Coaching children and youth sport Norges idrettshøgskole, Auditorium A 15. september 2015 PROGRAM Forskningsseminar 09:00-17:00 08:45 COFFEE 09:00 Welcome 09:10 Kari Bø, Rector Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 13:00 Psycho-social development in young athletes: consequences for the coachathlete relationship Introduction 09:15 Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 14:00 Yngvar Ommundsen Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 15:00 Geneviève Mageau University of Montreal, Canada 15:15 Positive youth development, parenting, and peers in youth sport: implications for coaches Nick Holt University of Alberta, Canada 16:15 Concluding remarks and implications for coaches Pierre-Nicolas Lemyre Growth and development considerations when training children and youth 10:00 Hege Wilson Landgraff Norwegian School of Sport Sciences The role of the sports coach as an educator for children and youth Robyn Lloyd Jones Norwegian School of Sport Sciences 11:00 COFFEE 11:15 Examining the role of coaches in teaching life skills through sport Martin Camiré University of Ottawa, Canada 12:15 LUNCH How to provide autonomy-supportive feedback to young athletes COFFEE Foredragene vil bli holdt på engelsk. Etterfølgende spørsmål kan stilles på norsk. Mer informasjon finner du her: Kontaktperson: Lene Røe – [email protected]/ 23 26 24 55 Alle presentasjoner blir på engelsk Velkommen! Velkommen!
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