Sample # _____ Organs Recovered: Heart X-clamp date/time: ________________________ Lung Intestines 2.2 Evaluation of ALL Donors 2.2.1 Death pronounced Donor ID # ______________ HIGHLIGHT DEFICIENT AREAS IN PINK Medical/behavioral history Med. cond. that may affect donated organ function Presence of transmissible disease and/or malignancies ↑ risk of disease transmission, incl. blood borne pathogens HIV, Hep B, and Hep C (USPHS ↑ risk) Risk of prion disease due to prior exposure or receipt of non- recombinant HPDGH Kidney Pancreas Liver Heart donors: 12 Lead ECG Cardiology consult and/or Echo Pancreas donors: Amylase Lung donors: Sputum gram stain 2.2.5 Follow-up donor testing (01/10/11) Cultures (post recovery positive results) blood Communication of this history documented, if applicable (policy updated 1/10/11) Medical record reviewed Physical exam performed urine sputum other Serologies Other Reported to transplant centers within 24 hours 2.2.3 Screening potential organ donors (01/10/11) Hemodilution calculation CDC ↑ risk noted/communicated if hemodiluted? 2.2.6 Communicate to transplant program(s) any known or suspected infectious or neoplastic conditions that may be transmitted by the donor organ(s) 2.3 Donor maintenance Complete history of all transfusions during admission FDA screening tests for HIV I/II (mandatory) VS monitored and documented Intake and output documented ALL deceased donors: ABO Typing #1 ABO Typing #2 (3.2.4) 2/1/12 sub-typing X 2 if used for allocation (non A1) A sub-typing #1 2.4 Consent obtained 2.5.3 Flush solutions A sub-typing #2 pretransfusion samples HBsAg HBcAb Anti-HCV VDRL/ RPR (diagnostic ok) Anti-CMV EBV 01/10/11 - all seros screening - not diagnostic assay type documented , if diagnostic CBC Electrolytes Glucose CXR ABG’s Blood Cultures Urine Cultures U/A within 24 hrs of XC Renal donors: BUN Liver donors: AST ALT Alk Phos Total Bili Direct Bili INR PTT Flush Solutions recorded Lot #s Additives Lot #s Medication administration documented 2.5.7 serum sample archived x 10 years (01/10/11) 5.6.1 Labeling and documentation checked Creatinine Miscellaneous other observations Revision date: August 15, 2012
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