Size-It Interactive Configurator Works Instantaneously, Puts Customer In Charge

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For Immediate Release
Contact: Craig Wyatt
([email protected])
CGI, UTS Team Up With Size-It Online Gearbox Selector
Interactive Configurator Works Instantaneously, Puts Customer In Charge
Many companies have catalogs online. Now gearbox manufacturer CGI, Inc., in partnership with
Universal Technical Systems, Inc., has taken the next step: it has put real product configuration
and engineering analysis into the E-business process, with the Size-It Product Selector.
Size-It makes product development faster and easier than ever for both CGI customers and for
its manufacturer’s reps and distribution channel. The customer becomes part of the design
process at the very beginning, entering application information to find the appropriate gearbox for
the requirement, testing what-if scenarios and making his own engineering tradeoff decisions on
the spot, instead of going back and forth with phone calls, faxes and emails. What formerly took
hours or days to accomplish is now done instantly on the Web, or on a stand-alone PC off a CD.
The results are higher quality, quicker time to market, and lower cost, for both the customer and
for CGI. Size-It’s user-friendly interface makes sizing gearboxes a breeze for customers and
sales channels alike. And the interface is an attractive presentation of CGI to customers and
The Size-It user first selects one of three motion profile shapes—continuous, trapezoidal or
triangular—then chooses type of gearbox, type of drive, mounting, direction and shock load, and
enters performance requirements. Then Size-It goes to work. The user quickly sees the smallest
appropriate gearbox for his application, along with a complete list of calculated performance
criteria and detailed product specifications.
The user knows exactly which component he needs and all the details of its performance. It’s a
long way from the old way, in which the user had to go through an arduous lookup in a hard-copy
catalog, do his own detailed calculations and performance analysis—and then place an order,
often going back and forth several times with the sales person. Now the whole process is
automatic, and completed in minutes.
Size-It comes in two versions, one on the Web and one on CD. Both have the same look and
feel. Between the two versions, CGI can reach all its customers and prospects. Pleased with
results so far, CGI plans to add other capabilities to Size-It in the future.
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Of course, CGI’s helpful engineering staff is available to help with tough applications and to
answer questions. Size-It has freed them to respond even more quickly.
CGI had been a user of UTS gear design software, and came to UTS for a complete turnkey
solution. UTS supplied the solution, using the technologies of its products TK Solver and
RuleMaster. TK Solver is a mathematical modeling environment whose structure permits a
convenient method for programming all calculations and easy optimization. RuleMaster uses
mathematical models created in TK Solver and puts them in a Web or intranet environment.
The technology in Size-It is adaptable to any engineered product—hydraulic pumps and valves,
electric motors, springs, bearings, or whatever. RuleMaster and TK Solver enhance the
functionality of any E-commerce Web site by adding a powerful calculation capability to Webbased knowledge-sharing applications—engineering design, sales configuration, financial
planning, or whatever
UTS provides complete turnkey solutions like Size-It, in 90 days or less. Or it provides products
and consultation to help a company to build its own Web-based solution. Learn more by calling
UTS, toll-free, at 800-435-7887. Or visit the UTS Web site,
The first Size-It screen has user instructions.
You pick one of three motion profiles from the buttons at left.
Then you enter input data:
Size-It generates a report and shows appropriate available gearboxes. (The actual report is more
than twice as long as that shown in this example.)
Editors note: These images are available for publication. Contact UTS for more information.