned into the parish office. Additional raffle tickets will be available on the cabinet in back of Church for the entire month of November. Thank you for your generosity. For more information call Connie Castillo at 831-2979 or Linda Spencer at 731-0479. LAST CHANCE!!! Mon. Nov. 24 8:00 am— Jeni Berviller Rev 14:1-5; Ps 24:1-6; Matt 24:42-44; Luke 21:1-4 Tues. Nov. 25 8:00 am—Marie Havelka Wed. Nov. 26 8:00 am—Jeremy Roller Thur. Nov 27 8:00 am—Kenneth Cook Rev 18:1-23, 19:1-9; Ps 100:1-5; Luke 21:20-28 Fri. Nov. 28th—25th Wedding Anniversary Rev 20:1-21:2; Ps 84:3-8; Luke 21:28; Luke 21:29-33 Sat. Nov. 29 4:30pm—Tom Perry Rev 22:1-7; Ps 95:1-7; Luke 21:34-36 Sun. Nov. 30 8:00 am—Parishioners 10:30 am David Polson Isa 63:16-19, 64:1-7; Ps 80:1-19; 1 Cor 1:3-9; Mark 13:33-37 RESPECT LIFE 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of the least brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40 The liturgy for today's Feast of Christ the King tells us that his is a "kingdom of truth and life, a kingdom of holiness and grace, a kingdom of justice, love, and peace." Indeed, all these realities fit together perfectly. Truth and life go together, because when we know the truth about God's love and care for creation, we will respect all life. When we know the truth about ourselves, that we belong only to God, then we realize we cannot destroy any other person. A respect for life, personally as well as in our laws and policies as a nation, is the first requirement of justice and an absolute condition of peace. The more we allow God's grace into our every thought and desire, the more we will adhere to truth, defend life, and promote justice and peace. Oh Lord, King of Justice and Life, we pray that the evils of abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia be eliminated from our midst and that we may be the instruments of your peace. Amen!!! WELCOME TO ST. MARTIN DE PORRES A warm welcome to all who have come to worship with us. If you are visiting, we are honored by your presence. If you would like to become a member of our Parish, please complete this form and place in the collection basket or send to the parish office. Name______________________________________ Address____________________________________ City_______________________________________ Zip________________________________________ Phone______________________________________ E-Mail_____________________________________ YOUR GIFTS TO GOD AND PARISH Sunday, November 16 Sunday Education Fund St. V de Paul Beyond 50 Loose All other Donations TOTAL Bulletin Deadline is Monday at 9:00 am. Please E-mail articles to: [email protected] $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 4013.00 135.00 248.00 250.00 465.00 230.00 5341.00 ATTENTION: EUCHARIST MINISTERS, GREETERS, LECTORS, SERVERS, USHERS It is imperative that all ministers send me their e-mail address. Our Software Company, Rotunda Software, will then automatically send them an e-mail notice the week they are scheduled. After a four-month schedule has been generated, the data base for the Ministry Schedules is stored at Rotunda Software (the company that licenses the software that our monthly schedules are generated with). It is Rotunda Software that sends out e-mail notices to ministers if their e-mail address is in the data base. These four-month schedules are sent to Sister Stephanie who in turn puts copies in the Vestibule at Church for Ministers to pick up, and Sister uses these schedules to put weekly assignments in the bulletin. After a four-month schedule has been generated, I cannot change it without disrupting the data base and future schedules. If a minister cannot adhere to the schedule as generated and they are unable to get a sub, they should let the head of that ministry know that. The Ministry Head will let me know if future schedules will be affected so I can change their preferences in the data base. As far as changing the existing schedule, it is up to the Ministry Head whether they want to try and get a substitute and whether they want to let Sister Stephanie know that the Weekly Schedule in the Bulletin should change. The present Ministry Heads are as follows: Eucharistic Ministers: Betty Wallisch, 837-0446 Lectors: Barb Krings, 731-1893 Tony Szczuka ~ Ministry Scheduler Greeters: Gerry Berviller, 606-5699 Servers: Gerry Berviller, 606-5699 Ushers: Rich Van Well, 895-3812 ~ [email protected] ~ 839-2551 NEIGHBOR TO NEIGHBOR MINISTRY Our Mission: To reveal the loving, compassionate presence of God to one another in the ordinariness of our everyday lives through specific programs which: 1. Enable our senior parishioners to continue to live safe, independent lives of high quality, in their own homes, for as long as possible. 2. Enable any parishioner to maintain his/her accustomed quality of life during periods of high stress, illness, family crisis, etc. PROGRAMS AND HOW TO ACCESS THEM: Call the program coordinator for the service that fits your needs. HELPING HANDS: This program provides help with minor household jobs such as: Changing air conditioner and furnace filters; installing/changing batteries in smoke detectors; changing light bulbs; fixing leaking faucets; weatherizing; trimming bushes; doing yard work; cleaning gutters; washing a load or two of clothes, dusting/vacuuming. Coordinator: Charlie Wiswall Phone: 314-731-0933 MARTIN'S KITCHEN: This program provides an occasional meal(s) during times of extra individual/family stress, regardless of the reason. During those times when you are weary and long to just "sit at the feet of Jesus" like Mary in the Gospel, and become refreshed, the volunteers from St. Martin's will be your Martha and prepare a warm meal to soothe you in body and spirit. Coordinator: Barbara Krings Phone: 314-731-1893 TRANSPORTATION: This program offers rides to church, medical appointments, grocery shopping, as well as, pharmacy pickups and filling small grocery orders. Coordinator: Linda Spencer Phone: 314-731-0479 ST. LOUIS ARCHDIOCESE OFFICE OF ECUMENICAL AND INTERRELIGIOUS AFFAIRS What: Who: When: Where: Ecumenical Prayer Service and Reception You, Family Friends, Coworkers and Anyone else January 25th from 7:00-9:00 PM St. Justin the Martyr Parish 11910 Eddie and Park Road Sunset Hills, Missouri 63126 Phone: 314-843-8482 DEACON DAVE’S THOUGHT Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God. KID'S TRIVIA NIGHT All 4th – 8th graders join us on Saturday, December 6, 2014 in the St. Ferdinand Gym. FUN!! GAMES!! PRIZES!! Doors open at 6:00 p.m. and Trivia begins at 7:00 p.m. Pick up promptly at 10:00 p.m. $80 per table includes pizza and soda. No snacks needed !!! Get a group of up to 8 friends together and call Michele Presson at 314-484-6119 or e-mail [email protected] ST. FERDINAND SCHOOL NOVEMBER 24-28 Monday- first grade field trip…Spell-a-thon awards ceremony…Orchestra practice after school Tuesday- Mass for grades 5-8 Wednesday- Mass for grades 1-4…Last day for police and fire fighter mission project…noon dismissal for Thanksgiving holidays Thursday- No School…Happy Thanksgiving Friday- No School…Thanksgiving holiday If you would more information about St. Ferdinand Catholic School, please contact Mrs. Anna Davis at (314) 921-2201 or [email protected] ANNUAL THANKSGIVING DINNER All are welcome to come to the 16th annual FREE Ecumenical Thanksgiving Dinner, Nov. 27, from 11:30 am to 3:00 pm at St. Ferdinand Church, 1765 Charbonier Rd., Florissant, MO. This is a FREE dinner. Any questions, call Flo Grau 8951663 or Velma King 522-3433. Thank You! ACADEMY of E.P.P. The Academy Of E.P.P, (located in our school building) is looking for 2 female retirees to work with the toddlers at the Academy located at St. Martin de Porres. Hours available are between 8:00 am and 5:30 pm Monday thru Friday. For more information call Tony Thompson at 283-8354 or Mrs. Thompson at 495-6141. ✂ Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers Interior & Exterior Remodeling Windows • Siding • Patio Covers Decks • Enclosures • Awnings Kitchens • Baths • Basements (314) 921-0651 APOLLO HEATING & COOLING We Can Warm You Up or Cool You Down Licensed - Bonded - Insured Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Stl co lic # X5058 314-895-4878 [email protected] Tom Keppler, Parishioner PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 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GUNDAKER Broker: Ken Landolt (parishioner) CORDIA PLUMBING, INC. son Daw ROOFING, INC. Specialists In Quality Reroofing & Repairs Licensed - Insured - Bonded Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Steve Cordia www.landoltproperties.com STL Co Lic #5276 314-781-6241 Member RCGA and NRCA Fully Insured For Your Protection Financing Available Since 1978 FREE ESTIMATES We accept: M/C VISA DISCOVER AMEX Topping - Trimming - Removals 20 years Experience • Fully Insured Steven’s Tree Service 839-3332 Free Estimates - Quality Counts 839-9282 Steven J. Mooney Matt Goldkamp 314-837-4671 • 636-949-6821 IL: 618-207-4175 www.dawsonroofing.com Please Support Catholic Education DENNIS L. CALLAHAN Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Attorney and Counselor at Law General Civil Practice 275 N. Lindbergh Blvd. • St. Louis, MO 63141 For further information, please call the Parish Office. TEL. 993-4261 • FAX 993-3367 Please support the advertisers in your bulletin, and thank them for their continued support. They make your bulletin possible. 530950 St Martin De Porres Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-945-6629
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