Schedule of Accreditation issued by United Kingdom Accreditation Service 21 - 47 High Street, Feltham, Middlesex, TW13 4UN, UK LGC Limited Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 0003 Queens Road Contact: Mr Peter Roper/Ana Pedrero-Llamas Teddington Tel: +44 (0)20 8943 7567 Middlesex Fax: +44 (0)20 8943 7314 TW11 0LY E-Mail: [email protected]/[email protected] Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Website: Testing performed by the Organisation at the locations specified below Locations covered by the organisation and their relevant activities Laboratory locations: Location details Address Queens Road Teddington Middlesex TW11 0LY Mr Peter Roper Tel: +44 (0)20 8943 7514 Fax: +44 (0)20 8943 7314 Email: [email protected] Website: Mr Martin Hanly Activity Location code Animal Feedstuffs Cosmetics Environmental Teddington Food & Food Products Medical/Veterinary Oils & Lubricants Pesticides Pollutants Radiochemistry Toxicology (ODT) Forensic Analysis Tel: +44 (0)208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Address The Heath Runcorn Cheshire WA7 4QX Mr Peter Roper Address F5 Culham Science Centre Abingdon Oxfordshire OX14 3ED Mr Martin Hanly Assessment Manager: JE Medical/Veterinary Runcorn Forensic Analysis Culham Tel: +44 (0)20 8943 7514 Fax: +44 (0)20 8943 7314 Email: [email protected] Website: Tel: +44 (0) 208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Page 1 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Location details Activity Address Darwin House Faraday Street Birchwood Park Risley Cheshire WA3 6FW Mr Martin Hanly Address Building 3 Swiss Lodge Drive Drayton Manor Business Park Tamworth Staffordshire B78 3GL Mr Martin Hanly Address Royal Armouries Armouries Drive Leeds LS10 1LT Mr Martin Hanly Address Sir Alec Jeffreys Building, Peel Avenue, Calder Park, Wakefield WF2 7UA Assessment Manager: JE Location code Forensic Analysis Risley Forensic Analysis Tamworth Forensic Analysis Leeds Forensic Analysis Wakefield Tel: +44 (0) 208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Tel: +44 (0) 208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Tel: +44 (0) 208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Mr Martin Hanly Tel: +44 (0) 208 943 8456 Email: [email protected] Website: Page 2 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified DETAIL OF ACCREDITATION Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Forensic Testing BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES Forensic Analysis Blood - Stains Semen - Whole - Azoospermic Saliva - Whole - Stains - Swabs Hair Cellular Material Body Tissue - Bone - Teeth DNA Profiling: Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA profiling for forensic analysis of: - Crime Scene Samples meeting the requirements of the Custodian for the Purpose of Supply to the National DNA Database - Low Template DNA (post PCR enhancement) Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code The organisation has demonstrated adherence to the relevant requirements of the Forensic Science Regulators Code of Practice and Conduct (Version 1.0 December 2011) in relation to their Forensic Activities Teddington Tamworth Culham Risley Leeds Wakefield Documented In-House Methods using manual/automated extraction - Qiagen (Qiasymphony) - Qiagen DNA Invesitgator - Qiagen Maxi Kit - Chelex - Phenol Chloroform Teddington Documented In-House Methods using Manual quantification - Pico green - Real Time - Plexor HY Blood - Whole - FTA cards - Subject Samples Documented In-House Methods using Manual amplification (PCR) and the following chemistry: - SGM Plus - ESI 17 fast Teddington Swabs - Environmental Samples Documented In-House Methods using Electrophoresis - Applied Biosystems 3100 Genetic Analyser© - Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyser© - Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyser© Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 3 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Forensic Analysis Related Opinions and Interpretation Interpretation of DNA profiles generated internally from crime stains (single source/major-minor mixtures/complex mixtures) and reference samples Statistical analysis and comparison of DNA profiles generated from crime stains with compatible reference DNA profiles (internally generated or from other accredited laboratories) Documented In-House methods - Genetic Characterisation o GeneScan/Gen otyper (Mac/Windows) (Teddington only) o GMID 3.2 (Teddington only) o GMIDX 1.3 (Teddington only) o Insight o Mix-It Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Documented In-House Methods using manual/automated (Hamilton) extraction - Promega swab solution Risley Forensic Analysis Saliva - Swabs (buccal cells) Hairs DNA Profiling: Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA profiling for forensic analysis of: - Subject Samples (PACE and Volunteer) meeting the requirements of the Custodian for the Purpose of Supply to the National DNA Database - Database samples (VED/SED and PED) Documented In-House Methods using automated amplification (PCR) and the following chemistry: - ESI17 Fast (Direct) Documented In-House Methods using Electrophoresis - Applied Biosystems 3500 Genetic Analyser© Related Opinions and Interpretation Interpretation and analysis of DNA profiles Assessment Manager: JE Risley Documented In-House methods Genetic Characterisation - Insight Page 4 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Relationship Analysis Blood - Whole - FTA cards Saliva - Swabs (buccal cells) Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA profiling for relationship testing for: - Paternity - Maternity - Sibling - Extended relationship (Aunt/Uncle, Niece/Nephew, Grandparent, Grandchild, Cousin) Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Documented In-House Methods using Manual extraction - Whatman - Qiagen - Qiagen DNA Investigator Location Code Teddington Documented In-House Methods using Manual quantification - Pico Green - Plexor HY Documented In-House Methods using Manual amplification and the following chemistry: - SGM Plus - Yfiler - CS7 - Identifiler Documented In-House Methods using Electrophoresis - Applied Biosystems 3130 Genetic Analyser© Related Opinions and Interpretation Comparison, interpretation and statistical analysis of DNA profiles against compatible DNA Profile information from within submitted cases Assessment Manager: JE Documented In-House methods - Genetic Characterisation o GeneScan/Gen otyper (Mac/Windows) o GMID 3.2 Teddington Page 5 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Any Material Searching for: - Blood - Semen - Saliva - Faeces (not Teddington or Culham) - Urine (not Teddington or Culham) - Hairs (not Teddington) - Cellular Material Documented In-House Methods using: - visual examination - alternative light sources - low power microscopy - high power microscopy - chemical testing (see below) Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Any Material Searching for: - Blood - Cellular Material - Hairs Documented In-House Methods using: - visual examination - low power microscopy - chemical testing (see below) Leeds Any Material Recovery and preparation for subsequent DNA analysis or for contingency purposes of the following from searched materials and swabs: - Blood - Semen - Saliva - Faeces (not Teddington or Culham) - Urine (not Teddington or Culham) - Hairs (not Teddington) - Cellular Material Documented In-House Methods using: - cutting - swabs and swabbing - extraction of stained materials - extraction of swabs - taping - mini-taping - Proteinase K Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Any Material Recovery and preparation for subsequent DNA analysis or for contingency purposes of the following from searched materials and swabs: - Blood - Cellular Material - Hairs Documented In-House Methods using: - swabs and swabbing - mini-taping - taping Leeds Assessment Manager: JE Page 6 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Blood Presumptive testing for Blood via detection of: - Peroxidase - Human Haemoglobin Documented In-House Methods using: - KM (Kastle Meyer) - LMG (Leucomalachite green) (Teddington only) - Hemastix (not Teddington) - Hematrace (not Teddington) Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Blood Presumptive testing for Blood via detection of: - Peroxidase - Human Haemoglobin Documented In-House Methods using: - KM (Kastle Meyer) Leeds Blood Related Opinions and Interpretations Identification, interpretation and recording of blood patterns (BPA) on clothing and other items examined at the laboratory Documented In-House Methods using: - visual examination - low power microscopy Culham Risley Tamworth Wakefield Semen Presumptive testing for seminal fluid, via detection of: - Acid Phosphatase - Choline (not Teddington or Culham) Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual Examination - Acid phosphatase detection (colour reaction) - Choline detection by Florence Iodine test (not Teddington or Culham) Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Semen Confirmatory testing for seminal fluid via identification of: - Spermatozoa Documented In-House Methods using: - High power microscopy - Protein K reagent - Christmas Tree staining (not Teddington) - Haematoxylin and Eosin staining Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Assessment Manager: JE Page 7 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Saliva Presumptive testing for saliva via detection of: - Amylase Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual examination - Phadebas paper - Phadebas tube test (not Culham) Culham Risley Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Urine Presumptive testing for Urine via detection of: - Urea Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual examination - DMAC - Creatinine test Risley Tamworth Wakefield Faeces Presumptive testing for Human Faeces via detection of: - Urobilinogen Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual examination - Alternative light sources - Schlesinger’s test Risley Tamworth Wakefield Hairs Differentiation of Human and Animal hairs Documented In-House Methods using: - visual examination - low power microscopy - high power microscopy Tamworth Alcohol Technical Defence (in relation to RTA) Estimation of alcohol consumption and elimination with respect to validity of drinking patterns: Effect of alleged post accident alcohol consumption on measured breath/body fluids alcohol levels Effect of alleged spiked drink Back calculations of breath/ body fluid alcohol levels to the time of accident or other incident from 15mg%/6.5μg% and above Documented in house method using mathematical calculations Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 8 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Blood / Urine (Preserved, Unpreserved) Identification and quantification of alcohol (ethanol) Documented in house method using: - GC-FID Teddington Detection and quantification of alcohol in relation to the Road Traffic Act (>10mg/100ml) Documented in house method using: GC-FID Teddington Presumptive screening for the presence of drugs of abuse Documented in house method using : Teddington - Assessment Manager: JE 4-MEC Amitriptyline Amphetamine Benzylpiperazine, Butylon Caffeine Chlorophenylpiperaine Chlorphenamine Chlorpromazine Citalopram Clozapine Cocaine Codeine Cyclizine Desipramine Desmethyldiazepam (DMD) Dextropropoxyphene Diazepam Diphenhydramine Dosulepin Dothiepin Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Hydroxyzine Imipramine - Liquid-Liquid extraction GC-MS Page 9 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Location Code Forensic Analysis Presumptive screening for the presence of drugs of abuse - - Assessment Manager: JE Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Ketamine Lamotrigine Mephedrone Methadone Methylamphetamine Methylenedioxypyrova lerone Methylethcathinone Methylone MDMA (3,4methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine) MDPV Midazolam Mirtazapine Naphyrone Nicotine Nortriptyline Olanzapine Oxycodone Paroxetine Pentylone Pethidine PMMA (para-MethoxyNmethylamphetamine) Procyclidine Promethazine Propranolol Quetiapine Sertraline Tramadol Trazadone Trifluromethylphenylpi perazine Venlafaxine Zolpidem Zopiclone Documented in house method using : - Teddington Liquid-Liquid extraction GC-MS Page 10 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement BODY FLUIDS and TISSUES (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Blood/Urine (Preserved, Unpreserved) (cont’d) Presumptive screening for the presence of drugs of abuse Drug types/groups : - Amphetamines - Benzodiazepines - Cannabinoids - Cocaine metabolite - Methamphetamine - Methadone - Opiates Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Documented in house method using : - Location Code Teddington Automated ELISA analyser Blood/Urine (Preserved, Unpreserved) Qualative and Quantitative analysis of drugs of abuse: - 6-monoacetylmorphine - Benzoylecgonine - Buprenorphine - Cocaine - Codeine - Dihydrocodeine - Methadone Morphine - Pholcodine - EDDP Documented In-House Method using: - Solid-phase extraction - LC-MSMS Teddington Blood Identification and quantification of carbon monoxide Documented In-House Method using: - UV/visible spectrophotometer Teddington Blood Identification and quantification of Fluoride Documented In-House Method using: - Ion-selective electrode Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 11 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement DAMAGE Forensic Analysis Damage (Clothing and Fabric) Related Opinions and Interpretations Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Examination, assessment and evaluation of a damage item, comparison of damage with suspected instrument (excluding firearms) to determine the likelihood the suspected instrument caused the damage. Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual examination - Microscopy Culham Risley Tamworth Examination, assessment and evaluation of a damage item Documented In-House Methods using: - Visual examination - Microscopy Wakefield DOCUMENTS Forensic Analysis Handwriting (Roman script ) The examination of submitted items to compare handwriting from known and suspect sources to establish links and/or authorship Documented in house method using: Visual examination Low power microscopy Teddington Signatures The examination of submitted items to compare signatures from known and suspect sources to establish links and/or authorship Documented in house method using visual examination low power microscopy Teddington Paper and other material Detection and enhancement of indented marks made by handwriting Documented in house method using: Oblique lighting Low power microscopy ESDA Teddington Documents Detection of alterations and decipherment of altered or obliterated entries Ink examination Documented in house method using: lighting techniques, visual examination microscopy VSC Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 12 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement DOCUMENTS (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Inks Comparison of inks DRUGS (and materials suspected of containing drugs) Forensic Analysis Drugs of Abuse Location Code Documented in house method using: VSC Lighting techniques visual examination low power microscopy Teddington Identification of cannabis products Documented in house method using: Duquenois Levine Colour test (Negms test) (not Teddington) Microscopy Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Determination of Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in Cannabis, cannabis resin and cannabis products Documented in house method using: GC-FID Teddington Screening for the presence of: Documented In-House method using Spot tests: Marquis colour test Tamworth Wakefield Legal classification of controlled drugs (Misuse of Drugs Act 1971) Amphetamine Methylamphetamine Diamorphine Ecstasy types Opiates Cocaine Assessment Manager: JE Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used - Acidified Cobalt Thiocyanate colour test Page 13 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code DRUGS (cont’d) (and materials suspected of containing drugs) Forensic Analysis Drugs of Abuse (cont’d) Screening for the presence of - Amphetamine - Methylamphetamine - Ring substituted amphetamines - Diamorphine - Cocaine - Methadone Documented In-House method using: - Thin layer chromatography (TLC) Teddington Identification of : - Amphetamine - Cocaine - Codeine - Diamorphine - Diazepam - Dihydrocodeine - Ephedrine - Ketamine - Methadone - Methamphetamine - Methylenedioxyamphet amine (MDA) - Methylenedioxymethylamphetamine (MDMA) - Methylenedioxyethylamphetamine (MDEA) - Nitrazepam - Temazepam Documented In-House method using: - GC-MS Tamworth Teddington Wakefield Identification of : - Amphetamine - Methylampetamine - Diamorphine - Ring-substituted amphetamines - Cocaine - Cocaine hydrochloride Documented In-House method using: - FT-IR Teddington Tamworth Wakefield Identification of : - Lysergide Documented In-House method using: - TLC Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 14 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested DRUGS (cont’d) (and materials suspected of containing drugs) Assessment Manager: JE Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Identification of : - Opium (raw and prepared) Documented In-House method using: - Visual examination - TLC - GC-MS Teddington Quantitation of: - Amphetamine - Methylamphetamine - Methylenedioxyamphet amine (MDA) - Methlylenedioxymethyl amphetamine (MDMA) - Methylenedioxyethyla mphetamine (MDEA) - Cocaine - Cocaine hydrochloride - Diamorphine Documented In-House method using: - HP-LC Teddington Recovery and identification of drug traces from drug paraphernalia and packaging Documented in house method using : solvent washing dry recovery with swabs and swabbing Wakefield Identification of additives and diluents commonly associated with drugs - Caffeine - Paracetamol - Glucose - Lactose - Sucrose - Levamisol - Lignocaine - Phenacitin - Benzocaine - Procaine Documented in house method using: Visual examination GC-MS FTIR Wakefield Forensic Analysis Page 15 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement DRUGS (cont’d) (and materials suspected of containing drugs) Forensic Analysis FIBRES Forensic Analysis Man-made fibres, Natural (animal/vegatble) fibres Assessment Manager: JE Identification of characteristically marked proprietary pharmaceuticals, illicit copies and other drugs products Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Documented in house method using: Visual comparison of appearance, markings, dimensions with reference materials, data collections and descriptions in authoritative texts Wakefield Recovery of fibres for contingency purposes from clothing and objects Documented in house method using: Visual examination Low power microscopy Taping Culham Leeds Risley Tamworth Wakefield Search and recovery of fibres from clothing and objects for analysis (including tapings) Documented in house method using: Visual examination, Low power microscopy and screening, Fibre recovery (taping) Mounting Culham Risley Tamworth Wakefield Identification of fibre type Documented in house method using: High power microscopy Polarised light microscopy FT-IR (Man-made at Tamworth only) Tamworth Comparison of fibres Documented in house method using: Polarised light microscopy Comparison microscopy Tamworth Spectroscopic analysis of fibres in the visible range for the purpose of comparison of fibres Documented in house method using: Visible microspectrophotometry Tamworth Page 16 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Opinion and Interpretation The evaluation of the significance of any matching features between the suspect and reference/control fibre to determine the likelihood of the suspect fibre coming from a specific source Tamworth FIREARMS Forensic Analysis Ammunition Examination of discharged ammunition components to determine the number of guns used. Documented In house methods using: Comparison microscopy Leeds Examination of cartridges to determine if ammunition has been loaded into a firearm Documented In house methods using : Microscopy Comparison microscopy Leeds Comparison of spent ammunition to suspect guns Documented In house methods using: Comparison microscopy Leeds Ammunition and component identification and legal classification Documented In house method using : Weighing Length measurement Use of known samples or standard reference data. Leeds Firearm and firearm component part identification and legal classification (Firearms Act 1968) Documented In house method using: Comparison with known samples, reference standards and publications Leeds Firearm identification from class marks present on ammunition components In house method using: Comparison with known samples and use of reference databases. Leeds Trigger pull measurement In house method using: Dead Weights Leeds Firearms Assessment Manager: JE Page 17 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code FIREARMS (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Firearms Determination of Kinetic Energy of projectiles Documented In house method using: Chronograph and balance Leeds Accidental discharge testing In house method using: Impact and drop tests Leeds Range of fire determination In house method using: Test firing with appropriate weapon/ammunition combination and target material to assess range of fire Comparison of test patterns to exhibits. Leeds Test Firing to assess the functionality of weapons and/or ammunition. Documented In house method using: Suspect or reference guns and ammunition Leeds Test Firing to generate test samples of ammunition for comparison to exhibits Documented In house method using: Suspect or reference guns and ammunition Leeds Test Firing to generate test samples of ammunition for inclusion in the NABIS database Documented In house methods meeting the requirements of NABIS Leeds Presumptive Testing for the presence of Lead Documented In house methods using: Spot tests (Sodium Rhodizonate Bashinsky transfer method or Sodium Rhodizonate direct application method) for lead Leeds Articles suspected of being damaged by firearms Assessment Manager: JE Page 18 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement FIREARMS (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Electrical Shock Devices Identification, classification and function test FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS (FIRE ACCELERANTS) Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Documented In house method using: Visual examination, function testing and measurement of spark gap Leeds Forensic Analysis Material Recovered from and associated with Fire Scenes Common fire accelerant liquids Examination and analysis of the following flammable liquids - Petrol - Paraffin - Turpentine substitute - White spirit - Diesel - Alcohols(methanol and ethanol) Documented in house method using: TENAX ATD-GCMS Tamworth Debris and materials recovered from fires and suspected fire scenes Recovery of potential fire accelerants Documented in-house method using: TENAX ATD-GCMS Tamworth Analysis and identification of common fire accelerants: - Petrol - Paraffin - Turpentine substitute - White Spirit - Diesel - Alcohols (methanol and ethanol Documented in house method using TENAX ATD-GCMS Tamworth Comparison of common fire accelerants Documented in house method using ATD-GCMS Tamworth Assessment Manager: JE Page 19 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested GLASS Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Forensic Analysis Search and Recovery of glass fragments from clothing and objects Documented in house method using: Visual examination microscopy Appropriate recovery Tamworth Characterisation of glass fragments Documented in house method using: Refractive index determination by oil immersion (GRIM), Low power and interference microscopy, Re-annealing by tube furnace Tamworth Comparison of recovered glass fragments to control samples recovered from crime scenes Documented in house method Tamworth Opinion and Interpretation The evaluation of the significance of any matching features between the suspect and reference/control glass to determine the likelihood of the suspect glass coming from a specific source Tamworth GUN SHOT RESIDUE (GSR / FDR) Forensic Analysis Any Material Including type of matrix Bore Wipes Recovery of in-organic gun shot residues (primer) Documented in house method using: Carbon coated aluminium stubs Tamworth Recovered Material Identification of in-organic gun shot residues (primer) Documented in house method using: SEM/EDX Tamworth Assessment Manager: JE Page 20 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested LACHRYMATORS Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Recovery of lachrymators material Documented in house methods using: Activation Swabbing Direct sampling Teddington Identification of - Capsaicin (Pepper Spray) - Dihydrocapsaicin (Pepper Spray) - PAVA - CS - CN Documented in house method using: GCMS Teddington Forensic Analysis Legal Classification of devices (Firearms Act 1968) Teddington Analysis to determine the nature of the contents and whether the item fits the description of a Prohibited Weapon MARKS AND IMPRESSIONS Forensic Analysis Footwear Enhancement of footwear marks recovered from scenes Documented in house method using: Gel lifting ESLA Digital capture photography Tamworth Footwear Production of test marks from suspect footwear Documented in house method using: Gel lifting ESLA Digital capture photography Tamworth Footwear mark (physically or image) Assessment, Comparison and evaluation of footwear with scene marks Documented In-House methods using: Visual examination Low power microscopy Tamworth Wakefield Assessment Manager: JE Page 21 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code MARKS AND IMPRESSIONS (cont’d) Forensic Analysis Footwear Opinion and Interpretation The evaluation of the significance of any matching features between the suspect and reference/control footwear marks to determine the likelihood of the suspect mark coming from a specific footwear Documented In-House methods using: Personal experience Database Tamworth Wakefield Toolmarks Enhancement of toolmarks Documented in house method using: Casting Digital capture/photography Leeds Production of Test Marks from suspect items Documented in house method using: Casting Digital capture/photography Leeds Toolmarks Comparison of submitted marks or marks made from suspect items with marks left at scene Documented In-House methods using: Visual examination Low power microscopy Comparison microscopy Dimensional measurements Photography Leeds Toolmarks Opinion and Interpretation The evaluation of the significance of any matching features between the suspect and reference/control toolmarks to determine the likelihood of the suspect mark coming from a specific tool Documented In-House methods using: Personal experience Leeds Assessment Manager: JE Page 22 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement MARKS AND IMPRESSIONS Forensic Analysis Marks in blood Location and enhancement of marks in blood from items recovered from crime scenes MOBILE PHONES Forensic Analysis Mobile Phone Handsets, (U)Sim Cards and associated memory cards Logical Capture and Preservation of data Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Documented in house method using: Luminol Leucocrystal violet Tamworth Documented In-house methods rd usingmanual extraction and 3 party data extraction software: Teddington SIM Card Handset, Memory Card USIM Detective XRY Oxygen Forensic Suite UFED Aceso Encase Memory Cards Encase OILS Chemical/Physical Tests and Related Opinions and Interpretations Documented In-House Methods: Hydrocarbon oils Coumarin Fluorescence spectroscopy Teddington Quinizarin using Statutory Markers: Colour index solvent red 24 Colour index solvent yellow 124 Colour index solvent blue 79 HPLC with diode array detection Preparation of standards and reference standards method Teddington Sulphur (25 - 1000mg/kg) Horiba SLFA-UV21 analyser Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 23 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested PAINTS Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Forensic Analysis Search and recovery of paint and paint fragments from clothing and objects for analysis Documented in house method using: Visual examination Low power microscopy Tamworth Comparison of recovered and control samples Documented in house method using: FTIR Comparison Microscopy Tamworth Opinion and Interpretation The evaluation of the significance of any matching features between the suspect and reference/control paint samples to determine the likelihood of the suspect paint fragment coming from a specific source. OCCUPATIONAL DRUG TESTING Human urine (Occupational Drug Testing) Assessment Manager: JE Analysis of regulated drugs: Documented In-House Methods: Screening for Drugs of Abuse including: Opiates, Benzoylecgonine, THC metabolite, Methaqualone, Propoxyphene, Ecstasy, Methadone, Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepine, Phencyclidine, LSD Enzyme Immunoassay Technique Teddington Page 24 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Human urine (Occupational Drug Testing) Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Confirmation of: Benzoylecgonine THC metabolite Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Solid phase extraction followed by GC-MS Teddington Barbiturates; Phenobarbital Pentobarbital Secobarbital Amobarbital Amobarbital Human urine (Occupational Drug Testing) Amphetamine Methamphetamine MDA MDMA MDEA MBDB Teddington Benzodiazepines; Nordiazepam Oxazepam Lorazepam Tamazepam Human urine (Occupational Drug Testing) Total opiates Dihydrocodeine Codeine Morphine 6-acetylmorphine Teddington Phencyclidine Methadone Nor-Propoxyphene Human Urine (Occupational Drug Testing) LSD Solid phase followed by Mass Spectrometry, LC-MS Teddington Neat oral fluid and oral fluid collected using the Quantisal device Screening of Amphetamines, Benzodiazepines, Cannabis, Cocaine metabolites, Methadone, Opiates CEDIA Teddington (Occupational Drug testing) Assessment Manager: JE Page 25 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Neat oral fluid and oral fluid collected using the Quantisal device (Occupational Drug testing) Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Confirmation of; Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code GC-MS-MS Teddington GC-MS-MS Teddington GC-MS-MS Teddington Amphetamines: Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, Methylenedioxyamphetamine, MDMA, MDEA, MBDB Benzodiazepines: Lorazepam, Nordiazepam, Oxazepam, Tempazepam Cannabis: Delta-9-tetrahydrocannibinol (THC) and THC-COOH (THCacid) Neat oral fluid and oral fluid collected using the Quantisal device (Occupational Drug testing) (cont’d) Neat Oral fluid collected using the Drager Device (Occupational Drug testing) Confirmation of; Cocaine: Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine Opiates: Morphine, Codeine, Dihydrocodeine, 6-monoacetylmorphine Confirmation of; Cocaine and Benzoylecgonine Opiates: Morphine, Codeine, Dihydrocodeine, 6-mono-acetylmorphine Assessment Manager: JE Page 26 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Chemical Tests Methods developed following the Flexible Scope protocol CP/WI-001: Referee Analysis of Food and Agricultural samples in association with methods as defined in: Agriculture Act 1970 The Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) Regulations 1999 Analysis and related opinions and interpretation for the purpose of meeting the requirements for referee analysis Assessment Manager: JE SI 1999 No 1633, The Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) (Amendment Regulations 2001, SI 2001:541) Teddington SI 1994 No 1610, Agriculture, The Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) (Amendment) Regulations 1994, Schedules 2 and 3 Teddington SI 1985 No 1119, Agriculture, The Feeding Stuffs (Sampling and Analysis) (Amendment) Regulations 1985 (The Schedule) Teddington SI 1985 No 273, The Medicines (Animal Feeding Stuffs) (Enforcement) Regulations 1985, Schedule 3 and Documented In-House Methods: Teddington Oil SI 1999, No 1633 Teddington Mycotoxins including Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 Ochratoxin A HPLC with fluorescence detection HPLC with UV detection Teddington Page 27 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN/ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN/ANIMAL FEEDINGSTUFFS Chemical Tests Documented In-House Methods: - Animal Fluids - Animal tissues - Food products of Animal Origin -Animal Feedingstuffs Drinking water for animals (potable water (non regulatory) Screening and Confirmation of Veterinary Drugs Method developed following the Flexible Scope protocol(RL-601) using appropriate extraction proceduresand instrumental analysis using GC-MS, LCMSMS and LC-TOF Teddington Teddington PESTICIDES PESTICIDES Chemical Tests - Cereal and cereal products - Meat and meat products - Fish and fish products - Dairy products - Fruits and vegetables - Beverages - Potable (bottled) Water (non regulatory) - Oils and fats - Processed foods Screening and confirmation of Pesticide residues and Polychlorinated biphenyls Method developed following the Flexible Scope protocol RL-601 using appropriate extraction proceduresand instrumental analysis using LC-MSMS, GCTOF-MS, GC-MS and GCMSMS Chemical Tests Documented In-House Methods: Ash Heating and gravimetry Teddington Nitrogen DUMAS combustion followed by thermal conductivity detection Teddington Mycotoxins including Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, M1 Ochratoxin A, Documented In-House Methods HPLC with Fluorescence detection Teddington FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS Assessment Manager: JE Page 28 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Analysis and related opinions and interpretation for the purpose of meeting the requirements for referee analysis Methods developed following the Flexible Scope protocol CP/WI-001: Referee Analysis of Food and Agricultural samples in association with methods as defined in: ash calorific value (calculated value) dietary fibre fat moisture nitrogen starch sugars trace elements fat-soluble vitamins water-soluble vitamins British and International Standards UK Statutory Instruments EEC Directives and Regulations American Oil Chemists Society International Office of Cocoa, Chocolate and Sugar Confectionery International Dairy Federation International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry International Association for Cereal Chemistry Teddington Identification and quantification of GM events Methods based on the JRC compendium of reference methods for GMO analysis and verified under a flexible scope protocol, using CTAB extraction and ABI 7900HT RT-PCR Teddington FOOD/FOOD PRODUCTS /ANIMAL FEED Ground samples of soya, oil seed rape and cereal based food and feed materials Assessment Manager: JE Page 29 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS (cont’d) Chemical Tests (cont’d) In house documented methods Meat and animal based products (raw and cooked) Qualitative analysis Sample preparation, beadbased DNA extraction and realtime PCR amplification using manual and robotic methods, with documented in-house methods. Species identification of meat and animal based food products using real-time PCR to determine the absence/presence of genomic DNA from the following: Location Code Teddington Beef Pork Sheep Horse Chicken Turkey Goat ORGANIC MATRICES INCLUDING FOOD/FOOD PRODUCTS Food/food products, organic and inorganic matrices, clinical samples. - Aqueous solutions - Digests - Extracts - Leachates Natural and treated waters, aqueous solutions and effluents Assessment Manager: JE Chemical Tests Documented In-House Methods: Sample preparation for metals, nutritional elements and trace elements Microwave digestion Teddington Metals, nutritional elements, trace elements, acid soluble trace elements Documented in-house methods by Flexible Scope Protocol using ICP-OES Teddington Including aluminium, arsenic, boron, barium, calcium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, nickel, phosphorous, lead, sulphur, antimony, selenium, silicon, tin, strontium, titanium, vanadium, zinc, silver, iodine, molybdenum, uranium Page 30 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code POLLUTANTS and EFFLUENTS: Atmospheric Chemical Tests Documented In-House Method based on customer specification - Incinerator ash - Stack filters Water extractable amino acids and proteins extraction, hydrolysis and HPLC Teddington COSMETICS Chemical Tests Cosmetic substances, formulations and products Apparent total Nitrosamine content (ATNC) and N-Nitrosodiethanolamine (NDELA) Thermal Energy Analyser Teddington Bovine brainstem Detection of abnormal prion res protein PrP EU Approved method by immunoassay using the Biorad test kit with purification using the semi-automated NSP system and TeSeE purification kit following the short assay protocol Runcorn Ovine and Caprine brainstem Detection of abnormal prion res protein PrP EU Approved method by immunoassay using the Biorad test kit with purification using the semi-automated NSP system and TeSeE purification kit following the short assay protocol Runcorn Bovine whole blood, sera and plasma Detection of Bovine Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) antigens Method by immunoassay using IDEXX HerdChek BVDV Antigen Serum/Plus kit. Inhouse procedures BVDV A1001 and 002 and BVD Scotland Order 2013 Runcorn Bovine ear-notches Detection of Bovine Diarrhoea Virus (BVDV) antigens Method by immunoassay using IDEXX HerdChek BVDV Antigen Serum/Plus kit. Inhouse procedures BVDV A1001 and 002 and BVD Scotland Order 2013 . Runcorn Teddington BOVINE,CAPRINE, OVINE TESTING Assessment Manager: JE Page 31 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code ALCOHOLS ALCOHOLS Chemical Tests Alcoholic Beverages (Wines, Beers and Spirits) Alcoholic strength Report of the Research Committee on the analysis of rd Potable Spirits, 3 Ed, LGC, 1986 by distillation and density Teddington Beers and Distiller’s Washes (including spoilt beers) Original gravity Documented In-House Method based on Beer Regulations 1985 (SI 1985 No 1627), Regulation 14, para 1 by distillation and density Teddington Chemical Tests Documented In-House Methods: Sample preparation for metals, nutritional elements and trace elements Microwave digestion Teddington Metals, nutritional elements, trace elements, acid soluble trace elements Documented in-house methods by Flexible Scope Protocol using ICP-MS, or HR-ICP-MS Teddington ORGANIC/INORGANIC MATRICES INCLUDING FOODS/FOOD PRODUCTS Food/food products, organic and inorganic matrices, clinical samples. - Aqueous solutions - Digests - Extracts - Leachates Natural and treated waters, aqueous solutions and effluents Assessment Manager: JE Including aluminium, arsenic, boron, barium, calcium, cadmium, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, potassium, magnesium, manganese, sodium, nickel, phosphorous, lead, sulphur, antimony, selenium, silicon, tin, strontium, titanium, vanadium, zinc, silver, iodine, molybdenum, uranium Page 32 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Qualitative identification of organic compounds Documented in house method using GCMS and library searching against the customer’s specified mass spectral libraries with the aid of the AMDIS deconvolution software Teddington Inorganic Analytes: Flexible scope Protocol using microwave digestion and ICPMS/HR-ICP-MS Teddington Inorganic Analytes Flexible Scope Protocol using Inorganic High Accuracy IDMS Teddington Organic Analytes Flexible Scope Protocol using Organic High Accuracy IDMS Teddington 12 Multi Collector-ICP-MS Teddington Documented In-House Methods Teddington ORGANIC MATRICES Dichloromethane extracts (provided by a specific customer) REFERENCE MATERIALS REFERENCE MATERIALS Including: silver, calcium, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, mercury, iodine, manganese, nickel, lead, platinum, palladium, sulphur, selenium, thorium, uranium, zinc REFERENCE MATERIAL Glycine C, 13 C isotopic ratio LAND, SOILS, SEDIMENTS LAND, SOILS, SEDIMENTS Assessment Manager: JE Chemical Tests Sample preparation Initial preparation (drying, grinding) Radiochemical Tests Documented In-House Methods: Gross alpha-activity (relative 241 242 239 to Am, Pu, Pu, natural U) Gross beta-activity (relative to 40 137 60 90 K, Cs, Co, Sr/Y adapted from Standard Method DoE/SCA ISBN 011 751 909 X Gas flow proportional counter Teddington Page 33 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested LAND, SOILS, SEDIMENTS (cont’d) Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Location Code Chemical Tests (cont’d) Gamma emitting radionuclides 3 (density range 1.4 - 1.6g/cm ) Vegetation (density range 3 0.25 - 0.45 g/cm ) High resolution gamma spectrometry Teddington Total H liquid scintillation counting Teddington 14 C liquid scintillation counting Teddington 90 Sr beta counting Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington 3 228 Th, 230 238+239 Pu, 241 Th, Am 242 Cm, 234 Assessment Manager: JE Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used U, 240 232 Pu, 243 235 Cm, U, Th 238 241 244 U Pu Cm Page 34 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code MATERIALS AND FITTINGS FOR USE IN CONTACT WITH WATER INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION MATERIALS AND FITTINGS FOR USE IN CONTACT WITH WATER INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION Chemical Tests Tests on water after contact with materials and fittings, including contact with cold and hot water: In-house methods based on BS 6920:2000, Parts 1 to 3 and BS 6920:2001, Part 4: Teddington Odour and flavour Organoliptic by taste panel Teddington Appearance Visual and colour by spectrophotometry Teddington Growth of aquatic micro-organisms by dissolved oxygen meter Teddington Cytotoxicity By microscopy Teddington Metallic elements by ICP-MS Teddington GCMS Screening by GC-MS Teddington Colour by spectrophotometry Teddington Turbidity by turbidity meter Teddington High temperature tests Sample preparation –leaching (for subsequent analysis by organoleptic test, tubidity meter, ICP-MS and spectrophotometry) Teddington WATERS WATERS Chemical Tests Potable, raw, groundwater, surface water, trade effluent to controlled water, leachate from soil Conductivity Conductivity meter Teddington pH pH meter Teddington Assessment Manager: JE Page 35 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code WATERS (cont’d) Chemical Tests (cont’d) Process Water (demineralised/distilled water) Total Organic Carbon Process Water (demineralised water spiked with sodium hyperchlorite) Residual chlorine - free and total Potable and trade effluent to controlled water Suspended Solids (105 °C) by gravimetry Teddington Potable, raw, groundwater, surface water Total dissolved solids by gravimetry Teddington Potable Colour Potable Turbidity by turbidity meter Radiochemical Tests Documented In-House Method: Drinking Waters 222 Rn (by Pb in secular equilibrium) High Resolution gamma spectrometry Teddington Environmental waters, drinking waters, process and waste waters, effluents Gross alpha-activity (relative 241 242 239 to Am, Pu, Pu natural U) Gross beta-activity (relative to 40 137 60 90 K, Cs, Co, Sr/Y) adapted from Standard Method DoE/SCA ISBN 011 751 909 X Gas flow proportional counting Teddington Gamma emitting radionuclides (density range 3 0.8 - 1.2 g/cm ) High resolution gamma spectrometry Teddington 3 Distillation and liquid scintillation counting Teddington 3 chemical oxidation and liquid scintillation counting Teddington H-total Titration (colorimetric) by Spectrophotmetry 214 H as tritiated water Assessment Manager: JE Teddington Total Organic carbon analyser (conversion of organic carbon to CO2 and IR detection) Teddington Teddington Teddington 14 C chemical separation and liquid scintillation counting Teddington 35 S chemical separation and liquid scintillation counting Teddington Page 36 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code WATERS (cont’d) Radiochemical Tests (cont’d) Documented In-House Method: Environmental waters, drinking waters, process and waste waters, effluents (cont’d) 90 Sr chemical separation and gas flow proportional counting Teddington 99 Tc ion exchange separation and gas flow propotional counting Teddington ion exchange, precipitation and -counting Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington chemical separation and alpha counting Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington chemical separation and spectrometry Teddington 125 I, 210 Po 234 U, 226 Ra 228 Th, 230 238+239 Pu, 241 129 I 235 U, 238 Th, Am 242 Cm, 241 Pu 240 U 232 Th Pu, 243 Cm, 244 Cm Liquid Scintillation counting Nuclear power station bubblers/effluents 3 3 H/ C 35 H/ S 14 36 C / Cl Dual label liquid scintillation counting Teddington Nuclear power station bubblers/effluents Screening for non volatile beta emitting isotopes relative to; 137 14 Cs / C 3 14 H/ C 3 137 H / Cs Total activity by evaporation of samples to dryness, reconstitution and measurement by dual label liquid scintillation counting Teddington Nuclear power station bubblers/effluents 3 14 3 35 Total activity by evaporation of samples to dryness, reconstitution and measurement by triple label liquid scintillation counting Teddington Assessment Manager: JE H/ H/ 14 90 C / Sr 36 S / Cl Page 37 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested WATERS Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Radiochemical Tests Documented In house Methods to meet the requirements of the Environment Agency MCERTS performance standard – Radiochemical Testing of Effluents Gross alpha-activity (relative 241 239 to Am, Pu Gross beta-activity (relative to 137 90 Cs, Sr/Y) Gas flow proportional counting Gross alpha-activity (relative 239 to Pu Gross beta-activity (relative to 90 Sr/Y) By Gross alpha counting (ZnS drawer counting) By Gross beta counting (Geiger Mueller) Gamma emitting radionuclides (density range 3 0.8 - 1.2 g/cm ) High resolution gamma spectrometry Tritium (as tritiated water) Liquid Scintillation counting 238+239 ChemicalSeparatiopn and Alpha Spectrometry Liquid Scintillation counting Wastewaters/Effluents 241 Assessment Manager: JE Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Pu Pu, 240 Pu, 90 Sr Chemical separation and Gas flow proportional counting 99 Tc Ion exchange separation and Gas flow proportional counting Location Code Teddington Page 38 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code PHARMACEUTICALS PHARMACEUTICALS Medicinal and pharmaceutical substances used in the preparation of pharmaceutical products Formulated preparations including: Oral solid preparation (tablets and capsules) Oral liquid preparations Parenteral preparations Topical liquid preparations Topical semi-solid preparations Topical solid preparations Topical semi-solid preparations Herbal preparations Specifications and methods detailed in the current British Pharmacopoeia (BP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP) and United States Pharmacopoeia (USP) - manufacturer’s methods, published methods and methods developed in-house used in conjunction with project protocols and documented procedures Teddington Sample preparation: Determination of dissolution of Tablets and capsules Pharmacopeia/Manufacturer/ Inhouse method using USP Tupe I and II apparatus, manual sampling followed by suitable measurement methods (see assay Teddington Identification of ‘active’ and ‘non-active’ ingredients and related impurities Using: Infra-red Spectroscopy, Ultra-violet spectroscopy Thin Layer Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography (with UV detection, photodiode array detection (F, RI) and ion trap mass spectroscopic detection) GC-MS (Liquid Injection) Potentiometric Titration, Capillary Electrophoresis with either fixed UV wavelength or photodiode array detection Assessment Manager: JE Page 39 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code Assay of ‘active’ and ‘nonactive’ ingredients and related impurities Using: Ultra-violet spectroscopy, Thin Layer Chromatography, Liquid Chromatography (with UV detection, photodiode array detection (F, RI) and ion trap mass spectroscopic detection) Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectroscopy (Liquid Injection), Potentiometric Titration, Colorimetric tritration Karl Fischer titration (water content) Capillary Electrophoresis with either fixed UV wavelength or photodiode array detection Teddington Volatile Organic compunds (semi quantitative) Headspace GC-MS Teddington Verification of authenticity of tablets/capsules Near infra-red spectroscopy with visual comparison f spectra and principal component analysis Teddington Pharmacopoeia method or documented in-house method using; Ultra-violet spectroscopy titrimetry Liquid Chromatography (with UV detection, photodiode array detection (F, RI) and ion trap mass spectroscopic detection) Gravimetry and Volumetry Teddington pH using potentiometry Teddington MPL (3-0-deacyl-4monophosphoryl lipd A) By GC-FID Teddington PHARMACEUTICALS (cont’d) Uniformity of content Cervarix Vaccine Assessment Manager: JE Page 40 of 41 S c h e d u le o f Ac c r e d it a t io n issued by United Kingdom Accredit at ion Service 21 - 47 High Str eet, Felth a m, Middl es ex , TW13 4UN, UK 0003 LGC Limited Accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Issue No: 108 Issue date: 18 November 2014 Testing perform ed by the Organisation at the locations specified Materials/Products tested Type of test/Properties measured/Range of measurement Standard specifications/ Equipment/Techniques used Location Code PHARMACEUTICALS (cont’d) British Pharmacopeia Chemical Reference Substances (BPCRS) % Declared content, assay and identity Using specifications and methods detailed in the current British Pharmacopoeia (BP), European Pharmacopoeia (EP), with flexible scope protocol for techniques: HPLC, GC, TLC, KF, UV-VIS, Titrimetry, Loss on drying and FT-IR Teddington END Assessment Manager: JE Page 41 of 41
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