2 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 3 4 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 5 6 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 METRA MAGAZINE published by Metra Inc., PO BOX 71844 Madison Heights, MI 48071 248.543.3500 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] www.metramagazine.com facebook.com/MaryMetra facebook.com/metramagazine Online since 2003 Published every other Wednesday on a bi-weekly schedule since 1979 publisher / editor • M.Sappington art director / co-publisher Ken Lamparski Sr. associate art director D.J. LaMotte contributing writers • Kene Keyz Auntie M D.J. LaMotte Taylor LaMotte photographers • Bruno Postigo Danielle Eve, photo: Mickey James Jimm Tuffy Moner, model: Antonio Terry Johnson, Greg Tic Tac Karen O’Brien, Mickey James, Jacqueline Frost, Phil Montoroso, Steve Campbell, midwest / local sales • M. Sappington Jimm Tuffy Moner national advertising • Rivendell Media FRIENDS OF 212.242.6863 DOROTHY.......................19 distributors • Tuffy, UPS,Dan Q WHO’S DOIN’ WHAT, webmaster • WHEN AND WHERE J. Plont IN METRALAND! Antonio is a student at MSU and is studing Arts and Humanities. Check him out at Antonio [email protected] Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles in METRA MAGAZINE is not to be construed as an indication of the sexual orientation of such person or organization. All copy text, display photos and illustrations in advertising are published with the understanding that the advertisers are fully authorized, have secured proper consents (written, verbal, e-mail etc) for the use of names, pictures or testimonials of any living person(s) and METRA MAGAZINE may lawfully publish and cause such publication to be made and advertiser automatically agrees to by submitting said ad and to indemnify and save blameless the publisher from any and all liability loss and expense of any nature of such publication. Nothing appearing in METRA MAGAZINE may be reprinted either wholly or in part without written permission/e-mail from the publishers. Compiled By Auntie M. OUT FLASHIN’...........20 ISSUE #8 49 November 19th 2014 #849 ww w . m e t r a m a g a z i n e . c o m Metra Magazine, Magazine, Issue Magazine, Issue Issue ### 847 848 849 Metra 849 777 8 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 9 10 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 11 12 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 13 14 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 15 16 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 17 18 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Friends of DOR OTHY DORO Metra's calendar of EVENTS, that letsyou know where all the HOT spots are! By: [email protected] Thanksgiving is all about enjoyment, being thankful, family and the feeling of togetherness. Who am I kidding it’s all about stuffing your face, drinking and football. Oh and then there’s Black Friday, really? Because only in America people trample each other for sales exactly one day after being thankful for what they already have! I remember one year when I was in elementary school. We were asked to write a composition entitled, what we were thankful for. I wrote I’m thankful I’m not a turkey! My father had the distinguished honor of carving the turkey and opening the champagne! One year when he opened the bottle the cork rikashaed off the ceiling on to the platter that the turkey was resting on and it broke into a million pieces! I think we just had all the trimmings that year, and I am thankful for that memory! Let’s check out what’s going on in Metraland on the eve of Thanksgiving (The biggest drinking night of the year) World AIDS Day was first observed on December 1st 1988 to bring greater awareness to HIV/ AIDS and the communities affected by the global epidemic. Today, it is regarded as the longestrunning disease awareness and prevention initiative of its kind in the history of public health. So you know what to do on Monday, December 1st Get the facts. Get tested. Get involved! …MICHIGAN Ann Arbor: NECTO (734-994-5436), Sunday, December 7th “Boylesque Untucked” featuring Deja Van Cartier, Ani Briated, Ladein Black and Chanel Hunter! Friday, December 12th “Willam” hosted by Chanel Hunter and Nickki Stevens. DJ’s Jace, DVJ Mark and Jason Michael! Continued on page 21 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 19 20 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Detroit: ADAMS APPLE (313-240-8482), Wednesday, November 26th “Gobble Bash” with karaoke, music, videos, FREE turkey raffle 9-11pm and drink specials! BODY ZONE (313-366-9663), Saturday, November 22nd “Leather Night” Saturday, November 29th “College Night” “FREE Tanning” Sunday-Thursday! “Wild Wednesday” FREE lube with the purchase of a room or locker! Sunday, December 7th “Pearl Harbor Day” a fundraiser for Top Kid Scholarship for Military kids! Hot shot boys with Cherry Bombz and prize raffle! CLUB GOLD COAST / SIN in Detroit (313-366-6135), Tuesday, December 2nd its Fran’s “Toys For Tots Fundraiser” hosted by Crystal Harding. 50/50 raffles all night! Bring a new unwrapped gift for a Toys For Tots child and pay no cover! A little bird told me that the K Mart in Madison Heights is going out of business, and they have some great prices on toys (maybe you can grab two) GIGI’S (313-584-6525), Wednesday, November 26th, Thanksgiving Eve “Customer Appreciation Night” where you are the V.P. with hundreds of giveaways including Gigi’s Tshirts! From 8-2am. No cover after 8pm. Party with Chico, Nikolai, Nickki, the boys and special guests! HAYLOFT SALOON (313-581-8913), Wednesday, November 26th “The Night Before Thanksgiving Bash” It’s the biggest bar night of the year so all the bears and pups will be on the hunt! For a hair of the bear that bit ya, there open on Thanksgiving Day! Saturday, November 29th from 9pm-2am “Growlr Party” Detroit teams up with Growlr for a fur filled night of fun! Hairy chest contest! MENJO’S (313-863-3934), Friday, November 21st “I Love The 80’s” Lauren Jacobs will be your host and MC! Saturday, November 22nd “Arabian Nights” DJ M White spins the latest Arabic and top 40 dance music! Wednesday, November 26th Tim and Mikes “1 Year Anniversary” at Menjo’s. Tim and Mike will be bartending (what a treat.) Complimentary buffet with Tim’s City Chicken, party favors, chocolate fountain and a Continued on page 23 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 21 22 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 champagne toast! Iconic DJ’s Chad Novak and Stacy “Hotwaxx” Hale spin! Friday, November 28th Tim’s 4th Annual “Stuffing Contest” with a prize for the best stuffed! Saturday, November 29th “Reindeer Droppings” with a beary bad Santa! Lots to do: get your photo on Santa’s lap, win Christmas presents and do a Santa shot! Sunday, November 30th “Frosty’s Funhouse” Hosted by Jacqueline Frost and featuring Twila Starr! 24 HOUR VIDEO (313-271-1100), 24 Hour Video has it all, something for everyone! The kinkier the better (for me anyway) Check our there ad on page 30, not only to they have the cheapest prices in town on Cleaning Solutions but there ad is a coupon for even more savings! Detroit Opera House: (worldaidsdaydetroit.com), Rockin’ World AIDS Day Detroit “Getting TO Zero” Monday, December 1st from 1-7pm. American Idols Perform Live: Malaya Watson, Keri Lynn Roche, Kimberley Locke, Ben Briley, Melinda Doolittle and Devin Velez. Ferndale: COMO’S (248-548-5005), Don’t spend all day in the kitchen, let Como’s cook for you! Let Como’s cater your holiday party, in one of their private rooms or cater to your home or office. Go watch Sunday and Monday night football on their many large screen TV’s! JUST 4 US (248-547-5878), OMG peeps! I was at Just-For Us the other day, and they have drastically reduced their prices on all there lube I’m talking bat crap cheap! Stock up for the holidays, great stocking stuffers. Well I haven’t found a stocking big enough to hold my gallon jug but I sure not everyone has that problem! SOHO (2485427646), Every Sunday, “Karaoke” Grand Rapids: The APARTMENT (616-451-0815), Every day is a fun day at the Apartment especially around the holidays! Sunday, December 7th “Stoli Tasting” holiday themed from 9-11pm! Monday, December 8th “Crown Royal Apple Tasting” from 10:30-Midnight! Watch Metra for more holiday fun coming up! F.Y.I. the guy in their ad can stuff my stocking any time! Continued on page 26 24 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 25 RUMORS (616-454-8720), Fridays are “Friday Night Fantasy” with two men and one woman giving you a helping of skin and sin! Sundays, are “Stomping Sunday And Show Night” with the Grand River Renegades! Country Line Dancing from 6pm-9pm! Hamtramck: TEMPTATION LOUNGE (313-974-6575), Calling all bitches every Friday for “Rich Bitch” presented by Ary Riely and DJ Maestro! Lansing: SPIRAL (517-371-3221), Saturday, December 6th DJ Sammy’s “Purple 40” Prince themed with Prince Impersonators, Burlesque Drag and more, to celebrate their GM Sammy’s 40th birthday! Saturday, December 13th “Bad Santa With Naughty Elves” with DJ John Cruz! Pontiac: LIBERTY BAR (248-758-0771), Saturday, November 22nd “Customer Appreciation Day” with happy hour prices all day and night! Saturday, November 26th “Pre Thanksgiving Party.” With drink specials, shot specials and top 40 dance music! Thursday, November 26th “Karaoke” so go make a turkey of yourself! Saturday, November 29th “Black Out Party” Friday, December 5th “Disco And Divas” with special guest performers Lola Dick and Dee Lavel! Wednesday, Royal Oak: PRONTO’S (248-544-7900), Thursday, November 20th “Ladies Night” Wednesday, November 26th “Thanksgiving Eve Party” with DJ Doug Roberts! Something to do every night of the week! “Manic Mondays” with happy hour all day and all night! “Tanked Tuesdays” with $3 drafts. “Warbler Wednesdays” with Karaoke. “Thirsty Thursdays” with $3 drafts. “Fade Off Fridays” with video DJ. “Spin On Saturdays” with video DJ. “Socal Sundays” with bottle Mimosas and a Bloody Mary bar! Continued on page 28 26 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 27 Traverse City: SIDETRAXX (231-935-1666), If you love winter weather then it’s time to plan your winter vacation in Traverse City! They have all the winter sports and fun you can think of! Spend the day sledding or skiing and then hit the Traxx for warm drinks and fun! Warren: ANDIAMO (248-268-2840), Back by overwhelming demand, “Sharon Needles” with guests Detox and Darienne Lake, also local queens Deangela and Deja. MALEBOX II (586-806-2390), Wednesday, November 26th join Iona Trailer, Jacqueline Frost and Raven Queen for the “Bare Turkey Drag Show” Mondays, “Pool Tournament” at 9pm. Tuesdays, “Jadin Black” with a DJ and drink specials. Wednesdays, “Country Line Dancing” with DJ Scott. Thursdays and Fridays, “Karaoke” Saturday, the MB II “Comedy Revue Drag Show.” Sundays, “Happy Hour” with hot food. ...ILLINOIS Chicago: 2nd STORY (312-923-9536), I love this bar! I’m a fan of dive bars, and this is a hidden gem of a bar! The drinks are strong and cheap (just how I like my men) TOUCHE (773-465-7400), Sundays, “Beer Bust” with $1 Bud Light Drafts and sodas! Mondays, “Big Game Night” so go out and watch or play! We all know what Black Friday is, but Touché will be celebrating “Black Wednesday” on November 26th! That’s it for this issue! Our next deadline is Wednesday, November26th for our Issue that comes out Wednesday, December 3rd, you can reach me at [email protected]! Email me your upcoming events today! 28 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 29 metraplex ILLINOIS ape Esc W "NE Adult Bookstore 18728 W. Warren Detroit, Michigan •DVD'S Now Available •Video rentals and sales •Adult Magazines •Adult Novelties Monday-Saturday 10am-midnight Sundays noon-midnight 313-336-6558 MICHIGAN 586.274.4260 586.274.4260 Sterling Heights, MIi Sterling Heights, MIi 30 Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 METRA CLASSIFIEDS Sell it...R ent it...Give it away ...Got a Service ...do you it...Rent away...Got need Employee’s...need Employment... whatever ...P ost ...Post it here...cheap $10 bucks for 25 words...and it WORKS! FOR SALE EMPLOYMENT (848) (849) BODY ZONE BAR FOR SALE Needs persons to work weekends! 1617 E McNichols Detroit apply in person Mon-Sat 8am-noon Hamtramck Licenses and (848) everything TAXLAND USA is now hiring for included marketers for up 248-895-6301 coming tax season CALL 586-563-7900 Ask for Tommy Shea (849) Full body erodic massage. Private home, quiet setting. In calls only $50 any time day or night! call: Tom 586-277-5454 (849) LIBERTY BAR is now accepting applications for Shot Boys, Dancers, bartenders and cooks 586.274.4260 Please apply at the bar 85 N. Saginaw Pontiac MI (849) If there’s a genleman out there by the name Robert K, is this you? Call sometime if you want. May still remember me R.S 586-229-9583 message Mail Classifieds & Payment To: Metra Magazine PO Box 71844, Madison Hgts. Mi. 48071 Sterling Heights, MIi or [email protected] Metra Magazine, Issue # 849 31
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